21 research outputs found

    Quantitative trait analysis in solanum lycopersicum x solanum peruvianum

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Biotechnology, Izmir, 2009Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 39-46)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 46 leavesTomato is an important vegetable for both the economy and the human diet and it is a good model system for genetic studies. Because of tomato.s commercial importance, agronomic traits such as yield, fruit weight, size, color and firmness are very significant for the tomato processing industry and fresh consumption. However with increased attention on health, plant breeders also consider the improvement of health related traits of tomato such as antioxidant characters. Improvement of these desired traits is very difficult because many plant traits are controlled by more than one gene. In this study both health-related and agronomically important traits were characterized in an BC2F2 S. peruvianum mapping population of 118 individuals. All plants were phenotypically characterized for total water-soluble antioxidant activity, phenolic and vitamin C contents as well as several agronomic traits including fruit weight and shape, color and firmness. All antioxidant traits showed good variation in the population with the S. peruvianum parent having significantly higher values for all three antioxidant traits. Based on trait distributions and transgressive segregation in the population, it was expected that some alleles from the wild species S. peruvianum had the capacity for improvement of both antioxidant and agronomic traits of cultivated tomato. Both parents were genotypically characterized with 169 genetic markers including 96 COSII and 73 SSR markers. Good levels of polymorphism were identified with both types of marker. Thus, it was shown that the population contains sufficient trait and genotypic variation for efficient mapping of quantitative trait loci

    Volume XLVII, Number 27, January 10, 1930

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    Amaç: Yaygın Gelişimsel Bozukluklar (YGB) ve eşlik eden Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) belirtileri olan olgularda Metilfenidat (MPH) ilk tedavi seçeneği olmakla birlikte, sadece DEHB olan olgulara göre daha fazla yan etkiye yol açabildiği ve klinik yanıtın çok değişken olabileceği bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı YGB ve Hafif Düzey Mental Retardasyonu (MR) olan olguların MPH'a yanıtı- nın yalnızca DEHB olan olgularla karşılaştırılması ve CES-1 gen polimorfizmleriyle ilişkisinin bulunup bulunmadığının belirlenmesidir. Yöntem: YGB ve eşlik eden DEHB varlığında tükürük örneği alınarak MPH'ı metabolize eden enzim olan Karboksilesteraz-1 (CES-1) polimorfizmleri (Arg199/His, Ser75/Asn ve Ile49/Val) incelenmiş olup MPH yanıtı Dikkat Eksikliği ve Yıkıcı Davranış Bozuklukları için DSM-IV'e Dayalı Tarama ve Değerlendirme Ölçeği ve Klinik Global İzlem Ölçeği ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: YGB ve eşlik eden DEHB varlığında olguların, DEHB, DEHB ve eşlik eden Hafif Düzey Zeka Geriliği olan olgulara göre daha kötü MPH yanıtı verdikleri ve CES-1'de Arg199/His polimorfizminin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı oranda yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bu çalışma YGB ve eşlik eden DEHB olan olgularda CES-1 Arg199/His polimorfizminin incelendiği ilk çalışmadır.Objective: Methylphenidate is the first-choice medication for the Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs), and comorbid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). But this approach generally results with poor outcomes, and increased adverse effects. It is aimed to investigate the comparison of cases who diagnosed with PDDs and Mild Mental Retardation (MR) and cases with pure ADHD in terms of the clinical response to MPH. Also we aimed to investigate the relations between CES-1 polymorphism gene and the clinical response to MPH.Methods: For clarifying this we searched for three polymorphisms (Arg199/His, Ser75/Asn, and Ile49/Val) in carboxylesterase-1 gene (CES-1) in the saliva of patients diagnosed with PDD+ADHD. Also, we assessed the clinical response to MPH by dimensional approach using the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale IV and Clinical Global Impression-Improvement scale. Results: PDD+ADHD groups had significantly higher Arg199/His polymorphism, and clinically responded poorer with symptoms sometimes even worsening to the MPH treatment compared with "pure" ADHD and ADHD+MR groups. Conclusion: This is the first study that an association between Arg199/His polymorphism in CES1 and altered treatment response to MPH in patients with PDD that presents with symptoms of ADHD

    Characterization of FcγRIa (CD64) as a ligand molecule for site-specific IgG1 capture: A side-by-side comparison with protein a

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    Fc γreceptors (FcγRs) are one of the structures that can initiate effector function for monoclonal antibodies. FcγRIa has the highest affinity toward IgG1-type monoclonal antibodies among all FcγRs. In this study, a comprehensive characterization was performed for FcγRIa as a potential affinity ligand for IgG1-type monoclonal antibody binding. The binding interactions were assessed with the SPR technique using different immobilization techniques such as EDC-NHS coupling, streptavidin-biotin interaction, and His-tagged FcγRIa capture. The His-tagged FcγRIa capture was the most convenient method based on assay repeatability. Next, a crude IgG1 sample and its fractions with different monomer contents obtained from protein A affinity chromatography were used to evaluate FcγRIa protein in terms of monoclonal antibody binding capacity. The samples were also compared with a protein A-immobilized chip (a frequently used affinity ligand) for IgG1 binding responses. The antibody binding capacity of the protein A-immobilized chip surface was significantly better than that of the FcγRIa-immobilized chip surface due to its 5 Ig binding domains. The antibody binding responses changed similarly with protein A depending on the monomer content of the sample. Finally, a different configuration was used to assess the binding affinity of free FcγRs (FcγRIa, FcγRIIa, and FcγRIIIa) to three different immobilized IgGs by immobilizing protein L to the chip surface. Unlike previous immobilization techniques tested where the FcγRIa was utilized as a ligand, nonimmobilized or free FcγRIa resulted in a significantly higher antibody binding response than free protein A. In this configuration, kinetics data of FcγRI revealed that the association rate (ka 50-80 × 105 M-1 s-1) increased in comparison to His capture method (1.9-2.4 × 105 M-1 s-1). In addition, the dissociation rate (kd 10-5 s-1) seemed slower over the His capture method (10-4 s-1) and provided stability on the chip surface during the dissociation phase. The KD values for FcγRIa were found in the picomolar range (2.1-10.33 pM from steady-state affinity analysis and 37.5-46.2 pM from kinetic analysis) for IgG1-type antibodies. FcγRIa possesses comparable ligand potential as well as protein A. Even though the protein A-immobilized surface bound more antibodies than the FcγRIa-captured surface, FcγRIa presented a significant antibody binding capacity in protein L configuration. The results suggest FcγRIa protein as a potential ligand for site-oriented immobilization of IgG1-type monoclonal antibodies, and it needs further performance investigation on different surfaces and interfaces for applications such as sensing and antibody purification

    Exploration of three Solanum species for improvement of antioxidant traits in tomato

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    Wild tomato species have been widely used for improvement of tomato disease resistance but have not been extensively explored for health-related traits. In this work, three interspecific populations derived from backcrosses between cultivated tomato and Solanum pimpinellifolium (LA1589), S. habrochaites (LA1223), and S. peruvianum (LA2172) were analyzed for water-soluble antioxidant activity, phenolic content, vitamin C content, and basic agronomic traits including fruit weight, shape, and color. The wild species accessions significantly exceeded S. lycopersicum for all three antioxidant traits with only one exception: vitamin C content in S. habrochaites LA1223. Several populations and traits showed transgressive segregation indicating that the backcross populations contained individuals with allele combinations that allowed antioxidant activity/content to exceed that of both parents. The S. habrochaites LA1223 population provided the best starting material for improvement of water-soluble antioxidant activity and phenolics content with 20% and 15% of the population, respectively, significantly exceeding the parental values for these traits. Moreover, the S. habrochaites population contained individuals that had nearly 2-fold more water-soluble antioxidant activity and phenolic content than cultivated tomato. The S. peruvianum LA2172 population was best for improvement of vitamin C content with 3-fold variation for the trait and individuals, which had twice as much vitamin C as cultivated tomato.Izmir Institute of Technology (BAP) (2002-IYTE-29/2004-IYTE-38

    Quantitative trait analysis in solanum lycopersicum x solanum peruvianum

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Biotechnology, Izmir, 2009Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 39-46)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 46 leavesTomato is an important vegetable for both the economy and the human diet and it is a good model system for genetic studies. Because of tomato.s commercial importance, agronomic traits such as yield, fruit weight, size, color and firmness are very significant for the tomato processing industry and fresh consumption. However with increased attention on health, plant breeders also consider the improvement of health related traits of tomato such as antioxidant characters. Improvement of these desired traits is very difficult because many plant traits are controlled by more than one gene. In this study both health-related and agronomically important traits were characterized in an BC2F2 S. peruvianum mapping population of 118 individuals. All plants were phenotypically characterized for total water-soluble antioxidant activity, phenolic and vitamin C contents as well as several agronomic traits including fruit weight and shape, color and firmness. All antioxidant traits showed good variation in the population with the S. peruvianum parent having significantly higher values for all three antioxidant traits. Based on trait distributions and transgressive segregation in the population, it was expected that some alleles from the wild species S. peruvianum had the capacity for improvement of both antioxidant and agronomic traits of cultivated tomato. Both parents were genotypically characterized with 169 genetic markers including 96 COSII and 73 SSR markers. Good levels of polymorphism were identified with both types of marker. Thus, it was shown that the population contains sufficient trait and genotypic variation for efficient mapping of quantitative trait loci

    Transpupillary Argon Laser Cyclophotocoagulation in a Refractory Traumatic Glaucoma Patient with Aphakia and Aniridia

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    We present a case of transpupillary argon laser cyclophotocoagulation (TALC) in a patient with traumatic aniridia and aphakia secondary to blunt trauma who had previous bilateral trabeculectomy. Four months after the trauma the patient’s intraocular pressure (IOP) rose to 35 mmHg despite topical antiglaucomatous medication. Inferior 180 degrees cyclophotocoagulation was performed with transpupillary argon laser in the first session and his IOP fell to values of 12-17 mmHg. Twelve weeks after TALC, his IOP rose to 22 mmHg and we had to apply TALC to the residual ciliary processes. Seven months later his IOP was 13 mmHg with topical dorzolamide/timolol and latanoprost administration. TALC may be an effective treatment alternative for lowering IOP in patients with visible ciliary processes who do not respond to conventional medical or laser treatment

    Morphometric and allozymic differences between Bearded Tit Panurus biarmicus (Aves: Passeriformes) subpopulations in a large wetland and a small pond in central Anatolia, Turkey

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    The Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) is a small passerine bird occurring only in wetland habitats. Three subspecies of the Bearded Tit are known from Turkey. The endemic subspecies Panurus biarmicus kosswigi has only been recorded from Amik Lake in Turkey. This subspecies is now considered extinct; the apparent cause of this extinction was the drought affecting the lake. Other subpopulations might be similarly threatened by habitat loss. Therefore, it is important to investigate the morphometric characteristics and genetic variation of these local subpopulations. In this study, body weights and 12 morphometric characters were measured for Bearded Tit individuals in the Eber Lake and Behiçbey reedbed subpopulations. Statistically significant differences were found in extended wing length, maximum wing chord, and weight between the 2 subpopulations. Allozymic variation was also studied in the 2 subpopulations. Genetic variation was assessed using isozyme systems, and 8 of 21 loci (Pgm, Me-I, Me-II, Fum, Est, Mpi, Pgd, and Acon-M) were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci was higher at Eber Lake (P95P_{95}% = 38.1%) than in the Behiçbey reedbed (P95P_{95}% = 33.3%). The mean FSTF_{ST} (0.048) and Nm (5.0) values showed high levels of gene flow between these subpopulationsThe Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) is a small passerine bird occurring only in wetland habitats. Three subspecies of the Bearded Tit are known from Turkey. The endemic subspecies Panurus biarmicus kosswigi has only been recorded from Amik Lake in Turkey. This subspecies is now considered extinct; the apparent cause of this extinction was the drought affecting the lake. Other subpopulations might be similarly threatened by habitat loss. Therefore, it is important to investigate the morphometric characteristics and genetic variation of these local subpopulations. In this study, body weights and 12 morphometric characters were measured for Bearded Tit individuals in the Eber Lake and Behiçbey reedbed subpopulations. Statistically significant differences were found in extended wing length, maximum wing chord, and weight between the 2 subpopulations. Allozymic variation was also studied in the 2 subpopulations. Genetic variation was assessed using isozyme systems, and 8 of 21 loci (Pgm, Me-I, Me-II, Fum, Est, Mpi, Pgd, and Acon-M) were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci was higher at Eber Lake (P95P_{95}% = 38.1%) than in the Behiçbey reedbed (P95P_{95}% = 33.3%). The mean FSTF_{ST} (0.048) and Nm (5.0) values showed high levels of gene flow between these subpopulation

    Afaki ve Aniridisi Olan Tedavisi Güç Bir Glokom Olgusunda Transpupiller Argon Lazer Siklofotokoagülasyon

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    We present a case of transpupillary argon laser cyclophotocoagulation (TALC) in a patient with traumatic aniridia and aphakia secondary to blunt trauma who had previous bilateral trabeculectomy. Four months after the trauma the patient's intraocular pressure (IOP) rose to 35 mmHg despite topical antiglaucomatous medication. Inferior 180 degrees cyclophotocoagulation was performed with transpupillary argon laser in the first session and his IOP fell to values of 12-17 mmHg. Twelve weeks after TALC, his IOP rose to 22 mmHg and we had to apply TALC to the residual ciliary processes. Seven months later his IOP was 13 mmHg with topical dorzolamide-timolol and latanoprost administration. TALC may be an effective treatment alternative for lowering IOP in patients with visible ciliary processes who do not respond to conventional medical or laser treatmentBiz çalışmamızda, daha önce her iki gözden trabekülektomi geçirmiş, künt travmaya sekonder travmatik aniridi ve afakili bir hastada transpupiller argon lazer siklofotokoagülasyonun (TALS) sonucunu göstermeyi amaçladık. Travmadan 4 ay sonra topikal antiglokomatöz tedaviye rağmen göz içi basıncı (GİB) 35 mmHg'ye yükselen olguya ilk seansta transpupiller argon lazer ile alt 180 dereceye siklofotokoagülasyon uygulandı ve GİB 12-17 mmHg arasında seyretti. TALS'den 12 hafta sonra GİB 22 mmHg'ye yükseldi ve geri kalan siliyer uzantılara da TALS uygulandı. Yedi ay sonra GİB, topikal dorzolamid-timolol ve latanoprost damla ile 13 mmHg idi. TALS, konvansiyonel tıbbi tedaviye veya lazer tedavisine cevap vermeyen, görülebilir siliyer prosesleri olan hastalarda GİB'yi düşürmede etkili bir alternatif tedavi metodu olabili

    Murtaza Dede'nin yorumuyla bağlama kültürü

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2018.This work is a student project of the Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.The History of Turkey course (HIST200) is a requirement for all Bilkent undergraduates. It is designed to encourage students to work in groups on projects concerning any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. It is designed as an interactive course with an emphasis on research and the objective of investigating events, chronologically short historical periods, as well as historic representations. Students from all departments prepare and present final projects for examination by a committee, with 10 projects chosen to receive awards.Includes bibliographical references (pages 16-17).by Merve Biçer