28 research outputs found

    Tissue expression of human epididymal secretory protein 4 may be useful in the differential diagnosis of uterine cervical tumors

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    Objectives: Human Epididymal Secretory Protein 4 was firstly described as an epididymis-specific protein but more recently it has been demonstrated to be a putative serum tumor marker for different malignancies, especially ovarian epithelial cancers. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between tissue Human Epididymal Secretory Protein 4 expression and the clinicopathological features of uterine cervical tumors. Material and methods: This retrospective study was designed to evaluate the differences of tissue expressions of Human Epididymal Secretory Protein 4 protein in a spectrum of cervical neoplasms. One hundred and seven patients recently diagnosed as having cervical intraepithelial neoplasm or invasive squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma and adenocarcinoma based on pathology databases. Results: Decreased or negative Human Epididymal Secretory Protein 4 expressions were determined in both normal cervical epithelia and in intraepithelial carcinomas, while increased HE4 expression was observed in invasive tumors. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that altered expression of Human Epididymal Secretory Protein 4 may involve in tumorigenesis in the uterine cervix. Our findings also suggested the presence of a correlation between Human Epididymal Secretory Protein 4 expression and the invasive potential of uterine tumors. Therefore it may be thought that the tissue expression of HE4 can be used to differentiate high grade intraepithelial tumors from carcinomas

    Bibliometrical analysis of postgraduate theses on sustainable development in Turkey

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    Sustainability has recently been among the frequently repeated concepts upon recognition especially of value of nature and natural resources. Substantial studies have been conducted on the subjects related with sustainability after 1980s. Increasing interest in sustainability concept has also enhanced point of view from every angle. The preliminary studies on the subject were mostly on comprehension of environmental sustainability. Over the time, sustainability has become privileged research domain in every angle from economy to health, from agriculture to management and so on. In Turkey, there have been various researches on sustainability and postgraduate level theses have been published. The objective of the present study is to analyze postgraduate theses on “sustainable development” in Turkey. Thus, it was aimed to determine which dimensions and which angles of sustainable development have been covered so far in Turkey. In this scope, postgraduate theses located in the database of the Higher Education Board National Thesis Center (YÖKTEZ) were screened through a literature search; then, collected data was classified through content analysis; and finally, bibliometric analysis was conducted. Totally 250 postgraduate theses on sustainable development published in the period of 1992-2021 were collected. The bibliometric analysis was conducted on collected theses with respect to their type, publishing year, language, distribution according to university and institute, titles of thesis advisor, number of pages, references, keywords, research method and data collection method. As a result of our analysis, it was determined that theses on sustainable development were oriented on environment, environmental issues, environmental sustainability, climate change, sustainable development education, renewable energy and sustainable economy subjects. Moreover, theses were predominantly master theses and issued by students registered with postgraduate programs of Social Science Institute. Although number of theses has varied over the time, it increased significantly recently. It was also determined that they were suffering major deficiencies with research method and0 data collection methods


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    Hışıltı, bronş duvarının kısmi daralması sonucu solunum esnasında titreşimiyle ortaya çıkan müzikal sestir

    The effects of different hormone treatment on endothelial function in healthy postmenopausal women

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    WOS: 000323857900015PubMed ID: 23875965We aimed to compare the effects of different types of hormone treatment (HT) on endothelial function by means of brachial artery ultrasonographic examination in postmenopausal women. Sixty-two healthy postmenopausal women were included in this study. Subjects were assigned to one of the five groups receiving 6 months of treatment [estrogen (conjugated estrogen), estrogen (conjugated estrogen) plus progesterone (medroxyprogesterone acetate; MPA), raloxifene, tibolone or control]. Endothelial function was assessed by measurement of flowmediated dilatation (FMD) and nitrate-dependent dilatation in the brachial artery. At the end of 6 months, FMD values were found to be significantly increased in women with HT use than the control group (p= 0.001). In subgroups, FMD increased significantly in the estrogen [12 7 versus 25 8, p= 0.0011 and raloxifene groups [7+5 versus 11 3, p< 0.01] compared to tibolone and estrogen plus progesterone groups. In conclusion, endothelial function is impaired in postmenopausal women. Both estrogen and raloxifene regimens may improve endothelial functions in healthy postmenopausal women. The direct protective effects of these HT on the healthy endothelium may be more remarkable than the favorable effects on lipid profile

    Farklı hormon replasman tedavi şekillerinin postmenopozal kadınlarda serum lipit, lipoprotein düzeyleri ve inflamasyon belirteçleri üzerine etkileri

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of estrogens, combined estrogen-progestin, raloxifene and tibolone on serum lipid profile and inflammation markers in postmenopausal women. MATERIALS-METHODS: Sixty-two postmenopausal women were included in this study. Among them, 49 women were randomely assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups and received estrogens, combined estrogen-progestin, raloxifene and tibolone for six months. First group (n = 16) is consisted of women in surgical menopause and received only estrogen treatment (0.625 mg conjugated equine estrogen). The second group (n = 12) is consisted of women who received combined estrogen-progestin treatment (0.625 mg conjugated equine estrogen and 2.5 mg medroxyprogesteron acetate), the third (n =10) and the fourth groups (n = 11) received raloxifene (60 mg) and tibolone (2.5 mg), respectively. Thirteen women who did not receive hormone replacement therapy consisted the fifth group (control group). In all women, serum concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), HDL, LDL, triglycerid (TG), apolipoprotein A1 (apo A1), apolipoprotein B (apo B), lipoprotein a [Lp (a)], high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and fibrinogen were measured at baseline and after 6 months of therapy, and the effects of different replacement therapies on these parameters were compared. RESULTS: In all treatments groups serum TC, LDL and apo B levels decreased significantly (p ;lt; 0.05) whereas, hs-CRP remained unchanged. HDL and apo A1 levels increased significantly in all treatment groups (p ;lt; 0.05) except tibolone. Lp (a) levels decreased in all treatment groups except raloxifene (p ;lt; 0.05). TG levels decreased only in women receiving combined estrogen-progestin treatment (p ;lt; 0.05). Fibrinogen levels decreased in women receiving combined estrogen-progesteron and raloxifene treatments (p ;lt; 0.05). DISCUSSION: In addition to classic HRT, raloxifene and tibolone treatments have also positive effects on lipid profile and inflammation markers in postmenauposal women.AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı postmenopozal kadınlarda östrojen, östrojen-progestin kombinasyonu, raloksifen ve tibolonun serum lipit profili ve inflamasyon belirteçleri üzerine olan etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmaya postmenopozal dönemde olan toplam 62 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Bu hastaların 49’u randomize olarak dört alt gruba ayrılmış ve altı ay süreyle östrojen, östrojen-progestin kombinasyonu, raloksifen ve tibolon tedavisi almıştır. Cerrahi menopozdaki kadınlar (n = 16) birinci grupta toplanmış olup, bu gruba sadece östrojen (0,625 mg konjuge östrojen) tedavisi verilmiştir. İkinci grup (n = 12) östrojen-progestin kombinasyonu (0,625 mg konjuge östrojen + 2,5 mg medroksiprogesteron asetat) alan kadınlardan, üçüncü grup (n = 10) raloksifen (60 mg) ve dördüncü grup (n = 11) ise tibolon (2,5 mg,) alan kadınlardan oluşmaktadır. Hormon replasman tedavisi almayan 13 hasta ise beşinci grubu (kontrol grubu) oluşturmaktadır. Tüm gruplardaki hastalarda başlangıçta ve tedavi sonrası altıncı ayda serum total kolesterol (TK), HDL, LDL, trigliserid (TG), apolipoprotein A1 (apo A1), apolipoprotein B (apo B), lipoprotein a [lp (a)], yüksek duyarlıklı C-reaktif protein (hs-CRP) ve fibrinojen düzeyleri ölçülerek farklı replasman tedavilerinin bu parametreler üzerine olan etkileri karşılaştırılmıştır. SONUÇLAR: Tüm tedavi gruplarında serum TK, LDL, apo B düzeyleri anlamlı olarak azalırken (p 0.05), hs-CRP değerlerinde değişiklik olmamıştır. HDL ve apo A1 tibolon alan hastalar dışında diğer HRT gruplarında anlamlı olarak artmıştır (p 0.05). Lp (a) düzeyleri ise raloksifen dışındaki tüm gruplarda azalmıştır (p 0.05). TG düzeyleri ise sadece östrojen-progesteron kombinasyonu alan kadınlarda anlamlı olarak azalmıştır (p 0.05). Fibrinojen düzeyleri ise östrojen-progesteron kombinasyonu ve raloksifen alan kadınlarda anlamlı olarak azalmıştır (p 0.05). TARTIŞMA: Klasik HRT ne ek olarak raloksifen ve tibolon tedavilerinin de, postmenopozal kadınlarda lipit profili ve inflamasyon belirteçleri üzerine olumlu etkileri vardır

    Effect of different hormone replacement therapies on serum lipid lipoprotein levels and inflammation markers in postmenopausal women [Farkli hormon replasman tedavi şekillerinin postmenopozal kadinlarda serum lipid lipoprotein düzeyleri ve enflamasyon belirteçleri üzerine etkileri]

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of estrogens, combined estrogen-progestin, raloxifene and tibolone on serum lipid profile and inflammation markers in postmenopausal women. Materials and Methods: Sixty-two postmenopausal women were included in this study. Among them, 49 women were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups and received estrogens, combined estrogen-progestin, raloxifene and tibolone for six months. First group (n=16) is consisted of women in surgical menopause and received only estrogen treatment (0.625 mg conjugated equine estrogen). The second group (n=12) is consisted of women who received combined estrogen-progestin treatment (0.625 mg conjugated equine estrogen and 2.5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate), the third (n=10) and the fourth groups (n=11) received raloxifene (60 mg) and tibolone (2.5 mg), respectively. Thirteen women who did not receive hormone replacement therapy consisted the fifth group (control group). In all women, serum concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), HDL, LDL, triglycerid (TG), apolipoprotein A1 (Apo A1), apolipoprotein B (Apo B), lipoprotein a [Lp(a)], high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and fibrinogen were measured at baseline and after 6 months of therapy, and the effects of different replacement therapies on these parameters were compared. Results: In all treatments groups serum TC, LDL and Apo B levels decreased significantly (p&lt;0.05) whereas, hs-CRP remained unchanged. HDL and Apo A1 levels increased significantly in all treatment groups (p&lt;0.05) except tibolone. Lp(a) levels decreased in all treatment groups except raloxifene (p&lt;0.05). TG levels decreased only in women receiving combined estrogen-progestin treatment (p&lt;0.05). Fibrinogen levels decreased in women receiving combined estrogen-progesteron and raloxifene treatments (p&lt;0.05). Discussion: In addition to classic HRT, raloxifene and tibolone treatments have also positive effects on lipid profile and inflammation markers in postmenauposal women

    Comparative proteomic approach in rat model of absence epilepsy.

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.The aim of this study was to investigate cellular proteins in the pathogenesis of the genetic rat model of absence epilepsy. Protein spots were identified with peptide mass fingerprinting analysis using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. Data were gathered from the frontoparietal cortex and thalamus of Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rij (WAG/Rij) and Wistar by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). Six proteins (Clathrin light chain-A protein, Transmembrane EMP24 Domain-Containing Protein, Stathmin-4, Myosin Light Chain4, Rheb, phosphoserine phosphatase) were found to be differentially expressed in the frontoparietal cortex of WAG/Rij and Wistar rats in both age groups. Another set of six proteins (Protein FAM89A and Oasl1, Gemin2, NuDEL1, Pur-beta, 3-alpha HSD) were found to be differentially expressed in the thalamus of WAG/Rij and Wistar rats