8 research outputs found

    Gap-behavior in the vicinity of a saturation transverse field

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    We have studied the behavior of the energy gap of the 1D AF spin- 12\frac{1}{2} XXZ model in a transverse magnetic field (h) using the exact diagonalization technique. The ground state phase diagram consists of two spin-flop and paramagnetic phases. Using a modified finite-size scaling approach, we have computed the critical exponent of the energy gap in the vicinity of the critical transverse field h c(Δ). Our numerical results confirm that the continuous phase transition from the spin-flop phase to the paramagnetic one is in the universality class of the Ising model in the transverse field (ITF). By applying conformal estimates of a small perturbation (h≪1), we have also justified our numerical results. Copyright EDP Sciences/Società Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 200775.10.Jm Quantized spin models, 75.10.Pq Spin chain models,

    Space Research

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