403 research outputs found

    Effects of Peri-Conception and Pregnancy Glycemic Variability on Pregnancy and Perinatal Complications in Type 1 Diabetes:A Pilot Study

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    Background Not much is known about the effects of glycemic variability (GV) during the pre- and periconception period on pregnancy/perinatal complications. GV could potentially contribute to identification of high-risk pregnancies in women with type 1 diabetes. Methods An explorative retrospective cohort study was conducted between January 2014 and May 2019. Glucose data were retrieved from electronic patient charts. Pre-/periconceptional GV and GV during all three trimesters was expressed as mean glucose, standard deviation (SD), Coefficient of Variation (CV), High Blood Glucose Index (HBGI), Low Blood Glucose Index (LBGI) and Average Daily Risk Range (ADRR). Maternal and neonatal complications were summarized using a composite total complication score. Binary logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess associations between the GV measures and a total complication score>3, a maternal complication score>1 and a neonatal complication score>1. Results Of 63 eligible women, 29 women (38 pregnancies) were included. Women in the group with a total complication score>3 had a significantly higher ADRR at conception (OR 1.1, CI 1.0–1.2, p=0.048). No statistically significant correlations between complication score and any other GV metric besides the ADRR were found. Although not significant, in the group with a complication score>3, odds ratios>1 were found for SD in trimester 1 (OR 1.6, CI 0.6–4.5, p=0.357) and trimester 2 (OR 1.8, CI 0.5–6.2, p=0.376). Conclusions Presence of a positive association between GV and pregnancy and perinatal complications depends on which pregnancy period is assessed and the GV metrics that are used

    Analysis of prehospital perimortem caesarean deliveries performed by Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the Netherlands and recommendations for the future

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    Background: Prehospital perimortem caesarean delivery (PCD) is a rarely performed procedure. In this study, we aimed to examine all PCDs performed by the four Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the Netherlands; to describe the procedures, outcomes, complications, and compliance with the reco

    Caring for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder:Factors Associating with Health- and Care-Related Quality of Life of the Caregivers

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    This study investigated the association of child, caregiver, and caregiving measurements with the quality of life (QoL) in 81 caregivers (mostly parents) of clinically referred children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We used the EuroQol five-dimensional (EQ-5D) questionnaire and the care-related QoL questionnaire (CarerQol) to respectively assess health-related QoL and care-related QoL. Health-related QoL was associated with the caregiver's internalizing problems and adaptive coping, explaining 38% of the variance. Parenting stress and adaptive coping were associated with the care-related QoL and explained 60% of the variance. Child variables were not associated with the caregiver's health- and care-related QoL if caregiver and caregiving variables were taken into account. Findings indicate the importance of the caregiver's mental health, coping, and parenting stress in caring for children with ASD

    Utility of the 3Di Short Version for the Diagnostic Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Compatibility with DSM-5

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    The Developmental Diagnostic Dimensional Interview-short version (3Di-sv) provides a brief standardized parental interview for diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study explored its validity, and compatibility with DSM-5 ASD. 3Di-sv classifications showed good sensitivity but low specificity when compared to ADOS-2-confirmed clinical diagnosis. Confirmatory factor analyses found a better fit against a DSM-5 model than a DSM-IV-TR model of ASD. Exploration of the content validity of the 3Di-sv for the DSM-5 revealed some construct underrepresentation, therefore we obtained data from a panel of 3Di-trained clinicians from ASD-specialized centers to recommend items to fill these gaps. Taken together, the 3Di-sv provides a solid basis to create a similar instrument suitable for DSM-5. Concrete recommendations are provided to improve DSM-5 compatibility

    Pregnancy outcomes in women with Budd-Chiari syndrome or portal vein thrombosis A multicentre retrospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate current practice and outcomes of pregnancy in women previously diagnosed with Budd-Chiari syndrome and/or portal vein thrombosis, with and without concomitant portal hypertension. DESIGN AND SETTING: Multicentre retrospective cohort study between 2008-2021. POPULATION: Women who conceived in the predefined period after the diagnosis of Budd-Chiari syndrome and/or portal vein thrombosis. METHODS AND MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We collected data on diagnosis and clinical features. The primary outcomes were maternal mortality and live birth rate. Secondary outcomes included maternal, neonatal and obstetric complications. RESULTS: Forty-five women (12 Budd-Chiari syndrome, 33 portal vein thrombosis; 76 pregnancies) were included. Underlying prothrombotic disorders were present in 23 of 45 women (51%). Thirty-eight women (84%) received low-molecular-weight heparin during pregnancy. Of 45 first pregnancies, 11 (24%) ended in pregnancy loss and 34 (76%) resulted in live birth of which 27 at term age (79% of live births and 60% of pregnancies). No maternal deaths were observed, one woman developed pulmonary embolism during pregnancy and two women (4%) had variceal bleeding requiring intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The high number of term live births (79%) and lower than expected risk of pregnancy-related maternal and neonatal morbidity in our cohort suggest that Budd-Chiari syndrome and/or portal vein thrombosis should not be considered as an absolute contra-indication for pregnancy. Individualized, nuanced counselling and a multidisciplinary pregnancy surveillance approach are essential in this patient population

    Maternal and neonatal bleeding complications in relation to peripartum management in hemophilia carriers:A systematic review

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    Currently, there is no consensus on the optimal management to prevent postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in hemophilia carriers. We aimed to evaluate peripartum management strategies in relation to maternal and neonatal bleeding outcomes by performing an extensive database search up to August 2020. Seventeen case-reports/series and 11 cohort studies were identified of overall 'poor' quality describing 502 deliveries. The PPH incidence in the individual patient data was 63%; 44% for those women receiving prophylaxis to correct coagulation and 77% for those without (OR 0.23, CI 0.09-0.58) and in cohort data 20.3% (26.8% (11/41) vs. 19.4% (55/284) (OR: 1.53, 95% CI: 0.72-3.24), respectively. Peripartum management strategies mostly consisted of clotting factor concentrates, rarely of desmopressin or plasma. Tranexamic acid appears promising in preventing secondary PPH, but was not used consistently. Neonatal bleeding was described in 6 affected male neonates, mostly after instrumental delivery or emergency CS, but insufficient information was provided to reliably investigate neonatal outcome in relation to management. The high PPH risk seems apparent, at most mildly attenuated by prophylactic treatment. Prospective cohort studies are needed to determine the optimal perinatal management in hemophilia.Thrombosis and Hemostasi

    Основные положения формирования нового единого сельскохозяйственного налога

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    Обосновывается введение единого сельскохозяйственного налога как постоянной ставки от стоимости валового дохода предприятий.Обгрунтовується введене єдиного сільськогосподарського податку як постійної ставки до вартості валового доходу підприємств.Introduction of the united agricultural tax is grounded as a permanent size to the cost of gross profit of enterprises