4 research outputs found

    A new carbohydrate-active oligosaccharide dehydratase is involved in the degradation of ulvan

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    Marine algae catalyze half of all global photosynthetic production of carbohydrates. Owing to their fast growth rates, Ulva spp. rapidly produce substantial amounts of carbohydrate-rich biomass and represent an emerging renewable energy and carbon resource. Their major cell wall polysaccharide is the anionic carbohydrate ulvan. Here, we describe a new enzymatic degradation pathway of the marine bacterium Formosa agariphila for ulvan oligosaccharides involving unsaturated uronic acid at the nonreducing end linked to rhamnose-3-sulfate and glucuronic or iduronic acid (Delta-Rha3S-GlcA/IdoA-Rha3S). Notably, we discovered a new dehydratase (P29_PDnc) acting on the nonreducing end of ulvan oligosaccharides, i.e., GlcA/IdoARha3S, forming the aforementioned unsaturated uronic acid residue. This residue represents the substrate for GH105 glycoside hydrolases, which complements the enzymatic degradation pathway including one ulvan lyase, one multimodular sulfatase, three glycoside hydrolases, and the dehydratase P29_PDnc, the latter being described for the first time. Our research thus shows that the oligosaccharide dehydratase is involved in the degradation of carboxylated polysaccharide

    Marine Polysaccharides: Occurrence, Enzymatic Degradation and Utilization

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    Abstract Macroalgae species are fast growing and their polysaccharides are already used as food ingredient due to their properties as hydrocolloids or they have potential high value bioactivity. The degradation of these valuable polysaccharides to access the sugar components has remained mostly unexplored so far. One reason is the high structural complexity of algal polysaccharides, but also the need for suitable enzyme cocktails to obtain oligo‐ and monosaccharides. Among them, there are several rare sugars with high value. Recently, considerable progress was made in the discovery of highly specific carbohydrate‐active enzymes able to decompose complex marine carbohydrates such as carrageenan, laminarin, agar, porphyran and ulvan. This minireview summarizes these achievements and highlights potential applications of the now accessible abundant renewable resource of marine polysaccharides

    Metabolic engineering enables Bacillus licheniformis to grow on the marine polysaccharide ulvan

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    Background Marine algae are responsible for half of the global primary production, converting carbon dioxide into organic compounds like carbohydrates. Particularly in eutrophic waters, they can grow into massive algal blooms. This polysaccharide rich biomass represents a cheap and abundant renewable carbon source. In nature, the diverse group of polysaccharides is decomposed by highly specialized microbial catabolic systems. We elucidated the complete degradation pathway of the green algae-specific polysaccharide ulvan in previous studies using a toolbox of enzymes discovered in the marine flavobacterium Formosa agariphila and recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli. Results In this study we show that ulvan from algal biomass can be used as feedstock for a biotechnological production strain using recombinantly expressed carbohydrate-active enzymes. We demonstrate that Bacillus licheniformis is able to grow on ulvan-derived xylose-containing oligosaccharides. Comparative growth experiments with different ulvan hydrolysates and physiological proteogenomic analyses indicated that analogues of the F. agariphila ulvan lyase and an unsaturated β-glucuronylhydrolase are missing in B. licheniformis. We reveal that the heterologous expression of these two marine enzymes in B. licheniformis enables an efficient conversion of the algal polysaccharide ulvan as carbon and energy source. Conclusion Our data demonstrate the physiological capability of the industrially relevant bacterium B. licheniformis to grow on ulvan. We present a metabolic engineering strategy to enable ulvan-based biorefinery processes using this bacterial cell factory. With this study, we provide a stepping stone for the development of future bioprocesses with Bacillus using the abundant marine renewable carbon source ulvan

    Alpha-glucans from bacterial necromass indicate an intra-population loop within the marine carbon cycle

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    Abstract Phytoplankton blooms provoke bacterioplankton blooms, from which bacterial biomass (necromass) is released via increased zooplankton grazing and viral lysis. While bacterial consumption of algal biomass during blooms is well-studied, little is known about the concurrent recycling of these substantial amounts of bacterial necromass. We demonstrate that bacterial biomass, such as bacterial alpha-glucan storage polysaccharides, generated from the consumption of algal organic matter, is reused and thus itself a major bacterial carbon source in vitro and during a diatom-dominated bloom. We highlight conserved enzymes and binding proteins of dominant bloom-responder clades that are presumably involved in the recycling of bacterial alpha-glucan by members of the bacterial community. We furthermore demonstrate that the corresponding protein machineries can be specifically induced by extracted alpha-glucan-rich bacterial polysaccharide extracts. This recycling of bacterial necromass likely constitutes a large-scale intra-population energy conservation mechanism that keeps substantial amounts of carbon in a dedicated part of the microbial loop