482 research outputs found

    Earthworm community characteristics during afforestation of abandoned chalk grasslands (Upper Normandy, France)

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    La biomasse, la densitĂ© et la composition spĂ©cifique des vers de terre a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e dans diffĂ©rents stades d'une succession secondaire aprĂšs l'abandon d'une pelouse calcicole pĂąturĂ©e. La biomasse et la densitĂ© des populations de vers de terre sont trĂšs Ă©levĂ©es (51,2 Ă  130,2 g/m2 et 175,8 Ă  522,6 ind/m2 en moyenne) dans toutes les parcelles Ă©chantillonnĂ©es. L'abandon du pĂąturage conduit Ă  un rapide dĂ©veloppement des communautĂ©s de vers. La biomase et la densitĂ© atteignent leur maximum dans une pelouse rĂ©cemment mise en exclos, puis diminue dans une pelouse abandonnĂ©e depuis 50 ans. La densitĂ© croit ensuite, alors que la biomasse diminue lĂ©gĂšrement pendant l'installation du bois de feuillus. La densitĂ© et la biomasse sont minimales sous pinĂšde. La richesse taxonomique (nombre d'unitĂ©s taxonomiques) ne change pas pendant la succession, mais la composition spĂ©cifique varie de façon nette. La dynamique des communautĂ©s de vers de terre semblent ĂȘtre sous l'influence de deux facteurs environnementaux prĂ©pondĂ©rants, eux-mĂȘme Ă©troitement liĂ©s Ă  deux paramĂštres de la vĂ©gĂ©tation : la structure verticale de la vĂ©gĂ©tation (importance de la couverture du sol par la vĂ©gĂ©tation herbacĂ©e, la litiĂšre, les mousses, prĂ©sence d'arbres) et la qualitĂ© des litiĂšres restituĂ©es, liĂ©es Ă  la nature de la vĂ©gĂ©tation (herbacĂ©e, conifĂšres ou feuillus). (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Factors influencing soil macrofaunal communities in post-pastoral successions of western France

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    The soil macrofaunal communities (Lumbricidae, Formicidae, Coleoptera, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Isopoda, Arachnida, Gastropoda) were studied in six plots representing different stages in theoretical post-pastoral succession chalk grassland. Macrofaunal biomass was high in all the plots (70.2-140.3 g/m2). The macroinvertebrate communities along successional gradients respond to two major environmental factors : the structure of the vegetation, which determines the diversity of microhabitats and life conditions for macroinvertebrates ; and the quality of above-ground litter production, which depends on the nature of vegetation and the presence of domestic herbivores. (Résumé d'auteur

    MRI in multiple myeloma : a pictorial review of diagnostic and post-treatment findings

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is increasingly being used in the diagnostic work-up of patients with multiple myeloma. Since 2014, MRI findings are included in the new diagnostic criteria proposed by the International Myeloma Working Group. Patients with smouldering myeloma presenting with more than one unequivocal focal lesion in the bone marrow on MRI are considered having symptomatic myeloma requiring treatment, regardless of the presence of lytic bone lesions. However, bone marrow evaluation with MRI offers more than only morphological information regarding the detection of focal lesions in patients with MM. The overall performance of MRI is enhanced by applying dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and diffusion weighted imaging sequences, providing additional functional information on bone marrow vascularization and cellularity. This pictorial review provides an overview of the most important imaging findings in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, smouldering myeloma and multiple myeloma, by performing a 'total' MRI investigation with implications for the diagnosis, staging and response assessment. Main message aEuro cent Conventional MRI diagnoses multiple myeloma by assessing the infiltration pattern. aEuro cent Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI diagnoses multiple myeloma by assessing vascularization and perfusion. aEuro cent Diffusion weighted imaging evaluates bone marrow composition and cellularity in multiple myeloma. aEuro cent Combined morphological and functional MRI provides optimal bone marrow assessment for staging. aEuro cent Combined morphological and functional MRI is of considerable value in treatment follow-up

    From spinal central pattern generators to cortical network: integrated BCI for walking rehabilitation

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    Success in locomotor rehabilitation programs can be improved with the use of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Although a wealth of research has demonstrated that locomotion is largely controlled by spinal mechanisms, the brain is of utmost importance in monitoring locomotor patterns and therefore contains information regarding central pattern generation functioning. In addition, there is also a tight coordination between the upper and lower limbs, which can also be useful in controlling locomotion. The current paper critically investigates different approaches that are applicable to this field: the use of electroencephalogram (EEG), upper limb electromyogram (EMG), or a hybrid of the two neurophysiological signals to control assistive exoskeletons used in locomotion based on programmable central pattern generators (PCPGs) or dynamic recurrent neural networks (DRNNs). Plantar surface tactile stimulation devices combined with virtual reality may provide the sensation of walking while in a supine position for use of training brain signals generated during locomotion. These methods may exploit mechanisms of brain plasticity and assist in the neurorehabilitation of gait in a variety of clinical conditions, including stroke, spinal trauma, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy

    Classification d'expressions vocales passives versus actives

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    Six expressions sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement considĂ©rĂ©es pour caractĂ©riser les Ă©tats Ă©motifs humains : Sourire, Surprise, ColĂšre, Tristesse, dĂ©goĂ»t et Neutre. DiffĂ©rentes mesures peuvent ĂȘtre extraites Ă  partir du signal de parole pour caractĂ©riser ces expressions, Ă  savoir la frĂ©quence fondamentale, l'Ă©nergie, le SPI (rapport des Ă©nergies des HF et des BF dans le signal) et le dĂ©bit de parole. Une classification automatique des cinq expressions basĂ©es sur ces caractĂ©ristiques prĂ©sente des conflits entre la ColĂšre, la Surprise et le Sourire d'une part et le Neutre et la Tristesse d'autre part. Ce conflit entre classes d'expressions est Ă©galement retrouvĂ© chez le classifieur humain. Nous proposons donc de dĂ©finir deux classes d'expressions: Active regroupant le Sourire, la Surprise et la ColĂšre et Passive regroupant le Neutre et la Tristesse. Une telle classification est Ă©galement plus rĂ©aliste et plus appropriĂ©e pour l'intĂ©gration d'information de parole dans un systĂšme de classification multimodale combinant la parole et la vidĂ©o, ce qui est Ă  long terme le but de notre travail. Dans ce papier, diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de classification sont testĂ©es: un classifieur BayĂ©sien, une Analyse Discriminante LinĂ©aire (ADL), le classifieur au K plus proches vosins(KNN) et un classifieur Ă  Machine Ă  Vecteur de Support (SVM) avec une fonction de base gaussienne. Pour les deux classes considĂ©rĂ©es, les meilleurs taux de classification sont obtenus avec le classificateur SVM avec un taux de reconnaissance de 89.74% pour l'Ă©tat Actif et de 86.54 % pour l'Ă©tat Passif

    Automatic Sleep Spindle Detection in Patients with Sleep Disorders

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    Quantifying the Effects of Prosody Modulation on User Engagement and Satisfaction in Conversational Systems

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    As voice-based assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant become ubiquitous, users increasingly expect to maintain natural and informative conversations with such systems. However, for an open-domain conversational system to be coherent and engaging, it must be able to maintain the user's interest for extended periods, without sounding boring or annoying. In this paper, we investigate one natural approach to this problem, of modulating response prosody, i.e., changing the pitch and cadence of the response to indicate delight, sadness or other common emotions, as well as using pre-recorded interjections. Intuitively, this approach should improve the naturalness of the conversation, but attempts to quantify the effects of prosodic modulation on user satisfaction and engagement remain challenging. To accomplish this, we report results obtained from a large-scale empirical study that measures the effects of prosodic modulation on user behavior and engagement across multiple conversation domains, both immediately after each turn, and at the overall conversation level. Our results indicate that the prosody modulation significantly increases both immediate and overall user satisfaction. However, since the effects vary across different domains, we verify that prosody modulations do not substitute for coherent, informative content of the responses. Together, our results provide useful tools and insights for improving the naturalness of responses in conversational systems.Comment: Published in CHIIR 2020, 4 page
