9 research outputs found

    Inbreeding of Some Populations in the Genus Agrostis L.

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    This work presents some properties on produced inbred lines of the 5 best populations of 4 species of Agrostis for breeding purposes. The cultivars of forage grasses should meet a given aim for selection, which is the increasing dry matter and quality. The populations used in this research were the best ones for morphological and productive properties from a previous study. By the process of selfing there have been produced S1 offsprings which appeared to be quite superior in relation to open pollinated offspring from the mother plants. The obtained results were processed by multiple range regression analyses. According to the regression coefficient the inheritance of phenotype value of parental plants and the obtained offsprings after the selfing, and the properties like height of plant, tillering, number of vegetative and generative shoots, and dry matter yield for each plant has been determined. The selfed seed setting was quite satisfactory and it did not exppressed a very significant depression. Since the results relating to the inbred plants do not show inbreeding depression, process of selection and creating new cultivars should be continued for these species

    Isolation and characterization of endophytic non-rhizobial bacteria from root nodules of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

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    Soil bacteria associated with plant roots that can exert beneficial effects on their hosts are designated as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Some of these PGPR can enter the root interior and establish endophytic populations. The present study was performed to isolate non-rhizobial endophytes from the surface sterilized root nodules of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and assess their effects on alfalfa growth. Out of 15 endophytic non-rhizobial strains isolated, 5 gram-positive strains were selected for further identification and characterisation. The strains LR1k, 4148pk and SNji formed one single cluster in rep-PCR analyses and partial sequences of 16S rRNA genes showed 100% similarity to Bacillus megaterium. Strains 251s and 236 displayed two separate rep-PCR patterns and according to 16S rRNA genes sequences they were closely related to Brevibacillus chosinensis and Microbacterium trichothecenolyticum, respectively. None of the non-rhizobial isolates was able to nodulate alfalfa when re-inoculated in gnotobiotic culture. Co-inoculation of all non-rhizobial strains with S. meliloti positively influenced nodule number of alfalfa, but was without significant effect on growth parameters with respect to inoculation with S. meliloti alone. However, single inoculation with non-rhizobial strains caused significant increase in shoot and root parameters compared to uninoculated plants, indicating that non-rhizobial strains possess some plant growth promoting potential. Further studies on the interactions among these endophytic bacteria and other legumes or non-leguminous plants are needed

    Characterization of indigenous bacillus isolates from stabilized sludge in petrochemical industry

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    Bacillus species are rod-shaped, endospore-forming aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria; in some species cultures may turn Gram-negative with age. The many species of the genus exhibit a wide range of physiologic abilities that allow them to live in every natural environment. The spores are resistant to heat, cold, radiation, desiccation, and disinfectants. Bacillus species are used in many medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial processes that take advantage of their wide range of physiologic characteristics and their ability to produce a host of enzymes, antibiotics, and other metabolites. Certain Bacillus species are important in the natural or artificial degradation of waste products. We isolated 15 indigenous Bacillus isolates from stabilized sludge in petrochemical plant in Serbia (FOV – HIP “Petrohemija”, Pancevo) and investigated their morphological and biochemical characteristics, emulsification activity and sensitivity to antibiotics and heavy metals. In addition, we estimated the genetic diversity of isolates by RAPD and rep-PCR. Three of 15 isolates showed very strong emulsification ability of xylol (E24 from 95 to 100). Six isolates showed strong emulsification of mineral oil (E24 from 78 to 100). All isolates were tolerant to 100μg/ml of Zn and Co, 10μg/ml of Hg and Mo, while eleven isolates showed tolerance to 10μg/ml of Cd and six isolates to 100μg/ml Hg. Only one isolate was sensitive to trimethoprim (5 μg). All isolates were sensitive to bacitracin (40U), cephalexin (30 μg), clindamycin (2 μg) and neomycin (120μg), while five isolates were resistant to novobiocin (5μg) and two to bacitracin (40U). Based on PCR analysis, we assessed genetic similarity of investigated Bacillus isolates

    Utilization of miscanthus waste biomass for xylanase production by soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti

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    Miscanthus × giganteus, as a lignocellulosic material, consists of about 30% xylan and represents a good basis for research as a possible raw material in the production of xylanases. Among the soil bacteria, rhizobium is rarely investigated as an enzyme producer. For the first time, Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 207 was used to obtain xylanase during submerged and solid fermentation using miscanthus biomass as a substrate. During submerged fermentation (28°C), the maximum xylanase activity was achieved after 48 h with 10% inoculum and H2SO4 substrate modification. The maximum xylanase activity of 1.215 U/mL was obtained during solid-state fermentation (28°C) by using also H2SO4 modified miscanthus biomass which was moistened with distillate water. The crude enzyme, produced by strain 207, could be further used in eco-friendly processes of lignocellulose material bioconversion to useful products.Саопштење са међународног скупа штампано у целини (M33


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    The goal of this paper has been to examine influence of a cultivar on the quality of a grape brandy produced from the muscat table cultivars: Demir kapija, Early muscat, Radmilovacki muskat, Banatski muskat, Muscat Hamburg, Smederevski muskat, Italy and Afuz-ali. In terms of the content of methyl alcohol as well as of the total evaporable ingredients, grape brandies made of the fermented grape mash of investigated cultivars meet the prescribed standards stipulated by the Rulebook on the Quality of Alcoholic Beverages

    Bacterial Microbiota Isolated from Cysts of Globodera rostochiensis (Nematoda: Heteroderidae)

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    The potato cyst nematode (PCN) Globodera rostochiensis is a plant parasite of potato classified into a group of quarantine organisms causing high economic losses worldwide. Due to the long persistence of the parasite in soil, cysts harbor numerous bacteria whose presence can lead to cyst death and population decline. The cysts of G. rostochiensis found in two potato fields were used as a source of bacteria. The universal procedure was applied to extract DNA from bacteria which was then sequenced with 16S primers. The aims of the study were to identify bacterial microbiota associated with the PCN populations and to infer their phylogenetic relationships based on the maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogeny of the 16S sequences. In addition, the impact of the most significant climate and edaphic factors on bacterial diversity were evaluated. Regarding the higher taxonomy, our results indicate that the prevalent bacterial classes were Bacilli, Actinobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria. Phylogenetic analyses clustered Brevibacterium frigoritolerans within the family Bacillaceae, confirming its recent reclassification. Long-term climate factors, such as air temperature, insolation hours, humidity and precipitation, as well as the content of soil organic matter, affected the bacterial diversity. The ability of cyst nematodes to persist in soil for a long time qualifies them as a significant natural source to explore the soil bacterial microbiota

    Methods for the assessment of background limits of Cd and Cr in the soil of Moravicki district

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    У раду су приказане различите методе одређивања границе природ ног садржаја Cr и Cd у земљишту Моравичког округа. Дистрибуција садр жаја испитиваних елемената је десно асиметрична, са високом дисперзијом, посебно садржаја Cr. Применом графичких метода (кумулативна крива–CDF и boxplot) добијене су границе природног садржаја за Cd 1,40 mg kg-1, и за Cr око 230 mg kg-1. За емпиријске методе коришћени су природни подаци и ло гаритамски трансформисани, при чему су добијене знатно веће вредности него у природној симулацији. Граничне вредности добијене различитим ме тодама се разликују. Карте показују да највећи део територије има релативно ниске концентрације испитиваних елемената чије границе природног садр жаја највише одговарају вредностима израчунатим методом [Median±2MAD] и ниже. На деловима територије са повећаним садржајима погодније су ра чунске методе [Mean±2Sd] и boxplot–обрачун горњег прага. Дате су границе природног садржаја за поједине хомогене геохемијске целине

    Soybean seed chemical composition as influenced by Bradyrhizobium inoculation in soils with elevated nickel concentrations

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    Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, rhizobia, besides their intrinsic ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen (N), may influence other element concentrations in leguminous plants. Adequate nickel (Ni) supply is of special importance for growth and N status of soybean, due to the role Ni holds as an enzyme component involved in N metabolism. However, high soil Ni availability also represents risks. Therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of rhizobium inoculation on yield and the chemical composition (N, C, S, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni) of soybean seeds produced on two soils with elevated total Ni concentrations (59 and 106 mg kg(-1) of soil). The genetic characterisation of investigated rhizobial strains and screening for plant growth promoting traits were also performed. The field experiments included 9 treatments where soybean seeds were inoculated with different single rhizobial strains, a treatment with mineral fertilizer application, as well as a non-inoculated control (O). Most of the strains belonged to the genus Bradyrhizobium and produce the plant hormone indole-3-acetic acid. Bradyrhizobium inoculations significantly increased the soybean seed yield (up to 125%) and N%, and decreased Ni (up to 48%), P, Fe, Cu and Zn seed concentrations compared to the control empty set, depending on the strain and location. Soybean seed Ni concentrations were significantly influenced by treatment, location and their interaction and varied from 6.28 to 22.25 mg kg(-1). There were no significant differences in C, S, Ca, Mg concentrations between treatments. Uptake of all nutrients by seeds in inoculated treatments was generally increased or similar, compared to the control empty set. Concentrations and uptake of Ni in inoculated treatments in both locations were significantly decreased compared to mineral fertilization. The study showed that inoculation with Bradyrhizobium strains effective in nitrogen fixation, together with yield increase may reduce the Ni concentrations in soybean seeds in organic cultivation systems of soybean