1,660 research outputs found

    Lattice QCD with mixed actions

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    We discuss some of the implications of simulating QCD when the action used for the sea quarks is different from that used for the valence quarks. We present exploratory results for the hadron mass spectrum and pseudoscalar meson decay constants using improved staggered sea quarks and HYP-smeared overlap valence quarks. We propose a method for matching the valence quark mass to the sea quark mass and demonstrate it on UKQCD clover data in the simpler case where the sea and valence actions are the same.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures some minor modification to text and figures. Accepted for publicatio

    Pakistan Panel Household Survey: Sample Size and Attrition

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    The socio-economic databases in Pakistan, as in most countries, can be classified into three broad categories, namely registration-based statistics, data produced by different population censuses and household survey-based data. The registration system of births and deaths in Pakistan has historically been inadequate [Afzal and Ahmed (1974)] and the population censuses have not been carried out regularly. The household surveys such as Pakistan Demographic Survey (PDS), Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) have been periodically conducted since the 1960s. These surveys have filled the data gaps created by the weak registration system and the irregularity in conducting censuses. The data generated by the household surveys have also enabled social scientists to examine a wide range of issues, including natural increase in population, education, employment, poverty, health, nutrition, and housing. All these surveys are, however, cross-sectional in nature so it is not possible to gauge the dynamics of these social and economic processes, for example the transition from school to labour market, movement into or out of poverty, movement of labour from one state of employment to another. A proper understanding of such dynamics requires longitudinal or panel datasets where the same households are visited over time. Since panel surveys are complex and expensive to carry out, they are not as commonly conducted as the cross-sectional surveys anywhere in the world and in Pakistan they are even rare

    Welfare Impact of the Lady Health Workers Programme in Pakistan

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    With the year 2015 fast approaching, Pakistan is not likely to achieve most of the health targets set in the Millennium Development Goals [Pakistan (2010)]. High levels of child and maternal mortality and child malnutrition are among the major health challenges facing the country. Along with this enhanced vulnerability for children and women there is also an economic divide in the society because these health challenges are more profound for the poor segment of the population than for the better off. Another divide is between the rural and urban populations due to concentration of health facilities in urban centres of the country. The high cost of dealing with health issues adversely affects the poor and rural population, lowering their productivity and limiting their lifetime achievements. Without substantially improved health outcomes it is impossible to break out of the cycle of poverty [OECD (2003)]

    A 0-dimensional counter-example to rooting?

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    We provide an example of a 0-dimensional field theory where rooting does not work.Comment: 3 pages; Physics Letters B (2010

    The ratio m_c/m_s with Wilson fermions

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    We determine the quark mass ratio m_c/m_s on the lattice, using Wilson-type fermions. Configurations with N_f=2 dynamical clover-improved fermions by the QCDSF collaboration are used, which were made available through the ILDG. In the valence sector we use a sophisticated, mass-independently O(a)-improved Wilson-type action with small cut-off effects even in the charm mass region. After an extrapolation to the physical pion mass, to zero lattice spacing and to infinite box volume, we find m_c/m_s=11.27(30)(26).Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; v2: more statistics, improved analysis and presentation, 1 reference adde

    High-precision determination of the light-quark masses from realistic lattice QCD

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    Three-flavor lattice QCD simulations and two-loop perturbation theory are used to make the most precise determination to date of the strange-, up-, and down-quark masses, msm_s, mum_u, and mdm_d, respectively. Perturbative matching is required in order to connect the lattice-regularized bare- quark masses to the masses as defined in the \msbar scheme, and this is done here for the first time at next-to-next-to leading (or two-loop) order. The bare-quark masses required as input come from simulations by the MILC collaboration of a highly-efficient formalism (using so-called ``staggered'' quarks), with three flavors of light quarks in the Dirac sea; these simulations were previously analyzed in a joint study by the HPQCD and MILC collaborations, using degenerate uu and dd quarks, with masses as low as ms/8m_s/8, and two values of the lattice spacing, with chiral extrapolation/interpolation to the physical masses. With the new perturbation theory presented here, the resulting \msbar\ masses are m^\msbar_s(2 {GeV}) = 87(0)(4)(4)(0) MeV, and \hat m^\msbar(2 {GeV}) = 3.2(0)(2)(2)(0) MeV, where \hat m = \sfrac12 (m_u + m_d) is the average of the uu and dd masses. The respective uncertainties are from statistics, simulation systematics, perturbation theory, and electromagnetic/isospin effects. The perturbative errors are about a factor of two smaller than in an earlier study using only one-loop perturbation theory. Using a recent determination of the ratio mu/md=0.43(0)(1)(0)(8)m_u/m_d = 0.43(0)(1)(0)(8) due to the MILC collaboration, these results also imply m^\msbar_u(2 {GeV}) = 1.9(0)(1)(1)(2) MeV and m^\msbar_d(2 {GeV}) = 4.4(0)(2)(2)(2) MeV. A technique for estimating the next order in the perturbative expansion is also presented, which uses input from simulations at more than one lattice spacing

    Ginsparg-Wilson Pions Scattering in a Sea of Staggered Quarks

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    We calculate isospin 2 pion-pion scattering in chiral perturbation theory for a partially quenched, mixed action theory with Ginsparg-Wilson valence quarks and staggered sea quarks. We point out that for some scattering channels, the power-law volume dependence of two pion states in nonunitary theories such as partially quenched or mixed action QCD is identical to that of QCD. Thus one can extract infinite volume scattering parameters from mixed action simulations. We then determine the scattering length for both 2 and 2+1 sea quarks in the isospin limit. The scattering length, when expressed in terms of the pion mass and the decay constant measured on the lattice, has no contributions from mixed valence-sea mesons, thus it does not depend upon the parameter, C_Mix, that appears in the chiral Lagrangian of the mixed theory. In addition, the contributions which nominally arise from operators appearing in the mixed action O(a^2 m_q) Lagrangian exactly cancel when the scattering length is written in this form. This is in contrast to the scattering length expressed in terms of the bare parameters of the chiral Lagrangian, which explicitly exhibits all the sicknesses and lattice spacing dependence allowed by a partially quenched mixed action theory. These results hold for both 2 and 2+1 flavors of sea quarks.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures. Mistakes corrected in Eqs. (37), (42). Improved discussion in section 4 and related results in Eqs. (33), (37), (40) and (42). Added references. Version to be published in PR

    Two-Pion Exchange in Proton-Proton Scattering

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    The contribution of the box and crossed two-pion-exchange diagrams to proton-proton scattering at 90c.m.^{\circ}_{c.m.} is calculated in the laboratory momentum range up to 12 GeV/c. Relativistic form factors related to the nucleon and pion size and representing the pion source distribution based on the quark structure of the hadronic core are included at each vertex of the pion-nucleon interaction. These form factors depend on the four-momenta of the exchanged pions and scattering nucleons. Feynman-diagram amplitudes calculated without form factors are checked against those derived from dispersion relations. In this comparison, one notices that a very short-range part of the crossed diagram, neglected in dispersion-relation calculations of the two-pion-exchange nucleon-nucleon potential, gives a sizable contribution. In the Feynman-diagram calculation with form factors the agreement with measured spin-separated cross sections, as well as amplitudes in the lower part of the energy range considered, is much better for pion-nucleon pseudo-vector vis \`a vis pseudo-scalar coupling. While strengths of the box and crossed diagrams are comparable for laboratory momenta below 2 GeV/c, the crossed diagram dominates for larger momenta, largely due to the kinematics of the crossed diagram allowing a smaller momentum transfer in the nucleon center of mass. An important contribution arises from the principal-value part of the integrals which is non-zero when form factors are included. It seems that the importance of the exchange of color singlets may extend higher in energy than expected