474 research outputs found

    Processing and properties of natural fibers reinforced thermoplastic and thermosseting composites

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    In this work, three different natural fibers were studied and characterized, using optical and SEM microscopy. Woven fabrics of those reinforcement fibers were used to reinforce polyester and epoxy matrices and produce composite plates by vacum lay-up. Also, using an experimental piston blender equipment, long fiber reinforced PLA (LFT) composites were manufactured by hot compression molding. All different obtained composite plates were submitted to mechanical testing in order to determine relevant mechanical proprieties.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Processing and properties of composites obtained from natural fibres and thermosetting matrices

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    In this work, different natural fibres were studied and characterized, using optical and SEM microscopy. Those fibres were used to reinforce polyester and epoxy matrices and produce composite plates by hand lay-up. A vacuum bag was then used to allow improving the fibre impregnation, establishing a controlled pressure atmosphere. All different obtained composite plates were submitted to mechanical testing, in order to determine relevant mechanical proprieties. The produced composites were, namely, submitted to flexure and tensile tests, in accordance to ISO 14125 and ISO 527, standards, respectively. It was also determined, for each type of composite, the GIIc property (critical energy release rate in mode II), in order to assess their impact behaviour.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Development and assessment to environmentally friendly natural fiber composites

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    Two different types of natural fibers (jute and sisal) were studied and characterized, using optical microscopy, pycnometry density, single filament and linear density tests. Jute fibers were processed into composite parts from woven fabrics raw-material and sisal fibers were also processed into final composite componentes but in the form of chopped mat. Those fibers were used to reinforce polyester and epoxy matrices and therefore produce composite plates by resin infusion molding. Finally, the final obtained composite plates were submitted to mechanical testing, in order to assess their relevant mechanical properties.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Cancer distribution pattern in south-western Nigeria

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     The burden of cancer in Nigeria is appreciable with about 100,000 new cancer cases been reported in the country each year. This study aimed to determine the level of occurrence and pattern of distribution of different cancer types in two major functional cancer registries in south-western Nigeria. A desk review of the level of occurrence and pattern of distribution of different cancer types in Lagos and Ibadan cancer registries over a 5 year period (2005-2009) was carried out. The results obtained showed a total number of 5094 cancer patients registered between 2005 and 2009 in both Lagos (60%) and Ibadan (40%) cancer registries. Breast cancer accounted for the majority of cases (20.2%), followed by cervical cancer (7.9 %), fibroid (4.4%), liver (4.4%), stomach (4.3%), brain (3.9%), pancreas (3.8%), prostate (3.3%), lung (3.0%) and cancer of the kidney (0.7%). There were significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in the level of occurrence between cancers of the breast, cervix, prostate, liver, ovary and all other cancers. Liver cancer (147; 77) and bone cancer (91; 37) were predominant in females than males while lung cancer (89; 65), stomach cancer (112; 109), and kidney cancer (24; 14) were predominant in males than females. In conclusion the findings of this study provide insights to cancer epidemiology in the western region of Nigeria. This study confirms earlier findings that breast, prostate, liver and cervical cancers account for the majority of cases of cancers in Nigeria. Thus, there is need to organize on a wider scale suitable methods for early detection of these diseases

    A classical phenotype of Anderson-Fabry disease in a female patient with intronic mutations of the GLA gene: a case report

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    Background: Fabry disease (FD) is a hereditary metabolic disorder caused by the partial or total inactivation of a lysosomal hydrolase, the enzyme α-galactosidase A (GLA). This inactivation is responsible for the storage of undegraded glycosphingolipids in the lysosomes with subsequent cellular and microvascular dysfunction. The incidence of disease is estimated at 1:40,000 in the general population, although neonatal screening initiatives have found an unexpectedly high prevalence of genetic alterations, up to 1:3,100, in newborns in Italy, and have identified a surprisingly high frequency of newborn males with genetic alterations (about 1:1,500) in Taiwan. Case presentation: We describe the case of a 40-year-old female patient who presented with transient ischemic attack (TIA), discomfort in her hands, intolerance to cold and heat, severe angina and palpitations, chronic kidney disease. Clinical, biochemical and molecular studies were performed. Conclusions: Reported symptoms, peculiar findings in a renal biopsy – the evidence of occasional lamellar inclusions in podocytes and mesangial cells – and left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, which are considered to be specific features of FD, as well as molecular evaluations, suggested the diagnosis of a classical form of FD. We detected four mutations in the GLA gene of the patient: -10C>T (g.1170C>T), c.370-77_-81del (g.7188-7192del5), c.640-16A>G (g.10115A>G), c.1000-22C>T (g.10956C>T). These mutations, located in promoter and intronic regulatory regions, have been observed in several patients with manifestations of FD. In our patient clinical picture showed a multisystemic involvement with early onset of symptoms, thus suggesting that these intronic mutations can be found even in patients with classical form of FD

    Asymptotic expansions of the solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations

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    Let uu be a solution of the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear parabolic equation ∂tu=Δu+F(x,t,u,∇u)inRN×(0,∞),u(x,0)=φ(x)inRN, \partial_t u=\Delta u+F(x,t,u,\nabla u) \quad in \quad{\bf R}^N\times(0,\infty), \quad u(x,0)=\varphi(x)\quad in \quad{\bf R}^N, and assume that the solution uu behaves like the Gauss kernel as t→∞t\to\infty. In this paper, under suitable assumptions of the reaction term FF and the initial function φ\varphi, we establish the method of obtaining higher order asymptotic expansions of the solution uu as t→∞t\to\infty. This paper is a generalization of our previous paper, and our arguments are applicable to the large class of nonlinear parabolic equations


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    ABSTRACT Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and evolution are applied to the analysis of turbulent signals. In a first instance, a new trainable delay based artificial neural network is used to analyze Hot Wire Anemometer (HW) signals obtained at different positions within the wake of a circular cylinder with Reynolds number values ranging from 2000 to 8000. Results show that these networks are capable of performing accurate short term predictions of the turbulent signal. In addition, the ANNs can be set in a long term prediction mode resulting in a sort of non linear filter able to extract the features having to do with the larger eddies and coherent structures. In a second stage these networks are used to reconstruct a regularly sampled signal straight from the irregularly sampled one provided by a Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA). The irregular sampling dynamics of the LDA signals is governed by the arrival of the seeding particles, superimposing the already complex turbulent signal characteristics. To cope with this complexity, an evolutionary based strategy is used to perform an adaptive and continuous online training of the ANNs. This approach permits obtaining a regularly sampled signal not by interpolating the original one, as it is often done, but by modeling it

    Misdiagnosis of familial Mediterranean fever in patients with Anderson-Fabry disease

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    Fabry disease (FD) is an underdiagnosed pathology due to its symptomatology that overlaps with various systemic and rheumatic disorders, including familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). We examined the Mediterranean fever (MEFV) and α-galactosidase A (GLA) genes, whose mutations are responsible for FMF and FD, respectively, in 42 unrelated patients diagnosed with FMF, which revealed significant ambiguity regarding some of the symptoms which are also present in FD. The objective of this study was to determine the spectrum of mutations present in these genes, in order to identify cases of mistaken diagnosis of FMF and/or missed diagnosis of FD. Ten out of 42 patients had one mutation in homozygosis or two different mutations in heterozygosis in the MEFV gene; 20/42 had a single heterozygous mutation, and 12/42 did not have genetic alterations in MEFV. The analysis of the GLA gene conducted on all the samples revealed that three subjects, and some members of their families, had two different exonic mutations associated with FD. Family studies allowed us to identify eight other cases of FD, bringing the total undiagnosed subjects to 11/53. Analyzing the MEFV and GLA genes in patients with clinical diagnoses of FMF proved to be fundamentally important for the reduction of diagnostic errors

    A new p65 isoform that bind the glucocorticoid hormone and is expressed in inflammation liver diseases and COVID-19

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    Inflammation is a physiological process whose deregulation causes some diseases including cancer. Nuclear Factor kB (NF-kB) is a family of ubiquitous and inducible transcription factors, in which the p65/p50 heterodimer is the most abundant complex, that play critical roles mainly in inflammation. Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and immunosuppressant. Thus, NF-kB and GR are physiological antagonists in the inflammation process. Here we show that in mice and humans there is a spliced variant of p65, named p65 iso5, which binds the corticosteroid hormone dexamethasone amplifying the effect of the glucocorticoid receptor and is expressed in the liver of patients with hepatic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Furthermore, we have quantified the gene expression level of p65 and p65 iso5 in the PBMC of patients affected by SARS-CoV-2 disease. The results showed that in these patients the p65 and p65 iso5 mRNA levels are higher than in healthy subjects. The ability of p65 iso5 to bind dexamethasone and the regulation of the glucocorticoid (GC) response in the opposite way of the wild type improves our knowledge and understanding of the anti-inflammatory response and identifies it as a new therapeutic target to control inflammation and related diseases

    Application Domain Study of Evolutionary Algorithms in Optimization Problems

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    ABSTRACT This paper deals with the problem of comparing and testing evolutionary algorithms, that is, the benchmarking problem, from an analysis point of view. A practical study of the application domain of four representative evolutionary algorithms is carried out using a relevant set of real-parameter function optimization benchmarks. The four selected algorithms are the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) and the Differential Evolution (DE), due to their successful results in recent studies, a Genetic Algorithm with real parameter operators, used here as a reference approach because it is probably the most familiar to researchers, and the Macroevolutionary algorithm (MA), which is not widely known but it shows a very remarkable behavior in some problems. The algorithms have been compared running several tests over the benchmark function set to analyze their capabilities from a practical point of view, in other words, in terms of their usability. The characterization of the algorithms is based on accuracy, stability and time consumption parameters thus establishing their operational scope and the type of optimization problems they are more suitable for
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