159 research outputs found

    Rerum vulgarium fragmenta: From Manuscript to Print

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    After describing the close relation between Petrarch’s and Dante’s conceptions of canzone form, this article explores the formats followed by Petrarch and his scribe Giovanni Malpaghini in their transcriptions in Vat. Lat. 3195. Giovanni’s traditional horizontal format allows for certain striking effects of collocation (as of 125-126) and for minimal page turns in canzoni; however, the vertical format of the sestinas and the vertical alignment of even-numbered verses in Petrarch’s own transcriptions of sonnets and canzoni suggest a gradually increasing sense of the possibilities of vertical format

    Rerum vulgarium fragmenta: From Manuscript to Print

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    After describing the close relation between Petrarch’s and Dante’s conceptions of canzone form, this article explores the formats followed by Petrarch and his scribe Giovanni Malpaghini in their transcriptions in Vat. Lat. 3195. Giovanni’s traditional horizontal format allows for certain striking effects of collocation (as of 125-126) and for minimal page turns in canzoni; however, the vertical format of the sestinas and the vertical alignment of even-numbered verses in Petrarch’s own transcriptions of sonnets and canzoni suggest a gradually increasing sense of the possibilities of vertical format

    PASCO: Structural panel analysis and sizing code: Users manual - Revised

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    A computer code denoted PASCO is described for analyzing and sizing uniaxially stiffened composite panels. Buckling and vibration analyses are carried out with a linked plate analysis computer code denoted VIPASA, which is included in PASCO. Sizing is based on nonlinear mathematical programming techniques and employs a computer code denoted CONMIN, also included in PASCO. Design requirements considered are initial buckling, material strength, stiffness and vibration frequency. A user's manual for PASCO is presented

    Vibration characteristics of ring-stiffened orthotropic shells of revolution

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    Computer program solves vibration modes and frequencies of thin shells of revolution having general meridional curvature and orthotropic elastic properties in order to evaluate the dynamic behavior of structures with thin shelled components

    Germinable Soil Seed Bank of \u3ci\u3eBothriochloa macra\u3c/i\u3e Dominated Pasture in South-Eastern Australia

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    In native pastures, soil seed banks play an important role in conserving the genetic material in a plant population, influencing community structure and providing protection against adverse climatic conditions. One important native grass is Bothrichloa macra (Steud.) S.T.Blake (Red grass, Red-leg grass). This grass is a C4 indigenous perennial grass that is commonly found in native pastures in the high rainfall zone of south-eastern Australia. At Tarrawingee, NE Victoria, (36°25´S, 146°31´E) and Wymah, southern NSW, (35°58´S, 147°11´E), Australia, two sites that had Bothriochloa macra as the dominant native grass were sampled. Three hundred cores (50 mm diameter and 50 mm depth) were collected from each site and bulked in May 2005. The soil samples were spread evenly over seed raising flats and maintained in a glasshouse, under natural light and modified day/night temperatures. The samples were kept moist for periods of between 35 and 70 d. During each census, germinants were identified to the following functional groups (B. macra, broadleaf, grass and legume) and removed. At the end of each cycle remaining seedlings were counted and water withheld. The dry soil samples were then thoroughly mixed and re-watered to initiate another cohort of germination. This cycle was repeated five times over a nine-month period. These counts showed that B. macra only represented a very low proportion of the soil seed bank (1.1 to 3.4% of total germinants), with the soil seed bank dominated by annual species. Fifty-eight different species germinated from the soil seed bank, with 83% of all seeds germinating in the first two cycles. The soil seed bank of these B. macra pastures possessed characteristics typical of most soil seed banks, including poor correlation with the standing vegetation, domination by one or two species and low representation of perennial species


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    The title compound (HMF), C6H6O3, is one of the products of acid-catalyzed dehydration of high-fructose corn syrup, and has been shown to be toxic to honey bees. The compound was crystallized at 276 K, and it was found that the two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit form an infinite O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding chain that is linked into a three-dimensional network structure by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O contacts

    Разработка технологического процесса изготовления штока МКЮ.4У.47.13.501

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    В данной работе разрабатывается технологический процесс механической обработки деталей "Шток", с заводским номером МКЮ.4.У. выпускаемого на предприятии ООО "Юргинский машиностроительный завод". Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка технологического процесса изготовления штока МКЮ.4У.47.13.501, который направлен на создание технологии, соответствующей современному уровню развития науки и техники. Проектируемый технологический процесс должен являться оптимальным вариантом решения проектной задачи. Предлагается применить технологический процесс, который даёт возможность использовать высокопроизводительное оборудование и инструмент, обеспечивающие стабильность качества, применить приспособления, спроектированные для данной детали.In this work, the technological process of machining of parts "Rod", with the factory number MCU.4.W. manufactured by the company LLC "Yurga engineering plant". The purpose of the final qualifying work is to develop a technological process for the manufacture of the rod MCU.4U.47.13.501, which is aimed at creating a technology corresponding to the modern level of development of science and technology. The projected technological process should be the best option for solving the project problem. It is proposed to apply the technological process, which makes it possible to use high-performance equipment and tools to ensure the stability of quality, apply the devices designed for this part

    Creativity and the computer nerd: an exploration of attitudes

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    This study arises from our concern that many of our best art and design students are failing to make the most of the opportunities provided by IT because of their fear or dislike of computers. This not only deprives them of useful skills, but, even more importantly, deprives many IT based developments of their input. In this paper we investigate the relationship between attitudes to creativity and to computers among students. We quickly discard an approach based on theories of personality types as philosophically and educationally problematic. An approach based on the self-concept of artists and designers, in relation to their own creativity and to their feelings about computers, offers more hope of progress. This means that we do not try to define the attributes of "creative people". Rather, we ask what creativity means to students of art and design and relate these responses to their attitudes to computers. Self-concept depends on how the subjects see themselves within society and culture, and is liable to change as culture changes. One major instrument of cultural change at the present time is the growth of IT itself. We then describe a first attempt at using a psychological method - Kelly's Repertory Grids - to investigate the self-concept of artists and designers. It is hoped to continue with this approach in further studies over the next few years

    Involvement in teaching improves learning in medical students: a randomized cross-over study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Peer-assisted learning has many purported benefits including preparing students as educators, improving communication skills and reducing faculty teaching burden. But comparatively little is known about the effects of teaching on learning outcomes of peer educators in medical education.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One hundred and thirty-five first year medical students were randomly allocated to 11 small groups for the Gastroenterology/Hematology Course at the University of Calgary. For each of 22 sessions, two students were randomly selected from each group to be peer educators. Students were surveyed to estimate time spent preparing as peer educator versus group member. Students completed an end-of-course 94 question multiple choice exam. A paired t-test was used to compare performance on clinical presentations for which students were peer educators to those for which they were not.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Preparation time increased from a mean (SD) of 36 (33) minutes baseline to 99 (60) minutes when peer educators (Cohen's <it>d </it>= 1.3; p < 0.001). The mean score (SD) for clinical presentations in which students were peer educators was 80.7% (11.8) compared to77.6% (6.9) for those which they were not (<it>d </it>= 0.33; <it>p </it>< 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that involvement in teaching small group sessions improves medical students' knowledge acquisition and retention.</p

    Partial Genetic Turnover in Neandertals: Continuity in the East and Population Replacement in the West

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    Remarkably little is known about the population-level processes leading up to the extinction of the neandertal. To examine this, we use mitochondrial DNA sequences from 13 neandertal individuals, including a novel sequence from northern Spain, to examine neandertal demographic history. Our analyses indicate that recent western European neandertals (48 kyr) European neandertals. Using control region sequences, Bayesian demographic simulations provide higher support for a model of population fragmentation followed by separate demographic trajectories in subpopulations over a null model of a single stable population. The most parsimonious explanation for these results is that of a population turnover in western Europe during early Marine Isotope Stage 3, predating the arrival of anatomically modern humans in the region