38 research outputs found

    The Effects of Virtual Immersion on Second Language Acquisition

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    Technology has become second nature to today\u27s students. Because of this comfort, adding technology to the classroom has become more and more popular in schools everywhere. Technology not only excites students, but also holds their focus and keeps them on takes. For teachers, technology opens up a whole new window to more activities, games, and lesson for all subjects. Technology can also make information and learning possible for students who do not have access to certain subjects. Unfortunately, foreign language programs are growing smaller in schools across the country due to a lack of resources. Technology is a great solution to this problem. Technology can also elevate a student\u27s language learning experience. This mixed methods research sought to see if adding technology, specifically virtual immersion, to a Spanish class would help with the student\u27s vocabulary acquisition. Likert scale surveys and interviews were also implemented to gauge the students\u27 opinions on the virtual immersion process

    Observations of Carbon Export by Small Sinking Particles in the Upper Mesopelagic

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    Carbon and nutrients are transported out of the surface ocean and sequestered at depth by sinking particles. Sinking particle sizes span many orders of magnitude and the relative influence of small particles on carbon export compared to large particles has not been resolved. To determine the influence of particle size on carbon export, the flux of both small (11–64 μm) and large (\u3e 64 μm) particles in the upper mesopelagic was examined during 5 cruises of the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) in the Sargasso Sea using neutrally buoyant sediment traps mounted with tubes containing polyacrylamide gel layers and tubes containing a poisoned brine layer. Particles were also collected in surface-tethered, free-floating traps at higher carbon flux locations in the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic Ocean. Particle sizes spanning three orders of magnitude were resolved in gel samples, included sinking particles as small as 11 μm. At BATS, the number flux of small particles tended to increase with depth, whereas the number flux of large particles tended to decrease with depth. The carbon content of different sized particles could not be modeled by a single set of parameters because the particle composition varied across locations and over time. The modeled carbon flux by small particles at BATS, including all samples and depths, was 39 ± 20% of the modeled total carbon flux, and the percentage increased with depth in 4 out of the 5 months sampled. These results indicate that small particles (\u3c 64 μm) are actively settling in the water column and are an important contributor to carbon flux throughout the mesopelagic. Observations and models that overlook these particles will underestimate the vertical flux of organic matter in the ocean

    Observations of carbon export by small sinking particles in the upper mesopelagic

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Marine Chemistry 175 (2015): 72-81, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2015.02.011.Carbon and nutrients are transported out of the surface ocean and sequestered at depth by sinking particles. Sinking particle sizes span many orders of magnitude and the relative influence of small particles on carbon export compared to large particles has not been resolved. To determine the influence of particle size on carbon export, the flux of both small (11–64 μm) and large (> 64 μm) particles in the upper mesopelagic was examined during 5 cruises of the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) in the Sargasso Sea using neutrally buoyant sediment traps mounted with tubes containing polyacrylamide gel layers and tubes containing a poisoned brine layer. Particles were also collected in surface-tethered, free-floating traps at higher carbon flux locations in the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic Ocean. Particle sizes spanning three orders of magnitude were resolved in gel samples, included sinking particles as small as 11 μm. At BATS, the number flux of small particles tended to increase with depth, whereas the number flux of large particles tended to decrease with depth. The carbon content of different sized particles could not be modeled by a single set of parameters because the particle composition varied across locations and over time. The modeled carbon flux by small particles at BATS, including all samples and depths, was 39 ± 20% of the modeled total carbon flux, and the percentage increased with depth in 4 out of the 5 months sampled. These results indicate that small particles (< 64 μm) are actively settling in the water column and are an important contributor to carbon flux throughout the mesopelagic. Observations and models that overlook these particles will underestimate the vertical flux of organic matter in the ocean.Funding for this study was provided by the National Science Foundation Chemical Oceanography Program (OCE-1260001 and 1406552 to M. L. Estapa) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Devonshire Postdoctoral Scholarship awarded to C. A. Durkin. Funding for the DeepDOM cruise was provided by the National Science Foundation Chemical Oceanography Program (OCE-1154320 to E. B. Kujawinski and K. Longnecker, WHOI)

    Carbon Flux from Bio-optical Profiling Floats: Calibrating Transmissometers for Use as Optical Sediment Traps

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    Our mechanistic understanding of the processes controlling the ocean\u27s biological pump is limited, in part, by our lack of observational data at appropriate timescales. The “optical sediment trap” (OST) technique utilizes a transmissometer on a quasi-Lagrangian platform to collect sedimenting particles. This method could help fill the observational gap by providing autonomous measurements of particulate carbon (PC) flux in the upper mesopelagic ocean at high spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we used a combination of field measurements and laboratory experiments to test hydrodynamic and zooplankton-swimmer effects on the OST method, and we quantitatively calibrated this method against PC flux measured directly in same-platform, neutrally buoyant sediment traps (NBSTs) during 5 monthly cruises at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site. We found a well-correlated, positive relationship (R2 = 0.66, n = 15) between the OST proxy, and the PC flux measured directly using NBSTs. Laboratory tests showed that scattering of light from multiple particles between the source and detector was unlikely to affect OST proxy results. We found that the carbon-specific attenuance of sinking particles was larger than literature values for smaller, suspended particles in the ocean, and consistent with variable carbon:size relationships reported in the literature for sinking particles. We also found evidence for variability in PC flux at high spatiotemporal resolution. Our results are consistent with the literature on particle carbon content and optical properties in the ocean, and support more widespread use of the OST proxy, with proper site-specific and platform-specific calibration, to better understand variability in the ocean biological pump

    The evolution of silicon transporters in diatoms

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of Phycology 52 (2016): 716–731, doi:10.1111/jpy.12441.Diatoms are highly productive single-celled algae that form an intricately patterned silica cell wall after every cell division. They take up and utilize silicic acid from seawater via silicon transporter (SIT) proteins. This study examined the evolution of the SIT gene family to identify potential genetic adaptations that enable diatoms to thrive in the modern ocean. By searching for sequence homologs in available databases, the diversity of organisms found to encode SITs increased substantially and included all major diatom lineages and other algal protists. A bacterial-encoded gene with homology to SIT sequences was also identified, suggesting that a lateral gene transfer event occurred between bacterial and protist lineages. In diatoms, the SIT genes diverged and diversified to produce five distinct clades. The most basal SIT clades were widely distributed across diatom lineages, while the more derived clades were lineage-specific, which together produced a distinct repertoire of SIT types among major diatom lineages. Differences in the predicted protein functional domains encoded among SIT clades suggest that the divergence of clades resulted in functional diversification among SITs. Both laboratory cultures and natural communities changed transcription of each SIT clade in response to experimental or environmental growth conditions, with distinct transcriptional patterns observed among clades. Together, these data suggest that the diversification of SITs within diatoms led to specialized adaptations among diatoms lineages, and perhaps their dominant ability to take up silicic acid from seawater in diverse environmental conditions.Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant Numbers: GBMF2637, GBMF3776; University of Washington; National Science Foundation Grant Number: OCE-120523

    Biological production, export efficiency, and phytoplankton communities across 8000 km of the South Atlantic

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (2017): 1066–1088, doi:10.1002/2016GB005488.In situ oxygen tracers (triple oxygen isotope and oxygen/argon ratios) were used to evaluate meridional trends in surface biological production and export efficiency across ~8000 km of the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic in March–May 2013. We used observations of picophytoplankton, nanophytoplankton, and microphytoplankton to evaluate community structure and diversity and assessed the relationships of these characteristics with production, export efficiency, and particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes. Rates of productivity were relatively uniform along most of the transect with net community production (NCP) between 0 and 10 mmol O2 m−2 d−1, gross primary production (GPP) between 40 and 100 mmol O2 m−2 d−1, and NCP/GPP, a measure of export efficiency, ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 (0.05–0.1 in carbon units). However, notable exceptions to this basin-scale homogeneity included two locations with highly enhanced NCP and export efficiency compared to surrounding regions. Export of POC and particulate nitrogen, derived from sediment traps, correlated with GPP across the transect, over which the surface community was dominated numerically by picophytoplankton. NCP, however, did not correlate with POC flux; the mean difference between NCP and POC flux was similar to published estimates of dissolved organic carbon export from the surface ocean. The interrelated rates of production presented in this work contribute to the understanding, building on the framework of better-studied ocean basins, of how carbon is biologically transported between the atmosphere and the deep ocean.National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Number: OCE 1029676; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant Grant Number: 537.01; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI); WHOI Devonshire Postdoctoral Scholarship; National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship; WHOI Ocean Life Institute; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Ocean and Climate Change Institute NSF Grant Numbers: OCE 1029676, OCE 11543202018-01-1

    Sinking phytoplankton associated with carbon flux in the Atlantic Ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Limnology and Oceanography 61 (2016): 1172–1187, doi:10.1002/lno.10253.The composition of sinking particles and the mechanisms leading to their transport ultimately control how much carbon is naturally sequestered in the deep ocean by the “biological pump.” While detrital particles often contain much of the sinking carbon, sinking of intact phytoplankton cells can also contribute to carbon export, which represents a direct flux of carbon from the atmosphere to the deep ocean by circumventing the surface ocean food web. Phytoplankton that contributed to carbon flux were identified in sinking material collected by short-term sediment trap deployments conducted along a transect off the eastern shore of South America. Particulate organic carbon flux at 125 m depth did not change significantly along the transect. Instead, changes occurred in the composition and association of phytoplankton with detrital particles. The fluxes of diatoms, coccolithophores, dinoflagellates, and nano-sized cells at 125 m were unrelated to the overlying surface population abundances, indicating that functional-group specific transport mechanisms were variable across locations. The dominant export mechanism of phytoplankton at each station was putatively identified by principal component analysis and fell into one of three categories; (1) transport and sinking of individual, viable diatom cells, (2) transport by aggregates and fecal pellets, or (3) enhanced export of coccolithophores through direct settling and/or aggregationFunding for the DeepDOM cruise was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant OCE-1154320 to E. B. Kujawinski and K. Longnecker, WHOI. Partial research support was provided by NSF through grants OCE-0925284, and OCE-1316036 to S.T. Dyhrman. C.A. Durkin was supported by a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Devonshire Postdoctoral Scholarship

    Biogenic sinking particle fluxes and sediment trap collection efficiency at Ocean Station Papa

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Estapa, M., Buesseler, K., Durkin, C. A., Omand, M., Benitez-Nelson, C. R., Roca-Marti, M., Breves, E., Kelly, R. P., & Pike, S. Biogenic sinking particle fluxes and sediment trap collection efficiency at Ocean Station Papa. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1), (2021): 00122, https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2020.00122.Comprehensive field observations characterizing the biological carbon pump (BCP) provide the foundation needed to constrain mechanistic models of downward particulate organic carbon (POC) flux in the ocean. Sediment traps were deployed three times during the EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing campaign at Ocean Station Papa in August–September 2018. We propose a new method to correct sediment trap sample contamination by zooplankton “swimmers.” We consider the advantages of polyacrylamide gel collectors to constrain swimmer influence and estimate the magnitude of possible trap biases. Measured sediment trap fluxes of thorium-234 are compared to water column measurements to assess trap performance and estimate the possible magnitude of fluxes by vertically migrating zooplankton that bypassed traps. We found generally low fluxes of sinking POC (1.38 ± 0.77 mmol C m–2 d–1 at 100 m, n = 9) that included high and variable contributions by rare, large particles. Sinking particle sizes generally decreased between 100 and 335 m. Measured 234Th fluxes were smaller than water column 234Th fluxes by a factor of approximately 3. Much of this difference was consistent with trap undersampling of both small (1 mm) and with zooplankton active migrant fluxes. The fraction of net primary production exported below the euphotic zone (0.1% light level; Ez-ratio = 0.10 ± 0.06; ratio uncertainties are propagated from measurements with n = 7–9) was consistent with prior, late summer studies at Station P, as was the fraction of material exported to 100 m below the base of the euphotic zone (T100, 0.55 ± 0.35). While both the Ez-ratio and T100 parameters varied weekly, their product, which we interpret as overall BCP efficiency, was remarkably stable (0.055 ± 0.010), suggesting a tight coupling between production and recycling at Station P.The authors would like to acknowledge funding support from the NASA EXPORTS program (Award 80NSSC17K0662) for all sediment trap data presented here. Net primary production data collection was supported by EXPORTS (Award 80NSSC17K568) to Oregon State University. Thorium data collection was supported by EXPORTS (Award 80NSSC17K0555) to KB, CRBN, and L. Resplandy

    The Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource improves performance of practical skills: A controlled trial

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    Background: E-learning is a common and popular mode of educational delivery, but little is known about its effectiveness in teaching practical skills. The aim of this study was to determine whether the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource in addition to usual teaching improved the performance of practical skills in physiotherapy students. Method: This study was a non-randomised controlled trial. The participants were graduate entry physiotherapy students enrolled in consecutive semesters of a neurological physiotherapy unit of study. The experimental group received the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource as well as usual teaching. The Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource is an online resource incorporating (i) video-clips of patient-therapist simulations; (ii) supportive text describing the aim, rationale, equipment, key points, common errors and methods of progression; and (iii) a downloadable PDF document incorporating the online text information and a still image of the video-clip for each practical skill. The control group received usual teaching only. The primary outcomes were the overall performance of practical skills as well as their individual components, measured using a practical examination. Results: The implementation of the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource resulted in an increase of 1.6 out of 25 (95% CI -0.1 to 3.3) in the experimental group compared with the control group. In addition, the experimental group scored 0.5 points out of 4 (95% CI 0 to 1.1) higher than the control group for 'effectiveness of the practical skill' and 0.6 points out of 4 (95% CI 0.1 to 1.1) higher for 'rationale for the practical skill'. Conclusion: There was improvement in performance of practical skills in students who had access to the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource in addition to usual teaching. Students considered the resource to be very useful for learning.7 page(s