35 research outputs found

    Plan B

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    The main objective of this project is to build an android application which can help people plan an event or hangout based on all the available time slots of each and every one participating in the event and come up with an optimized time slot. In this way the communication between each and every one participating will be easier and saves a lot of time and cuts down unnecessary discussion. Based on the user’s likings the application can come up with suggestions in future, such as movie recommendation, a new restaurant opened

    Case report on tuberous sclerosis

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    Tuberous sclerosis is a genetic multisystem disorder characterized by widespread hamartomas in several organs, including the brain, heart, skin, eyes, kidney, lung and liver.  The affected genes are TSC1 and TSC2, encoding hamartin and tuberin respectively.  Most features of tuberous sclerosis become evident only in childhood, limiting their usefulness for early diagnosis. We report a case of 3months old female child with seizures and hypo-pigmented skin lesions. The case is rare as it is documented in a family affected continuously in three generations involving four members

    Drug utilization pattern among geriatrics according to anatomical therapeutic chemical and defined daily dose classification in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: This study was conducted to determine the drug utilization pattern among geriatric inpatients in general medicine department of the hospital.Methods: An observational, prospective study was conducted for a period of six months (November 2016 to April 2017) among 200 geriatric patients; demographic details, education, occupation, diagnosis and drug details were recorded. The drugs were categorized by anatomical therapeutic classification (ATC) and defined daily dose (DDD) was calculated. The World Health Organization (WHO) prescribing indicators were assessed.Results: The majority of the patients (59%) were in age group of 60-69 years. Cardiovascular diseases were common among geriatrics. Most commonly prescribed drug was Pantoprazole (81.7%). Drugs were assigned with ATC/DDD codes according to the guidelines of WHO. Drugs prescribed by their generic names were 56.64% and 43% of drugs that were included in the National Essential Medicines List.Conclusions: Clinical pharmacist have to collaborate and work together with physicians in selecting and adjusting the dose among geriatric population in order to reduce development of potential adverse drug reactions, serious drug related complications and drug interaction

    A pharmacovigilance study of antiretroviral therapy in HIV positive out patients at a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Anti-Retroviral Therapy regimen (ART) is the only treatment option for treating the HIV positive patients for improving the immune system by increasing the CD4 cells. But eventually these medications lead to development of some Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) in seropositive patients under treatment.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted for 6 months from March to August 2018 at ART Centre, Sri Venkateswara Ramnarayan Ruya Government General Hospital (SVRRGGH), Tirupati.Results: Out of 216 ADRs identified, majority where identified in females (54.35%). Most common regimen caused ADR was tenofovir+ lamivudine+ efavirenz (TLE) (55.55%). Data were analysed using the chi-square test were P-value was found to be 0.0024. Majority of ADRs were found in patients of age group between 31-35years was found to be 45 (20.83%) followed by age group between 41-45years was found to be 40 (18.51%). Most of the ADRs were related to central nervous system (27.31%) followed by metabolic disorders (26.38%), hematologic system (23.14%), gastrointestinal system (12.96%), dermatologic system (9.25%), renal system (0.46%) and musculoskeletal system (0.46%). On evaluation of WHO-UMC causality of ADRs, majority were found to be possible (78.7%). The Hartwig and Siegel’s severity assessment scale showed that most of the ADRs were mild (64.42%). The Schumock and Thornton preventability scale showed that 50.92% patients ADRs were probably preventable.Conclusions: As most of the ADRs were observed in patients receiving TLE regimen. So, patients receiving TLE regimen need intensive monitoring. Doctors, nurses, pharmacist must focus on early detection and prevention of ADRs, based on their severity

    Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant, Antistress, and Nootropic Activities of Aqueous and Methanolic Seed Extracts of Ladies Finger ( Abelmoschus esculentus

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    Abelmoschus esculentus L. (ladies finger, okra) is a well-known tropical vegetable, widely planted from Africa to Asia and from South Europe to America. In the present study, we investigated the in vitro antioxidant capacity and in vivo protective effect of the aqueous and methanolic seed extracts of Abelmoschus esculentus against scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment using passive avoidance task and acute restraining stress-induced behavioural and biochemical changes using elevated plus maze (EPM) and forced swimming test (FST) in mice. Our results demonstrated that the pretreatment of mice with aqueous and methanolic seed extracts of Abelmoschus esculentus (200 mg/kg, p.o.) for seven days significantly (P< 0.01) attenuated scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment in the passive avoidance test. In addition, these extracts significantly reduced the blood glucose, corticosterone, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels elevated by acute restraint stress and also significantly increased the time spent in open arm in EPM and decreased the immobility time in FST. It has also been revealed that these extracts showed a significant antioxidant activity and no signs of toxicity or death up to a dose of 2000 mg/kg, p.o. These results suggest that the seed extracts of Abelmoschus esculentus L. possess antioxidant, antistress, and nootropic activities which promisingly support the medicinal values of ladies finger as a vegetable

    Wave conditions and wave-induced longshore currents in the nearshore zone off Krishnapatnam

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    61-67Wave conditions along Krishnapatnam Coast (lat. 14°15'N and long. 80°07'E) have been evaluated and discussed. Wave refraction diagrams have been constructed for the average wave conditions and the wave energy distribution along the coast has been critically examined. Longshore currents due to oblique wave approach and due to wave breaker height variations have been computed separately and the character of the resultant currents in the nearshore zone has been established. Stability of the coastal inlet near Krishnapatnam in relation to the currents in the region is also discussed

    Wave Forecasting Methods & Their Applicability - A Case Study Off Visakhapatnam

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    45-50SMB and PNJ methods of wave forecasting have been applied with some modifications for hindcasting waves in a case study, during the transit of a cyclone over Bay of Bengal. Significant wave periods calculated by these methods are completely different, out of which SMB periods are in good agreement with the observed wave periods in shallow water. Significant wave heights computed by the 2 methods are almost of the same order and well comparable wind each other. However, SMB method is preferable since forecasting curves are available for higher wind speeds also and the resultant values are in better agreement with observed data. Wave heights in shallow water calculated for f = 0.02 seem to agree well with the observed values in both these methods

    Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Ozonated Sesame Oil, Calcium Hydroxide and their Combination as Intracanal Medicament against Candida Albicans: An in-vitro study

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    Aim: This in vitro study was done to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of intracanal medicament in root canals contaminated with Candida albicans. Materials and Method : Twenty four extracted human single rooted teeth were selected. Access preparations and biomechanical preparations were done. Specimens were first sterilized and contaminated with Candida and incubated for 48hrs. Confirmation of Candida was done and then divided into 3 experimental groups and 2 control groups. The experimental groups were having 6 teeth each and they were treated with A) Ozonised oil, B) Calcium hydroxide, C) Ozonised oil + Calcium hydroxide respectively. The control groups were further subdivided in 1) Negative control and 2) Positive control with two teeth each. Intracanal medicament was placed into each root canal corresponding to the groups. First sampling was done after 48hrs and second or final sampling was done after one week of placement of intracanal medicament. Microbial growth was checked by counting CFU (Colony forming units). Results: In the first sampling ozonised oil was 100% efficient followed by Calcium hydroxide group while combination of Ozonised oil + Calcium hydroxide showed similar results. In the second or final sampling after one week ozonised oil was highly efficient when compared to other groups. Calcium hydroxide was moderately efficient whereas combination of ozonised oil + calcium hydroxide was least effective as it showed highest CFU/ml. Conclusion : Ozonised oil was most effective for longer duration when compared to other groups and can be used as an alternative intracanal medicament