5 research outputs found

    A note on the simultaneous edge coloring

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a graph. A (proper) kk-edge-coloring is a coloring of the edges of GG such that any pair of edges sharing an endpoint receive distinct colors. A classical result of Vizing ensures that any simple graph GG admits a (Δ(G)+1)(\Delta(G)+1)-edge coloring where Δ(G)\Delta(G) denotes the maximum degreee of GG. Recently, Cabello raised the following question: given two graphs G1,G2G_1,G_2 of maximum degree Δ\Delta on the same set of vertices VV, is it possible to edge-color their (edge) union with Δ+2\Delta+2 colors in such a way the restriction of GG to respectively the edges of G1G_1 and the edges of G2G_2 are edge-colorings? More generally, given ℓ\ell graphs, how many colors do we need to color their union in such a way the restriction of the coloring to each graph is proper? In this short note, we prove that we can always color the union of the graphs G1,…,GℓG_1,\ldots,G_\ell of maximum degree Δ\Delta with Ω(ℓ⋅Δ)\Omega(\sqrt{\ell} \cdot \Delta) colors and that there exist graphs for which this bound is tight up to a constant multiplicative factor. Moreover, for two graphs, we prove that at most 32Δ+4\frac 32 \Delta +4 colors are enough which is, as far as we know, the best known upper bound

    Incidence, a Scoring Positional Game on Graphs

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    Positional games have been introduced by Hales and Jewett in 1963 and have been extensively investigated in the literature since then. These games are played on a hypergraph where two players alternately select an unclaimed vertex of it. In the Maker-Breaker convention, if Maker manages to fully take a hyperedge, she wins, otherwise, Breaker is the winner. In the Maker-Maker convention, the first player to take a hyperedge wins. In both cases, the game stops as soon as Maker has taken a hyperedge. By definition, this family of games does not handle scores and cannot represent games in which players want to maximize a quantity. In this work, we introduce scoring positional games, that consist in playing on a hypergraph until all the vertices are claimed, and by defining the score as the number of hyperedges a player has fully taken. We focus here on Incidence, a scoring positional game played on a 2-uniform hypergraph, i.e. an undirected graph. In this game, two players alternately claim the vertices of a graph and score the number of edges for which they own both end vertices. In the Maker-Breaker version, Maker aims at maximizing the number of edges she owns, while Breaker aims at minimizing it. In the Maker-Maker version, both players try to take more edges than their opponent. We first give some general results on scoring positional games such that their membership in Milnor's universe and some general bounds on the score. We prove that, surprisingly, computing the score in the Maker-Breaker version of Incidence is PSPACE-complete whereas in the Maker-Maker convention, the relative score can be obtained in polynomial time. In addition, for the Maker-Breaker convention, we give a formula for the score on paths by using some equivalences due to Milnor's universe. This result implies that the score on cycles can also be computed in polynomial time

    A note on the simultaneous edge coloring

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    International audienc

    Extremal Independent Set Reconfiguration

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    International audienceThe independent set reconfiguration problem asks whether one can transform one given independent set of a graph into another, by changing vertices one by one in such a way the intermediate sets remain independent. Extremal problems on independent sets are widely studied: for example, it is well known that an nn-vertex graph has at most 3n/33^{n/3} maximum independent sets (and this is tight). This paper investigates the asymptotic behavior of maximum possible length of a shortest reconfiguration sequence for independent sets of size kk among all nn-vertex graphs. We give a tight bound for k=2k=2. We also provide a subquadratic upper bound (using the hypergraph removal lemma) as well as an almost tight construction for k=3k=3. We generalize our results for larger values of kk by proving an n2⌊k/3⌋n^{2\lfloor k/3 \rfloor} lower bound

    Incidence, a Scoring Positional Game on Graphs

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    Positional games have been introduced by Hales and Jewett in 1963 and have been extensively investigated in the literature since then. These games are played on a hypergraph where two players alternately select an unclaimed vertex of it. In the Maker-Breaker convention, if Maker manages to fully take a hyperedge, she wins, otherwise, Breaker is the winner. In the Maker-Maker convention, the first player to take a hyperedge wins. In both cases, the game stops as soon as Maker has taken a hyperedge. By definition, this family of games does not handle scores and cannot represent games in which players want to maximize a quantity. In this work, we introduce scoring positional games, that consist in playing on a hypergraph until all the vertices are claimed, and by defining the score as the number of hyperedges a player has fully taken. We focus here on Incidence, a scoring positional game played on a 2-uniform hypergraph, i.e. an undirected graph. In this game, two players alternately claim the vertices of a graph and score the number of edges for which they own both end vertices. In the Maker-Breaker version, Maker aims at maximizing the number of edges she owns, while Breaker aims at minimizing it. In the Maker-Maker version, both players try to take more edges than their opponent. We first give some general results on scoring positional games such that their membership in Milnor's universe and some general bounds on the score. We prove that, surprisingly, computing the score in the Maker-Breaker version of Incidence is PSPACE-complete whereas in the Maker-Maker convention, the relative score can be obtained in polynomial time. In addition, for the Maker-Breaker convention, we give a formula for the score on paths by using some equivalences due to Milnor's universe. This result implies that the score on cycles can also be computed in polynomial time