15 research outputs found

    Quand les ergonomes sont sortis du laboratoire.... à propos du travail des femmes dans l’industrie électronique (1963 – 1973)

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    Cette réflexion collective sur la première recherche « de terrain » (il y a 40 ans !) des ergonomes du Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris), associe des syndicalistes (« demandeurs ») et des ergonomes (« réalisateurs »). Elle vise à reconstituer le déroulement de cette expérience commune et à tirer des enseignements concernant action syndicale, production des connaissances ergonomiques et transformation du travail. Par le mode d’entrée des chercheurs dans l’entreprise, l’élaboration progressive de la démarche, la production de connaissances inattendues sur le travail réel et ses effets sur la santé, cette recherche sur le travail des femmes ouvrières de la production de masse marque un tournant épistémologique en ergonomie. Obligeant à inventer de nouvelles méthodes, de nouvelles postures de recherche en reconnaissant « l’expertise ouvrière », de nouveaux modèles de l’activité de travail, elle jette les bases d’une dynamique « tourbillonnaire » prolongée jusqu’aujourd’hui fondée sur la coopération entre acteurs et articulant recherche, formation et action. Développements et limites sont aussi soulignés.This collective reflection on the first field study (40 years ago!) conducted by ergonomists from Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris) is produced jointly by union representatives who requested the research and by ergonomists who conducted it. The aim is to piece together the flow of events in this common experience and to draw lessons about union action, the production of ergonomic knowledge, and work transformation. This research project on the work of female mass production workers marked an epistemological turning point in ergonomics, due to a number of factors: how the researchers entered the workplace, the progressive development of the research process, and the production of unexpected knowledge on the « real » work and its effects on health. New methods, a new research position recognizing « workers’ expertise », and new models of the work activity had to be developed. The study then established the foundation for an ongoing dynamics based on cooperation between the different actors, and linking research, training and action. Developments and limitations are also discussed.Esta reflexión colectiva sobre la primera investigación « de terreno » (hace 40 años !) de los ergónomos del Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris), asocia a los sindicalistas (« solicitantes ») y a los ergónomos (« realizadores »). La reflexión pretende reconstituir el desarrollo de esta experiencia común y obtener lecciones sobre la acción sindical, la producción de los conocimientos ergonómicos y la transformación del trabajo. Esta investigación sobre el trabajo de las obreras de la producción en masa marca un hito epistemológico en ergonomía por el modo de entrada de los investigadores en la empresa, la elaboración progresiva del proceso de investigación y la producción de conocimientos inesperados sobre el trabajo real y sus efectos sobre la salud. Obligando a inventar nuevos métodos, nuevas posturas en la investigación que reconocen el « conocimiento obrero », nuevos modelos de la actividad de trabajo, esta reflexión sienta las bases de una dinámica « en torbellino » que se prolonga hasta hoy fundada en la cooperación entre actores y articulando investigación, formación y acción. Se discuten también las perspectivas y los límites

    Santé au travail, santé du travail

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    Texte issu d'une communicationInternational audienceThe author tackles the issue of the prevention model which practices refer to, be ti consciously or unconsciously. That model seems exhausted, for it is no longer able to guarantee the cohesion and clarity of the actions of the preventors who find themselves in great difficulty. Now the point is not to carry out a refurbishment of what there is but truly to refresh the very concept of prevention. The point here is not to supplement the existing tool box or to generate an umpteenth approach but to drastically change the approach. Mobilising the wealth of experience accumulated by the preventors will bring about the renewal required for such a change of paradigm.L’auteur remet sur le métier la question du modèle de prévention auquel consciemment ou inconsciemment se réfèrent les pratiques. Ce modèle semble épuisé, car il n’est plus à même d’assurer la cohérence et la lisibilité de l’action des préventeurs qui, de ce fait, sont mis eux-mêmes en grande difficulté. Il ne s’agit pas aujourd’hui de procéder à un aménagement de ce qui existe mais bien de renouveler la conception même de la prévention. Il ne s’agit pas de compléter la boîte à outils, ni d’inventer une énième approche, mais de changer radicalement l’angle d’attaque. C’est en mobilisant l’expérience accumulée des préventeurs que les changements de paradigmes qu’implique ce renouvellement sera possible.O autor coloca ao ofício a questão do modelo de prevenção, ao qual consciente ou inconscientemente as práticas se referem. Este modelo parece esgotado, pois não assegura mais a coerência e a lisibilidade da ação dos preventores, que por isso encontram-se numa situação de grande dificuldade. Não se trata mais hoje de proceder a um arranjo do existente, mas sim de renovar a própria concepção da prevenção. Não se trata de completar a caixa de ferramentas, nem de inventar uma enésima abordagem, mas de mudar radicalmente o ângulo de ataque. É através da mobilização da experiência acumulada dos preventores que as mudanças de paradigma que implicam esta renovação serão possíveis

    Santé au travail, santé du travail

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    Texte issu d'une communicationInternational audienceThe author tackles the issue of the prevention model which practices refer to, be ti consciously or unconsciously. That model seems exhausted, for it is no longer able to guarantee the cohesion and clarity of the actions of the preventors who find themselves in great difficulty. Now the point is not to carry out a refurbishment of what there is but truly to refresh the very concept of prevention. The point here is not to supplement the existing tool box or to generate an umpteenth approach but to drastically change the approach. Mobilising the wealth of experience accumulated by the preventors will bring about the renewal required for such a change of paradigm.L’auteur remet sur le métier la question du modèle de prévention auquel consciemment ou inconsciemment se réfèrent les pratiques. Ce modèle semble épuisé, car il n’est plus à même d’assurer la cohérence et la lisibilité de l’action des préventeurs qui, de ce fait, sont mis eux-mêmes en grande difficulté. Il ne s’agit pas aujourd’hui de procéder à un aménagement de ce qui existe mais bien de renouveler la conception même de la prévention. Il ne s’agit pas de compléter la boîte à outils, ni d’inventer une énième approche, mais de changer radicalement l’angle d’attaque. C’est en mobilisant l’expérience accumulée des préventeurs que les changements de paradigmes qu’implique ce renouvellement sera possible.O autor coloca ao ofício a questão do modelo de prevenção, ao qual consciente ou inconscientemente as práticas se referem. Este modelo parece esgotado, pois não assegura mais a coerência e a lisibilidade da ação dos preventores, que por isso encontram-se numa situação de grande dificuldade. Não se trata mais hoje de proceder a um arranjo do existente, mas sim de renovar a própria concepção da prevenção. Não se trata de completar a caixa de ferramentas, nem de inventar uma enésima abordagem, mas de mudar radicalmente o ângulo de ataque. É através da mobilização da experiência acumulada dos preventores que as mudanças de paradigma que implicam esta renovação serão possíveis

    UM ROBÔ, O TRABALHO E OS QUEIJOS: ALGUMAS REFLEXÕES SOBRE O PONTO DE VISTA DO TRABALHO / A robot, the work and the cheeses: some reflections on the point of view of the work

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    Através de histórias reais, coletadas na experiência como ergonomista na França, o autor discute questões tais como: o que é trabalhar? Quais são os saberes engendrados no próprio ato de trabalho? Como eles se constituem e se transmitem? Quais são os limites de um conhecimento sobre o trabalho que não prescinde de sua própria experiência? Ao longo do texto, vamos compreendendo melhor o quanto é central a experiência de trabalho para o funcionamento de qualquer empreendimento. Entretanto, o autor não visa apenas respostas teóricas a tais questões, pois é refletindo conosco sobre tais questões que nos alerta para a importância de conhecer o trabalho do ponto de vista da atividade daqueles que o realizam que podemos transformá-lo de um ponto de vista prático

    Array of Resonant Electromechanical Nanosystems: A Technological Breakthrough for Uncooled Infrared Imaging

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    Microbolometers arethe most common uncooled infrared techniques that allow 50 mK-temperature resolution to be achieved on-scene. However, this approach struggles with both self-heating, which is inherent to the resistive readout principle, and 1/f noise. We present an alternative approach that consists of using micro/nanoresonators vibrating according to a torsional mode, and whose resonant frequency changes with the incident IR-radiation. Dense arrays of such electromechanical structures were fabricated with a 12 µm pitch at low temperature, allowing their integration on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuits according to a post-processing method. H-shape pixels with 9 µm-long nanorods and a cross-section of 250 nm × 30 nm were fabricated to provide large thermal responses, whose experimental measurements reached up to 1024 Hz/nW. These electromechanical resonators featured a noise equivalent power of 140 pW for a response time of less than 1 ms. To our knowledge, these performances are unrivaled with such small dimensions. We also showed that a temperature sensitivity of 20 mK within a 100 ms integration time is conceivable at a 12 µm pitch by co-integrating the resonators with their readout electronics, and suggesting a new readout scheme. This sensitivity could be reached short-term by depositing on top of the nanorods a vanadium oxide layer that had a phase-transition that could possibly enhance the thermal response by one order of magnitude

    12 − μ m -Pitch Electromechanical Resonator for Thermal Sensing

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    International audienceWe provide here a demonstration of 12-mu m-pitch nanoelectromechanical resonant infrared sensors with fully integrated capacitive transduction. A low-temperature fabrication process is used to manufacture torsional resonator arrays. An H-shaped pixel with 9-mu m-long nanorods and (250 x 30)-nm(2) cross section is designed to provide high thermal response whose experimental measurements reach up to 1024 Hz/nW. A mechanical dynamic range of over 113 dB is obtained, which leads to an Allan deviation of sigma(A) = 3 x 10(-7) at room temperature and 50-Hz noise bandwidth (sigma(A) = 1.5 x 10(-7) over 10 Hz). These features allow us to reach a sensitivity of (8-12)-mu m radiation of 27 pW/root Hz leading to a noise-equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of 2 K for a 50-Hz noise bandwidth (NETD = 1.5 K at 10 Hz). We demonstrate that the resolution is no more set by the phonon noise but by the anomalous phase noise already encountered in flexural nanoresonators. By both improving the temperature coefficient of frequency of a factor 10 and using a readout electronics at the pixel level, these resonators will lead to a breakthrough for uncooled infrared detectors. We expect that the NETD will rapidly drop to 180 mK with electronics close to the pixel. As a result of the features of our torsional resonators, an alternative readout scheme of pixels is suggested