12 research outputs found

    De l’obscur officier seigneurial au juge de paix célébré par la nation

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    Dans le nouvel ordre judiciaire édifié par les constituants en 1790, ce sont les juges de paix qui incarnent le mieux l’idée de « régénération » de la justice. Notables élus par leurs pairs en assemblée cantonale, ces citoyens sont des juges de proximité hissés à une fonction hautement respectable et respectée qu’explicite leur titulature. Ils remplacent, dans la reddition de la justice locale, le seigneur, et surtout le « juge de village » honni des libellistes et des publicistes héritiers de Charles Loyseau. Pourtant, il n’est pas rare de trouver en Dauphiné des juges de paix qui aient officié dans les justices seigneuriales avant 1789. À partir de dépouillements effectués dans les séries B et L des archives départementales de l’Isère, je me propose de présenter ces hommes de l’ombre qui servaient la justice des seigneurs et que la Révolution a élevés au rang de « magistrats du peuple » (Bailly).Duquesne Quentin. De l’obscur officier seigneurial au juge de paix célébré par la nation. In: Être reconnu en son temps : personnalités et notables aux Temps modernes. Actes du 134e Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, « Célèbres ou obscurs : hommes et femmes dans leurs territoires et leur histoire », Bordeaux, 2009. Paris : Editions du CTHS, 2012. pp. 175-187. (Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, 134-10

    The impact of Basel III and Solvency II on the French banking system

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    Basel III和Solvency II 對法國銀行系統的影響Following the 2008 financial crisis and the 2010 European Sovereign crisis, regulators and supervisors were urged to improve and reinforce the regulation of the banking system in order to prevent and assist banks from failing and provoking a system-wide crisis. Similarly some measures have been taken to regulate and reinforce the insurance industry in the EU. Basel III accords have been set up as an emergency measure and response to the financial crisis that hit the world in 2008 following a liquidity crisis that has started in 2007. Basel II framework had never been made to resist a system wide crisis and was not anymore effective in regulating the banking industry following the important deregulations that happened in the 2000s. Similarly to Basel, the primary goal of Solvency II is to prevent (with a 99.5% probability or 1 chance over 200) a company from ceasing payments and/or going bankruptcy. It has therefore introduced a complete framework relying as well on three pillars which have been adapted to the constraints and specificities of the insurance industry. Bank-insurances which are companies offering both insurance and banking services are therefore subject to both regulations. Moreover despite increasing their offerings, bank-insurer have to adapt to a complex maturing environment. The future of their business strongly depends upon their strategic choices regarding growth, profitability and mandatory compliance to regulation. They need to start and/or accelerate their transformation strategy in order to take into account this changing environment. The regulations are becoming more binding and therefore questioning the model of a global bank (as the banks have to increase their level of required capital). Despite these challenges, they still have an important role to play on the French Market

    Choke flutter instability sources tracking with linearized calculations

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    International audiencePurpose :The choke flutter is a fluid-structure interaction that can lead to the failure of fan or compressor blade in turbojet engines. In Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) fan, the choke flutter appears at part speed regimes and at low or negative incidence when a strong shock-wave chokes the blade to blade channel. Localization of main excitation sources and the understanding of the different work exchange mechanisms will help to avoid deficient and dangerous fan design. Design/methodology/approach :In this paper, an UHBR fan is analyzed using a time-linearized Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation solver to investigate the choke flutter. The steady state and the imposed vibration (inter blade phase angle, reduced frequency and mode shape) are selected to be in choke flutter situation. Superposition principle induced by the linearization allow to decompose the blade in numerous small subsections to track the contribution of each local vibration to the global damping. All simulations have been performed on a 2D blade to blade extraction. Findings :Result analysis points to a restricted number of excitation sources at the trailing edge which induce a large part of the work exchange in a limited region of the airfoil. Main phenomena suspected are the shock-wave motion and the shock-wave/boundary layer interaction. Originality/value :An original excitation source tracking methodology allowed by the linearized calculation is addressed and applied to a UHBR fan test-case

    Effect of frozen turbulence assumption on the local blades vibration on the choke flutter instability in transonic UHBR fan

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    International audienceThe choke utter can lead to the failure of fan or compressor blade in turbojet engines. Choke utter appears when a strong shock-wave chokes the blade to blade channel. In UHBR fan, choke utter appears at part speed regimes and at low or negative incidence. In this paper, the choke utter instability is analyzed based on the resolution of time-linearized Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes on a 2D blade to blade extraction of an Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) fan named ECL5v1. An analytical motion of rotation of the airfoil around its leading edge, without the deformation of the blade surface is imposed to a typical choke utter fan operating condition. For a selected Inter Blade Phase Angle (IBPA=90 •) and selected reduced frequency (0.15), choke utter instability happens. The blade vibration is decomposed in a large set of subsection to determine the main local utter sources. This paper aims to analyze the eect of the turbulence modelling on the position of the main local utter sources and on the work exchange along the blade. Two cases are considered, with the frozen turbulence assumption or with the linerization of the turbulence model. The results locate the main local utter sources at the same position, with the same work exchange direction but with a modulation of the work exchange magnitude. Amplication or restriction of the magnitude seems to be linked to the steady ow phenomena around both the excitation source and the receptor

    Effect of nodal diameter on the local blades vibration on the choke flutter instability in transonic UHBR fan

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    International audienceFor some blade vibration situation (frequency, modeshape and nodal diameter) and some operating condition, the flow around a fan blade can amplify the natural vibration of the blade. This effect can lead to the failure of the blade. In this paper, the choke flutter instability is analysed based on the resolution of time-linearised Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes on a 2D blade to blade extraction of an Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) fan named ECL5v1. The flow condition corresponds to choke flutter typical situation : a strong shockwave chokes the blade to blade channel. The blade vibration is represented by analytical motion of rotation of the profile around its leading edge. For a low reduced frequency (0.15), and certain Inter Blade Phase Angle (at 90°, equivalent to a nodal diameter at 4), choke flutter instability happens. In this case of flutter instability, a method of vibration decomposition has been performed. That has allowed the determination of the main local flutter sources and the main zones excited by each source. Two main work exchange sources are located side by side on the pressure side near the trailing edge. Both sources induce a work exchange at the traversing shockwave, particularly on the suction side where a flow separation happens. Next, the effect of the nodal diameter variation on these two main sources and their corresponding zone of work exchange are investigated in the range from -6 to 6. Flutter sources exist at a similar position and with the same work exchange sign for the different nodal diameter but their work exchange magnitude are modified. Different pressure wave propagation mechanisms are suspected to explain this evolution

    Local contribution of blades vibration on the choke flutter instability in transonic UHBR fan

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    International audienceIn this paper, an Ultra High Bypass Ratio fan is analyzed using a time-linearized Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation solver to investigate the choke flutter. Simulations have been performed on a 2D blade to blade extraction. The steady flow exhibits a strong shock-wave which chokes the blade to blade channel. A flow separation zone can be noticed near the shock-wave on the suction side. The inter blade phase angle (IBPA) and the reduced frequency have been set to obtain a case with a choke flutter instability. The blade is decomposed in 424 subsections to track the contribution of local vibration to the global damping. Results analysis point to a restricted number of excitation sources at the trailing edge which induce a large part of the work exchange on a limited region of the airfoil. Main phenomena suspected are the shock-wave motion and the shock-wave / boundary layer interaction

    Effect of nodal diameter on the local blades vibration on the choke flutter instability in transonic UHBR fan

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    International audienceFor some blade vibration situation (frequency, modeshape and nodal diameter) and some operating condition, the flow around a fan blade can amplify the natural vibration of the blade. This effect can lead to the failure of the blade. In this paper, the choke flutter instability is analysed based on the resolution of time-linearised Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes on a 2D blade to blade extraction of an Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) fan named ECL5v1. The flow condition corresponds to choke flutter typical situation : a strong shockwave chokes the blade to blade channel. The blade vibration is represented by analytical motion of rotation of the profile around its leading edge. For a low reduced frequency (0.15), and certain Inter Blade Phase Angle (at 90°, equivalent to a nodal diameter at 4), choke flutter instability happens. In this case of flutter instability, a method of vibration decomposition has been performed. That has allowed the determination of the main local flutter sources and the main zones excited by each source. Two main work exchange sources are located side by side on the pressure side near the trailing edge. Both sources induce a work exchange at the traversing shockwave, particularly on the suction side where a flow separation happens. Next, the effect of the nodal diameter variation on these two main sources and their corresponding zone of work exchange are investigated in the range from -6 to 6. Flutter sources exist at a similar position and with the same work exchange sign for the different nodal diameter but their work exchange magnitude are modified. Different pressure wave propagation mechanisms are suspected to explain this evolution

    Local contribution of blades vibration on the choke flutter instability in transonic UHBR fan

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    International audienceIn this paper, an Ultra High Bypass Ratio fan is analyzed using a time-linearized Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation solver to investigate the choke flutter. Simulations have been performed on a 2D blade to blade extraction. The steady flow exhibits a strong shock-wave which chokes the blade to blade channel. A flow separation zone can be noticed near the shock-wave on the suction side. The inter blade phase angle (IBPA) and the reduced frequency have been set to obtain a case with a choke flutter instability. The blade is decomposed in 424 subsections to track the contribution of local vibration to the global damping. Results analysis point to a restricted number of excitation sources at the trailing edge which induce a large part of the work exchange on a limited region of the airfoil. Main phenomena suspected are the shock-wave motion and the shock-wave / boundary layer interaction

    Justice et sociétés rurales

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    Si les violences et les conflits ruraux ont fait l’objet d’importants travaux, il n’en est pas de même pour la justice. En effet, « la justice à la campagne » a été en grande partie délaissée par la recherche. Or la notion de justice, placée aujourd’hui au centre de nombreux travaux et réflexions, tant à l’échelle européenne qu’à l’échelle internationale, s’avère ambivalente et complexe puisqu’elle peut aller de la demande d’une meilleure justice sociale à la volonté de saisir les inégalités socio-spatiales afin d’assurer des aménagements du territoire qui correspondent aux aspirations des acteurs. Dans les perceptions communes, la justice se confond avec l’institution judiciaire, c’est-à-dire avec le « système des tribunaux », mais elle déborde le seul examen de l’appareil judicaire. Prise dans l’univers des sociétés rurales, la justice est un outil de régulation sociale et d’arbitrage, mais elle est aussi prise dans une multiplicité d’usages, depuis les stratégies d’évitement jusqu’à des processus d’instrumentalisation en passant par des formes d’ignorance réciproques. Pour aborder ce vaste champ de recherche, trois entrées ont été privilégiées. La première traite plus particulièrement de la justice spatiale et de l’équité des territoires. La deuxième aborde la question de la proximité et du pluralisme, la troisième et dernière est consacrée aux processus d’instrumentalisation et d’accommodation. Le présent ouvrage, issu des travaux de chercheurs venant de plusieurs disciplines (histoire, droit, sociologie, géographie, histoire de l’art) a pour ambition de confronter les approches, de rendre compte de la vitalité de la recherche et des enjeux qu’elle révèle en les inscrivant dans la longue durée, de la fin de l’Ancien Régime à nos jours