1,159 research outputs found

    lntelligence and Military Operations

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    We have discovered that the brown dwarf WISEJ014656.66+423410.0 is a close binary (0.0875±\pm0.0021 arcsec, 0.93−0.16+0.12^{+0.12}_{-0.16} AU) from Keck laser guide star adaptive optics imaging. Our photometry for this system reveals that both components are less luminous than those in any known substellar binary. Combining a new integrated-light spectrum (T9p) and resolved YJH-band photometry from Keck allows us to perform spectral decomposition and assign component types of T9 and Y0. Many of the unusual features in the spectrum might be explained by high surface gravity: Y-band peak broadened to the blue; J-band peak broadened to the red; H-band peak shifted slightly to the red; and red Y-J colors. Interestingly, the very low component luminosities imply that the T9 primary is unexpectedly cold (TeffT_{\rm eff} = 345±\pm45 K assuming an age of 10 Gyr), making it ≈\approx100 K cooler than any other late-T dwarf and comparable to Y dwarfs. One intriguing explanation for this apparent discrepancy is that the J- and H-band spectral features that trigger the transition from T to Y spectral types are highly gravity-dependent. This can be tested directly in the very near future by orbit monitoring. We constrain the orbital period to be ≲\lesssim10 yr by combining evolutionary model-based mass estimates for the components (≈\approx12−-21 MJupM_{\rm Jup}, 1σ\sigma at 10 Gyr) with a statistical constraint on the semimajor axis (≲\lesssim1.3 AU). Such a period is shorter than any other known T/Y transition binary, meaning that WISEJ0146+4234AB will likely yield a dynamical mass within the next few years.Comment: Accepted to ApJ (2015 Feb 14); 24 pages, 4 figures, 5 table


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    (Abridged) We present a large, uniform analysis of young (~10-150 Myr) ultracool dwarfs, based on new high-precision IR parallaxes for 68 objects. We find that low-gravity (VL-G) late-M and L dwarfs form a continuous sequence in IR color-magnitude diagrams, separate from field objects and current theoretical models. VL-G objects also appear distinct from young substellar (brown dwarf and exoplanet) companions, suggesting the two populations have a different range of physical properties. In contrast, at the L/T transition, young, old, and peculiar objects all span a narrow range in near-IR absolute magnitudes. At a given spectral type, the IR absolute magnitudes of young objects can be offset from ordinary field dwarfs, with the largest offsets occurring in the Y and J bands for late-M dwarfs (brighter than the field) and mid/late-L dwarfs (fainter than the field). Overall, low-gravity (VL-G) objects have the most uniform photometric behavior while intermediate-gravity (INT-G) objects are more diverse, suggesting a third governing parameter beyond spectral type and gravity class. We examine the moving group memberships for all young ultracool dwarfs with parallaxes, changing/refuting the status of 23 objects and fortifying the status of another 28 objects. We use our resulting age-calibrated sample to establish empirical young isochrones and find a declining frequency of VL-G objects relative to INT-G objects with increasing age. Notable objects in our sample include high-velocity INT-G objects; very red, late-L dwarfs with high surface gravities; candidate disk-bearing members of the MBM20 cloud and beta Pic moving group; and very young distant interlopers. Finally, we provide a comprehensive summary of the absolute magnitudes and spectral classifications of 102 young ultracool dwarfs, found in the field and as substellar companions to young stars.Comment: ApJ, in press, 138 pages including 33 figures and 15 tables. Compilation of young ultracool dwarfs and young substellar (brown dwarf and exoplanet) companions available at the Database of Ultracool Parallaxes (see http://www.as.utexas.edu/~tdupuy/plx

    The Young L Dwarf 2MASS J11193254-1137466 Is a Planetary-mass Binary

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    We have discovered that the extremely red, low-gravity L7 dwarf 2MASS J11193254-1137466 is a 0.14" (3.6 AU) binary using Keck laser guide star adaptive optics imaging. 2MASS J11193254-1137466 has previously been identified as a likely member of the TW Hydrae Association (TWA). Using our updated photometric distance and proper motion, a kinematic analysis based on the BANYAN II model gives an 82% probability of TWA membership. At TWA's 10±\pm3 Myr age and using hot-start evolutionary models, 2MASS J11193254-1137466AB is a pair of 3.7−0.9+1.23.7^{+1.2}_{-0.9} MJupM_{\rm Jup} brown dwarfs, making it the lowest-mass binary discovered to date. We estimate an orbital period of 90−50+8090^{+80}_{-50} years. One component is marginally brighter in KK band but fainter in JJ band, making this a probable flux-reversal binary, the first discovered with such a young age. We also imaged the spectrally similar TWA L7 dwarf WISEA J114724.10-204021.3 with Keck and found no sign of binarity. Our evolutionary model-derived TeffT_{\rm eff} estimate for WISEA J114724.10-204021.3 is ≈\approx230 K higher than for 2MASS J11193254-1137466AB, at odds with their spectral similarity. This discrepancy suggests that WISEA J114724.10-204021.3 may actually be a tight binary with masses and temperatures very similar to 2MASS J11193254-1137466AB, or further supporting the idea that near-infrared spectra of young ultracool dwarfs are shaped by factors other than temperature and gravity. 2MASS J11193254-1137466AB will be an essential benchmark for testing evolutionary and atmospheric models in the young planetary-mass regime.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Letters. 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    The extracellular A-loop of dual oxidases affects the specificity of reactive oxygen species release

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    NADPH oxidase (Nox) family proteins produce superoxide (O2.-) directly by transferring an electron to molecular oxygen. Dual oxidases (Duoxes) also produce an O2.- intermediate, although the final species secreted by mature Duoxes is H2O2, suggesting that intramolecular O2.- dismutation or other mechanisms contribute to H2O2 release. We explored the structural determinants affecting reactive oxygen species formation by Duox enzymes. Duox2 showed O2.- leakage when mismatched with Duox activator 1 (DuoxA1). Duox2 released O2.- even in correctly matched combinations, including Duox2 + DuoxA2 and Duox2 + N-terminally tagged DuoxA2 regardless of the type or number of tags. Conversely, Duox1 did not release O2.- in any combination. Chimeric Duox2 possessing the A-loop of Duox1 showed no O2.- leakage; chimeric Duox1 possessing the A-loop of Duox2 released O2.-. Moreover, Duox2 proteins possessing the A-loops of Nox1 or Nox5 co-expressed with DuoxA2 showed enhanced O2.- release, and Duox1 proteins possessing the A-loops of Nox1 or Nox5 co-expressed with DuoxA1 acquired O2.- leakage. Although we identified Duox1 A-loop residues (His1071, His1072, and Gly1074) important for reducing O2.- release, mutations of these residues to those of Duox2 failed to convert Duox1 to an O2.- releasing enzyme. Using immunoprecipitation and endoglycosidase H sensitivity assays, we found that the A-loop of Duoxes binds to DuoxA N termini, creating more stable, mature Duox-DuoxA complexes. In conclusion, the A-loops of both Duoxes support H2O2 production through interaction with corresponding activators, but complex formation between the Duox1 A-loop and DuoxA1 results in tighter control of H2O2 release by the enzyme complex. © 2015, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc

    Comparison of SMILES ClO profiles with satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based measurements

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    We evaluate the quality of ClO profiles derived from the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) on the International Space Station (ISS). Version 2.1.5 of the level-2 product generated by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) is the subject of this study. Based on sensitivity studies, the systematic error was estimated as 5–10 pptv at the pressure range of 80–20 hPa, 35 pptv at the ClO peak altitude (~ 4 hPa), and 5–10 pptv at pressures ≤ 0.5 hPa for daytime mid-latitude conditions. For nighttime measurements, a systematic error of 8 pptv was estimated for the ClO peak altitude (~ 2 hPa). The SMILES NICT v2.1.5 ClO profiles agree with those derived from another level-2 processor developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) within the bias uncertainties, except for the nighttime measurements in the low and middle latitude regions where the SMILES NICT v2.1.5 profiles have a negative bias of ~ 30 pptv in the lower stratosphere. This bias is considered to be due to the use of a limited spectral bandwidth in the retrieval process of SMILES NICT v2.1.5, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the weak ClO signal and wing contributions of spectral features outside the bandwidth. In the middle and upper stratosphere outside the polar regions, no significant systematic bias was found for the SMILES NICT ClO profile with respect to data sets from other instruments such as the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), the Odin Sub-Millimetre Radiometer (SMR), the Envisat Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS), and the ground-based radiometer at Mauna Kea, which demonstrates the scientific usability of the SMILES ClO data including the diurnal variations. Inside the chlorine-activated polar vortex, the SMILES NICT v2.1.5 ClO profiles show larger volume mixing ratios by 0.4 ppbv (30%) at 50 hPa compared to those of the JAXA processed profiles. This discrepancy is also considered to be an effect of the limited spectral bandwidth in the retrieval processing. We also compared the SMILES NICT ClO profiles of chlorine-activated polar vortex conditions with those measured by the balloon-borne instruments: Terahertz and submillimeter Limb Sounder (TELIS) and the MIPAS-balloon instrument (MIPAS-B). In conclusion, the SMILES NICT v2.1.5 ClO data can be used at pressures ≤ ~30 hPa for scientific analysis

    ASS1 Overexpression: A Hallmark of Sonic Hedgehog Hepatocellular Adenomas; Recommendations for Clinical Practice.

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    Until recently, 10% of hepatocellular adenomas (HCAs) remained unclassified (UHCA). Among the UHCAs, the sonic hedgehog HCA (shHCA) was defined by focal deletions that fuse the promoter of Inhibin beta E chain with GLI1. Prostaglandin D2 synthase was proposed as immunomarker. In parallel, our previous work using proteomic analysis showed that most UHCAs constitute a homogeneous subtype associated with overexpression of argininosuccinate synthase (ASS1). To clarify the use of ASS1 in the HCA classification and avoid misinterpretations of the immunohistochemical staining, the aims of this work were to study (1) the link between shHCA and ASS1 overexpression and (2) the clinical relevance of ASS1 overexpression for diagnosis. Molecular, proteomic, and immunohistochemical analyses were performed in UHCA cases of the Bordeaux series. The clinico-pathological features, including ASS1 immunohistochemical labeling, were analyzed on a large international series of 67 cases. ASS1 overexpression and the shHCA subgroup were superimposed in 15 cases studied by molecular analysis, establishing ASS1 overexpression as a hallmark of shHCA. Moreover, the ASS1 immunomarker was better than prostaglandin D2 synthase and only found positive in 7 of 22 shHCAs. Of the 67 UHCA cases, 58 (85.3%) overexpressed ASS1, four cases were ASS1 negative, and in five cases ASS1 was noncontributory. Proteomic analysis performed in the case of doubtful interpretation of ASS1 overexpression, especially on biopsies, can be a support to interpret such cases. ASS1 overexpression is a specific hallmark of shHCA known to be at high risk of bleeding. Therefore, ASS1 is an additional tool for HCA classification and clinical diagnosis

    Individual Dynamical Masses of Ultracool Dwarfs

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    We present the full results of our decade-long astrometric monitoring programs targeting 31 ultracool binaries with component spectral types M7-T5. Joint analysis of resolved imaging from Keck Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope and unresolved astrometry from CFHT/WIRCam yields parallactic distances for all systems, robust orbit determinations for 23 systems, and photocenter orbits for 19 systems. As a result, we measure 38 precise individual masses spanning 30-115 MJupM_{\rm Jup}. We determine a model-independent substellar boundary that is ≈\approx70 MJupM_{\rm Jup} in mass (≈\approxL4 in spectral type), and we validate Baraffe et al. (2015) evolutionary model predictions for the lithium-depletion boundary (60 MJupM_{\rm Jup} at field ages). Assuming each binary is coeval, we test models of the substellar mass-luminosity relation and find that in the L/T transition, only the Saumon & Marley (2008) "hybrid" models accounting for cloud clearing match our data. We derive a precise, mass-calibrated spectral type-effective temperature relation covering 1100-2800 K. Our masses enable a novel direct determination of the age distribution of field brown dwarfs spanning L4-T5 and 30-70 MJupM_{\rm Jup}. We determine a median age of 1.3 Gyr, and our population synthesis modeling indicates our sample is consistent with a constant star formation history modulated by dynamical heating in the Galactic disk. We discover two triple-brown-dwarf systems, the first with directly measured masses and eccentricities. We examine the eccentricity distribution, carefully considering biases and completeness, and find that low-eccentricity orbits are significantly more common among ultracool binaries than solar-type binaries, possibly indicating the early influence of long-lived dissipative gas disks. Overall, this work represents a major advance in the empirical view of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs.Comment: ApJS, in press. This arxiv posting contains all figures (111 pages) and tables (107 pages). Updated version contains additional acknowledgments and references and corrects typo

    On The Unusual Variability of 2MASS J06195260-2903592: A Long-Lived Disk around a Young Ultracool Dwarf

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    We present the characterization of the low-gravity M6 dwarf 2MASS J0619-2903 previously identified as an unusual field object based on its strong IR excess and variable near-IR spectrum. Multiple epochs of low-resolution (R~150) near-IR spectra show large-amplitude (~0.1-0.5 mag) continuum variations on timescales of days to 12 years, unlike the small-amplitude variability typical for field ultracool dwarfs. The variations between epochs are well-modeled as changes in the relative extinction (ΔAV≈2\Delta{A_V}\approx2 mag). Likewise, Pan-STARRS optical photometry varies on timescales as long as 11 years (and possibly as short as an hour) and implies similar amplitude AVA_V changes. NEOWISE mid-IR light curves also suggest changes on 6-month timescales, with amplitudes consistent with the optical/near-IR extinction variations. However, near-IR spectra, near-IR photometry, and optical photometry obtained in the past year indicate the source can also be stable on hourly and monthly timescales. From comparison to objects of similar spectral type, the total extinction of 2MASS J0619-2903 seems to be AV≈4−6A_V\approx4-6 mag, with perhaps epochs of lower extinction. Gaia EDR3 finds that 2MASS J0619-2903 has a wide-separation (1.2' = 10450 AU) stellar companion, with an isochronal age of 31−10+2231^{+22}_{-10} Myr and a mass of 0.30−0.03+0.040.30^{+0.04}_{-0.03} Msun. Adopting this companion's age and EDR3 distance (145.2±\pm0.6 pc), we estimate a mass of 0.11-0.17 Msun for 2MASS J0619-2903. Altogether, 2MASS J0619-2903 appears to possess an unusually long-lived primordial circumstellar disk, perhaps making it a more obscured analog to the "Peter Pan" disks found around a few M dwarfs in nearby young moving groups.Comment: AJ, in pres
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