3,256 research outputs found

    A Renormalization group approach for highly anisotropic 2D Fermion systems: application to coupled Hubbard chains

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    I apply a two-step density-matrix renormalization group method to the anisotropic two-dimensional Hubbard model. As a prelude to this study, I compare the numerical results to the exact one for the tight-binding model. I find a ground-state energy which agrees with the exact value up to four digits for systems as large as 24×2524 \times 25. I then apply the method to the interacting case. I find that for strong Hubbard interaction, the ground-state is dominated by magnetic correlations. These correlations are robust even in the presence of strong frustration. Interchain pair tunneling is negligible in the singlet and triplet channels and it is not enhanced by frustration. For weak Hubbard couplings, interchain non-local singlet pair tunneling is enhanced and magnetic correlations are strongly reduced. This suggests a possible superconductive ground state.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, expanded version of cond-mat/060856

    Quantum non-malleability and authentication

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    In encryption, non-malleability is a highly desirable property: it ensures that adversaries cannot manipulate the plaintext by acting on the ciphertext. Ambainis, Bouda and Winter gave a definition of non-malleability for the encryption of quantum data. In this work, we show that this definition is too weak, as it allows adversaries to "inject" plaintexts of their choice into the ciphertext. We give a new definition of quantum non-malleability which resolves this problem. Our definition is expressed in terms of entropic quantities, considers stronger adversaries, and does not assume secrecy. Rather, we prove that quantum non-malleability implies secrecy; this is in stark contrast to the classical setting, where the two properties are completely independent. For unitary schemes, our notion of non-malleability is equivalent to encryption with a two-design (and hence also to the definition of Ambainis et al.). Our techniques also yield new results regarding the closely-related task of quantum authentication. We show that "total authentication" (a notion recently proposed by Garg, Yuen and Zhandry) can be satisfied with two-designs, a significant improvement over the eight-design construction of Garg et al. We also show that, under a mild adaptation of the rejection procedure, both total authentication and our notion of non-malleability yield quantum authentication as defined by Dupuis, Nielsen and Salvail.Comment: 20+13 pages, one figure. v2: published version plus extra material. v3: references added and update

    Genome-Wide Association to Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference: The Framingham Heart Study 100K Project

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is related to multiple cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors as well as CVD and has a strong familial component. We tested for association between SNPs on the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip and measures of adiposity in the Framingham Heart Study. METHODS: A total of 1341 Framingham Heart Study participants in 310 families genotyped with the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip had adiposity traits measured over 30 years of follow up. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), weight change, height, and radiographic measures of adiposity (subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral adipose tissue, waist circumference, sagittal height) were measured at multiple examination cycles. Multivariable-adjusted residuals, adjusting for age, age-squared, sex, smoking, and menopausal status, were evaluated in association with the genotype data using additive Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and Family Based Association Test (FBAT) models. We prioritized mean BMI over offspring examinations (1–7) and cohort examinations (10, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26) and mean WC over offspring examinations (4–7) for presentation. We evaluated associations with 70,987 SNPs on autosomes with minor allele frequencies of at least 0.10, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p ≥ 0.001, and call rates of at least 80%. RESULTS: The top SNPs to be associated with mean BMI and mean WC by GEE were rs110683 (p-value 1.22*10-7) and rs4471028 (p-values 1.96*10-7). Please see for the complete set of results. We were able to validate SNPs in known genes that have been related to BMI or other adiposity traits, including the ESR1 Xba1 SNP, PPARG, and ADIPOQ. CONCLUSION: Adiposity traits are associated with SNPs on the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip. Replication of these initial findings is necessary. These data will serve as a resource for replication as more genes become identified with BMI and WC.National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Framingham Heart Study (N01-HC-25195); Atwood (R01 DK066241); National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources Shared Instrumentation grant (1S10RR163736-01A1

    Parameter-free Stark Broadening of Hydrogen Lines in DA White Dwarfs

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    We present new calculations for the Stark broadening of the hydrogen line profiles in the dense atmospheres of white dwarf stars. Our improved model is based on the unified theory of Stark broadening from Vidal, Cooper & Smith, but it also includes non-ideal gas effects from the Hummer & Mihalas occupation probability formalism directly inside the line profile calculations. This approach improves upon previous calculations that relied on the use of an ad-hoc free parameter to describe the dissolution of the line wing opacity in the presence of high electric microfields in the plasma. We present here the first grid of model spectra for hot Teff >~ 12,000 K DA white dwarfs that has no free parameters. The atmospheric parameters obtained from optical and UV spectroscopic observations using these improved models are shown to differ substantially from those published in previous studies.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics Conference Proceedings for the 16th European White Dwarf Worksho

    Averaged Template Matching Equations

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    By exploiting an analogy with averaging procedures in fluid dynamics, we present a set of averaged template matching equations. These equations are analogs of the exact template matching equations that retain all the geometric properties associated with the diffeomorphismgrou p, and which are expected to average out small scale features and so should, as in hydrodynamics, be more computationally efficient for resolving the larger scale features. Froma geometric point of view, the new equations may be viewed as coming from a change in norm that is used to measure the distance between images. The results in this paper represent first steps in a longer termpro gram: what is here is only for binary images and an algorithm for numerical computation is not yet operational. Some suggestions for further steps to develop the results given in this paper are suggested

    Observation of superspin glass state in magnetically textured ferrofluid (gamma-Fe2O3)

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    Magnetic properties in a magnetically textured ferrofluid made out of interacting maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3) nanoparticles suspended in glycerin have been investigated. Despite the loss of uniform distribution of anisotropy axes, a superspin glass state exists at low temperature in a concentrated, textured ferrofluid as in the case of its non-textured counterpart. The onset of superspin glass state was verified from the sample's AC susceptibility. The influence of the anisotropy axis orientation on the aging behavior in the glassy states is also discussed

    Infrared behavior of interacting bosons at zero temperature

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    We review the infrared behavior of interacting bosons at zero temperature. After a brief discussion of the Bogoliubov approximation and the breakdown of perturbation theory due to infrared divergences, we present two approaches that are free of infrared divergences -- Popov's hydrodynamic theory and the non-perturbative renormalization group -- and allow us to obtain the exact infrared behavior of the correlation functions. We also point out the connection between the infrared behavior in the superfluid phase and the critical behavior at the superfluid--Mott-insulator transition in the Bose-Hubbard model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the 19th International Laser Physics Workshop, LPHYS'10 (Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, July 5-9, 2010

    GaN/AlGaN Avalanche Photodiode Detectors for High Performance Ultraviolet Sensing Applications

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    The shorter wavelengths of the ultraviolet (UV) band enable detectors to operate with increased spatial resolution, variable pixel sizes, and large format arrays, benefitting a variety of NASA, defense, and commercial applications. AlxGa1-xN semiconductor alloys, which have attracted much interest for detection in the UV spectral region, have been shown to enable high optical gains, high sensitivities with the potential for single photon detection, and low dark current performance in ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes (UV-APDs). We are developing GaN/AlGaN UV-APDs with large pixel sizes that demonstrate consistent and uniform device performance and operation. These UV-APDs are fabricated through high quality metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) growth on lattice-matched, low dislocation density GaN substrates with optimized material growth and doping parameters. The use of these low defect density substrates is a critical element to realizing highly sensitive UV-APDs and arrays with suppressed dark current under high electric fields.Optical gains greater than 5X10 (exp 6) with enhanced quantum efficiencies over the 350-400 nm spectral range have been demonstrated, enabled by a strong avalanche multiplication process. Furthermore, we are developing 6X6 arrays of devices to test high gain UV-APD array performance at ~355 nm. These variable-area GaN/AlGaN UV-APD detectors and arrays enable advanced sensing performance over UV bands of interest with high resolution detection for NASA Earth Science applications

    Collective modes in a system with two spin-density waves: the `Ribault' phase of quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors

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    We study the long-wavelength collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave (FISDW) phases experimentally observed in organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family, focusing on phases that exhibit a sign reversal of the quantum Hall effect (Ribault anomaly). We have recently proposed that two SDW's coexist in the Ribault phase, as a result of Umklapp processes. When the latter are strong enough, the two SDW's become circularly polarized (helicoidal SDW's). In this paper, we study the collective modes which result from the presence of two SDW's. We find two Goldstone modes, an out-of-phase sliding mode and an in-phase spin-wave mode, and two gapped modes. The sliding Goldstone mode carries only a fraction of the total optical spectral weight, which is determined by the ratio of the amplitude of the two SDW's. In the helicoidal phase, all the spectral weight is pushed up above the SDW gap. We also point out similarities with phase modes in two-band or bilayer superconductors. We expect our conclusions to hold for generic two-SDW systems.Comment: Revised version, 25 pages, RevTex, 7 figure

    Unforgeable Quantum Encryption

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    We study the problem of encrypting and authenticating quantum data in the presence of adversaries making adaptive chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext queries. Classically, security games use string copying and comparison to detect adversarial cheating in such scenarios. Quantumly, this approach would violate no-cloning. We develop new techniques to overcome this problem: we use entanglement to detect cheating, and rely on recent results for characterizing quantum encryption schemes. We give definitions for (i.) ciphertext unforgeability , (ii.) indistinguishability under adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack, and (iii.) authenticated encryption. The restriction of each definition to the classical setting is at least as strong as the corresponding classical notion: (i) implies INT-CTXT, (ii) implies IND-CCA2, and (iii) implies AE. All of our new notions also imply QIND-CPA privacy. Combining one-time authentication and classical pseudorandomness, we construct schemes for each of these new quantum security notions, and provide several separation examples. Along the way, we also give a new definition of one-time quantum authentication which, unlike all previous approaches, authenticates ciphertexts rather than plaintexts.Comment: 22+2 pages, 1 figure. v3: error in the definition of QIND-CCA2 fixed, some proofs related to QIND-CCA2 clarifie