10 research outputs found

    Holomorphic Simplicity Constraints for 4d Spinfoam Models

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    Within the framework of spinfoam models, we revisit the simplicity constraints reducing topological BF theory to 4d Riemannian gravity. We use the reformulation of SU(2) intertwiners and spin networks in term of spinors, which has come out from both the recently developed U(N) framework for SU(2) intertwiners and the twisted geometry approach to spin networks and spinfoam boundary states. Using these tools, we are able to perform a holomorphic/anti-holomorphic splitting of the simplicity constraints and define a new set of holomorphic simplicity constraints, which are equivalent to the standard ones at the classical level and which can be imposed strongly on intertwiners at the quantum level. We then show how to solve these new holomorphic simplicity constraints using coherent intertwiner states. We further define the corresponding coherent spin network functionals and introduce a new spinfoam model for 4d Riemannian gravity based on these holomorphic simplicity constraints and whose amplitudes are defined from the evaluation of the new coherent spin networks.Comment: 27 page

    Twistorial phase space for complex Ashtekar variables

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    We generalise the SU(2) spinor framework of twisted geometries developed by Dupuis, Freidel, Livine, Speziale and Tambornino to the Lorentzian case, that is the group SL(2,C). We show that the phase space for complex valued Ashtekar variables on a spinnetwork graph can be decomposed in terms of twistorial variables. To every link there are two twistors---one to each boundary point---attached. The formalism provides a new derivation of the solution space of the simplicity constraints of loop quantum gravity. Key properties of the EPRL spinfoam model are perfectly recovered.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in: Class. Quantum Gra

    Revisiting the Simplicity Constraints and Coherent Intertwiners

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    In the context of loop quantum gravity and spinfoam models, the simplicity constraints are essential in that they allow to write general relativity as a constrained topological BF theory. In this work, we apply the recently developed U(N) framework for SU(2) intertwiners to the issue of imposing the simplicity constraints to spin network states. More particularly, we focus on solving them on individual intertwiners in the 4d Euclidean theory. We review the standard way of solving the simplicity constraints using coherent intertwiners and we explain how these fit within the U(N) framework. Then we show how these constraints can be written as a closed u(N) algebra and we propose a set of U(N) coherent states that solves all the simplicity constraints weakly for an arbitrary Immirzi parameter.Comment: 28 page

    The Spin Foam Approach to Quantum Gravity

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    This article reviews the present status of the spin foam approach to the quantization of gravity. Special attention is payed to the pedagogical presentation of the recently introduced new models for four dimensional quantum gravity. The models are motivated by a suitable implementation of the path integral quantization of the Plebanski formulation of gravity on a simplicial regularization. The article also includes a self-contained treatment of the 2+1 gravity. The simple nature of the latter provides the basis and a perspective for the analysis of both conceptual and technical issues that remain open in four dimensions.Comment: To appear in Living Reviews in Relativit

    From the discrete to the continuous - towards a cylindrically consistent dynamics

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    Discrete models usually represent approximations to continuum physics. Cylindrical consistency provides a framework in which discretizations mirror exactly the continuum limit. Being a standard tool for the kinematics of loop quantum gravity we propose a coarse graining procedure that aims at constructing a cylindrically consistent dynamics in the form of transition amplitudes and Hamilton's principal functions. The coarse graining procedure, which is motivated by tensor network renormalization methods, provides a systematic approximation scheme towards this end. A crucial role in this coarse graining scheme is played by embedding maps that allow the interpretation of discrete boundary data as continuum configurations. These embedding maps should be selected according to the dynamics of the system, as a choice of embedding maps will determine a truncation of the renormalization flow.Comment: 22 page