2,432 research outputs found

    Superconductivity of Quasi-One-Dimensional Electrons in Strong Magnetic Field

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    The superconductivity of quasi-one-dimensional electrons in the magnetic field is studied. The system is described as the one-dimensional electrons with no frustration due to the magnetic field. The interaction is assumed to be attractive between electrons in the nearest chains, which corresponds to the lines of nodes of the energy gap in the absence of the magnetic field. The effective interaction depends on the magnetic field and the transverse momentum. As the magnetic field becomes strong, the transition temperature of the spin-triplet superconductivity oscillates, while that of the spin-singlet increases monotonically.Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX, 3 PostScript figures in uuencoded compressed tar file are appende

    Martin boundary of a reflected random walk on a half-space

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    The complete representation of the Martin compactification for reflected random walks on a half-space Zd×N\Z^d\times\N is obtained. It is shown that the full Martin compactification is in general not homeomorphic to the ``radial'' compactification obtained by Ney and Spitzer for the homogeneous random walks in Zd\Z^d : convergence of a sequence of points znZd1×Nz_n\in\Z^{d-1}\times\N to a point of on the Martin boundary does not imply convergence of the sequence zn/znz_n/|z_n| on the unit sphere SdS^d. Our approach relies on the large deviation properties of the scaled processes and uses Pascal's method combined with the ratio limit theorem. The existence of non-radial limits is related to non-linear optimal large deviation trajectories.Comment: 42 pages, preprint, CNRS UMR 808

    Dimensional crossover and metal-insulator transition in quasi-two-dimensional disordered conductors

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    We study the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in weakly coupled disordered planes on the basis of a Non-Linear Sigma Model (NLσ\sigma M). Using two different methods, a renormalization group (RG) approach and an auxiliary field method, we calculate the crossover length between a 2D regime at small length scales and a 3D regime at larger length scales. The 3D regime is described by an anisotropic 3D NLσ\sigma M with renormalized coupling constants. We obtain the critical value of the single particle interplane hopping which separates the metallic and insulating phases. We also show that a strong parallel magnetic field favors the localized phase and derive the phase diagram.Comment: 16 pages (RevTex), 4 poscript figure

    Superconductivity of Quasi-One and Quasi-Two Dimensional Tight-Binding Electrons in Magnetic Field

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    The upper critical field Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) of the tight-binding electrons in the three-dimensional lattice is investigated. The electrons make Cooper pairs between the eigenstates with the same energy in the strong magnetic field. The transition lines in the quasi-one dimensional case are shown to deviate from the previously obtained results where the hopping matrix elements along the magnetic field are neglected. In the absence of the Pauli pair breaking the transition temperature Tc(H)T_c(H) of the quasi-two dimensional electrons is obtained to oscillationally increase as the magnetic field becomes large and reaches to Tc(0)T_c(0) in the strong field as in the quasi-one dimensional case.Comment: 4pages,4figures,to be published in J.Phys.Soc.Jp

    Large Deviations Analysis for Distributed Algorithms in an Ergodic Markovian Environment

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    We provide a large deviations analysis of deadlock phenomena occurring in distributed systems sharing common resources. In our model transition probabilities of resource allocation and deallocation are time and space dependent. The process is driven by an ergodic Markov chain and is reflected on the boundary of the d-dimensional cube. In the large resource limit, we prove Freidlin-Wentzell estimates, we study the asymptotic of the deadlock time and we show that the quasi-potential is a viscosity solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with a Neumann boundary condition. We give a complete analysis of the colliding 2-stacks problem and show an example where the system has a stable attractor which is a limit cycle

    A Renormalization group approach for highly anisotropic 2D Fermion systems: application to coupled Hubbard chains

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    I apply a two-step density-matrix renormalization group method to the anisotropic two-dimensional Hubbard model. As a prelude to this study, I compare the numerical results to the exact one for the tight-binding model. I find a ground-state energy which agrees with the exact value up to four digits for systems as large as 24×2524 \times 25. I then apply the method to the interacting case. I find that for strong Hubbard interaction, the ground-state is dominated by magnetic correlations. These correlations are robust even in the presence of strong frustration. Interchain pair tunneling is negligible in the singlet and triplet channels and it is not enhanced by frustration. For weak Hubbard couplings, interchain non-local singlet pair tunneling is enhanced and magnetic correlations are strongly reduced. This suggests a possible superconductive ground state.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, expanded version of cond-mat/060856

    Renyi generalizations of the conditional quantum mutual information

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    The conditional quantum mutual information I(A;BC)I(A;B|C) of a tripartite state ρABC\rho_{ABC} is an information quantity which lies at the center of many problems in quantum information theory. Three of its main properties are that it is non-negative for any tripartite state, that it decreases under local operations applied to systems AA and BB, and that it obeys the duality relation I(A;BC)=I(A;BD)I(A;B|C)=I(A;B|D) for a four-party pure state on systems ABCDABCD. The conditional mutual information also underlies the squashed entanglement, an entanglement measure that satisfies all of the axioms desired for an entanglement measure. As such, it has been an open question to find R\'enyi generalizations of the conditional mutual information, that would allow for a deeper understanding of the original quantity and find applications beyond the traditional memoryless setting of quantum information theory. The present paper addresses this question, by defining different α\alpha-R\'enyi generalizations Iα(A;BC)I_{\alpha}(A;B|C) of the conditional mutual information, some of which we can prove converge to the conditional mutual information in the limit α1\alpha\rightarrow1. Furthermore, we prove that many of these generalizations satisfy non-negativity, duality, and monotonicity with respect to local operations on one of the systems AA or BB (with it being left as an open question to prove that monotoniticity holds with respect to local operations on both systems). The quantities defined here should find applications in quantum information theory and perhaps even in other areas of physics, but we leave this for future work. We also state a conjecture regarding the monotonicity of the R\'enyi conditional mutual informations defined here with respect to the R\'enyi parameter α\alpha. We prove that this conjecture is true in some special cases and when α\alpha is in a neighborhood of one.Comment: v6: 53 pages, final published versio

    Large deviations for polling systems

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    Related INRIA Research report available at : http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/07/27/62/PDF/RR-3892.pdfInternational audienceWe aim at presenting in short the technical report, which states a sample path large deviation principle for a resealed process n-1 Qnt, where Qt represents the joint number of clients at time t in a single server 1-limited polling system with Markovian routing. The main goal is to identify the rate function. A so-called empirical generator is introduced, which consists of Q t and of two empirical measures associated with S t the position of the server at time t. The analysis relies on a suitable change of measure and on a representation of fluid limits for polling systems. Finally, the rate function is solution of a meaningful convex program

    Efficient Quantum Polar Coding

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    Polar coding, introduced 2008 by Arikan, is the first (very) efficiently encodable and decodable coding scheme whose information transmission rate provably achieves the Shannon bound for classical discrete memoryless channels in the asymptotic limit of large block sizes. Here we study the use of polar codes for the transmission of quantum information. Focusing on the case of qubit Pauli channels and qubit erasure channels, we use classical polar codes to construct a coding scheme which, using some pre-shared entanglement, asymptotically achieves a net transmission rate equal to the coherent information using efficient encoding and decoding operations and code construction. Furthermore, for channels with sufficiently low noise level, we demonstrate that the rate of preshared entanglement required is zero.Comment: v1: 15 pages, 4 figures. v2: 5+3 pages, 3 figures; argumentation simplified and improve