18 research outputs found

    Long-term changes in calcareous grassland vegetation in North-western Germany:no decline in species richness, but a shift in species composition

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    We aimed to answer the question of whether the species richness and composition of calcareous grasslands in North-western Germany had changed over the last 70 years as a result of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition. In total, 1186 plots of Festuco-Brometea (alliance Bromion erecti) grasslands from the sub-oceanic regions of the country were compiled (1061 plots from literature sources spanning a time period from 1936 to 1996, 125 new plots from 2008). Environmental descriptors recorded for each plot included geographic coordinates, altitude, heat index (combining slope and aspect), mean Ellenberg indicator values for light, soil moisture, soil pH and soil N, and cumulative N deposition (the latter being highly positively correlated with the year of sampling). In a Detrended Correspondence Analysis, the sample plot scores along axis one were highly correlated with the mean Ellenberg N-values, those along axis two were significantly affected by the year of sampling. In a general linear model, species richness of vascular plants showed a markedly hump-shaped relationship with mean Ellenberg N-value, whereas it was weakly affected by year (cumulative N load). Species with a significant negative trend over time were more often (than expected by chance) habitat specialists of dry grasslands, small, light-demanding and winter-green or evergreen with smaller seeds and scleromorphic leaves. In contrast to what has been found for acidic grasslands, N deposition in calcareous grasslands did not result in a decline in species richness, most likely because calcareous grasslands are water- and phosphorus-limited, and are well-buffered in terms of soil pH. To prevent a further change in species composition towards more mesophytic communities, grassland management by the site managers needs to be intensified

    Characterisation of LSO:Tb scintillator films for high resolution X-ray imaging applications

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    Within the framework of an FP6 project (SCINTAX)1 we developed a new thin film single crystal scintillator for high resolution X-ray imaging based on a layer of modified LSO (Lu2SiO5) grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) on a dedicated substrate. In this work we present the characterisation of the scintillating LSO films in terms of optical and scintillation properties as well as spatial resolution performances. The obtained results are discussed and compared with the performances of the thin scintillating films commonly used in synchrotron-based micro-imaging applications

    Sub-decibel silicon grating couplers based on L-shaped waveguides and engineered subwavelength metamaterials

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    International audienceThe availability of low-loss optical interfaces to couple light between standard optical fibers and high-index-contrast silicon waveguides is essential for the development of chip-integrated nanophotonics. Input and output couplers based on diffraction gratings are attractive coupling solutions. Advanced grating coupler designs, with Bragg or metal mirror underneath, low-and high-index overlays, and multi-level or multi-layer layouts, have proven less useful due to customized or complex fabrication, however. In this work, we propose a rather simpler in design of efficient off-chip fiber couplers that provide a simulated efficiency up to 95% (−0.25 dB) at a wavelength of 1.55 µm. These grating couplers are formed with an L-shaped waveguide profile and synthesized subwavelength grating metamaterials. This concept jointly provides sufficient degrees of freedom to simultaneously control the grating directionality and out-radiated field profile of the grating mode. The proposed chip-to-fiber couplers promote robust sub-decibel coupling of light, yet contain device dimensions (> 120 nm) compatible with standard lithographic technologies presently available in silicon nanophotonic foundries. Fabrication imperfections are also investigated. Dimensional offsets of ± 15 nm in shallow-etch depth and ± 10 nm in linewidth's and mask misalignments are tolerated for a 1-dB loss penalty. The proposed concept is meant to be universal, which is an essential prerequisite for developing reliable and low-cost optical couplers. We foresee that the work on L-shaped grating couplers with sub-decibel coupling efficiencies could also be a valuable direction for silicon chip interfacing in integrated nanophotonics

    Silicon chip-integrated fiber couplers with sub-decibel loss

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    International audienceSilicon nanophotonics represents a scalable route to deploy complex optical integrated circuits for multifold applications, markets, and end-users. Most recently, applications such as optical communications and interconnects, sensing, as well as quantum-based technologies, among others, present additional opportunities for integrated silicon nanophotonics to expand its frontiers from laboratories to industrial product development. Within a wide set of functionalities that silicon nanophotonic chips can afford, the availability of low-loss optical input/output interfaces has been regarded as a major practical obstacle that hampers long-term success of integrated photonic platforms. Indeed, fiber-chip interfaces based on diffraction gratings are an attractive solution to resonantly couple the light between planar waveguide circuits and standard single-mode optical fibers. Surface grating couplers provide much more alignment tolerance in fiber attach compared with most conventional edge-coupled alternatives, while retaining the much-needed control of the fiber placement on the chip surface and wafer-level-test capability that the in-plane convertors lack. Here, we report on our recent advances in the development of high-performance fiber-chip grating couplers that exploit the blazing effect. This is achieved with well-established dual-etch processing in interleaved teeth-trench arrangements or using L-shaped grating-teeth-profile geometries. The first demonstration of the L-shaped-based grating coupler yielded a coupling loss of-2.7 dB, seamlessly fabricated into a 300-mm foundry manufacturing process using 193-nm deep-ultraviolet stepper lithography. Moreover, silicon metamaterial L-shaped fiber couplers may promote robust sub-decibel coupling of light, reaching a simulated coupling loss of-0.25 dB, while featuring device layouts (>120 nm) compatible with lithographic technologies in silicon semiconductor foundries