34 research outputs found

    Kartografska pravila i razlike u vizualizaciji nautičkih podataka na papirnatoj i elektroničkoj navigacijskoj karti

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    This paper aims to present cartographic rules for the production of paper and electronic navigational charts and main differences in compilation, visualisation and representation of nautical information. Major differences between paper nautical charts and ENC are visualisation of nautical data: colour mixing, resolution of represented nautical objects, human control of display representation and fonts and signatures and chart content are described. It is concluded that electronic navigational charts have many advantages and few shortcomings to paper navigational charts.Ovim se člankom nastoje prikazati kartografska pravila za izradu papirnate i elektroničke pomorske karte i najva.nije razlike u sastavljanju, vizualizaciji i prikazivanju nautičkih podataka. Glavna je razlika između papirnate pomorske karte i elektroničke pomorske karte u vizualizaciji nautičkih podataka: miješanje boja, razlučivost prikazanih nautičkih objekata, korisnička kontrola prikaza na zaslonu, fontovi i signature te sadržaj karte.

    Cartographic Rules and Differences in Nautical Data Visualization on Paper and Electronic Nautical Charts

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    Ovim se člankom nastoje prikazati kartografska pravila za izradu papirnate i elektroničke pomorske karte i najva.nije razlike u sastavljanju, vizualizaciji i prikazivanju nautičkih podataka. Glavna je razlika između papirnate pomorske karte i elektroničke pomorske karte u vizualizaciji nautičkih podataka: miješanje boja, razlučivost prikazanih nautičkih objekata, korisnička kontrola prikaza na zaslonu, fontovi i signature te sadržaj karte.This paper aims to present cartographic rules for the production of paper and electronic navigational charts and main differences in compilation, visualisation and representation of nautical information. Major differences between paper nautical charts and ENC are visualisation of nautical data: colour mixing, resolution of represented nautical objects, human control of display representation and fonts and signatures and chart content are described. It is concluded that electronic navigational charts have many advantages and few shortcomings to paper navigational charts

    Assigning S-57 SCAMIN Attributes for Archipelagic Seas: Eastern Adriatic Coast Experience

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    The production of Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) at the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia (HIRC) started in 2001 covering the area of the northern Adriatic. At the time when ENC production started for the Middle Adriatic, which is a typical example of an archipelagic sea, it was concluded that implementation of the currently known methodologies for on-line generalisation using SCAMIN attributes led to apparent density of objects on the computer screen. Therefore, on the basis of the Canadian method, a new methodology of using SCAMIN attributes was suggested to be applied to a wider area of the Sibenik harbour.La producciôn de Cartas Electrônicas de Navegaciôn (ENCs) en el Instituto Hidrogrâfico de la Repûblica de Croacia (HIRC) empezô en el ano 2001, cubriendo la zona del Adriâtico septentrional. Cuando la producciôn de ENCs empezô para el Adriâtico Medio, que es un ejemplo tîpico de un mar archipelâgico, se concluyô que la implementaciôn de las metodologîas actual mente conocidas para una generalizaciôn "on-line" utilizando los atributos SCAMIN llevô a una densidad aparente de objetos en la pantalla del ordenador. Asî pues, basândose en el método Canadiense, se sugiriô que se aplicase una nueva metodologia del uso de los atributos SCAMIN a una zona mayor del Puerto de Sibenik.La production de cartes électroniques de navigation (ENC) au Service hydrographique de la République croate (HIRC) a débuté en 2001 avec la couverture de la zone Adriatique Nord. Lorsque la production d ’ENC a commencé pour le centre de l'Adriatique, qui est un exemple caractéristique de mer archipélagique, on est arrivé à la conclusion selon laquelle la mise en oeuvre des méthodes actuellement connues pour la généralisation en ligne en utilisant l ’attribut SCAMIN conduisait à une densité apparente d ’objets sur l'écran informatique. Par conséquent, à partir de la méthode canadienne, il a été suggéré qu’une nouvelle méthode d ’utilisation de l'attribut SCAMIN devait être appliquée à une zone plus étendue que celle du port de Sibenik

    Application of Satellite Imagery and Water Indices to the Hydrography of the Cetina River Basin (Middle Adriatic)

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    The paper gives a brief description of the remote sensing method used for the identification and extraction of water surfaces. Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellite imagery was used to separate land from bodies of water in the complex karst area surrounding the Croatian Cetina River, flowing into the Adriatic Sea. Water indexing methods are presented in detail. The most frequently used water indices were selected: NDWI, MNDWI, AWEI_nsh, AWEI_sh, WRI and LSWI, and their results compared. The combination of satellite imagery and calculated water indices is concluded to be very useful for the identification and mapping of the area and banks of lakes, riverine zones, river mouths and the coastline in the coastal zone. Landsat 8 satellite imagery is slightly inferior to Sentinel 2 due to lower image resolution. The best results were obtained with the NDWI water index and the worst with LSWI

    Land Surface Temperature Determination in the Town of Mostar Area

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    The article presents the most critical factors that affect the soil temperature, such as the effects of the canyon, anthropogenic heat, greenhouse effect, effective reflectivity, evaporating reduction and turbulent transfer of heat. Most of these factors can be found in the town of Mostar area. The simplest and the most widely used method of land surface temperature determination is processing of thermal channels satellite scenes. Landsat is the longest and most widely used satellite mission with open data. For the purposes of this study Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellite scenes were used and open meteorological data from which the atmospheric correction was calculated, and then land surface temperature (LST) for the Mostar area. Three winter scenes were used (occurred in the colder part of year) and three summer scenes (occurred in the warmest part of the year). From all processed data can be concluded that Mostar can be considered as one of the warmest towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider

    Vergleich von Algorithmen zur Kartierung der Küstenlinie mittels Satellitenmethoden

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    U radu su prikazane metode određivanja obalne crte, a detaljnije je prikazana metoda korištenja algoritama daljinske detekcije. Analizirani su rezultati najčešće korištenih algoritama vodenih indeksa: NDWI, MNDWI, AWEI_nsh, AWEI_sh i WRI, koji se koriste za potrebe određivanja obalne crte ili općenito vodenih površina. Algoritmi su primijenjeni na Landsat 8 i Sentinel 2 satelitskim scenama, a kao testno područje je odabrana srednja Dalmacija. Nakon izračuna vodenih indeksa, na područjima je provedena nenadzirana klasifikacija, zatim reklasifikacija i na kraju je prikazana ocjena točnosti klasifikacije pojedinog indeksa. Rezultati su u krupnijem mjerilu prikazani na dva područja: ušće rijeke Jadro u Solinu i ušće rijeke Cetine u Omišu. Analiza rezultata je pokazala da najbolje rezultate daje NDWI, a najlošije AWEI_nsh vodeni indeks.The paper presents the methods of coastline determination and describes the method using remote sensing algorithms in more detail. It further analyses the results of the most widely used algorithms of the water indices NDWI, MNDWI, AWEI_nsh, AWEI_sh and WRI, which are used for determining coastlines and water surfaces in general. The algorithms were applied to the Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellite imagery, with central Dalmatia selected as the test area. After the calculation of water indices, unsupervised classification and reclassification were conducted in these areas and, finally, the evaluation of the classification accuracy for each individual index was presented. The results were shown at larger scale for two areas – the Jadro river mouth in Solin and the Cetina river mouth in Omiš. The result analysis revealed that the best results were obtained using the NDWI water index and the poorest results using the AWEI_nsh water index.Im Beitrag werden die Methoden zur Bestimmung der Küstenlinie und insbesondere die Anwendung von Algorithmen zur Fernerkundung dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse von am meisten genutzten Algorithmen zur Berechnung der für die Bestimmung von Küstenlinien oder allgemein von offenen Gewässern genutzten Wasserindices, d.h. NDWI, MNDWI, AWEI_nsh, AWEI_sh und WRI, werden analysiert. Die Algorithmen wurden auf die Landsat 8 und Sentinel 2 Satellitenszenen von in Mitteldalmatien befindlichen Testgebieten angewendet. Nach der Berechnung der Wasserindices wurden für die Testgebiete erstens unüberwachte Klassifizierung und zweitens Reklassifizierung durchgeführt, und schließlich wurde die Richtigkeit der Klassifikation einzelner Indices beurteilt. Die Ergebnisse werden für zwei Gebiete – die Mündung des Flusses Jadro in der Stadt Solin und die Mündung des Flusses Cetina in Omiš – in größerem Maßstab gezeigt. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse zeigte, dass die besten Ergebnisse mit NDWI und die schlechtesten mit AWEI_nsh erzielt wurden


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    U članku su ukratko prikazani najkritičniji faktori koji utječu na temperaturu tla. Većina se tih čimbenika može naći na području grada Mostara. Najjednostavniji i najčešće korištena metoda određivanja površinske temperature tla je obrada termalnih kanala satelitskih scena. Landsat je najduža i najraširenija satelitska misija s slobodnim podacima. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja su korišteni Landsat 5, 7 i 8 satelitske scene i slobodni meteorološki podaci iz kojih su izračunate atmosferske korekcije, a zatim površinska temperatura tla (PTT) za područje Mostara. Korištene su četiri zimska scene (uzete u hladnijem dijelu godine), i četiri ljetne scene (uzete u najtoplijem dijelu godine). Iz obrađenih se podataka može zaključiti da se Mostar može smatrati jednim od najtoplijih gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini i šire.The article briefly presents the most critical factors that affect the soil temperature. Most of these factors can be found in city of Mostar area. The simplest and the most widely used method of land surface temperature determination is processing of thermal bands of satellite scenes. Landsat is the longest and most widely used satellite mission with open data. For the purposes of this study Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellite scenes and open meteorological data were used, from which the atmospheric correction, and then land surface temperature (LST), were calculated for Mostar area. Four winter scenes (taken in the colder part of the year) and four summer scenes (taken in the warmest part of the year) were used. From all processed data, it can be concluded that Mostar can be considered as one of the warmest cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider