2 research outputs found

    Occurrence of 'Antrobathynella stammeri' (Jakobi, 1954) (Crustacea: Syncarida: Bathynellidae) in the hyporheic zones of two English karst rivers

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    This paper reports the first records of Antrobathynella stammeri in the British Isles since 1985. Numerous individuals were observed in hyporheic water extracted from the River Skirfare (Yorkshire, UK), whilst, in an independent study, a single confirmed specimen was recorded from hyporheic water pumped from the River Lathkill (Derbyshire, UK). The latter observation is the first record of the superorder Syncarida in the Peak District and provides an important geographical link between previously recorded individuals in Scotland and north-west England and records from the south of England. These records suggest that bathynellids may be more abundant in the UK than previously thought, highlighting the need for more effective sampling of subterranean habitats to determine the conservation status of such rarely seen species