94 research outputs found

    Instagram Use in Emerging Adults

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    Penulisan skripsi ini berjudul ‘’Perekonomian Masyarakat Nelayan Kota Sibolga 1980 – 2013’’. Pemilihan tahun 1980 disebabkan banyaknya kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah kota Sibolga dengan bantuan pemerintah pusat, bantuan yang diberikan berupa kerjasama antara daerah dengan pusat, membangun infrastruktur pendukung pembangunan, serta adanya kebijakan-kebijakan yang berlandaskan pada Pancasila yang mendukung adanya keberpihakan terhadap nelayan. Sinergi yang dibangun melahirkan adanya sebuah perkembangan kota yang meliputi pembangunan kawasan, pembangunan perekonomian, perkembangan dibidang sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung, adanya infrastruktur laut yang akan memberikan dampak terhadap para nelayan yang ada di Sibolga. Sehingga dengan adanya perhatian pemerintah tersebut, maka kesadaran masyrakat akan cinta damai dan kerukunan beragama yang solit sehingga melahirkan suatu budaya yang bercirikan ‘’Bhineka Tunggal Ika’’. Tahun 2013 diambil sebagai batasan akhir karena penulisan ini memfokuskan pada perkembangan perekonomian masyarakat nelayan kota sibolga yang pada masa itu dipimpin oleh H. Syarfi Hutauruk. Nelayan selama ini masih sangat menjadi prioritas dalam pemasukan anggaran daerah/ Diliat dari penulisan kota Sibolga ini juga meliat periode sebelumnya, yang menggunakan metode sejarah yang digunakan yaitu pencarian dan pengumpulan sumber dan bahan (heuristik), pengujian dan analisa terhadap sumber yang digunakan (kritik), intrepretasi dan penulisan ( historiografi). Penulisan ini menggunakan teknik dalam pengumpulan data yang digunakan sumber primer, yang diperoleh melalui studi kearsipan dan wawancara dengan metode sejarah lisan serta dengan menggunakan pengamatan secara langsung. Kota Sibolga yang umumnya sebuah kota yang begitu terkenal oleh para pedagang Eropa pada masa dahulunya, dikarenakan ditempat inilah Pelabuhan yang paling ramai dikunjungi setelah Pelabuhan Barus dan Pelabuhan Tiku. Penduduknya yang beragam dengan kebudayaan yang beragam juga. Namun disegi perkonomiannya, kotaSibolga yang terletak di pesisir kaya akan hasil laut. Hal ini ditandakan banyaknya tangkahan ataupun berdirinya pasar yang menjual berbagai ikan hasil tangkapan. Pelabuhan yang dirikan sebelumya berada di daerah pelabuhan lama(kota baringin) berpindah tempat ke daerah pelabuhan baru yang berada di Sambas. Hal ini dilakukan karena semakin meningkatnya para pendatang yang datang ke Sibolga serta tidak mendukungnya pelabuhan tersebut untuk bersandar kapal-kapal yang bertonase besar, dan mengalami pendangkalan di sekitar pelabuhan. Banyaknya hasil laut yang dimiliki Kota Sibolga memungkinkan berdirinya sebuah industri yang bersifat memajukan perekonomian masyarakat. Bukan dari ikan saja yang didapat, dari perdagangan pun mendapatkan hasil yang sangat bagus. Keberadaan perkembangan tersebut juga membawa perubahan mata pencaharian penduduk setempat. Banyaknya perubahan mempunyai dampak terhadap perekonomian kota, yang dimulai dari peningkatan sarana pendidikan, pariwisata, serta infrastruktur kota yang bagus


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    One of the impact of pandemic Covid 19 in education is the learning lose. The learning lose mean that the student loss the education and skill in academic progress during almost two years the closure of face to face instruction.  One solution that can minimalize the learning lose during the closure of face to face instruction is to give the students in school the tuition classes. In this article, we make the tuition classes after the school time as a community dedication from FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan to SD Negeri 177923 Parikmatia, Tapanuli Utara, SUMUT from February 2 nd to 26 th, 2022. The tuition classes used student Oriented learning method by six students and one lecturer. The program has held successful where the students behave great benefits by the enhancing their competence in literacy and numeracy

    Dimensions of incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition and their effects on reading comprehension of ESL learners

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    This study determined incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition (IVA) through reading among samples of young ESL learners in Pampanga. The incidental research design was utilized to investigate the mental operations of the ESL participants in their acquisition of incidental L2 vocabularies and to examine the effect of IVA on their success or failure in L2 reading comprehension. This paper proposed a mediation model to decribe the interaction of prior L2 reading proficiency, receptive knowledge, and productive knowledge on incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition, L2 reading comprehension, and retention of novel words. A vocabulary checklist was used to assess the memory traces of the participants on the novel words embedded on the reading text. In addition, L2 reading comprehension test, translation, and production tasks, and recognition test were used in this study to determine their impacts on the participants incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition and retention of novel words after three weeks. Analyses reveal strong influence of prior L2 reading proficiency to receptive knowledge and productive knowledge. Furthermore, productive knowledge highly predicts L2 reading comprehension, and prior L2 reading proficiency highly predicts retention of IVA. This paper ends with recommendations for teachers, students, and school administrators

    A study of the legal rights and obligations of a pregnant woman who is HIV-positive in relation to the rights of her infant

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    Abortion is a process of killing the unborn child or the fetus of the pregnant mother. This process was used by conceived mothers as a solution to their unwanted pregnancies. In this process, rights may be prejudiced. Rights of the unborn child and rights of the mother herself may get affected. This work will present the views and facts of different perspectives concerning the validity of the rights being prejudiced.AIDS is a disease that weakens and kills the immune system of a person who is positive with the disease. The sickness can also change the rights of person. Laws on different countries made special laws that empower and protect the rights of the infected people. In addition, this terminal disease is transmitted through different ways. One of them is thorugh sexual intercourse according to medical experts. ; AIDS and abortion can be related in a certain way. The former can be transmitted through sexual intercourse and the latter is an effect of sexual intercourse. As mentioned, both AIDS and abortion may both empower and prejudice different rights whenever these either will come into existence. What complicates things is the idea when both of these two terms cross paths. To give an example, a pregnant woman who is positive with AIDS can have abortion in certain countries as AIDS is considered a special circumstance in pursuing abortion. However, there are different stands that will say that this act is still immoral regardless of the situation.Rights of persons are affected in this scenario of AIDS and abortion. A solution must be created in order to settle future disputes concerning these two terms. People who have AIDS must do what they can not spread the disease however they still have rights that they can enjoy. On the other hand, those who are pregnant must have a choice concerning their body since they still have rights as well. The unborn child can be given rights according to some experts but how can they be protected? These are some of the cases this work will try to accommodate.This paper will try to present different cases and points of view of philosophers and medical experts concerning the rights of the pregnant woman infected with AIDS and the rights of the unborn child. In this way, the researchers can weigh these different opinions and present them accordingly. Through this, a clear stand of the researchers concerning AIDS and abortion will be formulated and discussed

    A Marketing plan for Nesvita

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    Nesvita, one of the newest products of Nestle Philippines, was launched in the local market last June 1994. It is categorized as a filling cereal beverage made of natural-based ingredients such as soya, milk, wheat and corn. The product is currently targeting children ages 5-12 yrs. old belonging to the AB and upper C strata and residing in the urban sectors. In less than half a year, the product already shows a modest growth as revealed in the company\u27s sales records. Sales target for 1994 has been adequately met as early as end of October. Initial feedback, as noted by the company\u27s Consumer Services Department, shows that a significant share of Nesvita\u27s sales, however, is contributed by young urban professionals or yuppies . Research conducted by Nestle in 1993 showed that yuppies do have a high acceptance rating for the product. In the effort to improve the performance of this new product in the market, the following action plans are recommended: (1) Repositioning of Nesvita to an older target market, specifically yuppies ages 20-34 yrs. old, who are characterized as busy-bodies (2) Developing better product features such as label, packaging size and material to elicit an image suited to yuppies (3) Conducting promos such as dry sampling, premiums, and sponsorship of events to provide product exposure (4) Launching an appropriate ad product\u27s retail price from P3.75 to P4.50 to create a premium image for Nesvita and to allow a more extensive ad campaign (6) Widening sales & distribution by covering groceries and convenience stores to effectively reach a greater market and (7) Conducting test market in areas outside GMA to determine the feasibility of widening distribution even further. These proposals are expected to increase peso sales by 267% and profit by 133%, amounting to P 1.7M. Total investment costs, on the other hand, are estimated at P 20M

    A Study of the Philippines-China Non-traditional Security Relations: A Filipino Perspective

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    On 2000, the 25th year of the establishment of Philippines-China diplomatic relations, a “Joint Statement on the Framework of Bilateral Cooperation in the 21st Century”, was signed, which stipulates that both countries, "will continue to explore new areas of cooperation among their law enforcement, judicial, security and defense agencies in order to address the serious threats posed by organized transnational crimes." The 30th anniversary on 09 June 2005 was depicted as a “Golden Age of Partnership." Several Memorandum of Understanding on Non-traditional Security (NTS) were signed, such as: the cooperation against illicit traffic and abuse of narcotic drugs and combating transnational crimes, etc.. This study aims to examine the Philippines-China Non-traditional Security Relations based on a Filipino perspective with emphasis on International Terrorism; Drug Trafficking; Maritime Security; Natural and Man-made Disasters; Health Security; and other Transnational Crimes. This will be done by identifying the major motivations for its conception; analyzing the details of its actual implementation; and underscoring its implications to the Philippines and to the emerging strategic developments in East Asia. Various significant events in world, regional, and Philippines-China domestic securities prompted both states to forge relations. This was further reinforced by reasons of geographic proximity; the South China Sea territorial claims; China’s assistance as being crucial in transnational crimes; and the need for the Philippines to have an East Asia-linked Defense and Foreign Policy. In lieu of this, the Philippines gained many benefits, however it also continues to face challenges, like: the RP-US Security Alliance; China-US Strategic Competition; South China Sea Dispute, and the Taiwan Issue. NTS issues provide great opportunities for the Philippines and China to pursue their security relations and enhance bilateral ties. Said relations are deemed to prosper and offer mutual advantages but possibly would not be elevated into a defense alliance within the short to medium term. Although, this would serve as a very good avenue for confidence-building mechanism between the two countries

    A market research for orange and bronze\u27s web-based survey system

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    Survey represents one of the most common types of quantitative, social science research. And one of the modern ways of conducting a survey is the Web-Based Survey, which allows the researcher to communicate with their respondents in the most convenient way. The Web\u27s rapid growth rate and demographic shift toward a more mainstream audience makes it an appealing survey tool. And also the reason which drives for a maketing research for the company, Orange and Bronze Software Labs, the Company would want to take this opportunity to offer the survey system to the market given such trend in the data collection process. The research aimed at determining the market acceptance of the Web-Based Survey System in the Philippines and the factors that affects the decision of the market. The research output is based on the primary and secondary data gathered by the researchers. In order to determine the significant features that would incline the market to accept the Web-Based Survey System, the linear regression, specifically least-square analysis was used. The linear regression yields four (4) significant features and characteristics of the Web-Based Survey System such as: (1) Content and (2) Accuracy of Information, (3) Ease (Ease of use) in using the System and lastly, (4) Reliability/Efficiency of the Service. The survey system would then be named Sorbet-Survey to provide easy recall from its clients and with its tagline the Sweetest thing in survey