922 research outputs found

    Phonons and d-wave pairing in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    We analyze the influence of phonons on the d-wave pairing instability in the Hubbard model on the two-dimensional square lattice at weak to moderate interaction U, using a functional renormalization group scheme with frequency-dependent interaction vertices. As measured by the pairing scale, the B1g buckling mode enhances the pairing, while other phonon modes decrease the pairing. When various phonon modes are included together, the net effect on the scale is small. However, in situations where d-wave superconductivity and other tendencies, e.g. antiferromagnetism, are closely competing, the combined effect of different phonons may be able to tip the balance towards pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Resonant Energy Exchange between Atoms in Dispersing and Absorbing Surroundings

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    Within the framework of quantization of the macroscopic electromagnetic field, a master equation describing both the resonant dipole-dipole interaction (RDDI) and the resonant atom-field interaction (RAFI) in the presence of dispersing and absorbing macroscopic bodies is derived, with the relevant couplings being expressed in terms of the surroundings-assisted Green tensor. It is shown that under certain conditions the RDDI can be regarded as being governed by an effective Hamiltonian. The theory, which applies to both weak and strong atom-field coupling, is used to study the resonant energy exchange between two (two-level) atoms sharing initially a single excitation. In particular, it is shown that in the regime of weak atom-field coupling there is a time window, where the energy transfer follows a transfer-rate law of the type obtained by ordinary second-order perturbation theory. Finally, the spectrum of the light emitted during the energy transfer is studied and the line splittings are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figs, Proceedings of ICQO'2002, Raubichi, to appear in Optics and Spectroscop

    Characterization of Smallholder Beef Cattle Production System in Central Vietnam –Revealing Performance, Trends, Constraints, and Future Development

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of smallholder beef cattle production in Central Vietnam. A total of 360 households were interviewed by using semi-structured questionnaire; a total of 606 beef cows were investigated for evaluating calving interval (CI). Thirty-two fattening cattle were monitored for the estimation of diet structure. Results showed that the cattle herd size was 4.32-4.45 cattle/household. In North Central (NC), 55% of surveyed farmers kept local cattle, 45% kept crossbreeds, and none of surveyed farmers keeping exotic breeds. In South Central (SC), 63% of surveyed farmers kept cross cattle, 32% kept local cattle, and 5% kept exotic breeds. In the breeding method, 70% of surveyed farmers used artificial insemination (AI), 20% used natural mating (NM), and only 10% used both AI and NM in SC, whereas in NC 40% of farmers used AI, 40% used NM, and 20% used both AI and NM. The variety of feedstuffs fed to cattle including roughages and concentrate. The concentrate in the diet for fattening cattle was 25%-35% and protein level was 11%-13%, and the average daily gain of cattle was 0.51-0.63 kg/day. The CI of cows was 12-13 months in SC, whereas in NC it was 13-14 months. There were numerous constraints to cattle production in surveyed households including diseases, lack of good quality feed sources, breeds, knowledge, and lack of capital. In conclusion, cattle production in Central Vietnam is small scale and still largely extensive. There are constraints that must be solved to improve livestock systems in the near future, especially when shifting towards semi-intensive and/or intensive cattle production systems.

    Oscillator model for dissipative QED in an inhomogeneous dielectric

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    The Ullersma model for the damped harmonic oscillator is coupled to the quantised electromagnetic field. All material parameters and interaction strengths are allowed to depend on position. The ensuing Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of canonical fields, and diagonalised by performing a normal-mode expansion. The commutation relations of the diagonalising operators are in agreement with the canonical commutation relations. For the proof we replace all sums of normal modes by complex integrals with the help of the residue theorem. The same technique helps us to explicitly calculate the quantum evolution of all canonical and electromagnetic fields. We identify the dielectric constant and the Green function of the wave equation for the electric field. Both functions are meromorphic in the complex frequency plane. The solution of the extended Ullersma model is in keeping with well-known phenomenological rules for setting up quantum electrodynamics in an absorptive and spatially inhomogeneous dielectric. To establish this fundamental justification, we subject the reservoir of independent harmonic oscillators to a continuum limit. The resonant frequencies of the reservoir are smeared out over the real axis. Consequently, the poles of both the dielectric constant and the Green function unite to form a branch cut. Performing an analytic continuation beyond this branch cut, we find that the long-time behaviour of the quantised electric field is completely determined by the sources of the reservoir. Through a Riemann-Lebesgue argument we demonstrate that the field itself tends to zero, whereas its quantum fluctuations stay alive. We argue that the last feature may have important consequences for application of entanglement and related processes in quantum devices.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    Multi-variate analyses of flood loss in Can Tho city, Mekong delta

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    Floods in the Mekong delta are recurring events and cause substantial losses to the economy. Sea level rise and increasing precipitation during the wet season result in more frequent floods. For effective flood risk management, reliable losses and risk analyses are necessary. However, knowledge about damaging processes and robust assessments of flood losses in the Mekong delta are scarce. In order to fill this gap, we identify and quantify the effects of the most important variables determining flood losses in Can Tho city through multi-variate statistical analyses. Our analysis is limited to the losses of residential buildings and contents. Results reveal that under the specific flooding characteristics in the Mekong delta with relatively well-adapted households, long inundation durations and shallow water depths, inundation duration is more important than water depth for the resulting loss. However, also building and content values, floor space of buildings and building quality are important loss-determining variables. Human activities like undertaking precautionary measures also influence flood losses. The results are important for improving flood loss modelling and, consequently, flood risk assessments in the Mekong delta

    Flood loss models and risk analysis for private households in can Tho City, Vietnam

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    Vietnam has a long history and experience with floods. Flood risk is expected to increase further due to climatic, land use and other global changes. Can Tho City, the cultural and economic center of the Mekong delta in Vietnam, is at high risk of flooding. To improve flood risk analyses for Vietnam, this study presents novel multi-variable flood loss models for residential buildings and contents and demonstrates their application in a flood risk assessment for the inner city of Can Tho. Cross-validation reveals that decision tree based loss models using the three input variables water depth, flood duration and floor space of building are more appropriate for estimating building and contents loss in comparison with depth-damage functions. The flood risk assessment reveals a median expected annual flood damage to private households of US$3340 thousand for the inner city of Can Tho. This is approximately 2.5%of the total annual income of households in the study area. For damage reduction improved flood risk management is required for the Mekong Delta, based on reliable damage and risk analyses
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