39 research outputs found

    A machine learning toolkit for CRISM image analysis

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    Hyperspectral images collected by remote sensing have played a significant role in the discovery of aqueous alteration minerals, which in turn have important implications for our understanding of the changing habitability on Mars. Traditional spectral analyzes based on summary parameters have been helpful in converting hyperspectral cubes into readily visualizable three channel maps highlighting high-level mineral composition of the Martian terrain. These maps have been used as a starting point in the search for specific mineral phases in images. Although the amount of labor needed to verify the presence of a mineral phase in an image is quite limited for phases that emerge with high abundance, manual processing becomes laborious when the task involves determining the spatial extent of detected phases or identifying small outcrops of secondary phases that appear in only a few pixels within an image. Thanks to extensive use of remote sensing data and rover expeditions, significant domain knowledge has accumulated over the years about mineral composition of several regions of interest on Mars, which allow us to collect reliable labeled data required to train machine learning algorithms. In this study we demonstrate the utility of machine learning in two essential tasks for hyperspectral data analysis: nonlinear noise removal and mineral classification. We develop a simple yet effective hierarchical Bayesian model for estimating distributions of spectral patterns and extensively validate this model for mineral classification on several test images. Our results demonstrate that machine learning can be highly effective in exposing tiny outcrops of specific phases in orbital data that are not uncovered by traditional spectral analysis. We package implemented scripts, documentation illustrating use cases, and pixel-scale training data collected from dozens of well-characterized images into a new toolkit. We hope that this new toolkit will provide advanced and effective processing tools and improve community’s ability to map compositional units in remote sensing data quickly, accurately, and at scale

    A Model Based Mixture Supervised Classification Approach in Hyperspectral Data Analysis

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    It iswell-known that there is a strong relation between class definition precision and classification accuracy in pattern classification applications. In hyperspectral data analysis, usually classes of interest contain one or more components and may not be well represented by a single Gaussian density function. In this paper, a model based mixture classifier, which uses mixture models to characterize class densities, is discussed. However, a key outstanding problem of this approach is how to choose the number of components and determine their parameters for such models in practice, and to do so in the face of limited training sets where estimation error becomes a significant factor. The proposed classifier estimates the number of subclasses and class statistics simultaneously by choosing the best model. The structure of class covariances is also addressed through a modelbased covariance estimation technique introduced in this paper

    A cost-effective semisupervised classifier approach with kernels

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    This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it. In this paper we propose a cost-effective iterative semi-supervised classifier based on a kernel concept. The proposed technique incorporates unlabeled data into the design of a binary classifier by introducing and optimizing a cost function in a feature space which maximizes the Rayleigh coefficient while minimizing the total cost associated with misclassified labeled samples. The cost assigned to misclassified labeled samples accounts for the number of misclassified labeled samples as well as the amount by which they are on the wrong side of the boundary, and this counter-balances any potential adverse effect of unlabeled data on the classifier performance. Several experiments performed with remotely-sensed data demonstrate that using the proposed semisupervised classifier shows considerable improvements over the supervised-only counterpart. I

    Toward an Optimal Supervised Classifier for the Analysis of Hyperspectral Data

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    This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it. In this study we propose a supervised classifier based on implementation of the Bayes rule with kernels. The proposed technique first proposes an implicit nonlinear transformation of the data into a feature space seeking to fit normal distributions having a common covariance matrix onto the mapped data. One requirement of this approach is the evaluation of posterior probabilities. We express the discriminant function in dotproduct form, and then apply the kernel concept to efficiently evaluate the posterior probabilities. The proposed technique gives the flexibility required to model complex data structures that originate from a wide-range of class conditional distributions. Although we end up with piece-wise linear decision boundaries in the feature space, these corresponds to powerful nonlinear boundaries in the original input space. For the data we considered we have obtained some encouraging results

    Joint optimization of cascaded classifiers for computer aided detection

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    The existing methods for offline training of cascade classifiers take a greedy search to optimize individual classifiers in the cascade, leading inefficient overall performance. We propose a new design of the cascaded classifier where all classifiers are optimized for the final objective function. The key contribution of this paper is the AND-OR framework for learning the classifiers in the cascade. In earlier work each classifier is trained independently using the examples labeled as positive by the previous classifiers in the cascade, and optimized to have the best performance for that specific local stage. The proposed approach takes into account the fact that an example is classified as positive by the cascade if it is labeled as positive by all the stages and it is classified as negative if it is rejected at any stage in the cascade. An offline training scheme is introduced based on the joint optimization of the classifier

    A model-based mixture-supervised classification approach in hyperspectral data analysis

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    Deep-Learning-Based High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Lesion Segmentation in Multi-Wavelength Photoacoustic Imaging

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    Photoacoustic (PA) imaging can be used to monitor high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapies because ablation changes the optical absorption spectrum of the tissue, and this change can be detected with PA imaging. Multi-wavelength photoacoustic (MWPA) imaging makes this change easier to detect by repeating PA imaging at multiple optical wavelengths and sampling the optical absorption spectrum more thoroughly. Real-time pixel-wise classification in MWPA imaging can assist clinicians in monitoring HIFU lesion formation and will be a crucial milestone towards full HIFU therapy automation based on artificial intelligence. In this paper, we present a deep-learning-based approach to segment HIFU lesions in MWPA images. Ex vivo bovine tissue is ablated with HIFU and imaged via MWPA imaging. The acquired MWPA images are then used to train and test a convolutional neural network (CNN) for lesion segmentation. Traditional machine learning algorithms are also trained and tested to compare with the CNN, and the results show that the performance of the CNN significantly exceeds traditional machine learning algorithms. Feature selection is conducted to reduce the number of wavelengths to facilitate real-time implementation while retaining good segmentation performance. This study demonstrates the feasibility and high performance of the deep-learning-based lesion segmentation method in MWPA imaging to monitor HIFU lesion formation and the potential to implement this method in real time

    Sparse Fisher discriminant analysis for computer aided detection

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    We describe a method for sparse feature selection for a class of problems motivated by our work in Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) systems for identifying structures of interest in medical images. We propose a sparse formulation for Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD) that scales well to large datasets; our method inherits all the desirable properties of FLD, while improving on handling large numbers of irrelevant and redundant features. We demonstrate that our sparse FLD formulation outperforms conventional FLD and two other methods for feature selection from the literature on both an artificial dataset and a real-world Colon CAD dataset