54 research outputs found

    Online service for accessible machine learning of prediction models

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    The field of machine learning is getting more and more advanced every day. Many use this technology in order to start their projects or better their current applications. Due to such a great interest, the use of mathematical algorithms required to build artificial intelligence has been simplified through various frameworks that allow seamless implementation. One framework by the name Teachable Machine is available as an online service. Its ease of use and simplicity allows anyone to develop machine learning models that can then be applied for personal use or projects. Despite this, such a framework still requires specialized knowledge in order to make an effective and accurate prediction model. This paper aims to test the limits of this service by developing models of different complexity. One model will be tested using the upload feature present on the service, whereas the other one will be implemented within a mobile application and tested on real-world data. The results gathered from this testing will then give an insight into the performance and quality of the aforementioned online service

    Online service for accessible machine learning of prediction models

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    The field of machine learning is getting more and more advanced every day. Many use this technology in order to start their projects or better their current applications. Due to such a great interest, the use of mathematical algorithms required to build artificial intelligence has been simplified through various frameworks that allow seamless implementation. One framework by the name Teachable Machine is available as an online service. Its ease of use and simplicity allows anyone to develop machine learning models that can then be applied for personal use or projects. Despite this, such a framework still requires specialized knowledge in order to make an effective and accurate prediction model. This paper aims to test the limits of this service by developing models of different complexity. One model will be tested using the upload feature present on the service, whereas the other one will be implemented within a mobile application and tested on real-world data. The results gathered from this testing will then give an insight into the performance and quality of the aforementioned online service

    Computer-based Assistive Technologies in Education for Students with Disabilities

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    The aim of this paper is to accentuate the role of computer-based assistive technologies in the education process of students with disabilities. The paper presents preferred assistive technologies and types of educational problems that disabled students face. Impact of assistive technologies on independence in education and on quality of studying was also analyzed. Since the focus of this paper lies on the usability of computer-based assistive technologies, as fundamental elements of the education of disabled students, the importance of their accessibility is being particularly emphasized


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    Automatsko strojno prevođenje postalo je nezamjenjiv dio velikog broja organizacija koje posluju u međunarodnom okruženju i koje imaju potrebu generirati velike količine prijevoda za svoju dokumentaciju. Strojno prevođenje danas se smatra jednom od neizostavnih disruptivnih tehnologija koja uvelike doprinose cjelovitoj transformaciji poslovnih procesa u segmentu prevođenja tekstova napisanih na prirodnom jeziku. Ideja iza strojnog prevođenje je omogućiti automatizaciju barem dijela procesa prevođenja, posebno kada je riječ o velikoj količini podataka, ne bi li se ubrzalo cjelokupno poslovanje jedne organizacije i time se ostvarila konkurentska prednost na tržištu koje se brzo mijenja i kojemu se brzo treba prilagoditi. No, razvoj tehnologije automatskog strojnog prevođenja nije tekao tako glatko. Naime, razvoj je popraćen nizom uspona i padova, a upravo je cilj ovog znanstvenog rada dati kritičan i sistematiziran pregled svih ključnih faza razvoja navedene tehnologije, i to u kontekstu svjetskih, ali i domaćih istraživanja u tom području.Automatic machine translation has become a truly irreplaceable part of a large number of organizations that operate in an international environment and in need of generating large amounts of translations for their documentation. Today, machine translation is considered one of the indispensable disruptive technologies that greatly contribute to the complete transformation of business processes in the segment of translating texts written in natural language. The idea behind machine translation is to enable the automation of at least part of the translation process, especially when it comes to a large amount of data, in order to speed up the overall business of an organization and thus gain a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing market, to which one needs to adapt quickly. But the development of automatic machine translation technology did not go so smoothly. Namely, the development is accompanied by a series of ups and downs, and the aim of this very research paper is to give a critical and systematic overview of all key stages of development of this technology, in the context of global and domestic research in this area

    Statistical machine translation system and computational domain adaptation

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    Statističko strojno prevođenje temeljeno na frazama jedan je od mogućih pristupa automatskom strojnom prevođenju. U radu su predložene metode za poboljšanje kvalitete strojnog prijevoda prilagodbom određenih parametara u modelu sustava za statističko strojno prevođenje. Ideja rada bila jest izgraditi sustave za statističko strojno prevođenje temeljeno na frazama za hrvatski i engleski jezik. Sustavi su trenirani za dva jezična smjera, na dvije domene, na paralelnim korpusima različitih veličina i obilježja za hrvatsko-engleski i englesko-hrvatski jezični par, nakon čega proveden postupak ugađanja sustava. Istraženi su hibridni sustavi koji objedinjuju značajke obiju domena. Time je ispitan izravan utjecaj adaptacije domene na kvalitetu automatskog strojnog prijevoda hrvatskog jezika, a nova saznanja mogu koristiti pri izgradnji novih sustava. Provedena je automatska i ljudska evaluacija (vrednovanje) strojnih prijevoda, a dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s rezultatima strojnih prijevoda dobivenih primjenom postojećih web servisa za statističko strojno prevođenje.Phrase-based statistical machine translation is one of possible automatic machine translation approaches. This work proposes methods for increasing the quality of machine translation by adapting certain parameters in the statistical machine translation model. The idea was to build phrase-based statistical machine translation systems for Croatian and English language. The systems were be trained for two directions, on two domains, on parallel corpora of different sizes and characteristics for Croatian-English and English-Croatian language pair, after which the tuning procedure was conducted. Afterwards, hybrid systems which combine features of both domains were investigated. Thereby the direct impact of domain adaptation on the quality of automatic machine translation of Croatian language was explored, whereas new findings can be utilised for building new systems. Automatic and human evaluation of machine translations were carried out, while obtained results were compared with results obtained from applying existing statistical machine translation web services

    Modelling of Dross Height in Plasma Jet Cutting Process of Aluminium Alloy 5083 Using Fuzzy Logic Technique

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    Dross height is an important cut quality characteristic in plasma jet cutting process. It can be defined as molten metal blown from the cutting zone and localized on the bottom of the metal sheet. In each plasma jet cutting process, it is important to obtain dross free cuts. Aluminium is as material very present in shipbuilding and metal industry and because of that very usually cut by plasma jet. Because of high heat and electrical conductivity of aluminium, plasma jet cutting is followed by insecurity about process parameters settings that lead to optimal cut quality characteristics. The aim of this paper is to develop a fuzzy logic model that predicts the influence of variable process parameters on dross height in plasma jet cutting of aluminium alloy 5083. Experiments were performed according to Taguchi L27 orthogonal array by varying cutting speed, arc current and cutting height as input process parameters. Fuzzy logic model was defined using Mamdani inference system. This model was used to investigate effects of variable process parameters on dross height response. In order to analyse interaction effects of plasma jet cutting process parameters on dross formation 3D surface and contour plots were generated. The analysis revealed that the cutting speed has the most significant effect followed by arc current and cutting height. Obtained results of this research indicate that artificial intelligence technique, fuzzy logic, can be effectively used for modelling and prediction of dross formation in plasma jet cutting process of aluminium alloy

    Patterns-based Information Systems Organization

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    The socio-technical systems research paradigm is about the complexity of real situations. It confronts us with the quest for variables that could provide us with insight into the behavior of such systems. Their behavior emerges according to internal system properties and adaptation of the system to external conditions. In our view, behavioral patterns are one of those particular variables since machines can recognize them and their dynamics. Based on the synthesis of three different theoretical frameworks, this paper proposes a concept of patterns- based information system organization. The authors built the concept on the Deacon discussion of theory of information, Hofkirchner’s unified information theory and related system behavior, and Kelso’s explanation of pattern creation processes in self-organizing systems. All three researchers have included patterns in their theoretical proposal. According to this analysis of the existing theories and their synthesis, we conclude that in order to design machines that can automatically support new behavior, we have to analyze humans and machines as a complex whole with dynamic relationships and emerging patterns as a dependent variable of behavior. By developing this theoretical concept, we establish a departure point for future research and search for different variables that correlate with pattern formation

    Međukristalna korozija raznorodnog austenitnog zavara

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    Research on influence of heat treatment parameters by annealing (temperature and time duration) as well as quality of austenitic stainless steel weld joint of dissimilar steel on degree delta ferrite transformation (measured by device for ferrite content measuring dr.Foerster type 1.053) and inter-granular corrosion rate using Huey test ( ASTM A 262 part C). A pair of basic materials quality in accordance with standards ASTM A387Gr.12 and ASTM A 240 TP 304L was welded by SMAW using austenitic consumable material different quality. Factors plan of experiment 33 has been applied i.e. temperature 650,700,750ºC; time duration 0,2,10 hours and welds quality AWS E309L, AWS E316L, AWS E 308L.Provedena su istraživanja utjecaja parametara toplinske obradbe žarenjem (temperature i vremena trajanja ) te vrste austenitnog korozijski postojanog zavarenog spoja raznorodnih čelika na stupanj transformacije delta ferita ( mjereno uređajem za određivanje sadržaja ferita dr.Foerster tip1.053) i brzinu međukristalne korozije putem Huey testa (ASTM A 262 partC). Par osnovnih materijala kakvoće sukladne normama ASTM A387gr.12 i ASTM A240 TP 304L je zavarivan REL postupkom primjenom austenitnog dodatnog materijala različite kakvoće. Primijenjen je faktorski plan pokusa 33 tj. varirane su razine temperature toplinske obradbe žarenjem 650, 700,750ºC, kao i vrijeme trajanja toplinske obradbe 0,2,10sati te kakvoća zavarenog spoja raznorodnih čelika AWS E309L, AWS E316L, AWS E 308L

    Scientific Conferences as a Medium of Academic Communication – a Case of INFuture

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    Scientific conferences provide opportunities for both formal and informal communication of academic insights among conference participants and make possible the sharing of those insights with the wider academic community as well as the wider public through the publication of conference papers in both print and digital form, and owing to all this they may be considered a significant medium of academic communication. Every system of communication consists of three basic elements: source of information, information user(s) and mediums or channels used for disseminating information. We analysed the system of academic communication using this basic structure, where we approached scientific conferences as a medium used for the dissemination of information. However, it is important to emphasise that in this basic scheme researchers represent the source of information and information users at the same time. Our analysis of academic communication includes both the dissemination and assimilation of scientific information taking place at conferences. Standard forms of activity and interaction at scientific conferences, ranging from oral communication during the giving of presentations, through written communication involved in the publication of papers as part of conference proceedings to one’s very presence at a conference, should carefully be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness as mediums of academic communication. We will present the results of our preliminary research through demonstrating correlations between the number of authors and number of papers presented at previous INFuture conferences, classifying authors by country, co-authorship, etc., and thus provide an introduction into a more detailed research into the communication space created as a result of scientific conferences and the role of that space in the communication within a particular academic community. A more extensive research project will include scientometric and bibliometric analyses, interviews and comparative analyses that should provide us with insights into the significance of conferences as a medium of academic communication and their impact on the academic community

    Application of Photogrammetry in 3D Scanning of Physical Objects

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    This paper explains the 3D scanning procedure of creating a virtual 3D model from photographs by using a process called photogrammetry. It starts by giving a technical explanation of different technologies for 3D scanning, explains why photogrammetry was chosen and gives general specifications of hardware and software used in the process. The whole procedure is then thoroughly shown step by step on a physical object, and in the end an analysis of the generated 3D model and its variations is given