425 research outputs found

    Multidimensional quantum tunneling in the Schwinger effect

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    We study the Schwinger effect, in which the external field having a spatiotemporal profile creates electron-positron pairs via multidimensional quantum tunneling. Our treatment is based on the trace formula for the QED effective action, whose imaginary part is represented by a sum over complex worldline solutions. The worldlines are multiperiodic, and the periods of motion collectively depend on the strength of spatial and temporal inhomogeneity. We argue that the classical action that leads to the correct tunneling amplitude must take into account both the full period, T~\tilde{T} and the first fundamental period, T1T_1. In view of this argument we investigate pair production in an exponentially damped sinusoidal field and find that the initial momenta for multiperiodic trajectories lie on parabolic curves, such that on each curve the ratio T~/T1\tilde{T}/T_1 stays uniform. Evaluation of the tunneling amplitude using these trajectories shows that vacuum decay rate is reduced by an order of magnitude, with respect to the purely time-dependent case, due to the presence of magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Revised and extende

    Vacuum decay and the transmission resonances in space-dependent electric fields

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    We investigate the decay of quantum electrodynamical (QED) vacuum in arbitrary space-dependent electric fields. In particular, we analyze the resonance peaks of the positron emission spectrum for the external fields with subcycle structure. For this, we study the transmission probability in the framework of scattering approach to vacuum pair production. In under-the-barrier scattering regime, we show that the width of a transmission resonance can be enhanced when the effective scattering potential contains multiple wells. Such a broadening in the resonance width corresponds to a decrease in the tunneling time. This may be relevant for observing the vacuum decay at shorter timescales before the external field is adiabatically turned off. In above-the-barrier scattering regime, we give a set of coupled differential equations for the numerical computation of the Bogoliubov coefficients.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. v2: Revised and extended, to appear in PR

    Hawking Radiation via Complex Geodesics

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    We describe in detail the quantum tunneling of massive particles from Kerr black hole by using complex trajectories, which are solutions to the Hamilton's equations of motion with imaginary proper time. The trajectories are smooth and cover the inner and outer horizon regions. Following the worldline approach, we compute the energy flux at the event horizon as a summation over these complex trajectories. Density of states is given with the aid of Carter's constant and it is shown to be linear in momenta in the leading order, as long as the phase portrait of the system stays uniform. Under this assumption, we obtain the thermal spectrum ∼(TH+)4\sim (T^{+}_H)^4.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. Revised and extended. To appear PR

    Feedback driven adaptive combinatorial testing

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    The configuration spaces of modern software systems are too large to test exhaustively. Combinatorial interaction testing (CIT) approaches, such as covering arrays, systematically sample the configuration space and test only the selected configurations. The basic justification for CIT approaches is that they can cost-effectively exercise all system behaviors caused by the settings of t or fewer options. We conjecture, however, that in practice many such behaviors are not actually tested because of masking effects – failures that perturb execution so as to prevent some behaviors from being exercised. In this work we present a feedback-driven, adaptive, combinatorial testing approach aimed at detecting and working around masking effects. At each iteration we detect potential masking effects, heuristically isolate their likely causes, and then generate new covering arrays that allow previously masked combinations to be tested in the subsequent iteration. We empirically assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach on two large widely used open source software systems. Our results suggest that masking effects do exist and that our approach provides a promising and efficient way to work around them


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    This study aims to measure the impact of IFRS adoption on the relevancy of accounting information at the manufacturing firms listed in Borsa Istanbul. To achieve the objectives of the study, a regression model is applied on a dataset divided into two periods; the first covers the pre adoption period from 1996 to 2004, and the second covers the post adoption period from 2005 to 2013. The applied regression model aims to measure the explanatory power of book values and earnings to explain stock prices. The result of the cross-sectional analysis shows that the relevancy of accounting information increases after the adoption of IFRS. However, when quarterly data is used, the result shows that the relevancy declines after the adoption of IFRS

    Acute median nerve palsy due to hemorrhaged schwannoma: case report

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    Schwannomas are common, benign nerve tumors originating from the sheath of peripheral nerves. In this article, a 54 year old woman suffered from sudden onset motor and sensory deficit at her first radial three fingers on her right hand. Radiological investigations were normal. Electromyography diagnosed a median nerve entrapment neuropathy and urgent surgery was performed. Interestingly, a hemorrhaged mass was detected in the median nevre at the proximal end of the carpal ligament and was resected totally. Histopathological diagnosis was Schwannoma. The patient maintained a healthy status for five years
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