84 research outputs found

    Multiscale Modelling of Fibres Dynamics and Cell Adhesion within Moving Boundary Cancer Invasion

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    Cancer cell invasion is recognised as one of the hallmarks of cancer and involves several inner-related multiscale processes that ultimately contribute to its spread into the surrounding tissue. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the tumour invasion process, we pay special attention to the interacting dynamics between the cancer cell population and various constituents of the surrounding tumour microenvironment. To that end, we consider the key role that ECM plays within the human body tissue, providing not only structure and support to surrounding cells, but also acting as a platform for cells communication and spatial movement. There are several other vital structures within the ECM, however we are going to focus primarily on fibrous proteins, such as fibronectin. These fibres play a crucial role in tumour progression, enabling the anchorage of tumour cells to the ECM. In this work we consider the two-scale dynamic cross-talk between cancer cells and a two component ECM (consisting of both a fibre and a non-fibre phase). To that end, we incorporate the interlinked two-scale dynamics of cells-ECM interactions within the tumour support that contributes simultaneously both to cell-adhesion and to the dynamic rearrangement and restructuring of the ECM fibres. Furthermore, this is embedded within a multiscale moving boundary approach for the invading cancer cell population, in the presence of cell-adhesion at the tissue scale and cell-scale fibre redistribution activity and leading edge matrix degrading enzyme molecular proteolytic processes. The overall modelling framework will be accompanied by computational results that will explore the impact on cancer invasion patterns of different levels of cell adhesion in conjunction with the continuous ECM fibres rearrangement.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figure

    Inverse Reconstruction of Cell Proliferation Laws in Cancer Invasion Modelling

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    The process of local cancer cell invasion of the surrounding tissue is key for the overall tumour growth and spread within the human body, the past 3 decades witnessing intense mathematical modelling efforts in these regards. However, for a deep understanding of the cancer invasion process these modelling studies require robust data assimilation approaches. While being of crucial importance in assimilating potential clinical data, the inverse problems approaches in cancer modelling are still in their early stages, with questions regarding the retrieval of the characteristics of tumour cells motility, cells mutations, and cells population proliferation, remaining widely open. This study deals with the identification and reconstruction of the usually unknown cancer cell proliferation law in cancer modelling from macroscopic tumour snapshot data collected at some later stage in the tumour evolution. Considering two basic tumour configurations, associated with the case of one cancer cells population and two cancer cells subpopulations that exercise their dynamics within the extracellular matrix, we combine Tikhonov regularisation and gaussian mollification approaches with finite element and finite differences approximations to reconstruct the proliferation laws for each of these sub-populations from both exact and noisy measurements. Our inverse problem formulation is accompanied by numerical examples for the reconstruction of several proliferation laws used in cancer growth modelling

    Multiscale dynamics of a heterotypic cancer cell population within a fibrous extracellular matrix

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    Local cancer cell invasion is a complex process involving many cellular and tissue interactions and is an important prerequisite for metastatic spread, the main cause of cancer related deaths. Occurring over many different temporal and spatial scales, the first stage of local invasion is the secretion of matrix-degrading enzymes (MDEs) and the resulting degradation of the extra-cellular matrix (ECM). This process creates space in which the cells can invade and thus enlarge the tumour. As a tumour increases in malignancy, the cancer cells adopt the ability to mutate into secondary cell subpopulations giving rise to a heterogeneous tumour. This new cell subpopulation often carries higher invasive qualities and permits a quicker spread of the tumour. Building upon the recent multiscale modelling framework for cancer invasion within a fibrous ECM introduced in Shuttleworth and Trucu (2019), in this paper we consider the process of local invasion by a heterotypic tumour consisting of two cancer cell populations mixed with a two-phase ECM. To that end, we address the double feedback link between the tissue-scale cancer dynamics and the cell-scale molecular processes through the development of a two-part modelling framework that crucially incorporates the multiscale dynamic redistribution of oriented fibres occurring within a two-phase extra-cellular matrix and combines this with the multiscale leading edge dynamics exploring key matrix-degrading enzymes molecular processes along the tumour interface that drive the movement of the cancer boundary. The modelling framework will be accompanied by computational results that explore the effects of the underlying fibre network on the overall pattern of cancer invasion

    Inverse problems for blood perfusion identification

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    In this thesis we investigate a sequence of important inverse problems associated with the bio-heat transient flow equation which models the heat transfer within the human body. Given the physical importance of the blood perfusion coefficient that appears in the bio-heat equation, attention is focused on the inverse problems concerning the accurate recovery of this information when exact and noisy measurements are considered in terms of the mass, flux, or temperature, which we sampled over the specific regions of the media under investigation. Five different cases are considered for the retrieval of the perfusion coefficient, namely when this parameter is assumed to be either constant, or dependent on time, space, temperature, or on both space and time. Theanalytica:l and numerical techniques that arc used to investigate the existence and uniqueness of the solution for this inverse coefficient identification are embedded in an extensiveú computational approach for the retrieval of the perfusion coefficient. Boundary integral methods, for the constant and the time-dependent cases, or Crank-Nicolson-type global schemes or local methods based on solutions of the first-kind integral equations, in the space, temperature, or space and time cases, are used in conjunction either with Gaussian mollification or with Tikhonov regularization methods, which arc coupled with optimization techniques. Analytically, a number of uniqueness and existence criteria and structural results are formulated and proved