172 research outputs found

    Books: Fertility Management. Contraception in Practice

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    Scarcity, government, population: The problem of food in colonial Kenya, c. 1900-1952

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    Food security in Africa is a foremost development challenge. Dominant approaches to addressing food security concentrate on availability and increasing production. This 'productionist' focus arguably limits the capacity of government policies to address contemporary food problems. It does so by obscuring both the specific food insecurity dynamics linked to the continent's ongoing urban transitions, as well as the potential for more systemic food strategies. Yet existing research provides an inadequate historical understanding of how a production and supply-oriented bias has emerged and become established in the African context. This undermines the capacity of scholars and policymakers to critique and reform food security thought and practice. The thesis addresses this gap in knowledge by critically and historically examining the emergence of food scarcity as a specific problem of government in a particular African context: colonial Kenya. Understanding how colonial officials and other actors conceived of and responded to food scarcities in Kenya is the primary question addressed. The specific roles and duties of the state in relation to this problem are also investigated. The thesis employs a Foucauldian-inspired approach to the historical analysis of government and problematizations. Primary data were gathered from archives in the United Kingdom. The argument is that food scarcity, as a problem of government, shifted from an uncertain and localized rural issue to a risk encompassing the balance between market supply and demand at a territorial scale. The role of the state shifted from a last-resort provider of relief to a regulator of maize production and demand, with a focus on ensuring adequate supply for territorial self-sufficiency. Accordingly, anti-scarcity techniques became increasingly economic and calculative in nature, and longer term in focus. This mode of conceiving and addressing food scarcity existed in Kenya by the end of the Second World War, and was stabilized in the immediate post-war period. Elements of this system are recognizable in contemporary food security policies in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa. The thesis contributes to historical knowledge of African food insecurity and colonial government. It moves beyond previous work by focusing on Kenya, and by examining food scarcity as a distinct problem of colonial government. It enhances knowledge of the conditions under which contemporary modes of food governance have come into existence

    Microvascular replantation of avulsed tissue after a dog bite of the face

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    Various authors have described successful microsurgical replantation of totally avulsed facial tissue. In a significant nwnber of cases difficulties were experienced with the venous anastomoses and/or venous drainage of the tissue. Many different methods were used to overcome the problem. Despite these difficulties, good cosmetic and functional results were reported.These injuries are often caused by animal bites. Adequate wound care and the excellent local blood supply make immediate reconstruction after animal bites of the face a safe procedure. Other authors describing similar lesions and immediate repair have not reported the complication of wound infection.We report on a patient who suffered a dog bite with total avulsion of most of the left upper lip, cheek and left alar rim. Venous congestion was overcome by multiple needle punctures to drain blood from the outer surface of the flap and local of application of heparin. A good cosmetic result and the return of sensation and function of the orbicularis oris muscle were obtained

    Norplant in South Africa - the first 100 patients

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    High maternal mortality rates coupled with poor socioeconomic conditions in developing countries indicate the need for those truly dedicated to improvement of maternal well-being to investigate advances in methods of pregnancy regulation and to. implement those found to be effective and acceptable.In a trial involving 100 patients at Tygerberg Hospital that commenced in December 1993, Norplant was found to be highly acceptable and easy to use.It is strongly recommended that the acceptability of Norplant to the general South African population be evaluated further and then, hopefully, made available to all our people without undue delay

    A new microvascular sleeve anastomosis

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    The bulk of this thesis will be devoted to the development of the new anastomotic technique and descriptions of the various experimental systems designed to test the anastomosis, together with the results obtained

    La pêche, élément d'une politique sociale

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    Stil lewe en kos fotografie

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    ThesisDie eerste hoofstuk handel oor die kamera en film wat die kwaliteit van enige kos fotografie positief of negatief kan beYnvloed. Dit sluit ook 'n kort beskrywing in van die funksies van die 4 x 5 kamera, sowel as 'n verskeidenheid van films wat deur professionele fotograwe gebruik word. Robert Dodds, 'n kenner in kos fotografie se mening en metodes van fotografie word uitgelig in die tweede hoofstuk. Die hoofmhoud van hierdie skripsie (hoofstuk 3) handel oor hoe te werk gegaan moet word om aan die hoof vereistes van kos fotografie te voldoen, deur die gebruik van produkte, spesifieke vereistes, beplanning, toetsing, natuurlike lig en die skepping van atmosfeer. Die skripsie se laaste deel handel oor die outeur se foto's en 'n verduideliking daarvan

    Die ontwikkeling van 'n modulêre en vervoerbare beligtingsinstrument vir die dokumentasie van Suid-Afrikaanse rotskuns

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    Thesis (M. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2007The lack of a standardized lighting instrument to be used in conjunction with existing photographic methods to document rock art, is a problem experienced in archaeological circles. Through interviews with archaeologists and an investigation into existing photographic methods concerning the photographing of rock art, a demand for a portable and modular lighting instrument was confirmed. The aim of this study, then, was to develop a prototype lighting instrument to fill this void. The design and manufacture of the modular lighting instrument entailed the harnessing of the technological advances made in the field of rapid prototyping. A brief overview of the San/Bushmen of Southern Africa is given to stress the importance of this study and to emphasise the importance of the art of the Bushman in our collective art heritage. An overview of the documenting of rock art and therewith an investigation into documented works of rock art and rock engravings by the San/Bushmen serves as a point of departure for the present inquiry. Tests undertaken with the modular lighting instrument, and a comparison of the results so obtained with existing photographic methods, showed that with the use of the modular lighting instrument, an improvement in illumination, rock-face texture and colour contrast in the images was obtained. The modular lighting instrument helps to create and regulate a suitable lighting environment irrespective of natural lighting circumstances and environments. It produces better results when it comes to documenting rock art in comparison to existing methods of documentation. Continued study for the development of the modular lighting instrument is recommended in order to produce more constant results