18 research outputs found

    The Relationships between Cerebrospinal Fluid Glial (CXCL12, CX3CL, YKL-40) and Synaptic Biomarkers (Ng, NPTXR) in Early Alzheimer’s Disease

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    In addition to amyloid and tau pathology in the central nervous system (CNS), inflammatory processes and synaptic dysfunction are highly important mechanisms involved in the development and progression of dementia diseases. In the present study, we conducted a comparative analysis of selected pro-inflammatory proteins in the CNS with proteins reflecting synaptic damage and core biomarkers in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early Alzheimer’s disease (AD). To our knowledge, no studies have yet compared CXCL12 and CX3CL1 with markers of synaptic disturbance in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the early stages of dementia. The quantitative assessment of selected proteins in the CSF of patients with MCI, AD, and non-demented controls (CTRL) was performed using immunoassays (single- and multiplex techniques). In this study, increased CSF concentration of CX3CL1 in MCI and AD patients correlated positively with neurogranin (r = 0.74; p < 0.001, and r = 0.40; p = 0.020, respectively), ptau181 (r = 0.49; p = 0.040), and YKL-40 (r = 0.47; p = 0.050) in MCI subjects. In addition, elevated CSF levels of CXCL12 in the AD group were significantly associated with mini-mental state examination score (r = −0.32; p = 0.040). We found significant evidence to support an association between CX3CL1 and neurogranin, already in the early stages of cognitive decline. Furthermore, our findings indicate that CXCL12 might be a useful marker for tract severity of cognitive impairment

    Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease in Clinical Practice: The Role of CSF Biomarkers during the Evolution of Diagnostic Criteria

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive condition and the most common cause of dementia worldwide. The neuropathological changes characteristic of the disorder can be successfully detected before the development of full-blown AD. Early diagnosis of the disease constitutes a formidable challenge for clinicians. CSF biomarkers are the in vivo evidence of neuropathological changes developing in the brain of dementia patients. Therefore, measurement of their concentrations allows for improved accuracy of clinical diagnosis. Moreover, AD biomarkers may provide an indication of disease stage. Importantly, the CSF biomarkers of AD play a pivotal role in the new diagnostic criteria for the disease, and in the recent biological definition of AD by the National Institute on Aging, NIH and Alzheimer’s Association. Due to the necessity of collecting CSF by lumbar puncture, the procedure seems to be an important issue not only from a medical, but also a legal, viewpoint. Furthermore, recent technological advances may contribute to the automation of AD biomarkers measurement and may result in the establishment of unified cut-off values and reference limits. Moreover, a group of international experts in the field of AD biomarkers have developed a consensus and guidelines on the interpretation of CSF biomarkers in the context of AD diagnosis. Thus, technological advancement and expert recommendations may contribute to a more widespread use of these diagnostic tests in clinical practice to support a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia due to AD. This review article presents up-to-date data regarding the usefulness of CSF biomarkers in routine clinical practice and in biomarkers research

    Visual perception of cubistic and realistic portraits - eye movement correlates of aesthetic judgments

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    Wzrokowe przetwarzanie dzieł malarskich stanowi jeden z ważniejszych obszarów badawczych neuroestetyki. W celu eksploracji problemu wzrokowego przetwarzania portretów, przeprowadzono badanie z manipulacją stylu malarskiego. Ze względu na eksploracyjny charakter badania spodziewano się występowania różnic w percepcji i ocenach pomiędzy grupami obrazów. Celem badania było porównanie wskaźników okoruchowych i ocen estetycznych w odpowiedzi na bodźce z przeciwstawnych sobie stylów malarskich, kubizmu i realizmu w grupie osób bez formalnego wykształcenia artystycznego. Do zbadania oceny estetycznej zastosowano miarę subiektywną (kwestionariusz), a do wskaźników okoruchowych okulograf jako miarę obiektywną. W przypadku miary subiektywnej statystycznie istotne różnice pojawiły się w ocenie wymiaru emocjonalnego percypowanych portretów. Różnica w średnich długościach czasu fiksacji na twarzach, jak i poza nimi, okazała się być statystycznie istotna. Nie udało się wykazać wpływu emocjonalnego komponentu oceny estetycznej na długość fiksacji. Rezultaty wskazują na zmiany w percepcji portretów w zależności od stylu malarskiego, jednak tylko w przypadku kilku wskaźników okoruchowych (głównie czasu i ilości fiksacji). Wyniki pochodzące z danych sądu estetycznego wskazują na średnią wyższą ocenę obrazów realistycznych. W dyskusji rozważa się potencjalne wyjaśnienie oraz pogłębienie badanego problemu.Visual perception of paintings is one of the most important research areas of neuroesthetics. In order to explore the problem of the visual perception of portraits, a study was carried out with the manipulation of the painting style. Due to the exploratory nature of the study, there were expected differences in perception and aesthetic judgments between two groups of images. The aim of the study was to compare the eye movement patterns and aesthetic judgments in response to stimuli from contradictory painting styles, cubism and realism in a group of people without formal artistic education. The subjective measure (questionnaire) was used to examine the aesthetic evaluation, and the oculography was used as an objective measure to examine eye movement patterns. In the case of a subjective measure, statistically significant differences appeared in the emotional dimension of the aesthetic judgments. The difference in the average fixation time on the faces and outside them turned out to be statistically significant. The emotional impact of the aesthetic evaluation component on the fixation length could not be demonstrated. The results indicate changes in perception of portraits depending on the painting style, but only in the case of several eye movement patterns (mainly time and number of fixations). The results from aesthetic judgment data indicate an average higher rating of realistic images. The discussion considers a potential explanation and deepening of the examined problem

    A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase (ADAM) Family: Their Significance in Malignant Tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS)

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    Despite the considerable advances in diagnostic methods in medicine, central nervous system (CNS) tumors, particularly the most common ones—gliomas—remain incurable, with similar incidence rates and mortality. A growing body of literature has revealed that degradation of the extracellular matrix by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) might be involved in the pathogenesis of CNS tumors. However, the subfamily of MMPs, known as disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) proteins are unique due to both adhesive and proteolytic activities. The objective of our review is to present the role of ADAMs in CNS tumors, particularly their involvement in the development of malignant gliomas. Moreover, we focus on the diagnostic and prognostic significance of selected ADAMs in patients with these neoplasms. It has been proven that ADAM12, ADAMTS4 and 5 are implicated in the proliferation and invasion of glioma cells. In addition, ADAM8 and ADAM19 are correlated with the invasive activity of glioma cells and unfavorable survival, while ADAM9, -10 and -17 are associated with tumor grade and histological type of gliomas and can be used as prognostic factors. In conclusion, several ADAMs might serve as potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers as well as therapeutic targets for malignant CNS tumors. However, future research on ADAMs biology should be performed to elucidate new strategies for tumor diagnosis and treatment of patients with these malignancies

    Neurogranin and VILIP-1 as Molecular Indicators of Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Neurogranin (Ng) and visinin-like protein 1 (VILIP-1) are promising candidates for Alzheimer&rsquo;s Disease (AD) biomarkers closely related to synaptic and neuronal degeneration. Both proteins are involved in calcium-mediated pathways. The meta-analysis was performed in random effects based on the ratio of means (RoM) with calculated pooled effect size. The diagnostic utility of these proteins was examined in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients in different stages of AD compared to control (CTRL). Ng concentration was also checked in various groups with positive (+) and negative (-) amyloid beta (A&beta;). Ng highest levels of RoM were observed in the AD (n = 1894) compared to CTRL (n = 2051) group (RoM: 1.62). Similarly, the VILIP-1 highest values of RoM were detected in the AD (n = 706) compared to CTRL (n = 862) group (RoM: 1.34). Concentrations of both proteins increased in more advanced stages of AD. However, Ng seems to be an earlier biomarker for the assessment of cognitive impairment. Ng appears to be related with amyloid beta, and the highest levels of Ng in CSF was observed in the group with pathological A&beta;+ status. Our meta-analysis confirms that Ng and VILIP-1 can be useful CSF biomarkers in differential diagnosis and monitoring progression of cognitive decline. Although, an additional advantage of the protein concentration Ng is the possibility of using it to predict the risk of developing cognitive impairment in normal controls with pathological levels of A&beta;1-42. Analyses in larger cohorts are needed, particularly concerning A&beta; status

    Biochemical Markers in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer&rsquo;s disease (AD) is one of the most frequent neurodegenerative diseases affecting more than 35 million people in the world, and its incidence is estimated to triple by 2050. Alzheimer&rsquo;s disease is an age-related disease characterized by the progressive loss of memory and cognitive function, caused by the unstoppable neurodegeneration and brain atrophy. Current AD treatments only relieve the symptoms. The first molecular signs of the disease identified decades ago and were related to the tau neurofibrillary tangles and the &beta; amyloid plaques. Despite the considerable progress in the diagnostic field, there is no certain knowledge of the specific biomarkers reflecting molecular mechanisms that trigger the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, there is an enormous need to find biomarkers useful for early diagnosis, before the first symptoms appear, and develop new therapeutic targets, which would guarantee improving patients&rsquo; quality of life. Researchers from all around the world are looking for biomarkers that can be identified in different biological fluids such as plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid, specific for Alzheimer&rsquo;s disease. In this review, we would like to resume some of the most interesting discovery in pathological mechanisms underlying Alzheimer&rsquo;s disease and promising biomarkers

    The Implication of Reticulons (RTNs) in Neurodegenerative Diseases: From Molecular Mechanisms to Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches

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    Reticulons (RTNs) are crucial regulatory factors in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as immune system and play pleiotropic functions. In CNS, RTNs are transmembrane proteins mediating neuroanatomical plasticity and functional recovery after central nervous system injury or diseases. Moreover, RTNs, particularly RTN4 and RTN3, are involved in neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation processes. The crucial role of RTNs in the development of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or other neurological conditions such as brain injury or spinal cord injury, has attracted scientific interest. Reticulons, particularly RTN-4A (Nogo-A), could provide both an understanding of early pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders and be potential therapeutic targets which may offer effective treatment or inhibit disease progression. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms and functions of RTNs and their potential usefulness in clinical practice as a diagnostic tool or therapeutic strategy

    Neurogranin and neuronal pentraxin receptor as synaptic dysfunction biomarkers in Alzheimers disease

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    Synaptic loss and dysfunction are one of the earliest signs of neurodegeneration associated with cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It seems that by assessing proteins related to synapses, one may reflect their dysfunction and improve the understanding of neurobiological processes in the early stage of the disease. To our best knowledge, this is the first study that analyzes the CSF concentrations of two synaptic proteins together, such as neurogranin (Ng) and neuronal pentraxins receptor (NPTXR) in relation to neurochemical dementia biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease. Methods: Ng, NPTXR and classical AD biomarkers concentrations were measured in the CSF of patients with AD and non-demented controls (CTRL) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Luminex xMAP technology. Results: The CSF level of Ng was significantly higher, whereas the NPTXR was significantly lower in the AD patients than in cognitively healthy controls. As a first, we calculated the NPTXR/Ng ratio as an indicator of synaptic disturbance. The patients with AD presented a significantly decreased NPTXR/Ng ratio. The correlation was observed between both proteins in the AD and the whole study group. Furthermore, the relationship between the Ng level and pTau181 was found in the AD group of patients. Conclusions: The Ng and NPTXR concentrations in CSF are promising synaptic dysfunction biomarkers reflecting pathological changes in AD

    Evaluation of synaptic and axonal dysfunction biomarkers in Alzheimers disease and Mild cognitive impairment based on CSF and bioinformatic analysis

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    Synaptic loss and dysfunction are one of the earliest signs of neurodegeneration associated with cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative diseases. This study aimed to assess the relationships between biological processes of the synaptic pathology underlying AD, molecular functions, and dynamics of the change concentrations of selected proteins reflecting synaptic and axonal pathology in dementia stages. Neurogranin (Ng), neuronal pentraxin receptor (NPTXR), and Visinin-like protein 1 (VILIP1) concentrations were measured in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of MCI, AD, and non-demented controls (CTRL) using quantitative immunological methods. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis was used for the functional analysis of tested proteins. The CSF Aβ42/Ng ratio was significantly different between all the compared groups. The CSF NPTXR/Ng ratio was significantly different between MCI compared to CTRL and AD compared to CTRL. The GO enrichment analysis revealed that two terms (the Biological Process (BP) and Cellular Component (CC) levels) are significantly enriched for NPTXR and Ng but not for VILIP1. Both Ng and NPTXR concentrations in CSF are promising synaptic dysfunction biomarkers for the early diagnosis of the disease. Moreover, both proteins are biochemically associated with classical biomarkers and VILIP-1. Mapping shared molecular and biological functions for the tested proteins by GO enrichment analysis may be beneficial in screening and setting new research targets

    Fatty acid bindingpProtein 3 (FABP3) and Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) as lipid metabolism-related biomarkers of Alzheimers Disease

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    Background: Lipid metabolism-related biomarkers gain increasing researchers interest in the field of neurodegenerative disorders. Mounting evidence have indicated the role of fatty acid-binding proteins and pathology lipid metabolism in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The imbalance of fatty acids (FA) and lipids may negatively affect brain functions related to neurodegenerative disorders. The ApoE4 and FABP3 proteins may reflect processes leading to neurodegeneration. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the CSF levels of FABP3 and ApoE4 proteins and cognitive decline as well as the diagnostic performance of these candidate biomarkers in AD and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods: A total of 70 subjects, including patients with AD, MCI, and non-demented controls, were enrolled in the study. CSF concentrations of FABP3 and ApoE4 were measured using immunoassay technology. Results: Significantly higher CSF concentrations of FABP3 and ApoE4 were observed in AD patients compared to MCI subjects and individuals without cognitive impairment. Both proteins were inversely associated with Aβ42/40 ratio: ApoE4 (rho = −0.472, p < 0.001), and FABP3 (rho = −0.488, p < 0.001) in the whole study group, respectively. Additionally, FABP3 was negatively correlated with Mini-Mental State Examination score in the whole study cohort (rho = −0.585 p < 0.001). Conclusion: Presented results indicate the pivotal role of FABP3 and ApoE4 in AD pathology as lipid-related biomarkers, but studies on larger cohorts are needed