54 research outputs found

    Prophages encode phage-defense systems with cognate self-immunity

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    Temperate phages are pervasive in bacterial genomes, existing as vertically inherited islands termed prophages. Prophages are vulnerable to predation of their host bacterium by exogenous phages. Here, we identify BstA, a family of prophage-encoded phage-defense proteins in diverse Gram-negative bacteria. BstA localizes to sites of exogenous phage DNA replication and mediates abortive infection, suppressing the competing phage epidemic. During lytic replication, the BstA-encoding prophage is not itself inhibited by BstA due to self-immunity conferred by the anti-BstA (aba) element, a short stretch of DNA within the bstA locus. Inhibition of phage replication by distinct BstA proteins from Salmonella, Klebsiella, and Escherichia prophages is generally interchangeable, but each possesses a cognate aba element. The specificity of the aba element ensures that immunity is exclusive to the replicating prophage, preventing exploitation by variant BstA-encoding phages. The BstA protein allows prophages to defend host cells against exogenous phage attack without sacrificing the ability to replicate lytically

    Surviving in isolation: genetic variation, bottlenecks and reproductive strategies in the Canarian endemic Limonium macrophyllum (Plumbaginaceae)

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    Oceanic archipelagos are typically rich in endemic taxa, because they offer ideal conditions for diversification and speciation in isolation. One of the most remarkable evolutionary radiations on the Canary Islands comprises the 16 species included in Limonium subsection Nobiles, all of which are subject to diverse threats, and legally protected. Since many of them are single-island endemics limited to one or a few populations, there exists a risk that a loss of genetic variation might limit their longterm survival. In this study, we used eight newly developed microsatellite markers to characterize the levels of genetic variation and inbreeding in L. macrophyllum, a species endemic to the North-east of Tenerife that belongs to Limonium subsection Nobiles. We detected generally low levels of genetic variation over all populations (HT = 0.363), and substantial differentiation among populations (FST = 0.188;RST = 0.186) coupled with a negligible degree of inbreeding (F = 0.042). Obligate outcrossing may have maintained L. macrophyllum relatively unaffected by inbreeding despite the species’ limited dispersal ability and the genetic bottlenecks likely caused by a prolonged history of grazing. Although several factors still constitute a risk for the conservation of L. macrophyllum, the lack of inbreeding and the recent positive demographic trends observed in the populations of this species are factors that favour its future persistence

    Comparative genetics of the major histocompatibility complex in humans and nonhuman primates

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the most gene-dense regions of the mammalian genome. Multiple genes within the human MHC (HLA) show extensive polymorphism, and currently, more than 26,000 alleles divided over 39 different genes are known. Nonhuman primate (NHP) species are grouped into great and lesser apes and Old and New World monkeys, and their MHC is studied mostly because of their important role as animal models in preclinical research or in connection with conservation biology purposes. The evolutionary equivalents of many of the HLA genes are present in NHP species, and these genes may also show abundant levels of polymorphism. This review is intended to provide a comprehensive comparison relating to the organization and polymorphism of human and NHP MHC regions

    Mutations in dnaA and a cryptic interaction site increase drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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    Genomic dissection of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens has largely focused on genetic changes conferring growth above a single critical concentration of drug. However, reduced susceptibility to antibiotics-even below this breakpoint-is associated with poor treatment outcomes in the clinic, including in tuberculosis. Clinical strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis exhibit extensive quantitative variation in antibiotic susceptibility but the genetic basis behind this spectrum of drug susceptibility remains ill-defined. Through a genome wide association study, we show that non-synonymous mutations in dnaA, which encodes an essential and highly conserved regulator of DNA replication, are associated with drug resistance in clinical M. tuberculosis strains. We demonstrate that these dnaA mutations specifically enhance M. tuberculosis survival during isoniazid treatment via reduced expression of katG, the activator of isoniazid. To identify DnaA interactors relevant to this phenotype, we perform the first genome-wide biochemical mapping of DnaA binding sites in mycobacteria which reveals a DnaA interaction site that is the target of recurrent mutation in clinical strains. Reconstructing clinically prevalent mutations in this DnaA interaction site reproduces the phenotypes of dnaA mutants, suggesting that clinical strains of M. tuberculosis have evolved mutations in a previously uncharacterized DnaA pathway that quantitatively increases resistance to the key first-line antibiotic isoniazid. Discovering genetic mechanisms that reduce drug susceptibility and support the evolution of high-level drug resistance will guide development of biomarkers capable of prospectively identifying patients at risk of treatment failure in the clinic