19 research outputs found

    Assessing Collocational Competence: Insights Derived from Libyan Learners of English in an EFL Context

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    This paper aims to investigate the difficulties Libyan undergraduate university English major students have in the use of verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations by looking at their performance in free production. Furthermore, twelve verbs and twelve adjectives identified in this research were investigated in depth as part of their combinations. To achieve this aim, a 250-word academic writing task was used to collect data from fourth-year university students at Tripoli University. The data were analysed using AntConc 3.2.1w (Anthony, 2007). After extracting the learners’ collocations, four methods were used to determine the acceptability of learners’ collocations in terms of conforming to native-like use. They were: (1) the Oxford Collocations Dictionary (2009), (2) the online British National Corpus (3) consultations with two native speakers[1], and (4) the acceptability-of-collocations survey, which was used to triangulate the above three methods. Overall, the results from the academic writing data revealed that (1) verb-noun collocations were more difficult for the participants than adjective-noun collocations; and (2) the participants’ use of the twelve adjectives in adjective-noun collocations showed significantly more accuracy ratings compared to their use of the twelve verbs in verb-noun collocations. [1] According to Crystal (1997), the term native-speaker is used in the linguistic field to refer to “someone for whom a particular LANGUAGE is a ‘native language’ (also called ‘first language’, ‘mother-tongue’)”. The implication is the acquisition of this language has taken place since childhood. Therefore, it can be safely asserted that a native speaker possesses the most reliable intuition and for that reason has the best judgement of how the language is used, making him/her the most trusted kind of informant.

    An Error Analysis of the Use of Lexical Collocations in the Academic Writing of Libyan EFL University Students

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    The main aim of this paper is to explore the difficulties Libyan undergraduate university English major students have in the use of verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations by looking at their performance in free production. Furthermore, twelve verbs and twelve adjectives[1] identified in this research were investigated in depth as part of their combinations. To achieve the main aim, a 250-word academic writing task was used to collect data from fourth-year university students at Tripoli University (the Department of English). The data was analysed using AntConc 3.2.1w (Anthony, 2007). After extracting the learners’ collocations, four methods were used to determine and judge the acceptability of learners’ collocations in terms of conforming to native-like use. They are: (1) the OCD (2009), (2) the online British National Corpus (3) consultations with two native speakers, and (4) the acceptability-of-collocations survey was used to triangulate the above three methods Findings from the academic writing data reveal that: (1) three broad categories of errors were identified in the erroneously produced verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations in the LLC: (i) grammatical errors, (ii) lexical errors and (iii) errors related to usage; and (2)  Furthermore, these categories were classified into sixteen and twelve error types in verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations respectively such as wrong choice of verb, wrong choice of adjective, wrong choice of noun, determiner errors, preposition errors, number errors, wrong word order errors, word form errors, usage category errors, intensifier errors and wrong register errors. [1] The twelve verbs are do, provide, acquire, gain, enhance, make, offer, take, give, get, have and require. The twelve adjectives are good, academic, high, higher, modern, current, practical, specific, basic, general, great and special

    Aspetti della produzione di latte in alcuni allevamenti bovini della Libia

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    In questa ricerca è stata studiata la qualità e la produzione di latte di quattro aziende libiche situate vicino alla città di Tripoli (El Khoms). Il latte era prodotto da vacche di razza Frisona allevate in stabulazione libera. Il periodo di osservazione è durato 5 anni, dal 1999 al 2004. I controlli sperimentali hanno riguardato gli aspetti produttivi, qualitativi e riproduttivi degli allevamenti, inoltre è stata condotta una indagine per conoscere meglio il sistema di gestione dell’allevamento utilizzato in queste aziende. Il latte prodotto nelle aziende è stato sottoposto ad analisi chimico- fisica e tecnologica per valutarne la qualità e l’attitudine alla trasformazione casearia. Gli alimenti utilizzati dagli animali sono stati controllati sottoponendoli ad analisi chimica per valutarne il valore nutritivo. Dai risultati ottenuti in questo studio emerge che la qualità del latte è buona ma le produzioni quantitative sono condizionate fortemente dal clima caldo arido (oltre 40°C). Altro fattore limitante risulta essere l’alimentazione degli animali non adatta a coprire i fabbisogni delle bovine da latte di razza Frisona. A questo proposito potrebbe essere interessante introdurre in Libia al posto della Frisona razze locali che resistono meglio al caldo. Infine, l’elevata mortalità degli animali è un indice del cattivo management aziendale che può essere dovuto sia a problemi sanitari ma anche a errori nella gestione della riproduzione

    Sinteza i karakterizacija scintilacionih kompozitnih materijala sa polimernom matricom.

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    Predmet ove doktorske disertacije obuhvata istraživanja u oblasti funkcionalnih optoelektronskih kompozitnih materijala s polimernom matricom za primenu u elektronskim tehnologijama kao i u oblasti radiologije, dozimetrije, luminiscentnih svetlovoda, lasera i senzora. Indeks refrakcije polimera može biti modifikovan dodavanjem čestica sa velikom vrednošću indeksa refrakcije. Ovaj tip modifikacije se vrši na materijalima za detekciju jonizujućeg zračenja, gde se čestice neorganskih scintilacionih kristala kao što su BaF2, CeF3, CsI, Bi12GeO20 (BGO), ili Bi12SiO20 (BSO) ugrađuju u matricu polimera. Tokom dosadašnjih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti fluoridi i BGO su pokazali dobre rezultate, dok BSO poseduje slična svojstva kao i BGO, ali je jeftiniji. Ugradnjom BSO u polimerni kompozit dobio bi se dostupniji materijal šireg opsega primene. U eksperimentalnom delu ovog doktorata izvedeno je procesiranje i karakterizacija kompozitnog materijla PMMA- Bi12SiO20 (BSO). Procesom livenja iz rastvora dobijeni su tanki filmovi čistog PMMA i kompozita sa 0.5 and 1.0 mas% Bi12SiO20 čestica. U cilju ispitivanja morfologije i structure kao i termijskih, optičkih i mehaničkih svojstava, karakterizacija polaznh komponenti i dobijenih kompozita izvedena je primenom metoda XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroskopije, SEM, DSC, ispitivanjem zatezanjem, nanoindentacijom i spektroskopskom elipsometrijom. Ispitivanje spektroskopskom elipsometrijom pokazalo je da je indeks refrakcije kompozita veći u odnosu na čist polimer i raste sa povećanjem sadržaja BSO. Nanoindentacija i ispitivanje zatezanjem pokazali su da mehanička svojstva kompozita rastu sa dodatkom prah BSO. Vrednosti Jungovog modula elastičnosti kao i redukovanog modula elastičnosti i tvrdoće rastu sa povećanjem sadržaja kristalnog BSO. Termijska svojstva ispitivana su metodom DSC. Tempeartura transformacije u staklasto stanje, Tg, raste sa dodatkom BSO u PMMA , kao i sa poveanjem sadržaja BSO praha u kompozitu...The aim of this dissertation was the research of functional optoelectronic composite materials with polymer matrix for use in electronic technologies and radiology, dosimetry, luminescent lightguides, lasers and sensors. Refractive index of polymers could be modified with embedded particles with high index of refraction. The modification could be done by embedding in polymer crystals like BaF2, CeF3, CsI, Bi12GeO20 (BGO), or Bi12SiO20 (BSO) – materials for the detection of ionization radiation. Good results were obtained with fluorides and BGO, wile BSO has similar properties, but it is less expensive. So, with embedding BSO in polymer matrix the most available composite material will be composed. Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was chosen as polymer matrix because of excellent optical properties. It is transparent in the visible range of electromagnetic radiation. In this dissertation processing and characterization of polymer composite material PMMA-Bi12SiO20 (BSO) was carried out. Thin films of pure PMMA and composites with 0.5 and 1.0 wt% of Bi12SiO20 powder were made using solution casting method. Characterization of starting components and composites was performed with XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, DCS, tensile tests, nanoindentation and spectroscopic ellipsometry method in order to obtain information of their morphology, structure, thermal stability, mechanical and optical properties. Refractive index measurements using spectroscopic ellipsometry method have shown that refractive index of composites increases with the powder content. Nanoindentation and tensile tests have shown mechanical improvements with the addition of the crystal through..

    Difficulties Encountered by Libyan University Students of English as a Foreign Language in the Use of Lexical Collocations

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    The main goal of this research is to investigate the difficulties Libyan undergraduate university English major students have in the use of verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations by looking at their performance in free production.Twelve verbs and twelve adjectives were investigated in depth with the aim of determining their collocational patterns when used by Libyan learners. Having done this, I also investigate whether there is a significant difference between native speaker ratings of English language learner collocations in academic as opposed to non–academic contexts. To achieve the main aim, a 250-word academic writing task was used to collect data from 186 fourth-year university students (90 males and 96 females) at Tripoli University (the Department of English, Faculty of Arts). The data was analysed using AntConc 3.2.1w (Anthony, 2007). After extracting the learners‟ collocations, four sources were used to determine and judge their acceptability in terms of conforming to native-like use. They are: (1) the Oxford Collocations Dictionary (2009), (2) the online British National Corpus (BNC), (3) consultations with two native speakers, and (4) a survey to triangulate the above three methods. Gass and Selinker's (2008) error analysis framework is adopted as the basis for analyzing the learners' collocational violations. In addition, quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyse the data. For example, the writing task data was analysed quantitatively in order to identify the frequency of learners' acceptable collocations, erroneous collocations and collocational errors, and qualitatively to identify various types of collocational errors and to determine the sources of learners' difficulty in producing collocations. In addition, a two-version acceptability survey (i.e. academic rating and non-academic rating) was administered to 100 native speakers of English in order to achieve the secondary aim. Furthermore, a student questionnaire and a lecturer questionnaire were used as a supportive method to explore collocation as a linguistic phenomenon from the learning and teaching perspectives. The participants were 155 students and 12 university lecturers. The results from the questionnaires are useful as they potentially suggest reasons why Libyan students have difficulty with collocations. In addition, they contribute to our understanding of how lecturers and students think collocations are taught and learned in the Libyan educational system. Findings from the academic writing data reveal that: (1) verb-noun collocations were more difficult for the participants than adjective-noun collocations; (2) independent samples t-test results showed that the participants' use of the twelve adjectives in the adjective-noun collocations showed significantly more accuracy level compared to their use of the twelve verbs in the verb-noun collocations. Therefore, the statistical investigations confirm that verb-noun collocations posed more difficulties for the participants than adjective-noun collocations.; (3) three broad categories of errors were identified in the erroneously produced verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations in the Libyan Learner Corpus (LLC): (i) grammatical errors, (ii) lexical errors and (iii) errors related to usage; and (4) eight main types of sources of difficulties are suggested, such as L1 interference – the negative influence of the mother tongue - and the use of synonymy. The results of the survey data reveal that there were significant differences in the native speakers‟ judgments in the academic rating survey and the non-academic rating survey. Finally, on the basis of these results, several recommendations are made in order to improve the teaching of collocations in EFL classes in the light of the obtained results

    Sinteza i karakterizacija scintilacionih kompozitnih materijala sa polimernom matricom.

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    Predmet ove doktorske disertacije obuhvata istraživanja u oblasti funkcionalnih optoelektronskih kompozitnih materijala s polimernom matricom za primenu u elektronskim tehnologijama kao i u oblasti radiologije, dozimetrije, luminiscentnih svetlovoda, lasera i senzora. Indeks refrakcije polimera može biti modifikovan dodavanjem čestica sa velikom vrednošću indeksa refrakcije. Ovaj tip modifikacije se vrši na materijalima za detekciju jonizujućeg zračenja, gde se čestice neorganskih scintilacionih kristala kao što su BaF2, CeF3, CsI, Bi12GeO20 (BGO), ili Bi12SiO20 (BSO) ugrađuju u matricu polimera. Tokom dosadašnjih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti fluoridi i BGO su pokazali dobre rezultate, dok BSO poseduje slična svojstva kao i BGO, ali je jeftiniji. Ugradnjom BSO u polimerni kompozit dobio bi se dostupniji materijal šireg opsega primene. U eksperimentalnom delu ovog doktorata izvedeno je procesiranje i karakterizacija kompozitnog materijla PMMA- Bi12SiO20 (BSO). Procesom livenja iz rastvora dobijeni su tanki filmovi čistog PMMA i kompozita sa 0.5 and 1.0 mas% Bi12SiO20 čestica. U cilju ispitivanja morfologije i structure kao i termijskih, optičkih i mehaničkih svojstava, karakterizacija polaznh komponenti i dobijenih kompozita izvedena je primenom metoda XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroskopije, SEM, DSC, ispitivanjem zatezanjem, nanoindentacijom i spektroskopskom elipsometrijom. Ispitivanje spektroskopskom elipsometrijom pokazalo je da je indeks refrakcije kompozita veći u odnosu na čist polimer i raste sa povećanjem sadržaja BSO. Nanoindentacija i ispitivanje zatezanjem pokazali su da mehanička svojstva kompozita rastu sa dodatkom prah BSO. Vrednosti Jungovog modula elastičnosti kao i redukovanog modula elastičnosti i tvrdoće rastu sa povećanjem sadržaja kristalnog BSO. Termijska svojstva ispitivana su metodom DSC. Tempeartura transformacije u staklasto stanje, Tg, raste sa dodatkom BSO u PMMA , kao i sa poveanjem sadržaja BSO praha u kompozitu...The aim of this dissertation was the research of functional optoelectronic composite materials with polymer matrix for use in electronic technologies and radiology, dosimetry, luminescent lightguides, lasers and sensors. Refractive index of polymers could be modified with embedded particles with high index of refraction. The modification could be done by embedding in polymer crystals like BaF2, CeF3, CsI, Bi12GeO20 (BGO), or Bi12SiO20 (BSO) – materials for the detection of ionization radiation. Good results were obtained with fluorides and BGO, wile BSO has similar properties, but it is less expensive. So, with embedding BSO in polymer matrix the most available composite material will be composed. Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was chosen as polymer matrix because of excellent optical properties. It is transparent in the visible range of electromagnetic radiation. In this dissertation processing and characterization of polymer composite material PMMA-Bi12SiO20 (BSO) was carried out. Thin films of pure PMMA and composites with 0.5 and 1.0 wt% of Bi12SiO20 powder were made using solution casting method. Characterization of starting components and composites was performed with XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, DCS, tensile tests, nanoindentation and spectroscopic ellipsometry method in order to obtain information of their morphology, structure, thermal stability, mechanical and optical properties. Refractive index measurements using spectroscopic ellipsometry method have shown that refractive index of composites increases with the powder content. Nanoindentation and tensile tests have shown mechanical improvements with the addition of the crystal through..

    Sinteza i karakterizacija scintilacionih kompozitnih materijala sa polimernom matricom.

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    Predmet ove doktorske disertacije obuhvata istraživanja u oblasti funkcionalnih optoelektronskih kompozitnih materijala s polimernom matricom za primenu u elektronskim tehnologijama kao i u oblasti radiologije, dozimetrije, luminiscentnih svetlovoda, lasera i senzora. Indeks refrakcije polimera može biti modifikovan dodavanjem čestica sa velikom vrednošću indeksa refrakcije. Ovaj tip modifikacije se vrši na materijalima za detekciju jonizujućeg zračenja, gde se čestice neorganskih scintilacionih kristala kao što su BaF2, CeF3, CsI, Bi12GeO20 (BGO), ili Bi12SiO20 (BSO) ugrađuju u matricu polimera. Tokom dosadašnjih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti fluoridi i BGO su pokazali dobre rezultate, dok BSO poseduje slična svojstva kao i BGO, ali je jeftiniji. Ugradnjom BSO u polimerni kompozit dobio bi se dostupniji materijal šireg opsega primene. U eksperimentalnom delu ovog doktorata izvedeno je procesiranje i karakterizacija kompozitnog materijla PMMA- Bi12SiO20 (BSO). Procesom livenja iz rastvora dobijeni su tanki filmovi čistog PMMA i kompozita sa 0.5 and 1.0 mas% Bi12SiO20 čestica. U cilju ispitivanja morfologije i structure kao i termijskih, optičkih i mehaničkih svojstava, karakterizacija polaznh komponenti i dobijenih kompozita izvedena je primenom metoda XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroskopije, SEM, DSC, ispitivanjem zatezanjem, nanoindentacijom i spektroskopskom elipsometrijom. Ispitivanje spektroskopskom elipsometrijom pokazalo je da je indeks refrakcije kompozita veći u odnosu na čist polimer i raste sa povećanjem sadržaja BSO. Nanoindentacija i ispitivanje zatezanjem pokazali su da mehanička svojstva kompozita rastu sa dodatkom prah BSO. Vrednosti Jungovog modula elastičnosti kao i redukovanog modula elastičnosti i tvrdoće rastu sa povećanjem sadržaja kristalnog BSO. Termijska svojstva ispitivana su metodom DSC. Tempeartura transformacije u staklasto stanje, Tg, raste sa dodatkom BSO u PMMA , kao i sa poveanjem sadržaja BSO praha u kompozitu...The aim of this dissertation was the research of functional optoelectronic composite materials with polymer matrix for use in electronic technologies and radiology, dosimetry, luminescent lightguides, lasers and sensors. Refractive index of polymers could be modified with embedded particles with high index of refraction. The modification could be done by embedding in polymer crystals like BaF2, CeF3, CsI, Bi12GeO20 (BGO), or Bi12SiO20 (BSO) – materials for the detection of ionization radiation. Good results were obtained with fluorides and BGO, wile BSO has similar properties, but it is less expensive. So, with embedding BSO in polymer matrix the most available composite material will be composed. Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was chosen as polymer matrix because of excellent optical properties. It is transparent in the visible range of electromagnetic radiation. In this dissertation processing and characterization of polymer composite material PMMA-Bi12SiO20 (BSO) was carried out. Thin films of pure PMMA and composites with 0.5 and 1.0 wt% of Bi12SiO20 powder were made using solution casting method. Characterization of starting components and composites was performed with XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, DCS, tensile tests, nanoindentation and spectroscopic ellipsometry method in order to obtain information of their morphology, structure, thermal stability, mechanical and optical properties. Refractive index measurements using spectroscopic ellipsometry method have shown that refractive index of composites increases with the powder content. Nanoindentation and tensile tests have shown mechanical improvements with the addition of the crystal through..

    Uticaj rastvarača na stabilnost procesa elektropredenja polimernih nanovlakana

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    In this paper the process of electrospinning of PMMA nanofibers was investigated. The influence of process parameters (type of solvent, solution concentration, flow rate, distance of needle and collector) on the nanofibers diameter uniformity and porosity was investigated. Characterization of obtained samples was performed by FTIR, DSC, SEM and Image-pro picture analisys. The optimal process parameters were defined.U okviru ovog rada ispitivana je mogućnost dobijanja poli-(metilmetakrilat)nih (PMMA) vlakana metodom elektropredenja (electrosinning.) Primenom različitih procesnih parametara (rastvarača, koncentracije rastvora, protoka rastvora i rastojanja izmenu vrha igle i kolektora bilo je moguće ispitati uticaj ovih parametara na ravnomernost prečnika i kvalitet dobijenih vlakana. Karakterizacija dobijenih vlakana izvedena je primenom FTIR metode, DSC metode, skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) i metodom analize slike Image-pro. Na ovaj našin odreneni su najoptimalniji procesni parametri za dobijanje nanovlakana ravnomernog prečnika i bez poroznosti

    Electrospinning of the laser dye rhodamine B-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) nanofibers

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    The electrospinning of rhodamine B (RhB)-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is presented as a promising technique for processing photoluminescent nanofibers. Nanofibers with concentrations of RhB in PMMA between 0.05 and 2.0 wt. % were studied. The FTIR spectrum, fiber morphology, thermal properties and optical properties of the nanofibers were investigated. Smooth, bead-free and nonporous nanofibers were obtained. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results revealed that the glass transition temperature of the PMMA (T-g) increased with the increasing of RhB content up to 0.5 wt. % and thereafter decreased. The laser induced fluorescence (LIF) technique was used to study the fluorescence properties of the nanofibers. The maximum fluorescence emission was observed at a concentration of RhB of 0.2 wt. %

    Preparation, characterization and mechanical properties of Bi12SiO20-PMMA composite films

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    This paper investigates processing and characterization of polymer composite material PMMA-Bi12SiO20 (BSO). Thin films of pure PMMA and composites with 0.5 and 1.0 wt% of Bi12SiO20 powder were made using solution casting method. Characterization of starting components and composites was performed with XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, DCS, tensile tests, nanoindentation and spectroscopic ellipsometry method in order to obtain information of their morphology, structure, thermal stability, mechanical and optical properties. Refractive index measurements using spectroscopic ellipsometry method have shown that refractive index of composites increases with the powder content. Nanoindentation and tensile tests have shown mechanical improvements with the addition of the crystal through Young's and reduced Young's modulus and hardness values. DSC analysis has shown an increase in T-g for composite with BSO