1,646 research outputs found

    A neglected disease of humans: a new focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Bakool, Somalia.

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was observed in children in Bakool region, Somalia, an area where VL has not been reported before. We describe the extent of the problem in this war- and famine-stricken area. A retrospective analysis was done of all cases admitted to a VL treatment centre between July 2000 and August 2001. Patients with longstanding fever, splenomegaly and a positive direct agglutination test (DAT; titre > 1:3200) were treated as suspected VL cases. A rapid epidemiological and entomological assessment was performed in the area. Species identification was attempted from blood samples by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of cysteine proteinase B genes. In 1 year, 230 serologically-positive cases were diagnosed as VL, and response to therapy was good in 91.6% of the 225 treated with sodium stibogluconate. Parasitological confirmation was attempted and obtained in 2 cases. Parasites were found to be most similar to Sudanese and Ethiopian reference strains of the Leishmania donovani complex. In a serological survey of 161 healthy displaced persons, 15% were positive by the leishmanin skin test and 3 (2%) were positive by the DAT. The sandfly captures showed Phlebotomus martini and P. vansomerenae. VL seems to be a longstanding and serious health problem in Bakool region. Food insecurity might have contributed to the emergence and detection of VL in this area

    Wing symmetry and flight activity

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    We compared bilateral structures (wings) of flying versus non-flying insects in two lines of #P. megistus$ which differed only by their laboratory maintenance time : PM1 (more than five generations in insectarium) and PM2 (one or two generations under laboratory conditions). Insects were processed according to Schofield (1980) and observed through a period of 30 days. During this time the insects that had flight (gf, for "good" flyers) and their wings extracted for morphometry. At the end of this period the same number of insects that did not fly (bf, for "bad" flyers), were used as a control and submitted to the same analysis. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was estimated at nine distances (A, B, C, D, E, H, 1, 2 and 3). FA occurs as a result of random deviations in the developement of bilaterally symmetric traits, and is considered as a useful trait for monitoring stress in the laboratory and in natural environments (Parsons, 1990). For each sample, FA values were calculated for each character as the sum of the squared signed differences between sides divided by the number of individuals sampled, i.e., ((Li-Ri)2)/N). This is equivalent to index 5 of Palmer and Strobek (1986) which they state is best able to discriminate true differences in FA. As the index to estimate asymmetry is a variance, differences between samples were tested for significance using tests of homogeneity of variances (Ho : s1=s2). Due to low sample size, statistical analysis was not applied to PM2 females (only two individuals). The PM1 bf females (6 insects) were more asymmetric than their gf counterparts (5 insects) at four wings traits (2,3 in PM1 and 2 in PM2) (gf=7 insects and bf=7 insects). Conversely, one character out of nine was found more asymmetric in gf either from PM1 (character 3 for PM1 females and E for PM1 males) or PM2 males (character D). (Résumé d'auteur

    Management Practices for An Art-Based Community Program: How to Design a 100 Year Company!

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    Over the past six years, Molloy College students and faculty have presented at the Northeast Business & Economics Association Conference the outcomes of a pedagogical process that allows students to demonstrate evidence of learning. This paper reports on the student consulting work presented to the leadership team and the Board of Directors of a local not-for-profit organization. The consulting problem identified by the leaders of the organization is that ‘they are new to running a corporation’. The Officers are not traditional managers. The work of these organizational leaders had been focused on the corporation’s cause. Therefore, these organizational leaders need to establish all of the management practices to run this business. The consulting solution developed by the capstone student consultants included a 4-tier plan, which focused on (1) the organizational structure, (2) financial structure, (3) fundraising strategies, and (4) marketing/branding plan. There are two goals for writing this paper. The first is to tell the story of Backyard Players and Friends Inc. and the business plan that offered this organization, not just consulting advice, but an executable turnkey executable set of solutions focused directly on the real-world problem. The second goal for this paper is to demonstrate one college’s educational strategy to help graduate students develop the skills and knowledge needed to lead at an advanced level, and to develop a disposition toward social responsibility and ethical leadership

    Fotonima stimulirana desorpcija vodikovih iona iz poluvodičkih površina: dokazi izravnih i posrednih procesa

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    Photon-stimulated desorption of positive hydrogen ions from hydrogenated diamond and GaAs surfaces have been studied for incident photon energies around core-level binding energies of substrate atoms. In the case of diamond surfaces, the comparison between the H+ yield and the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) for electrons of selected kinetic energies reveals two different processes leading to photodesorption: an indirect process involving secondary electrons from the bulk and a direct process involving core-level excitations of surface carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen. The comparison of H+ photodesorption and electron photoemission as the function of photon energy from polar and non-polar GaAs surfaces provides clear evidence for direct desorption processes initiated by ionisation of corresponding core levels of bonding atoms.Proučavali smo fotonima stimuliranu desorpciju pozitivnih iona vodika iz hidrogeniziranih površina dijamanta i GaAs, za fotone energije oko energija vezanja unutarnjih elektrona atoma podloge. U slučaju površine dijamanta, usporedba prinosa H+ i fine strukture blizu-rubne apsorpcije X-zračenja (NEXAFS) za elektrone odabranih kinetičkih energija otkriva dva različita procesa koji uzrokuju fotodesorpciju: posredan proces uz sudjelovanje sekundarnih elektrona iz osnovnog materijala, i izravan proces uzrokovan uzbudom unutarnjih elektrona površinskih atoma ugljika vezanih na vodik. Usporedba fotodesorpcije H+ i emisije elektrona u ovisnosti o energiji fotona iz polarnih i nepolarnih površina GaAs daje jasne dokaze za izravne procese desorpcije uzrokovane ionizacijom odgovarajućih unutarnjih stanja veznih atoma

    Role of dynein, dynactin, and CLIP-170 interactions in LIS1 kinetochore function

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    Mutations in the human LIS1 gene cause type I lissencephaly, a severe brain developmental disease involving gross disorganization of cortical neurons. In lower eukaryotes, LIS1 participates in cytoplasmic dynein-mediated nuclear migration. We previously reported that mammalian LIS1 functions in cell division and coimmunoprecipitates with cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin. We also localized LIS1 to the cell cortex and kinetochores of mitotic cells, known sites of dynein action. We now find that the COOH-terminal WD repeat region of LIS1 is sufficient for kinetochore targeting. Overexpression of this domain or full-length LIS1 displaces CLIP-170 from this site without affecting dynein and other kinetochore markers. The NH2-terminal self-association domain of LIS1 displaces endogenous LIS1 from the kinetochore, with no effect on CLIP-170, dynein, and dynactin. Displacement of the latter proteins by dynamitin overexpression, however, removes LIS1, suggesting that LIS1 binds to the kinetochore through the motor protein complexes and may interact with them directly. We find that of 12 distinct dynein and dynactin subunits, the dynein heavy and intermediate chains, as well as dynamitin, interact with the WD repeat region of LIS1 in coexpression/coimmunoprecipitation and two-hybrid assays. Within the heavy chain, interactions are with the first AAA repeat, a site strongly implicated in motor function, and the NH2-terminal cargo-binding region. Together, our data suggest a novel role for LIS1 in mediating CLIP-170–dynein interactions and in coordinating dynein cargo-binding and motor activities

    Ultrafast sodium channel block by dietary fish oil prevents dofetilide-induced ventricular arrhythmias in rabbit hearts

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    9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table.-- et al.Several epidemiologic and clinical studies show that following myocardial infarction, dietary supplements of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega3FA) reduce sudden death. Animal data show that omega3FA have antiarrhythmic properties, but their mechanisms of action require further elucidation. The effects of omega3FA supplementation were studied in female rabbits to analyze whether their antiarrhythmic effects are due to a reduction of triangulation, reverse use-dependence, instability, and dispersion (TRIaD) of the cardiac action potential (TRIaD as a measure of proarrhythmic effects). In Langendorff-perfused hearts challenged by a selective rapidly activating delayed rectifier potassium current inhibitor that has been shown to exhibit proarrhythmic effects (dofetilide; 1 to 100 nM), omega3FA pretreatment (30 days; n=6) prolonged the plateau phase of the monophasic action potential; did not slow the terminal fast repolarization; reduced the dofetilide-induced prolongation of the action potential duration; reduced dofetilide-induced triangulation; and reduced dofetilide-induced reverse use-dependence, instability of repolarization, and dispersion. Dofetilide reduced excitability in omega3FA-pretreated hearts but not in control hearts. Whereas torsades de pointes (TdP) were observed in five out of six in control hearts, none were observed in omega3FA-pretreated hearts. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) inhibited the sodium current with ultrafast kinetics. Dietary omega3FA supplementation markedly reduced dofetilide-induced TRIaD and abolished dofetilide-induced TdP. Ultrafast sodium channel block by DHA may account for the antiarrhythmic protection of the dietary supplements of omega3FA against dofetilide-induced proarrhythmia observed in this animal model.This work was funded by Solvay Pharma, Novartis, Grants CICYT SAF2004-06856 and SAF2007-65868 and Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa Grant FIS RD06/0014/0006.Peer reviewe