36 research outputs found

    Uzgoj i priprema ĆĄkoljkaĆĄa za trĆŸiĆĄte

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja kratki prikaz proizvodnje ĆĄkoljkaĆĄana istočnoj obali Jadrana. Na ovom se prostoru komercijalno uzgajaju dvije vrste ĆĄkoljkaĆĄa, kamenica Ostrea edulis i dagnja Mytilus galloprovincialis, dok se ostale vrste izlovljavaju iz prirodnih populacija. Pored tehnologije uzgoja, opisani su i zakonski uvjeti potrebni za plasman ĆĄkoljkaĆĄa na trĆŸiĆĄte. To su u prvom redu monitoring uzgojnih područja, potrebna infrastruktura (otpremni i centri za prečiơćavanje) i te pravilan postupak sa ĆĄkoljkaĆĄima nakon izlova

    Efikasnost rotacionih bioloĆĄkih kontaktora u zatvorenom recirkulacijskom sustavu za uzgoj ribe

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    Recirkulacijska akvakultura predstavlja jednu od opcija okoliĆĄno odrĆŸive i ekonomski isplative akvakulturne proizvodnje čije su beneficije jasno prepoznate. Pravilnom upotrebom različitih komponenti i tehnologija recikliranja vode, sustav omogućava kontrolu kvalitete vode u intenzivnim hranidbenim reĆŸimima. BioloĆĄka filtracija kao redukcija toksičnih duĆĄičnih spojeva nastalih probavom proiteina jedan je od krtitičnih procesa koji određuje efikasnost cijelog proizvodnog sustava. Brojni tipovi biofiltera upotrebljavanih u različitim proizvodnim i istraĆŸivačkim pogonima razlikuju se po vrsti organizama, dizajnu, materijalu, cijeni i sl. Pri dizajniranju biofiltera trebaju biti uzeti u obzir svi kriteriji odrĆŸavanja optimalne kvalitete uzgojne vode, kao i potrebni prostor te ekonomska isplativost. Rotirajući bioloĆĄki kontaktor, od kojih je najčeơći biodisk filter, sastoji se od okruglih ploča fiksiranih na centralnu osovinu. Diskovi se polako okreću da bi naizmjenice izloĆŸili aktivni bioloĆĄki medij vodi koja sadrĆŸi otopljeni duĆĄični otpad, i zraku kao izvoru kisika. Ovaj rad opisuje karakteristike rotirajućih bioloĆĄkih kontaktora u komercijalnom recirkulacijskom sustavu i koristeći rezultate drugih autora daje usoredbu sa ostalim tipovima biofiltera. Rotirajući bioloĆĄki kontaktor sa stopom nitrifikacije od 1,21 g/m2/day pokazao se kao jedan od najefikasnijih biofiltera za upotrebu u akvakulturi

    Phylogeographic structure of common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) reveals microrefugia throughout the Balkans and colonizations of the Apennines

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    Studying the population-genetic and phylogeographic structures of a representative species of a particular geographical region can not only provide us with information regarding its evolutionary history, but also improve our understanding of the evolutionary processes underlying the patterns of species diversity in that area. By analysing eight highly polymorphic microsatellite loci and two chloroplast DNA regions, we have investigated the influence of Pleistocene climate fluctuations on the evolutionary history of Salvia officinalis L. (common sage). The populations with the highest genetic diversity were located in the central parts of the Balkan distribution range. A large group of closely related haplotypes was distributed throughout the Balkans and the central Apennines, while the private lineage occupied the southern Apennines. In addition, two highly differentiated lineages were scattered only over the Balkans. The results suggest that a single refugium of the studied species from the last glacial period was located in the central part of the range in the Balkans. Numerous microrefugia, probably spanning several glaciation cycles, were scattered across the Balkans, while colonisation of the Apennines from the Balkans occurred at least on two occasions

    Bridge Hotel

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    Zusammenfassung in deutscher SpracheDie Idee dieser Masterarbeit kommt aus Leidenschaft fĂŒr die zeitgenössische Architektur und Design. Durch diesen Zusammenhang erklĂ€ren sich der Ansatz und die Methodik der Forschung. Das Hauptziel war die richtige Antwort zu erkunden und herauszufinden, wie ein Hotel ĂŒber dem Fluss zu bauen ist. Bridge Hotel ist ein Hybrid, das BrĂŒcke und Hotel in einem GebĂ€udekombiniert. Sein Lage befindet sich am Donauufer in Wien. Es war also eine tolle Inspiration fĂŒr ein gutes Projekt. Erste und die wichtigste Aufgabe war: ein gutes und ungewöhnliches Design zu finden; es musste eine gut aussehende Form sein. Dazu gehört das beste Kompromiss zwischen Standort, Benutzer und Konzept zu finden. Eine Harmonie zwischen der Natur und der gebauten Struktur zu finden, das ist die zentrale Frage dieser Masterarbeit. WĂ€hrend dieser Forschung war es eine echte Herausforderung, das Design, das freien Raum ĂŒber dem Fluss ermöglicht, zwei Flussufer verbindet und ein Hotel ĂŒber der BrĂŒcke und dem Fluss baut, zu erfinden.Der Bau wurde durch die Luftfahrttechnik und das Yachtdesign motiviert. Es waren mehrere Monate, bis die beste Lösung konstruiert wurde. Die Lösung beinhaltet logische Verbindungen fĂŒr die Besucher, eine Trennung von Mitarbeitern und GĂ€sten, die richtige Position fĂŒr RĂ€ume, Restaurants, KĂŒche, eine Auswahl der besten Materialien fĂŒr den Bau und schließlich die Suche nach der Art und Weise, wie man die BrĂŒcke und Hotel in einer einfachen, aber atemberaubenden Struktur verbindet. Diese Masterarbeit versucht zu zeigen, dass Technik und die Kunst gemeinsam in einem Design entstanden sind. Die Kunst ist der grĂ¶ĂŸte Entwurf.Idea for this master thesis comes from passion for Contemporary architecture and design. That is the key sentence which explains approach and methodology for research. Main goal was to explore and find out right answer how to build a Hotel above the river. Bridge Hotel is a hybrid, combining bridge and hotel in one building. Location is on the Danube river lake in Vienna, so it was great inspiration for making a good project. First and most important task was: find a good and unusual design; it must be good looking shape. That includes finding best compromise between location, users, and concept. Finding a harmony between nature and built structure, that is the key issue in this master thesis. During a research it was real challenge to invent design which allows free space over the river, connect two river banks and build a hotel above the Bridge and river. Essential of construction was motivated by aviation engineering and yacht design. It was several months spent until is best solution founded. Solution includes logical connections for visitors, separating staff and guests, right position for rooms, restaurants, kitchen, choosing the best materials for construction and finally, finding the way how to connect Bridge and Hotel in one simple but stunning structure. This master thesis tries to show that engineering and art together combined in one make Design. Great Design is Art.9

    Dancing with the Dance of the Dead : cemetery of the Innocents and the ramifications of the Macabre

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    The following thesis discusses the very first depiction of the "Danse Macabre" (Dance of the Dead) at the Paris cemetery of the Holy Innocents. The mural, now known only through prints and literary descriptions, was painted in 1424-5 on the cloister wall of this prominent medieval burial ground, and depicted fifteen pairs of dancing partners arranged according to their station in late medieval secular or ecclesiastic society. The pairs, composed of one dead and one living partner, are framed by a scholarly figure, known as the Author, who introduces and concludes the dance. The mural was accompanied by written verses - a captivating and often humorous dialogue between the living and the dead - which were placed below each figure, further animating the image. Many medievalists have recognized the significance and influence of this first visual rendition of the "Danse Macabre", as its verses and composition, although often modified, served as a model for many fifteenth century illustrations of the Dance of the Dead not just in France, but elsewhere in Western Europe. While it is probably true that the taste for the macabre within a broader public must in some way have been conditioned by the calamitous events of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, I argue that are very particular historical conditions that produced the "Danse Macabre" in Paris. Specifically, the first two decades of the fifteenth century were characterized by a renewed war with England and a series of assassinations and counter-assassinations of pretenders for the French Crown. I argue that the mural, whose verse originated in the theological circles of the University of Paris, had a twofold didactic purpose: on the one hand the mural emphasized the transitory nature of earthly life and promoted the religious message of piety and repentance by evoking a horrid image of the decomposing cadaver, and on the other it functioned as a social critique. Employing the language of allegory, the University, itself profoundly invested in the political situation of the time, used the "Danse Macabre", with its theme of death as the ultimate equalizer to contest the political machinations over kingship and establish its own position as society's dominant rationalizing authority.Arts, Faculty ofArt History, Visual Art and Theory, Department ofGraduat

    Death and the illustrated book : printers, experimentation and the reinvention of the Danse macabre, 1485-c.1530s

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    This thesis considers the adaptation of the Danse macabre (Dance of Death), a popular late medieval visual and literary theme prevalent in mural paintings, into a series of illustrated books published in France towards the end of the fifteenth century. While the first known edition, printed in Paris in 1485 by Guy Marchant, was based on the famous and now destroyed mural from the Cemetery of the Holy Innocents (painted 1424-25), subsequent editions published by presses in Paris, Lyons, Troyes and Geneva included additional figures and often placed the theme together with other texts and images of similar subject matter thus framing the Danse macabre in a novel context. Despite this, however, previous scholarship has treated the books mainly as replicas of the lost mural and overlooked their status as inventive works of art. Nor have the extant editions been studied in detail even though they vary considerably in terms of content, layout and medium, all of which has an effect on how the theme is presented in each book. By studying the series within the context of early printing in France, the thesis situates the books in the transitional period of bookmaking, from scribal to printing culture, and argues that they were a product of collaboration and experimentation among some of the most prolific printers and publishers of the period, including Marchant, Antoine VĂ©rard and Mathias Husz. In discussing their printing practices, the thesis emphasizes the crucial role the printers had in editing the work and reinventing the theme. The late fifteenth century in France was also marked by an unprecedented exchange of artistic practices across multiple media, facilitated in part by the proliferation of the printed works, which became the locus for diffusion of images and ideas. In this context, the Danse macabre books helped to popularize the late medieval theme and even served as the model for mural paintings and an illuminated manuscript. Ultimately, the thesis reveals not only that the books are distinctive and innovative works, but also that they participated in a much broader scope of image production than previously assumed.Arts, Faculty ofArt History, Visual Art and Theory, Department ofGraduat

    LÀrande i svenska sprÄket pÄ mÄngkulturell förskola : Pedagogers förhÄllningssÀtt till arbetet med barn med annat modersmÄl Àn svenska.

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    LĂ€rande i det svenska sprĂ„ket Ă€r av vikt för barn med annat modersmĂ„l Ă€n svenska. SprĂ„kliga erfarenheter ska lĂ€ras in i en tidig Ă„lder för att inte leda till svĂ„righeter i sprĂ„klĂ€randet. Eventuella svĂ„righeter kan senare pĂ„verka barnens kommande skolgĂ„ng och framtida studier. SprĂ„ket Ă€r viktigt eftersom det ger oss ett kommunikativt verktyg som behövs för att leva i samhĂ€llet. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att fĂ„ förstĂ„else för pedagogers arbetssĂ€tt och förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt gĂ€llande inlĂ€rning i svenska som andrasprĂ„k för barn med utlĂ€ndskt modersmĂ„l. Studiens tvĂ„ forskningsfrĂ„gor Ă€r: ”Vilka arbetssĂ€tt uttrycker pedagoger utifrĂ„n sina horisonter i arbetet med sprĂ„kutveckling med barnen?” samt ”Vilka utmaningar utifrĂ„n sina erfarenheter ger pedagoger uttryck för i arbetet med sprĂ„kutveckling med barnen?” För att besvara dessa forskningsfrĂ„gor genomfördes samtalsintervjuer med pedagoger pĂ„ tvĂ„ avdelningar i en mĂ„ngkulturell förskola. Dessa intervjuer ljudinspelades och transkriberades varefter transkriberingarna blev analyserade utifrĂ„n ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. De hermeneutiska tolkningar som uppkommit genom samtalsanalysen har dĂ€refter utgjort resultatet till denna forskningsstudie. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien att de förhĂ„llnings- och arbetssĂ€tt som pedagogerna uttryckte var öppensinnade och empatiska. Pedagogerna ville stötta barnen i att lĂ€ra sig svenska, samt vara goda förebilder för barnen i hur de sjĂ€lva anvĂ€nder det svenska sprĂ„ket. De utmaningar som pedagogerna uttryckte var bristande kommunikation med förĂ€ldrarna samt att fĂ„ vara en del i en mĂ„ngkulturell kontext och bidra till att barnen ges ett utvecklande sprĂ„klĂ€rande i svenska. Studiens slutsats blev att om sprĂ„klĂ€rande i svenska för barn med annat modersmĂ„l Ă€n svenska ska ske, krĂ€vs bĂ„de engagemang, intresse, lyhördhet och tydlighet hos pedagogerna. Utöver detta behöver de ocksĂ„ förhĂ„lla sig till barnens individuella sprĂ„kkompetenser och bakgrunder samt att anvĂ€nda varierade arbetssĂ€tt och resurser för att kunna erbjuda barnen ett sĂ„ utvecklande sprĂ„klĂ€rande som möjligt

    LÀrande i svenska sprÄket pÄ mÄngkulturell förskola : Pedagogers förhÄllningssÀtt till arbetet med barn med annat modersmÄl Àn svenska.

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    LĂ€rande i det svenska sprĂ„ket Ă€r av vikt för barn med annat modersmĂ„l Ă€n svenska. SprĂ„kliga erfarenheter ska lĂ€ras in i en tidig Ă„lder för att inte leda till svĂ„righeter i sprĂ„klĂ€randet. Eventuella svĂ„righeter kan senare pĂ„verka barnens kommande skolgĂ„ng och framtida studier. SprĂ„ket Ă€r viktigt eftersom det ger oss ett kommunikativt verktyg som behövs för att leva i samhĂ€llet. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att fĂ„ förstĂ„else för pedagogers arbetssĂ€tt och förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt gĂ€llande inlĂ€rning i svenska som andrasprĂ„k för barn med utlĂ€ndskt modersmĂ„l. Studiens tvĂ„ forskningsfrĂ„gor Ă€r: ”Vilka arbetssĂ€tt uttrycker pedagoger utifrĂ„n sina horisonter i arbetet med sprĂ„kutveckling med barnen?” samt ”Vilka utmaningar utifrĂ„n sina erfarenheter ger pedagoger uttryck för i arbetet med sprĂ„kutveckling med barnen?” För att besvara dessa forskningsfrĂ„gor genomfördes samtalsintervjuer med pedagoger pĂ„ tvĂ„ avdelningar i en mĂ„ngkulturell förskola. Dessa intervjuer ljudinspelades och transkriberades varefter transkriberingarna blev analyserade utifrĂ„n ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. De hermeneutiska tolkningar som uppkommit genom samtalsanalysen har dĂ€refter utgjort resultatet till denna forskningsstudie. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien att de förhĂ„llnings- och arbetssĂ€tt som pedagogerna uttryckte var öppensinnade och empatiska. Pedagogerna ville stötta barnen i att lĂ€ra sig svenska, samt vara goda förebilder för barnen i hur de sjĂ€lva anvĂ€nder det svenska sprĂ„ket. De utmaningar som pedagogerna uttryckte var bristande kommunikation med förĂ€ldrarna samt att fĂ„ vara en del i en mĂ„ngkulturell kontext och bidra till att barnen ges ett utvecklande sprĂ„klĂ€rande i svenska. Studiens slutsats blev att om sprĂ„klĂ€rande i svenska för barn med annat modersmĂ„l Ă€n svenska ska ske, krĂ€vs bĂ„de engagemang, intresse, lyhördhet och tydlighet hos pedagogerna. Utöver detta behöver de ocksĂ„ förhĂ„lla sig till barnens individuella sprĂ„kkompetenser och bakgrunder samt att anvĂ€nda varierade arbetssĂ€tt och resurser för att kunna erbjuda barnen ett sĂ„ utvecklande sprĂ„klĂ€rande som möjligt

    A century of changes in wild food plant use in coastal Croatia: the example of Krk and Poljica

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    The aim of this study was to document the use of wild foods in two locations in the coastal part of Croatia – on the island of Krk and in the Poljica area, near Split. We chose these places as they have historical data on plant use (1900 and 1903 respectively). We carried out 67 interviews in Poljica and 55 interviews in Krk to estimate the current use and knowledge of wild foods. Altogether, 80 species of wild food and herbal tea species of plants were recorded in Poljica and 76 in Krk. On average, 13.2 species were listed by per interview in Poljica, including 7.1 species of wild vegetables, and in Krk 14.6 species, including 7.9 species of wild vegetables. Out of the list of plant names recorded in the past, in Krk, we identified 82% of the taxa and in Poljica 86%

    Determination of selected pesticides in environmental water by employing liquid-phase microextraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    An optimised extraction and cleanup method for the analysis of pesticide in natural water samples is presented. Sixteen pesticides of different polarity and from the different chemical classes (organophosphates, triazines, benzimidazoles, carbamates, carbamides, neonicotinoides, methylureas, phenylureas and benzohydrazides), most frequently used in Serbia, were selected for the analysis. Liquid-phase microextraction in a single hollow fibre (HF-LPME) has been applied for sample preparation. The concentrations of pesticides were determined using HPLC-MS/MS method with electrospray ionisation. The extraction behaviour and selection of the experimental conditions was predicted based on log D and pK (a) values of targeted pesticides, which were calculated applying the computer software ACD/Labs PhysChem Suite v12. The influence of the donor pH and concentration of pesticides, organic phase composition as well as the extraction time on the extraction efficiency was investigated. Optimum extraction conditions were evaluated with respect to the investigated parameters of the extraction. The extraction method was validated for 10 out of 16 studied pesticides. Linear range of the pesticides was 0.1-5 A mu g L(-1) with the correlation coefficient from 0.991 to 0.9998, and the relative standard deviation for three standard measurements was between 0.2 and 11.8%. The limits of detections ranged from 0.026 to 0.237 A mu g L(-1) and the limits of quantifications from 0.094 to 0.793 A mu g L(-1). The optimised two-phase HF-LPME method was successfully applied for determination of moderately polar as well low-polar pesticides in the environmental water samples.6th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Oct 04-08, 2009, Athens, Greec