52 research outputs found

    Performance and component frontal areas of a hypothetical two-spool turbojet engine for three modes of operation

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    Engine performance is better for constant outer-spool mechanical-speed operation than for constant inner-spool mechanical-speed operation over most of the flight range considered. Combustor and afterburner frontal areas are about the same for the two modes. Engine performance for a mode characterized by a constant outer-spool equivalent speed over part of the flight range and a constant outer-spool mechanical speed over the rest of the flight range is better that that for constant outer-spool mechanical speed operation. The former mode requires larger outer-spool centrifugal stresses and larger component frontal areas

    Comparison of Performance and Component Frontal Areas of Hypothetical Two-spool and One-spool Turbojet Engines

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    For constant-mechanical-speed operation, the two-spool thrust values are as great as or greater than the one-spool thrust values over the entire flight range considered, while the specific fuel consumption for the two engines agrees within 1 percent. The maximum difference in thrust occurs at Mach 2.8 in the stratosphere, where the two-spool thrust advantage is about 9 percent for operation with the after burning

    Effect of design over-all compressor pressure ratio division on acceleration characteristics of three hypothetical two-spool turbojet engines

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    The engines, each with a compressor overall total-pressure ratio of 12 and a design inner-turbine-inlet temperature of 2500 degrees R, were investigated at static sea-level conditions to determine the effect on transient performance of varying the desitn pressure ratio divisions 2-6, 3-4, and 4-3 between the outer and inner compressors. The transient considered was an acceleration from 40 to 100 percent design thrust. When the outer compressor of each engine reached design speed, the inner compressors were overspeeding, the maximum being only 1.7 over design mechanical speed. Acceleration times for the three engines were equal

    Analysis of Trajectory Parameters for Probe and Round-Trip Missions to Venus

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    For one-way transfers between Earth and Venus, charts are obtained that show velocity, time, and angle parameters as functions of the eccentricity and semilatus rectum of the Sun-focused vehicle conic. From these curves, others are obtained that are useful in planning one-way and round-trip missions to Venus. The analysis is characterized by circular coplanar planetary orbits, successive two-body approximations, impulsive velocity changes, and circular parking orbits at 1.1 planet radii. For round trips the mission time considered ranges from 65 to 788 days, while wait time spent in the parking orbit at Venus ranges from 0 to 467 days. Individual velocity increments, one-way travel times, and departure dates are presented for round trips requiring the minimum total velocity increment. For both single-pass and orbiting Venusian probes, the time span available for launch becomes appreciable with only a small increase in velocity-increment capability above the minimum requirement. Velocity-increment increases are much more effective in reducing travel time for single-pass probes than they are for orbiting probes. Round trips composed of a direct route along an ellipse tangent to Earth's orbit and an aphelion route result in the minimum total velocity increment for wait times less than 100 days and mission times ranging from 145 to 612 days. Minimum-total-velocity-increment trips may be taken along perihelion-perihelion routes for wait times ranging from 300 to 467 days. These wait times occur during missions lasting from 640 to 759 days