16 research outputs found

    Sadržaj i mobilnost mangana u kiselim zemljištima centralne Srbije

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    The paper gives an overview of many years ivesrigation of Mn status in acid soils of Central Serbia in the term of its content, mobility and availability to cultivated plants. Many studies have shown strongly expressed mobility and high availability of Mn in these soils. However, distribution and mobility of this element among soil layers, in various conditions of oxido – reduction, moisture and temperatures, were very heterogeneous. The largest presence of Mn in acid soils was in oxide fraction (over 50%).U radu je dat pregled višegodišnjeg proučavanja sadržaja, mobilnosti i pristupačnosti mangana u kiselim zemlјištima Centralne Srbije. Brojna istraživanja su pokazala jako izraženu mobilnost i visoku pristupačnost Mn u ovim zemljištima. Takođe, distribucija i mobilnost Mn u zemljišnim horizontima u različitim oksido-redukcijonim uslovima je bila veoma heterogena. Najveće prisustvo Mn u kiselim zemljištima je bilo u frakciji oksida (preko 50%)

    Prinos i kvalitet krtola krompira u zavisnosti od đubrenja

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    Research on the effect of different rates and methods of application of mineral NPK fertilizers on the yield and quality of potato variety ‘Carrera’ was conducted on a luvisol of the Radočelo Mountain massif. Treatments included an unfertilized control, NPK 16:16:16 (1500 kg ha) applied in-furrow at planting, NPK 16:16:16 (1200kg ha-1) applied in-furrow at planting, and NPK 16:16:16 applied at 700 kg ha-1 during seedbed preparation and 500 kg ha-1 in-furrow at planting. Mineral fertilizers led to a very significant increase in tuber yield compared to the control, giving the highest total yield under 1500 kg ha-1 NPK treatment. Results on the nutritional value of potato tubers showed that the levels of tested nutrients were higher in the skin than in the flesh. The concentrations of tested nutrients in potato tubers were highest at the highest NPK fertilizer rate.Ispitivanje uticaja različitih doza i načina primene mineralnog đubriva NPK 16:16:16 (1500 kg ha-1, primenjenog u brazde zavreme sadnje, 1200 kg ha-1, primenjenog u brazde za vreme sadnje i 700 kg ha-1 za vreme predsetvene pripreme uz 500 kg ha-1 u brazde za vreme sadnje) na prinos i kvalitet krompira sorte Karera izvedeno je na lesiviranom zemljištu (luvisolu) planinskog masiva Radočelo. Primenjena mineralna đubriva su uticala na značajno povećanje prinosa u odnosu na kontrolu, pri čemu je značajno veći prinos postignut na varijanti sa većom količinom đubriva u odnosu na ostale varijante. Primena iste doze NPK đubriva različitim načinima unošenja nije značajno uticala na prinos i kvalitet krtola krompira. Analizom krtola krompira je utvrđeno da je sadržaj svih elemenata bio veći u kori u odnosu na srž krtole, kao i da je najveći sadržaj bio na varijanti sa najvećom dozom NPK đubriva


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    In intensive raspberry growing, in order to achieve high, stable and regular yields, it is necessary to properly balance the mineral nutrition. For this purpose, an experiment with three variants of fertilization was set up (control, NPK 15:15:15 (800 kg ha-1), NPK 15:15:15 (800 kg ha-1) + KAN (400 kg ha-1)), on two plots Donja and Konopljak. The obtained results show that the lowest yield of raspberries was achieved in the control, while the application of NPK fertilizers and KAN determined an increase in the yield of raspberries, on both examined plots. The supplementary nutrition of KAN has shown positive effects on increasing the yield of raspberries. A higher average yield of raspberries was achieved on the plot Konopljak (17,380 kg ha-1) compared to the plot Donja (14,673 kg ha-1).Publishe

    Soil acidity and mobile aluminum status in pseudogley soils in the Čačak-Kraljevo Basin

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    Soil acidity and aluminum toxicity are considered the most damaging soil conditions affecting the growth of most crops. This paper reviews the results of tests of pH, exchangeable acidity and the mobile aluminum (Al) concentration in profiles of pseudogley soils from the Čačak-Kraljevo Basin. For these purposes, 102 soil pits were dug in 2009 in several sites around the Čačak-Kraljevo Basin. The tests encompassed 54 field, 28 meadow, and 20 forest soil samples. Samples of soil in a disturbed state were taken from the Ah and Eg horizons (102 samples), from the B1tg horizon in 39 field, 24 meadow and 15 forest pits (a total of 78 samples) and from the B2tg horizon in 14 field, 11 meadow, and 4 forest pits (a total of 29 samples). The mean pH values (1 M KCl) of the tested soil profiles were 4.28, 3.90 and 3.80 for the Ah, Eg and B1tg horizons, respectively. The soil pH of the forest samples was lower than those in the meadow and arable land samples (mean values of 4.06, 3.97 and 3.85 for arable land, meadow and forest samples, respectively). The soil acidification was especially intensive in the deep horizons; thus, 27 (Ah), 77 (Eg) and 87 % (B1tg) of the soil samples had a pH value below 4.0. The mean values of the total exchangeable acidity (TEA) were 1.55, 2.33 and 3.40 meq (100 g)-1 for the Ah, Eg and B1tg horizons, respectively. The TEA values in the forest soils were considerably higher (3.39 meq (100 g)-1) than those in the arable and meadow soils (1.96 and 1.93 meq (100 g)-1, respectively). The mean mobile Al contents of the tested soil samples were 11.02, 19.58 and 28.33 mg Al (100 g)-1 for the Ah, Eg and B1tg horizons, respectively. According to the pH and TEA values, mobile Al was considerably higher in the forest soils (a mean value of 26.08 mg Al (100 g)-1) than in the arable and meadow soils (mean values of 16.85 and 16.00 mg Al (100 g) -1, respectively). The Eg and B1tg horizons of the forest soil had especially high mobile Al contents (mean values of 28.50 and 32.95 mg Al (100 g)-1, respectively). High levels of mobile Al were especially frequent in the forest soils, with 35 (Ah), 85.0 (Eg) and 93.3 % (B 1tg) of the tested samples ranging above 10 mg Al (100 g) -1

    Agrohemijske osobine mladog karbonatnog fluvisola u slivu reke Ljig

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    Morphological study of several open profiles different depths and their analysis showed that land in the Ljig River belongs to the type of young alluvial soil (fluvisol) and subtype young carbonate alluvial soil. Based on the agrochemical analysis, can be concluded that this land is mostly poor and poorly supplied with humus, weakly to moderately alkaline, poor available phosphorus and mostly medium provided available potassium. The total content of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd within the maximum allowable concentration, while the content of Ni and Cr above these values.Morfološkim proučavanjem nekoliko otvorenih profila i poluprofila različite dubine i njihovom analizom utvrđeno je da zemljište u slivu reke Ljig pripada tipu mladog aluvijalnog zemljišta (fluvisola) i to podtipu mladog karbonatnog aluvijalnog zemljišta. Na osnovu urađenih agrohemijskih analiza može se zaključiti da je ovo zemljište uglavnom siromašno do slabo obezbeđeno humusom, slabo do srednje alkalne reakcije, siromašno lakopristupačnim fosforom i uglavnom srednje obezbeđeno lakopristupačnim kalijumom. Ukupni sadržaj Cu, Zn, Pb i Cd je u okviru maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija, dok je sadržaj Ni i Cr iznad ovih vrednosti

    Razmatranje nekih agroekoloških uslova i odlika područja opštine Knić za ratarsku proizvodnju

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    The Knić Municipality has 36 populated places where there are 13,655 inhabitants in 4,761 households. Of the total number of households, 60.34% are registered agricultural holdings, while the status of active agricultural holdings is 41.50%, which represents an unsatisfactory percentage for accelerated development of agricultural production. In the parts of the cottage settlements, the most fertile soils are present, and in parts of the villages in the hills of the basin, the areas of lower fertility are widespread, and for intensive agricultural production they have to be repaired. Climatic characteristics are suitable for a variety of crop production with the need to provide irrigation conditions.Opština Knić ima 36 naseljenih mesta u kojima u okviru 4.761 domaćinstva živi 13.655 stanovnika. Od ukupnog broja domaćinstava 60,34% su registrovana poljoprivredna gazdinsva a status aktivnih poljoprivrednih gazdinstava ima 41,50% što predstavlja nezadovoljajući procenat za ubrzaniji razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje. U atarima kotlinskih naselja prisutna su najplodinija zemljišta, a u atarima sela u pobrđima kotline rasprostranjena su zemljišta niže plodnosti i za intenzivnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju se moraju popraviti. Klimatske karakteristike su pogodne za raznovstnu ratarsku proizvodnju uz potrebu obezbeđenja uslova za navodnjavanje

    Uticaj kalcizacije i đubrenja na prinos i iskorišćavanje azota i fosfora biljkama ječma na zemljištu tipa pseudoglej

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    This paper presents the results of studying the influence of liming and fertilization on yield and utilization of nitrogen and phosphorus in tested genotypes of winter barley grown on soil (type pseudogley) with low pH values. During the three-year long investigation was carried out on the field of Agricultural-chemical school "Dr. George Radic" at the place Kraljevo. The results indicated that the highest effect to yield and coefficient of utilization of N and P2O5 were obtained by application fertilizer prepared by use of NPK, lime and manure (N- 80 kg ha-1, P2O5 -100 kg ha-1, K2O-80 kg ha-1 + CaCO3-5000 kg ha-1 + manure – 20000kg ha- 1). On the base of studied parameters the barley cultivar NS565 was more tolerant to adverse chemical soil characteristics (low pH, low P2O5 content and a high content of mobile Al) and can be recommended as a suitable genotype for barley production on acid soils, especialy after liming of soil.U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja uticaja kalcizacije i đubrenja na prinos i iskorišćavanje azota i fosfora ispitivanim genotipovima ozimog ječma na zemljištu niske pH vrednosti tipa pseudoglej. Trogodišnja istraživanja su izvedena u lokalitetu Kraljeva na imanju Srednje poljoprivredno-hemijske škole "dr Đorđe Radić". Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je najveći ekekat na prinos i koeficijent iskorišćavanja N i P2O5 iz đubriva ostvaren kombinovanom upotrebom NPK, krečnog i stajskog đubriva (80 kg Nha-1, 100 kg P2O5ha-1, 80 kg K2Oha-1+5.0 t CaCO3ha-1+20 tha-1 stajnjaka). Na osnovu proučavanih parametara sorta ozimog ječma NS 565 je bila tolerantnija na nepovoljne hemijske karakteristike zemljišta (niska pH, nizak sadržaj P2O5 i visok sadržaj mobilnog Al) i može se preporučiti kao pogodan genotip za proizvodnju ječma na kiselim zemljištima, naročito posle njihove kalcizacije

    Sadržaj i mobilnost gvožđa u kiselim zemljištima centralne Srbije

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    The paper gives an overview of many years investigation of Fe status in acid soils of Central Serbia in the term of its content, mobility and availability to cultivated plants. Numerous investigation showed low mobility and low availability Fe in acid soils. The concentration of this microelement in commutable fraction was 0.01%. Also, distribution and mobility of Fe in soils’ horizons in different oxido-redox conditions was very heterogenous. The highest presence of Fe in acid soils was in form of residual fraction (over 80%).U radu je dat pregled višegodišnjeg proučavanja sadržaja, mobilnosti i pristupačnosti gvožđa u kiselim zemlјištima Centralne Srbije. Brojna istraživanja su pokazala nisku mobilnost i malu pristupačnost Fe u ovim zemljištima. Koncentracija ovog mikroelementa u razmenlјivoj frakciji je iznosila 0.01%. Takođe, distribucija i mobilnost Fe u zemljišnim horizontima u različitim oksido-redukcijonim uslovima je bila veoma heterogena. Najveće prisustvo Fe u kiselim zemljištima je bilo u rezidualnoj frakciji (preko 80%)

    Suzbijanje korova u organskoj poljoprivredi

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    Organic agriculture as a production system based on ecological production, soil biological activity, biodiversity conservation and use of natural substances and processes is the only certified food production in Serbia. This system provides users of organic products with a guarantee that the end product is the result of consistent farming practices. Since 2010, three laws and a number of regulations underlying the development of this food production system have been adopted. The global organic market has seen a continuous rise in demand for organic products, whereas a relatively slight increase in their supply from organic crop growing areas of Serbia has been recorded. Reasons for the insufficient farmers' interest in organic agriculture include lack of information, lack of intermediate goods, fear of change and, very often, underestimation by conventional producers and professional agrarian circles. An important part of the mosaic-like fear of organic farming among producers is lack of knowledge regarding weed control methods in this production concept. As with other elements of organic farming practices, the basis for weed control rests on preventive action, as well as on direct methods of eliminating undesirable plants from agricultural biotopes.Organska poljoprivreda kao proizvodni sistem baziran ne ekološkoj proizvodnji, biološkoj aktivnosti zemljišta, očuvanju biodiverziteta, uz primenu prirodnih suspstanci i postupaka, jedina je sertifikovana proizvodnja hrane u Srbiji. Korisnicima organskih proizvoda se garantuje da je finalni proizvod rezultat dosledno sprovedene tehnologije gajenja. Od 2010 godine, usvojena su tri zakona i niz pravilnika, koji su osnov za razvoj ovog sistema proizvodnje hrane. Na svetskom tržištu organskih proizvoda, kontinuirano raste potražnja, dok je povećanje ponude ovih proizvoda iz agrosinuzija Srbije, u relativno blagom porastu. Razlozi nedovoljnog interesovanja proizvođača za bavljenje organskom poljoprivredom su neobaveštenost, nedostatak repro materijala, strah od promena i veoma često omalovažavanje od strane konvencionalnih proizvođača i stručne agrarne javnosti. Jedan od važnih elemenata u mozaiku kreiranja straha od organske poljoprivrede među proizvođačima je i nepoznavanje načina suzbijanja korova u ovom proizvodnom konceptu. Kao i u drugim elementima tehnologije gajenja, osnova suzbijanja korova jesu preventivne mere, ali postoje i direktni načini eliminisanja nepoželjnih biljaka iz agrobiotopa

    Analiza stanja i mogućnosti unapređenja proizvodnje strnih žita na teritoriji Gruže i Rudničke Morave

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    In the area which includes the territory of Gruža and Rudnička Morava agricultural production is the primary work activity of the local population where the grain crops grown on the largest area and production of cereals is present in all the areas of the village. In most of the color producers present the traditional approach in production. This mode of production often affects the achievement of lower average grain yield and low economic returns. Based on a comprehensive analysis of certain conditions it was found that in the short term will be to increase the area under small grains, and the application of modern production technologies increase the average grain yield. Also, in certain regions, where there are favorable conditions could be applied integral and organic vision of production, which would significantly contribute to achieving greater material benefit local populations and foster the accelerated development of the area.Na prostoru koji obuhvata teritorija Gruže i Rudničke Morave poljoprivredna proizvodnja predstavlja osnovnu radnu aktivnost lokalnog stanovništva pri čemu se strna žita gaje na najvećoj površini a proizvodnja žitarica je prisutna u atarima svih sela. Kod najvećeg boja proizvođača prisutan je tradicionalni pristup u proizvodnji. Ovaj način proizvodnje često utiče na postizanje prosečno nižih prinosa zrna i niske ekonomske dobiti. Na osnovu sveobuhvatne analize pojedinih uslova utvrđeno je da bi u kratkoročnom periodu mogle da se povećaju površine pod strnim žitima i da se primenom savremene tehnologije proizvodnje povećaju prosečni prinosi zrna. Takođe, u pojedinim regijama, gde postoje povoljni uslovi mogao bi da se primeni integralni i organski vid proizvodnje, čime bi se značajno doprinelo ostvarivanju veće materijalne dobiti lokalnog stanovništva i pospešio ubrzani razvoj područja