Sadržaj i mobilnost mangana u kiselim zemljištima centralne Srbije


The paper gives an overview of many years ivesrigation of Mn status in acid soils of Central Serbia in the term of its content, mobility and availability to cultivated plants. Many studies have shown strongly expressed mobility and high availability of Mn in these soils. However, distribution and mobility of this element among soil layers, in various conditions of oxido – reduction, moisture and temperatures, were very heterogeneous. The largest presence of Mn in acid soils was in oxide fraction (over 50%).U radu je dat pregled višegodišnjeg proučavanja sadržaja, mobilnosti i pristupačnosti mangana u kiselim zemlјištima Centralne Srbije. Brojna istraživanja su pokazala jako izraženu mobilnost i visoku pristupačnost Mn u ovim zemljištima. Takođe, distribucija i mobilnost Mn u zemljišnim horizontima u različitim oksido-redukcijonim uslovima je bila veoma heterogena. Najveće prisustvo Mn u kiselim zemljištima je bilo u frakciji oksida (preko 50%)

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