16 research outputs found

    Characterization of amicarbalide derivatives as new antimalarial compounds: Investigation of the mode of action and the mechanism of resistance

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    Despite the tremendous progress in the fight against malaria during the last two decades, it remains one of the most important infectious diseases worldwide, leading to approximately 500 000 lethal cases annually, mostly among young children. The emergence and spread of resistance of the Plasmodium parasites to all the drugs currently available on the market are a major threat to its control and eradication. It moreover emphasizes the dire need for new antimalarial agents with distinct modes of action. Previously, the medicinal chemistry team at the biotechnology company 4SC AG, Munich, presented a series of promising antimalarial compounds, optimized around an amicarbalide backbone. Two agents were selected out of this series as lead-compounds for further studies, namely SC81458 and SC83288. The work presented here aims to characterize the in vitro activity of the SC-lead compounds. First, it revealed them as potent inhibitors of P. falciparum blood stage parasites, acting preferentially on late stages. The lack of activity on the ring stages is reflected in their fast speed of action, yet not as fast as artemisinin, the fastest compound described so far, that acts on all blood stages. Importantly, the SC-lead compounds were unaffected by the most common resistance mechanisms to antimalarial drugs used in the clinic. Particularly, no cross-resistance mechanism between artemisinin and its derivatives and the SC-lead compounds was observed, and their antiplasmodial modes of action appeared to be distinct from each other. The second part of this work focused on the mode of action of the SC-lead compounds and the mechanisms of resistance that the parasite could develop. Although the Ca2+ ATPase pump PfATP6 was disproved as a direct molecular target of the SC-lead compounds, it was demonstrated to be implicated in a resistance mechanism. The F972Y mutation and the overexpression of the A108T, A109T variant led to a drastic decrease in the SC-lead compounds responsiveness. The F972Y substitution correlated with an in vitro fitness cost for the parasite, which was linked to a lower intracellular calcium resting concentration compared to its parental line. The molecular details of the disturbed calcium homeostasis and its correlation with the resistance to the SC-lead compounds remain to be unraveled. Overall, the findings of this work demonstrate the promising in vitro potency of the SC-lead compounds, particularly SC83288, and highly support its further development into (pre)clinical trials

    Profiling of the anti-malarial drug candidate SC83288 against artemisinins in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Background: The increased resistance of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to currently employed drugs creates an urgent call for novel anti-malarial drugs. Particularly, efforts should be devoted to developing fast-acting anti-malarial compounds in case clinical resistance increases to the first-line artemisinin-based combination therapy. SC83288, an amicarbalide derivative, is a clinical development candidate for the treatment of severe malaria. SC83288 is fast-acting and able to clear P. falciparum parasites at low nanomolar concentrations in vitro, as well as in a humanized SCID mouse model system in vivo. In this study, the antiplasmodial activity of SC83288 against artemisinins was profiled in order to assess its potential to replace, or be combined with, artemisinin derivatives. Results: Based on growth inhibition and ring survival assays, no cross-resistance was observed between artemisinins and SC83288, using parasite lines that were resistant to either one of these drugs. In addition, no synergistic or antagonistic interaction was observed between the two drugs. This study further confirmed that SC83288 is a fast acting drug in several independent assays. Combinations of SC83288 and artesunate maintained the rapid parasite killing activities of both components. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study are consistent with artemisinins and SC83288 having distinct modes of action and different mechanisms of resistance. This study further supports efforts to continue the clinical development of SC83288 against severe malaria as an alternative to artemisinins in areas critically affected by artemisinin-resistance. Considering its fast antiplasmodial activity, SC83288 could be combined with a slow-acting anti-malarial drug

    Novel Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Potent In Vitro Activity against Plasmodium knowlesi but Do Not Synergize with Proguanil.

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    Quinolones, such as the antimalarial atovaquone, are inhibitors of the malarial mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex, a target critical to the survival of both liver- and blood-stage parasites, making these drugs useful as both prophylaxis and treatment. Recently, several derivatives of endochin have been optimized to produce novel quinolones that are active in vitro and in animal models. While these quinolones exhibit potent ex vivo activity against Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, their activity against the zoonotic agent Plasmodium knowlesi is unknown. We screened several of these novel endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) for their activity against P. knowlesiin vitro and compared this with their activity against P. falciparum tested under identical conditions. We demonstrated that ELQs are potent against P. knowlesi (50% effective concentration, <117?nM) and equally effective against P. falciparum We then screened selected quinolones and partner drugs using a longer exposure (2.5 life cycles) and found that proguanil is 10-fold less potent against P. knowlesi than P. falciparum, while the quinolones demonstrate similar potency. Finally, we used isobologram analysis to compare combinations of the ELQs with either proguanil or atovaquone. We show that all quinolone combinations with proguanil are synergistic against P. falciparum However, against P. knowlesi, no evidence of synergy between proguanil and the quinolones was found. Importantly, the combination of the novel quinolone ELQ-300 with atovaquone was synergistic against both species. Our data identify potentially important species differences in proguanil susceptibility and in the interaction of proguanil with quinolones and support the ongoing development of novel quinolones as potent antimalarials that target multiple species

    Ex vivo susceptibility to new antimalarial agents differs among human-infecting Plasmodium species.

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    Several promising antimalarial drugs are currently being tested in human trials, such as artefenomel, cipargamin, ferroquine and ganaplacide. Many of these compounds were identified using high throughput screens against a single species of human malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, under the assumption that effectiveness against all malaria species will be similar, as has been observed for other antimalarial drugs. However, using our in vitro adapted line, we demonstrated recently that P. knowlesi is significantly less susceptible than P. falciparum to some new antimalarial drugs (e.g., cipargamin and DSM265), and more susceptible to others (e.g., ganaplacide). There is, therefore, an urgent need to determine the susceptibility profile of all human malaria species to the current generation of antimalarial compounds. We obtained ex vivo malaria samples from travellers returning to the United Kingdom and, using the [3H]hypoxanthine incorporation method, compared susceptibility to select established and experimental antimalarial agents among all major human infective Plasmodium species. We demonstrate that P. malariae and P. ovale spp. are significantly less susceptible than P. falciparum to cipargamin, DSM265 and AN13762, but are more susceptible to ganaplacide. Preliminary ex vivo data from single isolates of P. knowlesi and P. vivax demonstrate a similar profile. Our findings highlight the need to ensure cross species susceptibility profiles are determined early in the drug development pipeline. Our data can also be used to inform further drug development, and illustrate the utility of the P. knowlesi in vitro model as a scalable approach for predicting the drug susceptibility of non-falciparum malaria species in general

    The Parasite Reduction Ratio (PRR) Assay Version 2: Standardized Assessment of Plasmodium falciparum Viability after Antimalarial Treatment In Vitro

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    With artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites emerging in Africa, the need for new antimalarial chemotypes is persistently high. The ideal pharmacodynamic parameters of a candidate drug are a rapid onset of action and a fast rate of parasite killing or clearance. To determine these parameters, it is essential to discriminate viable from nonviable parasites, which is complicated by the fact that viable parasites can be metabolically inactive, whilst dying parasites can still be metabolically active and morphologically unaffected. Standard growth inhibition assays, read out via microscopy or [3H] hypoxanthine incorporation, cannot reliably discriminate between viable and nonviable parasites. Conversely, the in vitro parasite reduction ratio (PRR) assay is able to measure viable parasites with high sensitivity. It provides valuable pharmacodynamic parameters, such as PRR, 99.9% parasite clearance time (PCT99.9%) and lag phase. Here we report the development of the PRR assay version 2 (V2), which comes with a shorter assay duration, optimized quality controls and an objective, automated analysis pipeline that systematically estimates PRR, PCT99.9% and lag time and returns meaningful secondary parameters such as the maximal killing rate of a drug (Emax) at the assayed concentration. These parameters can be fed directly into pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models, hence aiding and standardizing lead selection, optimization, and dose prediction

    Mitigating the risk of antimalarial resistance via covalent dual-subunit inhibition of the Plasmodium proteasome

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    The Plasmodium falciparum proteasome constitutes a promising antimalarial target, with multiple chemotypes potently and selectively inhibiting parasite proliferation and synergizing with the first-line artemisinin drugs, including against artemisinin-resistant parasites. We compared resistance profiles of vinyl sulfone, epoxyketone, macrocyclic peptide, and asparagine ethylenediamine inhibitors and report that the vinyl sulfones were potent even against mutant parasites resistant to other proteasome inhibitors and did not readily select for resistance, particularly WLL that displays covalent and irreversible binding to the catalytic β2 and β5 proteasome subunits. We also observed instances of collateral hypersensitivity, whereby resistance to one inhibitor could sensitize parasites to distinct chemotypes. Proteasome selectivity was confirmed using CRISPR/Cas9-edited mutant and conditional knockdown parasites. Molecular modeling of proteasome mutations suggested spatial contraction of the β5 P1 binding pocket, compromising compound binding. Dual targeting of P. falciparum proteasome subunits using covalent inhibitors provides a potential strategy for restoring artemisinin activity and combating the spread of drug-resistant malaria