22 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of media on running performance at various training intensities, The comparisons were based upon Borg Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). The treadmill was used for the land condition while running in the deep water was performed with use of a buoyant device located above the W. Two subjects, both skilled swimmers and runners, who had a good understanding of RPE were tested. Evaluation of joint angles involved sagittal and rear view video with the former reported here. The joints evaluated included the shoulder elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. Heart rate was monitored for evaluation of intensities and immersion effects with a Polar Accurex monitor. Five trials were performed and videotaped in both suspended deep water and land conditions at 13 and 18/19 WE. Data were manually digitized using the Arid Performance Analysis System for both land and water at 60 and 30 Hz respectively. The 30 Hz data were interpolated to 60 Hz and smoothed using a ninth order polynomial and derivatives were calculated. Within subjects statistical procedures (

    Application de la mĂ©thode des transformateurs saturĂ©s Ă  la mesure et rĂ©gulation du champ magnĂ©tique d'un spectromĂštre ÎČ Ă  double focalisation π √2 avec noyau de fer

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    On dĂ©crit un nouveau magnĂ©tomĂštre pour mesurer les champs magnĂ©tiques constants ou lentement variables dans l'intervalle de variation entre 10 -4 et 3 x 102 Oe. La prĂ©cision relative est supĂ©rieure Ă  2,5 X 10-5 entre 7 et 300 Oe. Le champ magnĂ©tique d'un spectromĂštre ÎČ Ă  double focalisation π √2 du type Siegbahn-Svartholm est stabilisĂ© par un servomĂ©canisme. On utilise comme signal d'erreur la diffĂ©rence entre une tension proportionnelle au champ d'induction magnĂ©tique et une tension de rĂ©fĂ©rence