70 research outputs found

    Transmissive optical fiber magnetic field sensor based on ferrofluids

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    A compact optical fiber magnetic field sensor is reported which relies on the magnetic field induced displacement of a ferrofluid lying in the gap between two single mode optical fibers (SMFs) that are aligned face to face. The ferrofluid displacement alters the coupling of light from the input optical fiber to the output optical fiber. When the applied magnetic field changes from 0 mT to 10 mT the optical attenuation changes from 0 dB to -28 dB

    A review of single-mode fiber optofluidics

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    We review the field we describe as “single-mode fiber optofluidics” which combines the technologies of microfluidics with single-mode fiber optics for delivering new implementations of well-known single-mode optical fiber devices. The ability of a fluid to be easily shaped to different geometries plus the ability to have its optical properties easily changed via concentration changes or an applied electrical or magnetic field offers potential benefits such as no mechanical moving parts, miniaturization, increased sensitivity and lower costs. However, device fabrication and operation can be more complex than in established single-mode fiber optic devices

    Single mode fiber variable optical attenuator based on a ferrofluid shutter

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of a single-mode fiber variable optical attenuator (VOA) based on a ferrofluid shutter actuated by a magnetic field created by a low voltage electromagnet. We compare the performance of a VOA using oil-based ferrofluid, with one VOA using water-based 12 ferrofluid, and demonstrate broadband optical attenuation of up to 28 dB with polarization dependent 13 loss of 0.85 dB. Our optofluidic VOA has advantages over MEMS-based VOAs such as simple construction and the absence of mechanical moving parts

    Mitarbeitereinführung als eine Massnahme zur Stärkung der Innovationsfähigkeit

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    Die dezentrale Organisation eines Unternehmens stellt für die Entwicklung eines Einführungskonzepts von neuen Mitarbeitenden eine grosse Herausforderung dar. Ein solches Einführungskonzept muss einerseits die übergeordneten Inhalte sowie die Kultur des Betriebes, als auch die spezifischen Anforderungen der einzelnen Standorte berücksichtigen. Die Einführungsphase einer neuen Mitarbeiterin oder eines neuen Mitarbeiters hat eine rasche und kosteneffiziente Integration auf fachlicher und sozialer Ebene zum Ziel. Die Einführungsphase soll zudem den Grundstein dazu legen, um bei den Mitarbeitenden Kreativität und Eigeninitiative zu fördern. Denn längerfristig ist es lukrativ, kreative Mitarbeiter/innen anzustreben, da diese erwiesenermassen die Innovationsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens und damit auch dessen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel ein Einführungskonzept zu erstellen, welches den Mitarbeitenden eine optimale Eingliederung in einem dezentralen Unternehmen ermöglicht. Des Weiteren soll durch die Einführung von neuen Mitarbeitenden die Innovationsfähigkeit des Unternehmens gestärkt werden

    Modeling and characterization of an electrowetting based single mode fiber variable optical attenuator

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    We report an optofluidics-based variable optical attenuator (VOA) employing a tapered side-polished single-mode optical fiber attached to an electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) platform. The side polishing of the fiber cladding gives access to the evanescent field of the guided mode, while the EWOD platform electrically controls the stepwise translation of a liquid droplet along the variable thickness polished cladding of the fiber. The penetration of the evanescent field into the droplet leads to tunneling of optical power from the fiber core to the droplet, from where it is radiatively lost. As a result of the variable cladding thickness, the position of the droplet along the length of the polished fiber determines the degree of penetration of the evanescent field into the droplet. The droplet position can be electrically changed; thus, controlling the optical power loss from the fiber. This approach has been used to demonstrate an optofluidic continuous-fiber VOA typically providing up to 26 dB of broadband attenuation in the 1550-nm transmission window, with a wavelength dependent loss less than 1.1 dB. In this paper, we present the theoretical modeling and experimental characterization of the system, discussing the influence of the design parameters on the performance of this VOA

    Pesantren dan Moderasi Beragama: Studi Terhadap Pesantren Mahasiswa Sharif Hidayatullah Kota Kediri

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    Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan mengenai moderasi beragama di Pesantren Sharif Hidayatullah Kota Kediri. Pesantren merupakan salah satu gerbang dalam mewujudkan kajian ilmu keislaman.  Salah satu contoh di pesantren ini mengajarkan bagaimana cara mewujudkan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama (wasathiyyah). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan library research. Sedangkan teknik dalam mengumpulkan data yakni menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi lapangan. Dengan teknik wawancara, kami mengambil narasumber yakni pengasuh dan beberapa santri pesantren Sharif Hidayatullah. Teknik observasi dilakukan dengan mengamati model sikap pengasuh dan santri pondok pesantren dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Adapun temuan penelitian bahwa pengasuh pondok pesantren selain memberikan pembelajaran wasathiyyah kepada santri, beliau juga menerapkan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama/wasathiyyah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan terlibatnya pengasuh pondok menjadi pembicara di kalangan aliran yang berbeda dengan-Nya. Tujuan dari pembelajaran moderasi beragama/wasathiyyah ini adalah agar para santri tidak memiliki sikap mudah membid’ahkan atau menyalahkan orang lain. Dengan adanya pembelajaran moderasi beragama/wasathiyyah, santri yang sebelumnya tidak mengenal konsep tersebut menjadi paham mengenai nilai-nilai dan makna moderasi beragam

    Central bisectionectomy – a feasible alternative for centrally located liver tumors

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    Clinica de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic, I.C.Fundeni, Bucureşti, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Bisectionectomia centrală reprezintă rezecția hepatică a segmentelor 4a, 4b, 5 și 8, definite astfel de sistemul Brisbane. Denumită anterior în diferite feluri (mesohepatectomie, hepatectomie centrală, lobectomie centrală) bisectionectomia centrală este operația de elecție pentru tumorile hepatice situate în segmentele centrale, și este de preferat rezecțiilor hepatice extinse (trisectionectomia dreaptă/stângă) pentru că minimalizează riscul insuficienței hepatice postoperatorii. Prezentare de caz: Pacienta în vârstă de 54 de ani cu dureri în hipocondrul drept, scădere ponderală cca. 8 kg / 2 luni. Bioumoral: AFP, CA 19.9 și ACE – în limite normale / AgHbs, Ac Anti-HBc, Ac Anti-HCV – negative. EDS/EDI – de aspect normal, prezintă la examenul CT o formațiune tumorală hepatică situată central (segmentele 4a, 4b, 5 și 8) ce înglobează VHM, la distanță de bifurcația venei porte. Se practică o bisectionectomie centrală, cu ligaturarea pediculilor vasculari glissonieni drept anterior (seg. 5 și 8) și stâng medial (seg. 4a și 4b). Transecțiunea parenchimului hepatic se efectuează folosindu-se “SONOPET”. Cu evoluție postoperatorie bună, pacienta se externează la 9 zile postoperator. La 6 luni postoperator probele serice AFP – în limite normale, fără semne imagistice de recidivă. Bisectionectomia centrală poate fi realizată atunci când tumora nu invadează pediculii vasculari aferenți parenchimului restant (secțiunea dreaptă posterioara / secțiunea stângă laterală) și presupune doua planuri de secțiune. Concluzii: Bisectionectomia centrală este operația de elecție pentru tumorile hepatice centrale prin care se prezervă cantitatea maxima de parenchim hepatic, minimalizându-se riscul de IHA postoperatorie. Este posibilă în cazuri atent selecționate și necesită experiență în rezecțiile hepatice majore.Introduction: By Brisbane terminology central bisectionectomy is the resection of segments 4a, 4b, 5, and 8 of the liver. Formerly called in different ways (mesohepatectomy, central hepatectomy, central lobectomy) central bisectionectomy is the elective surgery for liver tumors located in central segments (4a, 4b, 5 and 8), with better results than extensive liver resections (right / left trisectionectmy) because it minimizes the risk of postoperative liver failure. Case report: A 54 years old female, presented for right upper quadrant pain, weight loss (8 kg / 2 months); Blood tests: normal AFP; negative Ag Hbs, Ab Anti-HBc, Ab Anti-HCV. UGE/LGE – with a normal aspect; CT scan revealed centrally located liver tumor (segments 4a, 4b, 5, and 8) that includes MHV, away from the portal vein bifurcation. We performed a regulated central bisectionectomy with ligation of vascular pedicles for right anterior section (seg. 5 and 8) and those for left medial section (seg 4a and 4b). With good postoperative course, the patient was discharged in the 9th postoperative day. Six months postoperatively, the patient is good, without tumor relapse signs. Central bisectionectomy can not be performed when the tumor invades the vascular pedicles afferent to remaining parenchyma and requires two planes of transection. Conclusions: Central bisectionectomy is the best choice surgery for centrally located liver tumors which preserves the maximum amount of liver parenchyma thus minimizing the risk of postoperative liver failure

    Living donor liver transplant in Romania – 116 cases experience

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    Centrul de Chirurgie Generală și Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec”, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucureşti, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Cererea pentru transplantul hepatic în Romania este în continuă creștere în timp ce penuria de donatori de organe persistă. Timpul lung de așteptare pentru un transplant de ficat şi disfuncţia hepatică progresivă aferentă așteptării a motivat multe familii să ia în considerare donarea de organe. Material și metode: În anul 2000 a fost realizat primul transplant hepatic ortotopic cu ficat întreg de către echipa I.Popescu et al. la Institutul Clinic Fundeni din Bucureşti, urmat de transplantul de ficat de la donator viu (LDLT) mai târziu în acelaşi an, ajungând în aprilie 2015 la un total de 116 de transplanturi cu ficat de la donator viu. LDLT a fost realizată cu hemificat drept la 78 pacienți, secțiune laterală stânga – la 26 pacienți, hemificat stâng – la 7 pacienți, hemificat stâng în bloc cu segmentul 1 – la 3 pacienți, şi dual graft – la 2 pacienți. Rezultate: Rata de morbidități majore a fost de 53,4% (62 pacienți), rata generală de retransplant a fost de 11,3% (13 pacienți). Rata de supraviețuire generală la 1-, 3-, şi 5 ani a fost de 88,8%, 82,5%, respectiv, 79,2%. Concluzii: Scopul nostru a fost de a reduce rata mortalității pe lista de așteptare prin scurtarea timpului de aşteptare pentru TH prin asigurarea grefelor necesare. Avantajele LDLT includ posibilitatea de a fi efectuate în regim programat şi cu un timp de aşteptare scurt pentru primitor, în timp ce indicaţiile de transplant pot fi extinse (ex: HCC în afara criteriilor Milano).Introduction: The request for Liver Transplant (LT) in Romania continues to increase while the donor pool size remains inadequate. The long waiting time for a liver transplant and the progressive liver dysfunction that occurs in this time has motivated many families to consider living donation. Material and methods: In 2000, the first successful LT (with whole graft) was carried out by I.Popescu et al. at Fundeni Clinical Institute in Bucharest, followed by the first living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) (successful) later the same year, reaching 116 living donors liver transplants by April 2015. LDLT was performed with right hemiliver in 78 pts, left lateral section in 26 pts, left hemiliver in 7 pts, left hemiliver with segment 1 in 3 pts, and dual graft LDLT in 2 pts: one received a right hemiliver and a left lateral section (17), and one received a left hemiliver and a left lateral section. Results: Major morbidity rates were 53.4% (62 pts) Overall retransplantation rate was 11.3% (13 pts). Long-term overall 1-, 3-, and 5- year estimated survival rates were 88.8%, 82.5%, and 79.2%, respective. Conclusions: Our main goal was to continuously reduce the drop-out rate on waiting list (due to mortality and morbidity) by shortening the waiting time for LT insured by providing the necessary grafts. Advantages of LDLT include the ability to be performed on an elective basis, with optimal timing and no waiting time for the recipient, while the indications for transplantation may be extended (i.e. HCC beyond Milan criteria)