38 research outputs found

    Práce jako řešení? Strategie obživy osamělých matek v ČR

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    When examining the gender of institutions of parenthood, lone motherhood is a key issue. In this article the author focuses on the economic implications of lone motherhood and on the strategies that women living with children without a partner develop in order to ensure their livelihood. The author begins by presenting the theoretical background and some results from European and North American research on lone motherhood. She then provides an overview of research on lone parenthood done in the Czech Republic since 1959. Finally, the author describes the qualitative study she conducted on divorced mothers. The results show how women deal economically with marital separation and which livelihood strategies they opt for. The research methodology was based on constructivist grounded theory and the technique of interviews. From the research results the author distinguishes fi ve basic strategies that can be combined and that are based on the sources that women have at their disposal. Those strategies may differ in terms of their degree of success, dependence/independence on others, and their efficacy at different points in time. The results also indicate that the success of these working strategies depends mainly on the age of the youngest child in the family and the caring responsibilities required by that age. The author argues that while for some women heading one-parent families paid work is an option that allows them to obtain a certain degree of independence and self-confidence, its efficacy depends on the context and immediate conditions in which the women find themselves. Overstressing the employment of lone mothers as a universal solution may thus lead to new dependencies

    Fatherhood after parental separation

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    Výzkumy otcovství po partnerském rozchodu se častěji zaměřují na otce jako faktor negativně či pozitivně ovlivňující vývoj dítěte než jako na aktéry, procházející složitou osobní a sociální situací. Předkládaná práce se zabývá otcovstvím, tak jak jej prožívají a konstruují muži, kteří nemají své dítě svěřené do své výhradní výchovy a přestávají s ním sdílet společné bydliště. Zaměřuje se na rozbor změn otcovské role, identity a praktik po rozchodu rodičovského páru. Metodologie použitá ve výzkumu vychází z konstruktivistické verze rozšířené metody grounded theory, založené na předpokladu, že objevovaná realita vyvstává z interpretativního procesu a z jeho časových a kulturních souvislostí. Cílem tedy není poznání jediné objektivní reality porozvodového otcovství, ale způsobů, jakými zkoumané subjekty konstruují a interpretují svou vlastní subjektivní realitu. V úvodní teoretické části jsou představeny soudobé teorie soukromého života, zejména teorie individualizačního procesu prezentovaná Ulrichem Beckem a Elisabeth Beck-Gersheim, Françoisem de Singlym a Anthonym Giddensem. V individualizaci společnosti je spatřován hlavní faktor fragilizace současných manželství a selhávání partnerských vztahů. Dále jsou prezentovány teoretické závěry týkající se problematiky rozchodu a rozvodu manželství a jeho důsledků...Studies on fatherhood after a divorce usually focus on the father in terms of his negative or positive effect on the development of the child rather than as an actor experiencing a complicated personal and social situation. This study focuses on fatherhood as it is experienced and constructed by men who are divorced, do not have custody of their children, and no longer share a household with their children. It is aimed at analysing the changes in the role, identity, and practices of fathers after a divorce. The methodology used in the research is draws on a constructivist version of grounded theory, based on the assumption that observed reality arises out of the interpretative process and its temporal and cultural context. Thus the aim is not to identify a single objective reality but to observe the ways in which the subjects construct and interpret their own subjective reality. In the theoretical introduction to the study, contemporary theories on private life are discussed, in particular the theory of the individualised process, presented by Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gersheim, François de Singly and Anthony Giddens. The main factor for the increasing fragility of contemporary marriage and the failure of partner relationships is seen as lying in the individualisation of society. Theoretical findings...Department of SociologyKatedra sociologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    The Conditions of Parenthood in Organisations: An International Comparison

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    The paper focuses on organisations and the conditions for working parents in terms of combining work and care and how those conditions are set up and negotiated in organisations. The research draws on three case studies comparing pairs of companies active in the Czech Republic and in one of the following countries – Germany, France, and Sweden – in the field of engineering. The goal is to explore in depth the conditions that Czech working parents are faced with and that derive from the organisational processes and means and dynamics of negotiating conditions for working parents, and to compare them with the conditions in other countries and identify the sources of variability of these conditions. Important differences between a company’s family-friendly practices in its home country and in its Czech branches are primarily determined by the differences in the way in which welfare regimes are set up in individual countries. In addition, the authors identify the following five main interlinked factors explaining the variability of family-friendly policies and practices in organisations: parental (maternity) ideologies, the organisational culture of non-discrimination and equal opportunities, the actors’ activity in work relations, the role of trade unions in negotiations, and the given organisation’s experience with employees-parents

    Women and employment: advances and challenges in policies for women's labour-force participation in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the post-pandemic recovery

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    The purpose of this document is to provide inputs and contribute to reflection for decision-making in the field of equality in employment between men and women. It aims to be a document of proposals and measures of public policies that can be taken into consideration, both in the 27 countries of the European Union (EU27) and in their relationship with their partners in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), to increase women's participation into labour market in a stable and equitable manner.Fil: Daza Aramayo, LourdesFil: Křížková, AlenaFil: López Igual, PurificaciónFil: Černohorská, Vanda MaufraFil: Nyklová, BlankaFil: Partida Rocha, RaquelFil: Peterson, ElinFil: Pospíšilová, MarieFil: Rocha Carpiuc, CeciliaFil: Rodríguez-Modroño, PaulaFil: Távora, IsabelFil: Vohlidalová, MartaFil: Actis Di Pasquale, Eugenio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Addabbo, TindaraFil: Aspiazu, Eliana. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Cutuli, Romina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Damiani, FilippoFil: Daza Aramayo, Lourdes GabrielaFil: Dudová, RadkaFil: Espinosa Fajardo, JuliaFil: Fernández Marín, Ana MaríaFil: Formánková, LenkaFil: Hermanová, Mari

    Mujeres y empleo: avances y desafíos en las políticas para la participación laboral de las mujeres en Europa, América Latina y Caribe en el contexto de la recuperación post-pandémica

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    El presente documento tiene como finalidad aportar insumos y contribuir a la reflexión para la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la igualdad en el empleo entre hombres y mujeres. Pretende ser un documento de propuestas y medidas de políticas públicas que podrán tomarse en consideración, tanto en los 27 países de la Unión Europea (UE27) como en su relación con sus socios de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), para contribuir a una mayor incorporación de mujeres al empleo de manera estable y en condiciones de equidad. Para ello, el documento se ha ordenado en cuatro secciones estructuradas tal y como se expone a continuación.Fil: Daza Aramayo, LourdesFil: Křížková, AlenaFil: López Igual, PurificaciónFil: Černohorská, Vanda MaufraFil: Nyklová, BlankaFil: Partida Rocha, RaquelFil: Peterson, ElinFil: Pospíšilová, MarieFil: Rocha Carpiuc, CeciliaFil: Rodríguez-Modroño, PaulaFil: Távora, IsabelFil: Vohlidalová, MartaFil: Actis Di Pasquale, Eugenio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Addabbo, TindaraFil: Aspiazu, Eliana. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Cutuli, Romina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Damiani, FilippoFil: Daza Aramayo, Lourdes GabrielaFil: Dudová, RadkaFil: Espinosa Fajardo, JuliaFil: Fernández Marín, Ana MaríaFil: Formánková, LenkaFil: Hermanová, Mari

    Caring for elderly parents :a new commitment of the third age

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    The article explores the practices of elderly care in the Czech Republic from the life-course perspective, using qualitative research methodology: biographical interviews with women providing everyday care to their parents. The case of elderly care presents an opportunity to critically examine the concepts of the ‘third age’ and ‘young old’, that have fi gured prominently in theoretical and political debates concerning the life stage in which the need to care for one´s parents seems most likely to arise. In the ‘collective story’ based on the narratives of women aged 50-66 who provided everyday care for their elderly mother, I identify and describe the factors that infl uence how this stage in life unfolds and the decisions women make about their life/life course. I argue that in contemporary Czech society ‘young old age’ cannot be defi ned in terms of the absence of work commitments or the absence family care commitments, and that the original concepts dealing with this new period in life did not take the new commitments of care or the gendered aspect of them into consideration.90390

    Economic costs of motherhood – qualitative research

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    Qualitative research on economic costs of motherhood with special attention given to mothers´ precarious work, division of gender roles within couples, solo mothers, mothers as entrepreneurs and families after children leave parental house

    Paradoxes of Fatherhood after Marital Separation

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    The separation of parental couple has two main consequences for the relation of father and his children and for the performance of his parental role. On one hand it is the „bifocalization“ of the household, and on the other the loss of the mediation of the father-child relationship by the mother

    Teorie a praxe péče ve Francii

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