264 research outputs found

    Quasi-states and autonomies of northeast China as the instrument of ensuring economic stability of Japan (Based on the materials of the American mass media the 1930s)

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    © 2016, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. All rights reserved.In article based on the materials of the American mass media the author constructs the autonomy process of Northeast China during the period preceding the Japanese-Chinese war of 1937-1945. The Japanese policy main stages on the creation of the semi-autonomous territories, the reasons interfering this plan implementation in whole, which it should be noted major confrontation in the Japan Cabinet, when the moderate politicians group supporting peaceful resolution of contradictions was headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the militarists group - The Minister of Army and the Command of Kwantung army supporting him, are established. Concluded that, first, Japan, being afraid of the negative international reaction, tried to solve the problem not military, but diplomatic and methods, and secondly, the Japanese policy on the continent was inconsistent and it was expressed in impossibility at an initial stage to achieve the status of the autonomy for five Chinese provinces and to declare the Autonomous Council of East Hebei, which under control territory covered only small part of one of the Chinese provinces. Creation of the Hopei-Chahar Political Council allowed both the Japanese, and the Chinese sides “to save face,” and the military campaign, which began in the summer of 1937, finished the transition process of the China northeast provinces under the Japan control through the creation of the quasi-state the Chinese Republic by the end of 1937. Invaders received in the order such tools as the circulation of the precious metals and drugs, finance, oil monopoly, customs points, etc., thereby having provided complete control over the region economy

    High resolution characterisation of microstructural evolution in Rbx_{x}Fe2y_{2-y}Se2_{2} crystals on annealing

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    The superconducting and magnetic properties of phase-separated Ax_xFe2y_{2-y}Se2_2 compounds are known to depend on post-growth heat treatments and cooling profiles. This paper focusses on the evolution of microstructure on annealing, and how this influences the superconducting properties of Rbx_xFe2y_2-ySe2_2 crystals. We find that the minority phase in the as-grown crystal has increased unit cell anisotropy (c/a ratio), reduced Rb content and increased Fe content compared to the matrix. The microstructure is rather complex, with two-phase mesoscopic plate-shaped features aligned along {113} habit planes. The minority phase are strongly facetted on the {113} planes, which we have shown to be driven by minimising the volume strain energy introduced as a result of the phase transformation. Annealing at 488K results in coarsening of the mesoscopic plate-shaped features and the formation of a third distinct phase. The subtle differences in structure and chemistry of the minority phase(s) in the crystals are thought to be responsible for changes in the superconducting transition temperature. In addition, scanning photoemission microscopy has clearly shown that the electronic structure of the minority phase has a higher occupied density of states of the low binding energy Fe3d orbitals, characteristic of crystals that exhibit superconductivity. This demonstrates a clear correlation between the Fe-vacancy-free phase with high c/a ratio and the electronic structure characteristics of the superconducting phase.Comment: 6 figures v2 is exactly the same as v1. The typesetting errors in the abstract have been correcte

    Electrochemistry at nanoscale electrodes : individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and SWNT-templated metal nanowires

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    Individual nanowires (NWs) and native single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) can be readily used as well-defined nanoscale electrodes (NSEs) for voltammetric analysis. Here, the simple photolithography-free fabrication of submillimeter long Au, Pt, and Pd NWs, with sub-100 nm heights, by templated electrodeposition onto ultralong flow-aligned SWNTs is demonstrated. Both individual Au NWs and SWNTs are employed as NSEs for electron-transfer (ET) kinetic quantification, using cyclic voltammetry (CV), in conjunction with a microcapillary-based electrochemical method. A small capillary with internal diameter in the range 30–70 μm, filled with solution containing a redox-active mediator (FcTMA+ ((trimethylammonium)methylferrocene), Fe(CN)64–, or hydrazine) is positioned above the NSE, so that the solution meniscus completes an electrochemical cell. A 3D finite-element model, faithfully reproducing the experimental geometry, is used to both analyze the experimental CVs and derive the rate of heterogeneous ET, using Butler–Volmer kinetics. For a 70 nm height Au NW, intrinsic rate constants, k0, up to ca. 1 cm s–1 can be resolved. Using the same experimental configuration the electrochemistry of individual SWNTs can also be accessed. For FcTMA+/2+ electrolysis the simulated ET kinetic parameters yield very fast ET kinetics (k0 > 2 ± 1 cm s–1). Some deviation between the experimental voltammetry and the idealized model is noted, suggesting that double-layer effects may influence ET at the nanoscale

    Kinetic simulaton of CO₂ conversion in low-pressure electrodeless plasma

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    Kinetic model of processes in low-pressure inductively coupled plasma describing the carbon dioxide conversion is presented together with the modeling results. The model takes into account only direct electron impact dissociation of carbon dioxide and is valid at the lowest gas pressures and at a reduced electric field > 150 Td. The influence of the gas mixture composition and the plasma density on the electron distribution function has been studied. In the low power limit when e-e collisions don't play a significant role the EEDF is strongly non-Maxwellian, but with the plasma density increase, EEDF is approaching Maxwellian distribution. Nitrogen and argon were studied as additions to CO₂. The influence of the calculated distribution function on the energy efficiency of carbon dioxide conversion has been studied. It was concluded that the electron temperature is the key parameter for the energy efficiency, which increases by a factor of 6 with temperature change from 3 to 10 eV and at Tₑ = 10 eV reaches values of more than 6 %. Comparison of the calculation results with experimental data shows satisfactory agreement.Представлено кінетичну модель процесів у індукційній плазмі низького тиску, що описує конверсію вуглекислого газу, та результати моделювання. Модель враховує лише дисоціацію вуглекислого газу електронним ударом і справедлива за найнижчих тисків газу та при зведеному електричному полі понад 150 Td. Досліджено вплив складу газової суміші та щільності плазми на функцію розподілу електронів. У випадку малої потужності, коли e-e-зіткнення не відіграють істотну роль, ФРЕЕ є сильно немаксвелівською, але із збільшенням щільності плазми ФРЕЕ наближається до максвелівського розподілу. Азот та аргон вивчалися як добавкидо СО₂. Досліджено вплив розрахованої функції розподілу на енергетичну ефективність конверсії вуглекислого газу. Зроблено висновок, що температура електронів є ключовим параметром для енергетичної ефективності, яка збільшується в 6 разів при зміні температури від 3 до 10 еВ та при Tₑ = 10 еВ досягає значень понад 6 %. Порівняння результатів розрахунку з експериментальними даними показує задовільну згоду

    Modern trends and challenges of development of global aluminum industry

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    This article overviews complex study into modern trends and challenges of development of global aluminum industry. Dynamics, structure, and segmentation of global aluminum market are discussed in terms of systematic analysis. On this basis strategic map of the industry has been plotted and five forces of competition on global aluminum market have been determined which will influence directly on functioning and development of aluminum producing companies

    Oxidation of methanol on Ru catalyst: Effect of the reagents partial pressures on the catalyst oxidation state and selectivity

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    In situ core level photoelectron spectroscopy and mass spectrometry have been utilized to study the methanol oxidation on a model RuO2 catalyst at pressures ranging from 10-6 to 10-1 mbar. The experiments were carried out varying the O2/CH3OH molecular mixing ratio from 0.25 to 3.3 and the reaction temperature from 350 to 720 K. The Ru 3d5/2 and O 1s core level spectra were used to characterise the dynamic changes in the Ru oxidation state by exposing the oxide pre-catalyst to different reagents partial pressures and temperatures. Full oxidation to CO2 + H2O or partial oxidation to CO + H2O + H2 have been observed in the whole pressure range for specific reaction conditions, which preserve the oxide catalyst state or reduce the oxide to metallic Ru. The selective oxidation to formaldehyde is observed only at pressures in the 10-1 mbar range, catalyzed by a RuO_x surface oxide formed by partial reduction of the oxide pre-catalyst