98 research outputs found

    Visual assessment of heritage architecture life cycles

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    ISSN 0948-695xInternational audienceWhen studying heritage artefacts, and trying to represent what we know of them, it is important to portray not only key moments in their evolution, but also processes of transformation. In this contribution, we introduce a methodological framework of description of architectural changes, and investigate diagrammatic representations as means to visualize the above mentioned framework. We introduce two types of diagrams (diachrograms that distribute along a time axis transitions and states, variograms that detail the nature of the changes) that should help better understanding, how changes over time affect architecture. The paper also underlines key aspects of data in “historical sciences”: uncertainties, incompleteness, long ranges of time, unevenly distributed physical and temporal stratifications

    Analysing architectural mouldings with 3D object-independant metrics and encoding

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    International audienceWhen observing architectural mouldings with an amateur's eye, they do seem to have something in common – or at least comparable features. But what, precisely? Curves? Alternation of curves? Rhythms and proportions? This contribution introduces a concept that aggregates abstract features of a 3D moulded object, may the object be real (existing or having existed) or purely theoretical (from literature). Our research – at the intersection of architectural modelling and of information visualisation, investigates how new metrics, along with a cognition-amplifying visual encoding, could help uncover patterns and exceptions in the design of mouldings (across historical periods, across territories, across stylistic affiliations, across families of 3D objects, and across sources) and ultimately could help gaining insight on relations of mouldings to one another, and to the architectural theory

    Psychometric properties and correlates of the Polish version of the Contingent Self-Esteem Scale (CSES)

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    In general, it is ben eficial and adaptive to have high self-esteem; however, contingent self-esteem depending on approval is not so advantageous. This article presents research on a Polish version of the Contingent Self-Esteem Scale (CSES), which measures contingent self-esteem. The CSES was administered on a total of 1,199 participants; a range of other instruments were also used to establish the validity of the CSES. The CSES proved to have acceptable internal consistency and validity and factor analyses revealed that it contains four factors: vulnerability to negative opinions, dependence on physical attractiveness, dependence on opinions, and dependence on self-standards. Contingent self-esteem was positively correlated with neuroticism, agreeableness, ruminating, anxiety, and maladaptive perfectionism; it was negatively correlated with general self-esteem and self-efficacy. Mediational analyses confirmed the hypothesis that low general self-esteem causes high rumination about oneself, which in turn is related to high contingent self-estee

    Temporal hints in the cultural heritage discourse: what can an ontology of time as it is worded reveal?

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    International audienceTime is an indispensable component of cultural heritage (CH) information: implementing appropriate knowledge models carry crucial importance in order to provide deeper understanding of heritage elements' evolution, to uncover concurrences, and to weigh quality factors. It is a challenging task though due to the uncertain characteristics of temporal data, and to the wording of time in the CH discourse. Existing KR models are either not designed for these distinctive characteristics, or spatial aspects tend to upstage the temporal dimension.This research aims at deciphering and proposing a formal representation of the way temporal hints are formalized in historical narratives. An OWL temporal ontology is introduced that provides a core support mechanism allowing for a semantic representation of temporal statements, and for structural analysis. The objective is to facilitate the cross-examination of temporal hints in and across CH collections so that specialists can have extensive reading possibilities of heritage information.Dans le champ des sciences patrimoniales, la dimension temporelle de l’information joue un rôle à l’évidence majeur tant pour l’interpréter et l’analyser que pour relier des faits isolés. Mais la façon dont cette dimension est verbalisée pose des problèmes de formalisation non triviaux. Pourtant, cette verbalisation, que l’on associe souvent au terme-chapeau d’incertitude, peut être lue en dissociant d’une part le caractère «mal connu» d’un fait doc-umenté, irréductible, et les choix faits par le producteur de l’information pour la «relativiser».Dans cette contribution nous proposons un modèle formel permettant d’observer et d’analyser de façon systématique cette couche de verbalisation. L’expérience est menée sur des données fortement hétérogènes, souvent d’origine citoyenne, documentant le petit pat-rimoine matériel et immatériel. Ce cas d’étude est donc limité, mais il apparait néanmoins comme portant une question de fond allant au-delà du cas d’espèce.La contribution détaille d’abord la grille d’analyse d’indices temporels proposée, puis relate l’expérimentation concrète associée (ontologie OWL). Il n’est pas fait état d’une quelconque prétention à un résultat généralisable stricto sensu, mais cette expérience peut contribuer à nourrir de façon pragmatique un débat nécessaire sur la formalisation d’indices temporels dans les sciences historiques

    Who cares more about ambiguity? : gender differences in the need for structure and the need for cognitive closure

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    Potrzeba poznawczego domknięcia jest tendencją jednostki do posiadania jasnej i niekwestionowanej wiedzy na dany temat, dzięki której może ona zredukować niepewność, sformułować osąd i podjąć działanie. Potrzeba prostej struktury to skłonność jednostki do strukturyzowania i organizowania otoczenia. Celem przeprowadzonego badania była identyfikacja różnic międzypłciowych w obu tych konstruktach motywacyjnych. Przeciwnie do sformułowanych hipotez, w odniesieniu do łącznego wyniku podskal, zarówno skali badającej potrzebę poznawczego domknięcia, jak i skali potrzeby prostej struktury, uzyskano wyniki wskazujące, że kobiety cechują się wyższym poziomem tych przejawów motywacji epistemicznej w porównaniu do mężczyzn.The need for cognitive closure is a tendency to having a clear and unquestionable knowledge of a particular subject, through which individual can reduce uncertainty, formulate judgement and take action. The need for structure is a tendency to structure and organize the environment. The aim of the study was to identify gender differences in both of these motivational constructs. Contrary to the hypotheses, with respect to the total score of both the scale examining the need for 39 cognitive closure and the scale of the need for structure, results were obtained indicating that women were characterized by a higher level of these types of epistemic motivations in comparison to men

    Wdrożenie nauczania przez odkrywanie do polskiej podstawy programowej w zakresie przedmiotów przyrodniczych : badanie opinii nauczycieli

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    The new Polish science curriculum was launched in the 2008 and currently is being implemented in upper secondary schools. The new general objectives of education, and students’ key competences that should be developed during science classes were defined in that document. Presented competences are in line with competences that might be developed by Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE). IBSE is currently a popular instructional method in many countries and it is being strongly promoted by European Union. In the article the role of IBSE in the new Polish science curriculum is described and related to the method of ‘Independent Investigation to Acquire Knowledge’ that was formerly known in the national pedagogy. The article also presents results of a survey questionnaire that was conducted among Polish science teachers. The aim of the study was to measure the attitude of Polish teachers, pupils and society to IBSE. Based on the results the current position and degree of implementation of IBSE in Polish schools was estimated. Additionally the positive and negative factors affecting the implementation of IBSE were presente

    Polifenole owoców czarnego bzu – dietetyczne wsparcie terapii przeziębienia i grypy

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    Black elderberry Sambucus nigra fruits and owers are widely known as folk-medicine. Currently, fruit extracts are valuated as medicinal food for relieving symptoms of colds and u. Scientic studies focus on proving antiviral properties of the preparations and their safety. In vitro experiments showed that elderberry extract inhibited the replication of common inuenza A and B strains and prevented viral adhesion. Methylated and esteried avonoids, e.g. 3-cyanidin sambubioside, may contribute to the antiviral activity. Elderberry juice contains from 36.4 till 615.0 mg/100 mL polyphenols and from 4.12 till 189.14 mg/100 mL anthocyanins and can be a dietary support of the therapy. e juice or products with standardized extracts available in drugstores should be recommended.Owoce i kwiaty czarnego bzu Sambucus nigra są dobrze znane w medycynie ludowej. Obecnie owoce są doceniane jako żywność o właściwościach leczniczych, wspomagająca terapię przeziębienia i grypy. Badania naukowe koncentrują się na właściwościach przeciwwirusowych oraz bezpieczeństwie stosowania ekstraktów. Flawonoidy, np. cyjanidyno-3-sambubiozyd mogą działać przeciwwirusowo, hamując replikację wirusów lub ich adhezję do komórki. Soki z owoców bzu zawierają od 36,4 do 615,0 mg/100 ml związków polifenolowych i od 4,12 do 189,14 mg/100 ml antocyjanin i mogą być dietetycznym wsparciem leczenia infekcji. W przypadku choroby warto kupić w aptece lub sklepie zielarskim sok z czarnego bzu lub preparat zawierający standaryzowany ekstrakt