3 research outputs found

    Imposition of disciplinary actions against the employees of Pre-trial detention centres (Germany, Poland, Ukraine)

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    The purpose of this study is the comprehensive analysis of imposition of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres using the example of Germany, Poland and Ukraine. The study used the method of sociological analysis, systemic-structural approach and comparative, logical-semantic, Aristotelian and dialectical methods of research. The research has proven the necessity to complement the laws and regulations in Poland and to differentiate the practice of imposition of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres from the generic practice in Germany and Ukraine. In addition, in Ukraine there is a need to designate a body that could be responsible for analysing the practice of imposition of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres. Further compliance with these recommendations will reveal how effective the legislative control is and how effective the work of employees of pre-trial detention centres is in relation to the application of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres and will allow to improve their work through the analysis of statistics on the application of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres

    Investigação do efeito reparador do gel de ectoína em modelo de queima térmica

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    Due to the ability to create complexes of water molecules on the surface of the mucous membrane, ectoine is a promising compound for the treatment of burns. In male rats (n=30), 2 thermal burns were counteracted under counter-anesthesia, one of which was treated by topical application of the test drugs for 7 days, and the other served as a control. On the 8th day, skin samples in the area of the burn were taken for morphological examination. Histological sections were then scored by independent experts. The best histological picture of thermally damaged tissues was demonstrated by animals receiving ectoine. A less significant, but pronounced reparative effect was observed in histological samples of the actovegin group. The least significant reparative effect was demonstrated by contractubex. Ectoine improved the histological picture, improved repair and reduced the inflammatory response of the tissues and can be recommended for further preclinical studies as a treatment for burns.Debido a la capacidad de crear complejos de moléculas de agua en la superficie de la membrana mucosa, la ectoina es un compuesto prometedor para el tratamiento de las quemaduras. En ratas macho (n = 30), 2 quemaduras térmicas se contrarrestaron con contraestesia, una de las cuales se trató mediante la aplicación tópica de los fármacos de prueba durante 7 días, y la otra sirvió como control. En el octavo día, se tomaron muestras de piel en el área de la quemadura para un examen morfológico. Las secciones histológicas fueron calificadas por expertos independientes. El mejor cuadro histológico de los tejidos dañados térmicamente fue demostrado por los animales que recibieron ectoína. Se observó un efecto reparador menos significativo, pero pronunciado en muestras histológicas del grupo actovegin. El efecto reparador menos significativo fue demostrado por contractubex. Ectoine mejoró el cuadro histológico, mejoró la reparación y redujo la respuesta inflamatoria de los tejidos y puede recomendarse para estudios preclínicos adicionales como tratamiento para las quemaduras.Devido à capacidade de criar complexos de moléculas de água na superfície da membrana mucosa, a ectoína é um composto promissor para o tratamento de queimaduras. Em ratos machos (n = 30), duas queimaduras térmicas foram combatidas sob anestesia, uma das quais foi tratada por aplicação tópica das drogas de teste por 7 dias, e a outra serviu como controle. No oitavo dia, amostras de pele na área da queimadura foram retiradas para exame morfológico. As secções histológicas foram então classificadas por especialistas independentes. O melhor quadro histológico dos tecidos termicamente lesados foi demonstrado pelos animais que receberam ectoína. Um efeito reparador menos significativo, mas pronunciado, foi observado em amostras histológicas do grupo da actovegina. O efeito reparador menos significativo foi demonstrado pelo contratoubex. Ectoine melhorou o quadro histológico, melhorou o reparo e reduziu a resposta inflamatória dos tecidos e pode ser recomendado para estudos pré-clínicos adicionais como tratamento para queimaduras

    Assessment of physicians’ and medical majors’ knowledge of asthma basics: Current results of the ASSA-II study

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    Introduction: Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways. At present, about 235-300 million people suffer from asthma, and this number continues to grow. This pathology is also common in children. It causes significant social and economic damage worldwide. Severe forms of asthma are difficult to treat. Thus, a continuous improvement of doctors’ knowledge in this field is of great importance. Methods: The analysis of an anonymous survey of physicians and senior medical students was used in the research. Results: The study revealed both an average level of basic knowledge in asthma etiology and pathogenesis among the physicians and senior medical students and the significant differences in their knowledge regarding clinical picture and treatment of asthma. Only 49.2% of students and 56.0% of doctors were able to choose the correct definition of asthma from the suggested answers; 65.7% of students and 69.9% of doctors correctly indicated the main clinical and laboratory markers of asthma; 60.2% of students and 91.0% of doctors determined the correct combination of drugs in one delivery device; and 75.9% of students and 91.2% of doctors selected the correct basic asthma therapy depending on the severity. Conclusion: Basing on the results obtained it was recommended to introduce additional educational activities on the diagnosis and therapy of asthma among medical majors and physicians