13 research outputs found

    A Pilot Study into Bio-Behavioural Measurements on Air Traffic Controllers in Remote Tower Operations

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    What is the impact of shifting to remote tower operations on the Air Traffic Controller? In the joint HungaroControl-Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR pilot project an assessment of bio-behaviour on three air traffic controllers was made in a remote tower and conventional tower. The research is motivated by HungaroControl’s plans in shifting to remote tower operations at Budapest airport in the upcoming years. This pilot project is considered a feasibility study to investigate if an eye tracker and a heart rate sensor can be used to derive workload, the controllers’ division of attention over information elements, and scanning strategies in two such different environments. Given the limited number of participants and challenges in measuring workload in the two different operational environments conclusions, can only be drawn with care. Nevertheless, preliminary results suggest that there might be an increase in workload in the remote tower environment, and thus further research is needed to clarify at what extend Air Traffic Controllers’ workload could be different, what are the root causes of the increase and how that could be handled. Also the pilot study has given confidence that useful bio-behavioural measures can be obtained for comparison between the remote tower and the conventional tower, and to extend the research to a larger group of controllers

    Sujet de thèse en cours : Spectroscopie hors équilibre du méthane en jet hypersonique pour la caractérisation des Jupiters chauds [Soutenance 02.07.2021]

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    supervisors Robert Georges (department of molecular physics)sous la direction de Robert Georges dans le département de physique moléculair

    Laboratory characterisation of exoplanetary atmospheres through infrared spectroscopy

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    Oral présentation - PhDay Institut de Physique de RennesNational audienc

    Hot Jupiters in the belly of SMAUG

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    Oral présentation – Phday : Institut de Physique de RennesNational audienc

    Low-Fidelity Approach for Contoured Nozzle Design

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    International audienceCreating a supersonic jet in the laboratory is both a challenging and an expensive task. The supersonic flow is sensitive to the shape of the wall bounding it because a shock could be developed at the sharp edges. Moreover, the growth of boundary layer, within and outside the nozzle, makes the design of a convergent-divergent nozzle a sophisticated work. The present work proposes an optimization algorithm that is believed to be efficient in constructing a nozzle contour to deliver a shock-free radially uniform flow at the exit plane. The steepest descent optimization technique is employed to obtain the shape with minimum radial velocity at the outlet, along with restriction on the inlet angle, i.e., the angle of divergence immediately downstream the throat. Three different ways of implementing the constraints are discussed and compared with the experimental results after fabricating the nozzle. The optimized nozzle shows a potential core of 7 throat diameters height at the nozzle exit and an axial extent of 28 throat diameters downstream the exit plane. Further, the nozzle appears to operate efficiently even after increasing the nominal total temperature by 25% or decreasing it by 50%

    The Platypus exoplanet project

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    International audienceTransformed Pocket Rocket • capacitive electrothermal plasma • radiofrequency (13.56 MHz) electrothermal thruster (RFETs) • Power: 30 W • Supersonic plasma expansion • High vibrational temperature (several 1000 K) • Low rotational temperature (several 10 K) Cavity ring down Spectroscopy • ultra-sensitive technique 675 m optical path high-finesse optical cavity • IR spectrum (1.5 µm range) • fibered DFB butterfly laser diode • D laser : 0.5 mm • τ Ring-down : 180 µs • Resolution max