18 research outputs found

    Апофатические элементы в поэтике С. А. Есенина: Фигуры Танатоса

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    The article pays great attention to the concept of "apophatic theology", which started to be used in philological science not so long time ago. The apophatic tradition, which has settled in the depths of Christian thought, has also developed in Russian philosophy and literature. The object of this article is the early works of S.A. Yesenin. The subject of the research is the mortal images, thanatological formulas and their connection with folklore aesthetics. The folkloristic commentary of the texts allows to reveal the peculiarities of the theme of death in the artistic world of the poet more deeply. The search formula of "another Kingdom" that we find in Russian tales, become apophatic in the poetry of Yesenin.El artículo presta gran atención al concepto de "teología apofática", que comenzó a usarse en la ciencia filológica no hace mucho tiempo. La tradición apofática, que se ha asentado en las profundidades del pensamiento cristiano, también se ha desarrollado en la filosofía y la literatura rusas. El objeto de este artículo son los primeros trabajos de S.A. Yesenin. El tema de la investigación son las imágenes mortales, las fórmulas tanatológicas y su conexión con la estética del folklore. El comentario folclórico de los textos permite revelar más profundamente las peculiaridades del tema de la muerte en el mundo artístico del poeta. La fórmula de búsqueda de "otro reino" que encontramos en los cuentos rusos, se vuelve apofática en la poesía de Yesenin.В статье уделяется большое внимание понятию "апофатика", которое не так давно стало использоваться в филологической науке. Апофатическая традиция, обосновавшаяся в недрах христианской мысли, получила свое развитие и в русской философии и литературе. Объектом нашей статьи выступает раннее творчество С. А. Есенина. Предметом исследования являются мортальные образы, танатологические формулы и их связь с фольклорной эстетикой. Фольклористический комментарий текстов позволяет глубже раскрыть особенности темы смерти в художественном мире поэта. Формулы поиска "иного царства", которые находим в русской сказке, приобретают апофатический характер в поэтике Есенина

    "Digital turn" in art and the problem of entelechy of modern poetry

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    This article is devoted to two processes in modern society - digitalization and apophaticization. We are witnessing a “digital turn” in contemporary art, which leads to its massization and makes it more accessible, but at the same time, a person becomes metaphysically detached, cannot penetrate the aura of art, feel it metaphysically, which leads to the desacralization of great works of painting and literature. However, literature exists in a large dialogue of cultures, it contains the entelechial principle, that is, the meanings and codes of other eras and cultures.  In the center of the research is the problem of the entelechy of culture, which requires axiological and ontological study.  It is the entelechial principle in culture that makes it possible to withstand the onslaught of digitalization and technocratization. Research methodology: a holistic analysis of a literary text in the ontohermeneutic way with the use of a semantic research method. An otnohermeneutic analysis of a literary work, the poetic book "Tyutchev's Swans" by the Russian poet A. Shatskov, allows us to understand how entelechy manifests itself in modern culture


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    The article analyzes the poetics of F.M. Dostoevsky and A. Kondratiev, a symbolist writer of the early 20th century. The object of the research is the two works “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man” by Dostoevsky and the novel “Dreams” by Kondratiev. A great deal of attention is paid to dream as a literary device and the spatial movements of heroes who receive sacred knowledge through sleep and are attached to metaphysical reality. Both writers in the work of reality is closely connected with the space, and this determines the nature of spatial models in poetics. Sleep is equal to temporary death and allows the main characters to go beyond the ordinary, profane. The article used the typological method and folklore commenting. It draws parallels with Eastern philosophy, where there is a unity of man and nature, man and the cosmos.El artículo analiza las poéticas de F.M. Dostoievski y A. Kondratiev, un escritor simbolista de principios del siglo XX. El objeto de la investigación son los dos trabajos "El sueño de un hombre ridículo" de Dostoievski y la novela "Sueños" de Kondratiev. Se presta mucha atención al sueño como un dispositivo literario y los movimientos espaciales de los héroes que reciben conocimiento sagrado a través del sueño y están apegados a la realidad metafísica. Ambos escritores en el trabajo de la realidad están estrechamente relacionados con el espacio, y esto determina la naturaleza de los modelos espaciales en la poética. Dormir es igual a la muerte temporal y permite que los personajes principales vayan más allá de lo ordinario, lo profano. El artículo utiliza el método tipológico y el comentario folclórico. Traza paralelos con la filosofía oriental, donde hay una unidad de hombre y naturaleza, hombre y cosmo

    National existence in the cycle of R. Otarbayev’s stories "Gosters from China"

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    The object of the article is traditional and artistic Kazakh culture. The subject is the manifestation of the national tradition in the story "White Heavenly Butterflies" from the cycle "Hotels from China" by the modern Kazakh writer Rakhimzhan Otarbaev.  The material for the article is the creative heritage of the writer.  Much attention is paid to the folklore and Sufi traditions in the work, which are expressed both explicitly and implicitly.  The research methodology is reduced to a holistic ontohermeneutical analysis aimed at highlighting the folklore, ethnographic paradigm of this story.  Much attention is paid to the musical code in the story, since for the Kazakh culture music is the primary element from which the universe, the world tree, is born.  The results of the study are to identify the cultural potential of the story of a modern Kazakh writer for further study of the national image of the world of Kazakhstan.  The results of the work can also be used in teaching courses on the culture and literature of the peoples of Russia and the CIS countries, cultural studies, and philosophy

    Фольклорная традиция в художественном мире А. П. Чехова: часть первая

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    The article is devoted to the study of A.P. Chekhov’s works in the context of folklore tradition. The topic itself is interesting and productive from the viewpoint of the folklore tradition manifestation in the work of the classic, since Chekhov is often considered a “non-folkloric” writer. More recently, the theme “Chekhov and folklore” began being referred by researchers. The article raises the question about various folklorism forms in poetics, stylizations and borrowings, and latent folklorism forms. The object of research is a later work, the novella “Steppe”. The subject of the article is folklorism principles in poetics.El artículo está dedicado al estudio de las obras de A.P. Chekhov en el contexto de la tradición del folklore. El tema en sí es interesante y productivo desde el punto de vista de la manifestación de la tradición folclórica en la obra del clásico, ya que Chekhov a menudo se considera un escritor "no folclórico". Más recientemente, el tema "Chéjov y el folclore" comenzó a ser referido por los investigadores. El artículo plantea la pregunta sobre varias formas de folklorismo en poética, estilizaciones y préstamos, y formas de folklorismo latente. El objeto de la investigación es un trabajo posterior, la novela "Estepa". El tema del artículo son los principios del folklorismo en la poética.Статья посвящена изучению творчества А. П. Чехова в контексте фольклорной традиции. Сама тема интересна и продуктивна с точки зрения проявления фольклорной традиции в творчестве классика, так как Чехова часто считают «не фольклорным» писателем. Сравнительно недавно исследователи стали обращаться к теме «Чехов и фольклор». Поднимается вопрос о разных формах фольклоризма в поэтике, о стилизациях и заимствованиях, о латентных формах фольклоризма. Объектом исследования выступает позднее произведение, повесть «Степь». Предметом статьи являются принципы фольклоризма в поэтике

    Фольклорная традиция в художественном мире А. П. Чехова: часть вторая

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    This article continues a large study on folk tradition functioning in Chekhov’s poetics. The study subject is the forms of folklore tradition in his late stories. Much attention is paid to amusical aspect of “The Steppe”. In this case a Russian lyric song having a non-outlined composition is typologically significant. The story with its open end is like a song which allows the hero growing over himself. The main method of the article is structural-typological one.Este artículo continúa un gran estudio sobre la tradición popular que funciona en la poética de Chéjov. El tema de estudio son las formas de tradición folclórica en sus últimos cuentos. Se presta mucha atención al aspecto musical de "La Estepa". En este caso, una canción lírica rusa que tenga una composición no esbozada es tipológicamente significativa. La historia con su final abierto es como una canción que le permite al héroe crecer sobre sí mismo. El principal método del artículo es estructural-tipológico.Данная статья продолжает большое исследование о функционировании фольклорной традиции в поэтике Чехова. Предметом исследования являются формы фольклорной традиции в поздних повестях. Большое внимание уделено музыкальному аспекту повести "Степь". Типологически значима в этом случае русская лирическая песня, которая имеет неоконтуренную композицию. Повесть похожа на песню своим открытым финалом, который позволяет герою вырасти над самим собой. Основным методом статьи является структурно-типологический

    Культурно-цивилизационный феномен интеллигенции: историческая и провидческая реальность

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    The article attempts to consider the phenomenon of the Russian intelligentsia in a wide cultural context. We turn to the works of Russian philosophers, to the works of art by Russian writers. Philosophy, literature and art in Russian culture form a synthesis through which you can understand the uniqueness of the national image of the world. The material for the study is the treatise S.A. Yesenin "The keys of Mary”. In this treatise, the poet reflects not only on the laws of art, but also gives ideas about the Russian man, his connection with archaic knowledge, expressed through ornament, embroidery, and applied art. The comparative-typological, structural-functional and systematic analysis method is applied.El artículo intenta considerar el fenómeno de la intelectualidad rusa en un amplio contexto cultural. Pasamos a las obras de filósofos rusos, a las obras de arte de escritores rusos. La filosofía, la literatura y el arte en la cultura rusa forman una síntesis a través de la cual puedes entender la singularidad de la imagen nacional del mundo. El material para el estudio es el tratado SA Yesenin "Las llaves de María". En este tratado, el poeta no solo reflexiona sobre las leyes del arte, sino que también da ideas sobre el hombre ruso, su conexión con el conocimiento arcaico, expresada a través del ornamento. , bordado y arte aplicado Se aplica el método de análisis comparativo-tipológico, estructural-funcional y sistemático.В статье предпринимается попытка рассмотреть феномен русской интеллигенции в широком культурном контексте. Обращаемся к трудам русских философов, к художественным произведениям русских писателей. Философия, литература и искусство в русской культуре образуют синтез, через который можно понять своеобразие национального образа мира. Материалом для исследования выступает трактат С.А. Есенина «Ключи Марии». В этом трактате поэт размышляет не только о законах искусства, но и дает представления о русском человеке, его связи с архаическими знаниями, выразившейся через орнамент, вышивку, прикладное искусство. Применен сравнительно-типологический, структурно-функциональный и системный метод анализа

    The link between language and culture on the lessons of Russian as a foreign language

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    The main aim of a foreign language teacher is to form a student’s communicative competence, which is a complex of other competencies such as linguistic, discursive and linguocultural.  For successful psychological and social adaptation in a new cultural and linguistic space for a foreign student is extremely important at the initial level of education begin to master the basic linguistic and cultural concepts that reflect the culture of the speakers of the studied language and leads to the adoption of a different worldview.  Thus, for successful communication, you need not only use phonetic, grammatical, syntactic and pragmatic rules of the language, but also you should have a clear idea of the conceptual picture of the world of the people, who speaks this language.  It follows that the study of any foreign language should occur inextricably linked with the knowledge of culture, values and understanding of the native people of this language. The objective of the work is to formulate the key linguocultural principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language. To achieve this objective, the works of leading researchers in the field of linguistics, didactics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language have been analyzed. The research object is an inextricable link between learning a foreign language and the culture of its speakers. The research result is the proof of the need to learn a foreign language as being inextricably linked with knowledge of the culture, values and world outlook of the people - speakers of this language, as well as a list of basic linguocultural principles, on which teaching a foreign language, including Russian as a foreign language, should be based

    Using the folklore and poetry by Sergei Yesenin in Russian as a foreign language lessons: an online class

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    Object of the article: Russian as a foreign language classes. Subject of the article: the method of creating an artificial language environment in classes with students from Asia and Africa who study Russian as a foreign language. Material of the article: an online experiment on the use of materials of Russian folklore and the artistic heritage of the poet of the early XX century Sergei Esenin in classes with foreign students. The purpose of the article is to identify the national axiology in Russian poetry. The purpose of the article is to show the features of the online lesson of Russian as a foreign language. Methodology: holistic hermeneutic analysis of the song on the poet's verses "Above the window the moon" with the involvement of biographical commentary and historical-literary context. The results of the study consist in the development of a methodology for analyzing the text with foreign students, aimed at a holistic perception and understanding of the poetic text

    Бунин И.А. и фольклор: онтологическое в поэтике

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    The article pays attention to the interaction of literature and folklore. The object of research is the work of Bunin I. A. The subject of the article is the forms and principles of folklorism in the poetics of the writer. Features of the functioning of the folk tradition can be seen in the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, it’s the first book of the composition. Much attention is paid to spatial images associated with the mortal theme in the novel. The significance of the system of references to the works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.El artículo presta atención a la interacción de la literatura y el folklore. El objeto de investigación es el trabajo de Bunin I. A. El tema del artículo son las formas y principios del folklorismo en la poética del escritor. Las características del funcionamiento de la tradición popular se pueden ver en la novela "La vida de Arsenyev", es el primer libro de la composición. Se presta mucha atención a las imágenes espaciales asociadas con el tema mortal en la novela. La importancia del sistema de referencias a las obras de A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.В статье рассматривается вопрос взаимодействия литературы и фольклора. Объектом исследования выступает творчество И.А. Бунина. Предметом статьи являются формы и принципы фольклоризма в поэтике писателя. Особенности функционирования фольклорной традиции прослеживаются на примере романа «Жизнь Арсеньева», первой книги произведения. Большое внимание уделяется пространственным образам, связанным с мортальной темой в романе. Также оценивается значимость системы отсылок к произведениям А.С. Пушкина, М.Ю. Лермонтов