5 research outputs found

    Opportunities to Improve Animal Welfare during Transport and Slaughter of Cattle and Pigs through Staff Training - Results of a Delphi Survey

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    To improve animal welfare for cattle and pigs during transport and at slaughter, online training modules for all staff including employees in the lairage pen, the slaughter line as well as animal welfare officers are developed at Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin, Germany. Before starting the development of these modules, an expert elicitation survey using a modified Delphi approach was performed to identify action points considered most relevant for animal welfare during transport and slaughter, and as having the potential for improvement through training. In total, 49 participating experts rated predetermined action points of each step in the transport and slaughter process in two survey rounds. The rating scale included numbers 0 (=‘not relevant’, respectively ‘no possibility of improvement’) to 10 (=‘very relevant’, respectively ‘very high possibility of improvement’). None of the action points were rated with a median score of less than 5. Assessment of fitness for transport, unloading at the abattoir, handling at stunning and exsanguination were amongst the highest rated action points, and were therefore selected to develop online training modules. The Delphi approach was seen as a valuable method to include external expertise to select the most relevant action points for the development of online training modules

    Teaching small animal reproduction via virtual patients

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    Virtual patients have become an interesting alternative in medical education. Due to increasing demands regarding theoretical and clinical teaching and to improve an interdisciplinary approach, a new blended learning concept including virtual patients was developed and implemented in the veterinary curriculum of the Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin. In the presented project, three virtual patients from the field of canine reproduction were developed. They focus on pregnancy diagnosis with suspected luteal insufficiency, pyometra and benign prostatic hyperplasia, respectively. The results of an evaluation by veterinary students of the 7th semester showed a high acceptance of virtual patients in a blended learning reproduction module in the interdisciplinary lectures. Students especially preferred videos, such as video lectures, hands‐on videos and animations as well as a glossary for background information, to successfully and autonomously work on a virtual case. The content covered by the new modules that were developed in the context of this project is part of a spiral curriculum; they will be revised and enhanced during the clinical year

    Case based blended learning as teaching method for interdisciplinary Veterinary Public Health education

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    Veterinary Public Health (VPH) ist ein wichtiger Teil des Tiermedizinstudiums. Die Entstehung neuartiger Zoonosen und die Gefahren zunehmender Globalisierung, und damit auch des Warenhandels tierischer Produkte, zeigen, wie wichtig dieser Bereich auch fĂŒr die Gesellschaft und damit auch im One Health Konzept ist (Greiner et al. 2017). Es ist daher wichtig dieses Themengebiet interdisziplinĂ€r im Studium zu lehren und die Studierenden mit VPH-FĂ€llen zu konfrontieren und fĂŒr diesen Bereich zu motivieren. Der Querschnittsunterricht ist eine interdisziplinĂ€re Lehre von 196 Stunden im Tiermedizinstudium, in dem praxisrelevante Fallbeispiele zu klinischen und VPH-Themen den Studierenden gelehrt werden sollen (Bundesministerium fĂŒr Gesundheit 2006). Aufgrund einer Studierendenevaluation und der Visitation der EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education) stellte sich heraus, dass dieser Unterricht am Fachbereich VeterinĂ€rmedizin der Freien UniversitĂ€t Berlin nicht interdisziplinĂ€r genug gelehrt wurde und auch nur einen geringgradigen VPH-Anteil aufwies (EAEVE 2007; Schunter 2016). Die Studierenden konnten daher keinen Mehrwert des Querschnittunterrichts erkennen. Im Rahmen dieses Dissertationsprojektes wurde ein neues fallbasiertes Blended Learning (BL) Konzept in den Querschnittsunterricht am Fachbereich VeterinĂ€rmedizin der Freien UniversitĂ€t Berlin vom 6.- 8. Semester eingefĂŒhrt und systematisch evaluiert. Dabei sind 11 verschiedene VPH-OnlinefĂ€lle in den Themenbereichen Tierschutz, TierseuchenbekĂ€mpfung, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Epidemiologie entstanden. Drei dieser FĂ€lle wurden zusĂ€tzlich von Studierenden fĂŒr ihre Kommiliton*innen erstellt. Untersucht wurden die Akzeptanz des Formats, die subjektive Lernmotivation und der Lerngewinn sowie das Interesse der Studierenden an den angebotenen Themenkomplexen aus dem Bereich VPH. Dies wurde auf zwei verschiedenen Ebenen untersucht. Erstens durch die umfangreiche Evaluation eines Pilotfalls und anschließendem Pilotmodul zum Thema Ausbruchsuntersuchungen und Zoonosen in Bezug auf die Fallstruktur, die Benutzbarkeit, das BL-Format, die Lernmotivation und den Lerngewinn. Zweitens durch die Etablierung des fallbasierten BL-Ansatzes in dem gesamten Querschnittsunterricht ĂŒber drei Semester und dem damit einhergehenden Vergleich der Lernmotivation und des -gewinns zwischen dem alten und dem neuen Format. Es zeigte sich, dass die Studierenden das fallbasierte BL-Konzept sehr gut in ihrer VPH-Lehre akzeptieren, dadurch einen subjektiven Lerngewinn erzielen können und motiviert waren, an den VPH-FĂ€llen teilzunehmen. FĂŒr das Pilotmodul gaben 87% der Studierenden an, gerne an den FĂ€llen gearbeitet zu haben und 77% der Studierenden gaben an, dass sich ihr Interesse an dem angebotenen Themenkomplex durch dieses Lehrkonzept verstĂ€rkt hat. Diese Ergebnisse können als Anreiz genutzt werden, um weitere fallbasierte BL-Konzepte in die VPH-Lehre zu integrieren und damit das Interesse der Studierenden fĂŒr diese Themen zu verstĂ€rken.Veterinary Public Health is an important part of the veterinary curriculum. Emerging diseases, globalization, and with that, the increasing trade of animal products show, how important this topic is for society and in the One Health concept (Greiner et al. 2017). It is therefore important to teach VPH in an interdisciplinary way, confront students with VPH cases and motivate them for this topic. Interdisciplinary lectures is a course of 196 hours in the German veterinary curriculum, in which practical case studies on clinical and VPH topics should be taught (Bundesministerium fĂŒr Gesundheit 2006). Based on a student evaluation and the visitation of the EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education) at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin, it was found that these lectures only had a low interdisciplinarity and a low VPH content (EAEVE 2007; Schunter 2016). Therefore, students could not see any added value of the interdisciplinary lectures for their studies. In this dissertation project, a new case-based BL concept was introduced and systematically evaluated in interdisciplinary lectures at FB-VM FUB from 6th-8th semester. In total 11 different VPH online cases with the main topics of animal welfare, epizootic disease control, food safety and epidemiology were created. Three of these cases were created by students for students. The acceptance of the format, the subjective learning motivation and knowledge gain as well as the interest of the students in the offered topic complexes in the field of VPH were investigated. This was investigated on two different levels. First, by extensively evaluating a pilot case and subsequent pilot module on the topic of outbreak investigations and zoonoses in terms of case structure, usability, blended learning format, learning motivation, and learning gain. Second, by establishing the case-based blended learning approach throughout interdisciplinary lectures over three semesters, and thus comparing learning motivation and knowledge gain between the old and new formats. It was found that students were well-accepting of the case-based BL approach in their VPH lectures, were able to make subjective learning gains as a result, and were motivated to participate in the VPH cases. For the pilot module, 87% of the students reported that they enjoyed working on the cases and 77% of the students indicated that the interest in the subject was enhanced by this teaching concept. These results can be used as an incentive to integrate more case-based BL into VPH teaching to increase the students interest in these topics

    "Da will man am liebsten direkt lospraktizieren“ – Praxisorientiertes E-Learning als Beitrag zur Hochschulentwicklung Evaluation eines Pilotprojektes

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    Praxisorientierte Lehre stellt nach wie vor eine Herausforderung fĂŒr die Hochschulentwicklung dar. Mit diesem Lehransatz sind eine Reihe von Anforderungen verbunden, die mit dem Einsatz digitaler Lösungen adressiert werden können, um auf diese Weise die Praxisorientierung effektiv zu unterstĂŒtzen. Gleichzeitig erfordert eine nachhaltige Implementation solcher innovativen, digital unterstĂŒtzten Lehrkonzepte, dass bereits bei der Entwicklung der systemische Kontext innerhalb der Hochschule Beachtung findet. Der vorliegende Beitrag fĂŒhrt in die Fragestellung eines praxisorientierten E-Learning als Beitrag zur Hochschulentwicklung ein und skizziert ein konkretes Beispiel aus der veterinĂ€rmedizinischen Lehre an der Freien UniversitĂ€t Berlin, bei dem die breite Vernetzung der verschiedenen Akteur*innen eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Anhand von Evaluationsergebnissen wird gezeigt, dass der Anspruch einer verstĂ€rkten Praxisorientierung bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Lernmotivation im vorgestellten Beispiel erreicht werden konnte. (DIPF/Orig.

    Students' acceptance of case-based blended learning in mandatory interdisciplinary lectures for clinical medicine and veterinary public health

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    Background In German veterinary education interdisciplinary lectures (ILs) are an important and mandatory part of the curriculum as their merging character builds a useful preparation for the future profession as a veterinarian. These lectures should enable students to work on practically-relevant and interdisciplinary cases, which should ideally be defined jointly by lecturers from different disciplines. Methods In order to give students the opportunity to work on these cases and at the same time have contact with their lecturers and fellow students, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Freie UniversitÀt Berlin, has converted its former in-class ILs (face-to-face delivery format) into a blended learning format. The mandatory lectures comprise 196 curricular hours and are delivered over the course of three semesters within the veterinary curriculum. The new concept was developed over a period of three academic years and extensively evaluated (old-new-comparison) with regard to its acceptance and compliance with national requirements for interdisciplinary teaching. Results A total of 306 students were asked to evaluate different aspects of the newly implemented format. Overall, more than 79% of the students attending the newly implemented blended learning format responded positively, and the evaluation showed a significant improvement of learning motivation and acceptance when compared to the traditional teaching format. Conclusion The results indicated that blended learning is a suitable option for teaching mandatory ILs in clinical medicine and veterinary public health