16 research outputs found

    Characterization of acyl chain position in unsaturated phosphatidylcholines using differential mobility-mass spectrometry

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    Glycerophospholipids (GPs) that differ in the relative position of the two fatty acyl chains on the glycerol backbone (i.e., sn-positional isomers) can have distinct physicochemical properties. The unambiguous assignment of acyl chain position to an individual GP represents a significant analytical challenge. Here we describe a workflow where phosphatidylcholines (PCs) are subjected to ESI for characterization by a combination of differential mobility spectrometry and MS (DMS-MS). When infused as a mixture, ions formed from silver adduction of each phospholipid isomer {e.g., [PC (16:0/18:1) + Ag]+ and [PC (18:1/16:0) + Ag]+} are transmitted through the DMS device at discrete compensation voltages. Varying their relative amounts allows facile and unambiguous assignment of the sn-positions of the fatty acyl chains for each isomer. Integration of the well-resolved ion populations provides a rapid method (\u3c 3 min) for relative quantification of these lipid isomers. The DMS-MS results show excellent agreement with established, but time-consuming, enzymatic approaches and also provide superior accuracy to methods that rely on MS alone. The advantages of this DMS-MS method in identification and quantification of GP isomer populations is demonstrated by direct analysis of complex biological extracts without any prior fractionation

    Hybrid SWATH/MS and HR-SRM/MS acquisition for phospholipidomics using QUAL/QUANT data processing

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    A hybrid SWATH/MS and HR-SRM/MS acquisition approach using multiple unit mass windows and 100 u precursor selection windows has been developed to interface with a chromatographic lipid class separation. The method allows for the simultaneous monitoring of sum compositions in MS1 and up to 48 lipids in MS2 per lipid class. A total of 240 lipid sum compositions from five phospholipid classes could be monitored in MS2 (HR-SRM/MS) while there was no limitation in the number of analytes in MS1 (HR-SIM/MS). On average, 92 lipid sum compositions and 75 lipid species could be quantified in human plasma samples. The robustness and precision of the workflow has been assessed using technical triplicates of the subject samples. Lipid identification was improved using a combined qualitative and quantitative data processing based on prediction instead of library search. Lipid class specific extracted ion currents of precursors and the corresponding molecular species fragments were extracted based on the information obtained from lipid building blocks and a combinatorial strategy. The SWATH/MS approach with the post-acquisition processing is not limited to the analyzed phospholipid classes and can be applied to other analytes and samples of interest

    Discrimination of isobaric and isomeric lipids in complex mixtures by combining ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography with collision and ozone-induced dissociation

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    The inability of current mass spectrometry techniques to differentiate phospholipid isomers results in a routine under-estimation of phospholipid molecular diversity in complex biological matrices. Recent technological advances in tandem mass spectrometry and ion activation are helping to overcome these limitations, but all rely on tandem mass spectrometry with unit mass-selection and suffer from co-isolation of isobaric or isomeric species. Accordingly, separation of phospholipid isomers and isobars prior to characterization is required to fully delve into the complexity of the lipidome. Here we present a novel two-stage workflow combining reversed-phase ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with ozone-induced dissociation (OzID) and combined-collision- and ozone-induced-dissociation (COzID) that reduces spectral complexity and enables discrimination of lipid isomers and isobars. Application of this technique to the analysis of human red blood cell lipid extracts allowed the separation, or partial separation, of adduct ion and head group isobars as well as double bond and sn-positional isomers affording near complete structural characterization of low abundance lipids, e.g. PC 18:0/20:3(n-6), PS 18:0/20:4(n-6) and PS 20:4(n-6)/18:0 all observed at m/z 834.7. We also introduce a software plug-in that automatically annotates OzID mass spectra to assign the carbon–carbon double bond positions in lipids. This new workflow allows us to delve deeper into the lipidome and represents another valuable tool for the lipidomics toolbox

    Combining charge-switch derivatization with ozone-induced dissociation for fatty acid analysis

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    The specific positions of carbon–carbon double bond(s) within an unsaturated fatty acid exert a significant effect on the physical and chemical properties of the lipid that ultimately inform its biological function(s). Contemporary liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (MS) strategies based on electrospray ionization coupled to tandem MS can easily detect fatty acyl lipids but generally cannot reveal those specific site(s) of unsaturation. Herein, we describe a novel and versatile workflow whereby fatty acids are first converted to fixed charge N-(4-aminomethylphenyl)pyridinium (AMPP) derivatives and subsequently subjected to ozone-induced dissociation (OzID) on a modified triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The AMPP modification enhances the detection of fatty acids introduced by direct infusion. Fragmentation of the derivatized fatty acids also provides diagnostic fragment ions upon collision-induced dissociation that can be targeted in precursor ion scans to subsequently trigger OzID analyses in an automated data-dependent workflow. It is these OzID analyses that provide unambiguous assignment of carbon–carbon double bond locations in the AMPP-derivatized fatty acids. The performance of this analysis pipeline is assessed in profiling the patterns of unsaturation in fatty acids within the complex biological secretion vernix caseosa. This analysis uncovers significant isomeric diversity within the fatty acid pool of this sample, including a number of hitherto unreported double bond positional isomers that hint at the activity of potentially new metabolic pathways. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].</p

    Optimization by infusion of multiple reaction monitoring transitions for sensitive quantification of peptides by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry

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    RATIONALE: In peptide quantification by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), the optimization of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) parameters is essential for sensitive detection. We have compared different approaches to build MRM assays, based either on flow injection analysis (FIA) of isotopically labelled peptides, or on the knowledge and the prediction of the best settings for MRM transitions and collision energies (CE). In this context, we introduce MRMOptimizer, an open-source software tool that processes spectra and assists the user in selecting transitions in the FIA workflow. METHODS: MS/MS spectral libraries with CE voltages from 10 to 70 V are automatically acquired in FIA mode for isotopically labelled peptides. Then MRMOptimizer determines the optimal MRM settings for each peptide. To assess the quantitative performance of our approach, 155 peptides, representing 84 proteins, were analysed by LC/MRM-MS and the peak areas were compared between: (A) the MRMOptimizer-based workflow, (B1) the SRMAtlas transitions set used \u27as-is\u27; (B2) the same SRMAtlas set with CE parameters optimized by Skyline. RESULTS: 51% of the three most intense transitions per peptide were shown to be common to both A and B1/B2 methods, and displayed similar sensitivity and peak area distributions. The peak areas obtained with MRMOptimizer for transitions sharing either the precursor ion charge state or the fragment ions with the SRMAtlas set at unique transitions were increased 1.8- to 2.3-fold. The gain in sensitivity using MRMOptimizer for transitions with different precursor ion charge state and fragment ions (8% of the total), reaches a ~ 11-fold increase. CONCLUSIONS: Isotopically labelled peptides can be used to optimize MRM transitions more efficiently in FIA than by searching databases. The MRMOptimizer software is MS independent and enables the post-acquisition selection of MRM parameters. Coefficients of variation for optimal CE values are lower than those obtained with the SRMAtlas approach (B2) and one additional peptide was detected

    A comparison of patient matched meibum and tear lipidomes

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    Purpose - To quantify the molecular lipid composition of patient-matched tear and meibum samples and compare tear and meibum lipid molecular profiles. Methods - Lipids were extracted from tears and meibum by bi-phasic methods using 10:3 tertbutyl methyl ether:methanol, washed with aqueous ammonium acetate, and analyzed by chipbased nanoelectrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Targeted precursor ion and neutral loss scans identified individual molecular lipids and quantification was obtained by comparison to internal standards in each lipid class. Results - Two hundred and thirty-six lipid species were identified and quantified from nine lipid classes comprised of cholesterol esters, wax esters, (O-acyl)-x-hydroxy fatty acids, triacylglycerols, phosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidylserine. With the exception of phospholipids, lipid molecular profiles were strikingly similar between tears and meibum. Conclusions - Comparisons between tears and meibum indicate that meibum is likely to supply the majority of lipids in the tear film lipid layer. However, the observed higher mole ratio of phospholipid in tears shows that analysis of meibum alone does not provide a complete understanding of the tear film lipid composition

    Combining Charge-Switch Derivatization with Ozone-Induced Dissociation for Fatty Acid Analysis

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    The specific positions of carbon-carbon double bond(s) within an unsaturated fatty acid exert a significant effect on the physical and chemical properties of the lipid that ultimately inform its biological function(s). Contemporary liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS) strategies based on electrospray ionization coupled to tandem MS can easily detect fatty acyl lipids but generally cannot reveal those specific site(s) of unsaturation. Herein, we describe a novel and versatile workflow whereby fatty acids are first converted to fixed charge N-(4-aminomethylphenyl)pyridinium (AMPP) derivatives and subsequently subjected to ozone-induced dissociation (OzID) on a modified triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The AMPP modification enhances the detection of fatty acids introduced by direct infusion. Fragmentation of the derivatized fatty acids also provides diagnostic fragment ions upon collision-induced dissociation that can be targeted in precursor ion scans to subsequently trigger OzID analyses in an automated data-dependent workflow. It is these OzID analyses that provide unambiguous assignment of carbon-carbon double bond locations in the AMPP-derivatized fatty acids. The performance of this analysis pipeline is assessed in profiling the patterns of unsaturation in fatty acids within the complex biological secretion vernix caseosa. This analysis uncovers significant isomeric diversity within the fatty acid pool of this sample, including a number of hitherto unreported double bond positional isomers that hint at the activity of potentially new metabolic pathways