361 research outputs found

    Boundary algebras and Kac modules for logarithmic minimal models

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    Virasoro Kac modules were initially introduced indirectly as representations whose characters arise in the continuum scaling limits of certain transfer matrices in logarithmic minimal models, described using Temperley-Lieb algebras. The lattice transfer operators include seams on the boundary that use Wenzl-Jones projectors. If the projectors are singular, the original prescription is to select a subspace of the Temperley-Lieb modules on which the action of the transfer operators is non-singular. However, this prescription does not, in general, yield representations of the Temperley-Lieb algebras and the Virasoro Kac modules have remained largely unidentified. Here, we introduce the appropriate algebraic framework for the lattice analysis as a quotient of the one-boundary Temperley-Lieb algebra. The corresponding standard modules are introduced and examined using invariant bilinear forms and their Gram determinants. The structures of the Virasoro Kac modules are inferred from these results and are found to be given by finitely generated submodules of Feigin-Fuchs modules. Additional evidence for this identification is obtained by comparing the formalism of lattice fusion with the fusion rules of the Virasoro Kac modules. These are obtained, at the character level, in complete generality by applying a Verlinde-like formula and, at the module level, in many explicit examples by applying the Nahm-Gaberdiel-Kausch fusion algorithm.Comment: 71 pages. v3: version published in Nucl. Phys.

    The changing position of the serving brothers and their caritative functions in the Order of St. John in Jerusalem and Acre, ca. 1070-1291

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    Study of the serving brothers of the Order of St John and of the way in which the original idealism of their hostel in Jerusalem was altered by forces of change has been neglected. The ultimate result of these forces was to change the main ideology of the brotherhood into an organisation which was dominated by knights and their desire to defend the Catholic Faith and the Crusader states. The importance of the original brothers and their position within the growth of the Order of St John changed. They became second class citizens in their own Order and this has been largely overlooked. In order to appreciate how this development took place it is necessary to trace the changing circumstances of the serving brothers within the various stages of the history of the Order and the way these affected their caritative service to pilgrims, the poor and the sick. The purpose and ideals which formulated the Hospice of St Mary of the Latins are the essential beginnings of such a study. Following the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099, the Hospice launched into a different phase of its history. The number of poor sick pilgrims visiting Jerusalem and being accommodated in the hospice or hospital, eventually forced the Hospital to become independent from its mother monastery. However, this became possible only after Pope Paschal II settled the problems of church and state experienced in the early years of the Kingdom

    Sélection de l'habitat, reproduction et prédation hivernales chez les lemmings de l'Arctique

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    Nous examinons l'effet du couvert de neige sur la distribution spatiale des nids d'hiver des lemmings variables (Discrofonyx groenlandicus) et des lemmings bruns (Lemmus frimucronafus) sur l'île Bylot au Nunavut, Canada. Nous validons une méthode permettant de détecter l'activité de reproduction des petits mammifères à l'intérieur des nids d'hiver et étudions l'effet de la structure de l'habitat sur l'occurrence de cette reproduction. Nous évaluons le rôle du couvert nival en tant que protection contre la prédation exercée par l'hermine (Musfela erminea) et le renard arctique (Vulpes lagopus) sur les nids d'hiver des lemmings. Nos résultats suggèrent -que les nids d'hiver des deux espèces de lemmings sont principalement distribués sur des sites où l'hétérogénéité de la micro-topographie est élevée, la pente est forte, le couvert nival est épais et offre une protection thermique et l'abondance des mousses est relativement élevée. Nous démontrons qu'il est possible d'inférer l'occurrence de reproduction hivernale des petits mammifères à partir des fèces récupérées dans les nids d'hiver. Les probabilités d'occurrence de reproduction augmentent dans les sites à faible altitude à l'intérieur des nids de lemmings variables et avec la disponibilité de certaines plantes graminoïdes à l'intérieur des nids de lemmings bruns. L'épaisseur du couvert nival n'influence pas la prédation des nids d'hiver des lemmings par les hermines, mais semble limiter les tentatives de prédation exercées par les renards arctiques. En somme, nous concluons que le couvert nival joue un rôle déterminant sur la structure spatiale des populations de lemmings pendant l'hiver arctique

    Adjustment trajectories during the college transition : types, personal and family antecedents, and academic outcomes

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    This longitudinal study was aimed to describe and understand student adjustment trajectories during the college transition. Participants came from a large random sample of Quebec high school students. They completed a multidimensional measure of adjustment at two times before entering college and at two other times after college admission. Group-based trajectory analysis showed decreased adjustment for 6% (social adjustment) to 66.1% (academic adjustment) of students over this period, versus improved adjustment for 4.5% (social adjustment) to 11.6% (emotional and academic adjustment). All changes were linear, suggesting progressive changes from Secondary 4 to the second year of college. Multivariate and contingency analyses showed that personal anxiety, academic success, and attention problems in high school were significant determinants for adjustment trajectories, and that these trajectories were subsequently related to perseverance and college graduation

    Monocyte depletion increases local proliferation of macrophage subsets after skeletal muscle injury

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    Background : Sequential accumulation of M1 and M2 macrophages is critical for skeletal muscle recovery after an acute injury. While M1 accumulation is believed to rely on monocyte infiltration, the mechanisms of M2 accumulation remain controversial, but could involve an infiltrating precursor. Yet, strong depletion of monocytes only partiallt impairs skeletal muscle healing, supporting the existence of alternative mechanisms to palliate the loss of infiltrating macrophage progenitors. The aims of this study are thus to investigate if proliferation occurs in macrophage subsets within injured skeletal muscles; and to determine if monocyte depletion leads to increased proliferation of macrophages after injury. Methods : Injury was induced by bupivacaine injection in the tibialis anterior muscle of rats. Blood monocytes were depleted by daily intravenous injections of liposome-encapsulated clodronate, starting 24 h prior to injury. In separate experiments, irradiation of hind limb was also performed to prevent resident cell proliferation. Upon euthanasia, blood and muscles were collected for flow cytometric analyses of macrophage/monocyte subsets. Results : Clodronate induced a 80%-90% depletion of monocyte but only led to 57% and 41% decrease of M1 and M2 macrophage accumulation, respectively, 2 d following injury. Conversely, the number of M1 macrophages in monocyte-depleted rats was 2.4-fold higher than in non-depleted rats 4 d after injury. This was associated with a 16-fold increase in the number of proliferative M1 macrophages, which was reduced by 46% in irradiated animals. Proliferation of M2 macrophages was increased tenfold by clodronate treatment 4 d post injury. The accumulation of M2 macrophages was partially impaired by irradiation, regardless of monocyte depletion. Conclusions : M1 and M2 subsets proliferate after skeletal muscle injury and their proliferation is enhanced under condition of monocyte depletion. Our study supports the conclusion that both infiltrating and resident precursors could contribute to M1 or M2 macrophage accumulation in muscle injury

    The heparan sulfate co-receptor and the concentration of fibroblast growth factor-2 independently elicit different signalling patterns from the fibroblast growth factor receptor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) interprets concentration gradients of FGF ligands and structural changes in the heparan sulfate (HS) co-receptor to generate different cellular responses. However, whether the FGFR generates different signals is not known.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have previously shown in rat mammary fibroblasts that in cells deficient in sulfation, and so in HS co-receptor, FGF-2 can only stimulate a transient phosphorylation of p42/44 <sup>MAPK </sup>and so cannot stimulate DNA synthesis. Here we demonstrate that this is because in the absence of HS, FGF-2 fails to stimulate the phosphorylation of the adaptor FGFR substrate 2 (FRS2). In cells possessing the HS co-receptor, FGF-2 elicits a bell-shaped dose response: optimal concentrations stimulate DNA synthesis, but supramaximal concentrations (≥ 100 ng/mL) have little effect. At optimal concentrations (300 pg/mL) FGF-2 stimulates a sustained dual phosphorylation of p42/44 <sup>MAPK </sup>and tyrosine phosphorylation of FRS2. In contrast, 100 ng/mL FGF-2 only stimulates a transient early peak of p42/44 <sup>MAPK </sup>phosphorylation and fails to stimulate appreciably the phosphorylation of FRS2 on tyrosine.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that the nature of the FGFR signal produced is determined by a combination of the HS co-receptor and the concentration of FGF ligand. Both the phosphorylation of the adaptor FRS2, the kinetics (sustained or transient) of phosphorylation of p42/44(MAPK) are varied, and so differing cellular responses are produced.</p
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