5,300 research outputs found

    Coulomb-Volkov approach of ionization by extreme ultraviolet laser pulses in the subfemtosecond regime

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    In conditions where the interaction betweeen an atom and a short high-frequency extreme ultraviolet laser pulse is a perturbation, we show that a simple theoretical approach, based on Coulomb-Volkov-type states, can make reliable predictions for ionization. To avoid any additional approximation, we consider here a standard case : the ionization of hydrogen atoms initially in their ground state. For any field parameter, we show that the method provides accurate energy spectra of ejected electrons, including many above threshold ionization peaks, as long as the two following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled : (i) the photon energy is greater than or equal to the ionization potential ; (ii) the ionization process is not saturated. Thus, ionization of atoms or molecules by the high order harmonic laser pulses which are generated at present may be addressed through this Coulomb-Volkov treatment.Comment: 19 pages including 5 figures and figure caption

    Financial stability and the New Basel Accord.

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    This study outlines how proposed changes to international capital adequacy standards – commonly referred to as “Basel II” – will reinforce financial stability. Basel II is designed to contribute to the prevention of individual bank failures by making minimum capital standards more flexible and aligning them more closely with actual risks and changes in the level of risk. By bringing regulatory capital closer to the concept of economic capital that banks use in their internal management, and by going to the core of banks’ financial information systems, the proposed changes will foster better control of risks. By reducing credit disruptions, the changes should help to limit the severity of macro-economic and sectoral downturns and thereby improve financial stability. Concerns have been expressed about the potential “procyclicality” of the new standards, and the possibility of sharp swings in regulatory capital requirements leading to dramatic shifts in the availability of credit. These concerns, while theoretically appealing, do not appear warranted in practice. The Basel Committee took steps early on to ensure that cyclical effects would be moderated, while still achieving the goal of making capital ratios more risk-sensitive, more closely related to the bank’s management of its “risk-return” tradeoff, and therefore more useful as an internal control tool. In contrast with Basel I, which is external to banks’ methods of management, Basel II incorporates an advanced IRB approach. It can therefore figure as a central element in banks’ strategic planning. The success of the proposed changes will depend on how they are applied by bank managers and on the vigilance of bank supervisors in overseeing their implementation. Numerous contacts and on-site examinations carried out to date are encouraging in this regard. A hoped-for reform in the rules on provisioning, consistent with the new capital standard – factoring in ex ante the impact of expected but unrealized credit losses over the credit cycle instead of concentrating them at the lowest point of the cycle – would contribute significantly to financial stability.

    Unravelling the burden of parasitic zoonoses in Nepal

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    Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems: Physically Inspired Approaches from Nanoscale to Microscale, Wageningen 18-21 October 2009

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    The Wageningen Delivery of Functionality symposium covered all aspects involved with food structural design to arrive at high-quality foods which meet demanding customer expectations and regulatory requirements. The symposium integrated aspects from the structural organization of foods at molecular and supramolecular scales to dedicated techniques required to describe and visualize such structures, the gastro-intestinal events and how to model these in a laboratory setting, and finally the impact those food structures and ingredients have on the consumer’s physiology and on the human perception. As an interdisciplinary platform, bringing together more than 160 researchers from academia and industry, the symposium meanwhile fulfills an important role in the food science communit

    Influence of 17 beta-estradiol, progesterone, and dexamethasone on diapedesis and viability of bovine blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate whether polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) diapedesis and viability are influenced by steroid hormones. Using an in vitro model with different types of cell layers ( bovine mammary epithelial cells and fibroblasts), we investigate whether steroid hormone treatments (17beta-estradiol, progesterone, and dexamethasone) have an influence on the diapedesis capacity and viability of PMN. In addition, we studied apoptosis of PMN in the in vitro model and evaluated the influence of different types of cell layers and steroid hormone treatments on this process. A significant decrease in the number of viable PMN in the lower compartment of the in vitro model (i.e., number of migrated PMN x viability after migration) was found after 17beta-estradiol treatment, whereas no influence was detected after progesterone or dexamethasone treatment. The effect of 17beta-estradiol was not due to a lower viability before migration as none of the treatments caused a significant effect on the viability before diapedesis. This treatment effect was not influenced by endogenous 17beta-estradiol or progesterone levels before isolation because there was no correlation between these plasma levels and PMN diapedesis capacity or viability. Furthermore, migration through epithelial cells caused a significant decrease in viability of PMN due to increased apoptosis but not necrosis

    Differential effects of steroids and retinoids on bovine myelopoiesis in vitro

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    Pregnancy and parturition are associated with physiological changes caused by steroid hormones. Alterations in number, maturity, and function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes observed in dairy cows at parturition suggest a common causative relationship with steroid hormones. This study was designed to investigate the effects of progesterone, 17-beta-estradiol, and hydrocortisone on the proliferation of bovine progenitor cells. An in vitro culturing system was used, and colonies were scored after 7 d of incubation. At low concentrations, 17-beta-estradiol inhibited proliferation of granulocyte progenitor cells. Hydrocortisone reduced growth of granulocyte and monocyte colonies, whereas myelopoiesis was not altered by progesterone. Furthermore, we studied the effect of retinoids on colony formation of bovine bone marrow cells. All-trans- and 9-cis-retinoic acid stimulated growth of granulocyte colonies and inhibited proliferation of the monocyte lineage. The addition of the 13-cis-isomer also increased numbers of granulocyte colony-forming units. This study indicates that steroid hormones may be responsible for alterations in the bovine hematopoietic profiles observed in circulation during the postpartum period. White blood cells, especially polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which are derived from bone marrow, are an important first line defense against mastitis. Therefore, these effects of steroids might contribute to the increased susceptibility of dairy cows to Escherichia coli mastitis. We furthermore hypothesize that an important role might be attributed to retinoic acid in its regulation of bovine myelopoiesis. Modulation of myelopoiesis in favor of the granulocyte lineage during the acute-phase reaction may be an adaptive mechanism designed to increase the capacity of first-line defense to intramammary infections

    L-selectin and beta(2)-integrin expression on circulating bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes during endotoxin mastitis

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    The aim of this in vivo study was to examine the effect of intramammarily administered endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) on the expression of L-selectin (CD62L) and the beta(2)-integrin subunits CD11b and CD18 on circulating bovine PMN. Six early lactating cows were infused with Escherichia coli LPS. The adhesion molecules under study were stained at the cell surface and analyzed flow cytometrically. In addition, some of the clinical parameters associated with adhesion molecule mobilization such as fever, blood cortisol levels, somatic cell count (SCC), and total and differential blood leukocyte count were measured. In analogy with observations during clinical coliform mastitis, a progressive decrease of CD62L expression levels was observed early after LPS infusion, concomitantly with a continuous rise of CD11b and CD18 density. However, no correlation was found between the kinetics of CD11b and CD18 density. The initial changes in adhesion molecule expression paralleled the decrease in blood PMN numbers, together with the increase in rectal temperature, cortisol levels, SCC, and number of circulating immature PMN. In conclusion, intramammarily administered LPS seems to play an important role in modulating adhesion receptor expression on circulating bovine PMN. Interestingly, in contrast to coliform mastitis, the net CD18 variation is not principally influenced by CD11b upregulation during endotoxin administration. The knowledge of adhesion molecule kinetics in relation to the different parameters evaluated in the present study contributes to an improved understanding of the inflammatory reaction
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